Love the Ocean

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Monday Night Football Food Frenzy

I was invited to go see a Monday night football game last night in Phoenix. I knew it wasn't going to be a great game as the 49'ers beat our Cardinals, but it was still a fun evening. To take advantage of the entire experience we got to the game a bit early and what I saw was truly eye opening.

The term that is often used for pre-game festivities is "tailgating". This is where friends and family get together in the parking lot and go hog wild on food and drink that would make any food truck jealous. People really get into this tradition by setting up tents, chairs, t.v's, music and things that I can't mention in this blog.

Now, if you have been following me for any length of time you know by now that I don't indulge in the type of food you would find at a Monday night football game tailgate party. Last night was no different. What I saw people eating almost made me feel ill, just because I have done a bit of research on the foods that were being consumed last night. The big one was hot dogs and I saw a lot of those being consumed last night.

"So Jay, what did you do? If you don't eat football food, then what did you do the whole night?" The answer is, I didn't eat or drink. I know, I know it is hard to believe, but realize that I have been on the "7 Day Super Food Challenge" protocol for one year. Since I have changed my lifestyle it was really easy to resist eating any of the "food" that I saw last night. Keep in mind that when you eat something like a hot dog it stays in your cell structure for 6 months! I realize that most people don't know that and quite frankly they don't care...but I do.

When I was sitting in my seat I witnessed so many people walking by with hot dogs, cheese nachos, pretzels, hamburgers, french fries and a whole lot of BEER. Not to mention all of that soda people were drinking down like it was nothing. I felt like getting up and holding a health seminar right then and there.

The worst part of this whole experience was observing the people that were eating this way. I'm not going to tell you that everyone was overweight, but what I will say is that the majority of people were. I know that everyone was having a great time, but at some point you have to take responsibility for your health. The stadium was a snapshot of North America and the fact that 2/3rds of people are overweight and 1/3rd of those people are obese.

We need to make a change in this country and a step in the right direction would be to educate people about food and the dangers of most food consumed in North America. Do I sound like an alarmist or someone who cares about the health of fellow Americans and our friends from the north. I have changed my lifestyle and it is my mission to help others do the same. Don't freak out, you don't have to be as committed as me, but you need to move in the direction of improving your health. If you are ready then I'm ready to help you.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Question: "Are You Ready To Change"?

I speak to so many people everyday about their health and, of course, their weight. There are millions of people in this country looking for that magic bullet to get them healthy and to lose those unwanted pounds. When I ask them what they are doing to achieve a better lifestyle and improved health, most of the answers I receive are, "I'm watching what I eat and I exercise a little".

Sometimes I press them a bit further and ask them, "What does that mean, you watch what you eat"? The most common response is that they eat salads and try to eat chicken and fish. Doesn't sound so convincing, does it? I think most people don't really think about what their eating as long as it tastes good and it satisfies their hunger...for the time being.

Perhaps they don't know how or what to eat to create better health. I know that we, as a society, get bombarded with information and you have to be able to sift through the advertising and get to the real information. Unfortunately, very few people actually do that. Advertisers are very good at making their products sound so good, and yet a lot of them mislead the public about what's really in the food they are selling. We need food labeling laws!

It really comes down to you and your interest in getting healthy. After all, are you ready to change? I know a lot of people say they are really ready this time, and they think they are because they stopped eating a certain food or stopped drinking soda, but that isn't the change I'm talking about. When I describe to people my lifestyle change they look at me and say, "I could never do that". I'm speaking, of course, about the "7 Day Super Food Challenge" and how this protocol has literally changed my life. If has changed my life because I have changed my lifestyle.

In order to truly change your health you are going to have to change what you eat. There is no easy way to get around it and believe me I've tried. Until I changed my eating habits, nothing really changed. You could tell me that you eat healthy until your blue in the face, but you are not going to convince me. I've seen it so many times and heard everything many times over, but the fact that people still eat the way they do demonstrates they are not serious about their health. Do I sound like a jerk right now? I'm not, I'm just speaking the truth.

Unless you are willing to make the commitment to yourself and change what you are eating then you will always be chasing that goal of better health. I'm not saying my way is the only way, but it is light years from where most people are in terms of creating better health. Try a sample of what good nutrition looks like.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Our Changing Economy

Unless you're living under a rock or in a cave, most Americans are feeling the effects of our changing economy. With unemployment at it's highest level in years and more people looking for work, it makes you wonder what the future holds for us.

Jobs are certainly one indicator of how the economy is going, but there are other factors that come into play. It is the way business is conducted in this country and around the world that is changing at break neck speed. With the advent of technology comes new communication avenues. Today, most people don't use the phone for calling someone, but rather for texting, sending photos, playing games, etc.

The "normal" way of doing business in the 21st century is changing dramatically. Distribution channels are also changing as evidenced by the Internets increase in on-line shopping. Retail stores are closing and more people are buying products on-line because it is less costly for both the consumer and the retailer. Imagine the overhead the retail store can save by just selling products over the Internet? The real estate costs alone would be huge and then you start adding all the other expenses like payroll, workers comp, taxes and the list goes on for a mile. I know because I own a small business and believe me it is not a pleasant thing.

I know in Phoenix, where we live, there is a changing landscape when it comes to how business is conducted. I have some friends that are talking about opening up a health food store or a coffee shop and I had to throw my two cents in and advise them not to do that. I know, that is pretty bold of me to tell them not to do that when they have their heart set on it, but I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't provide them the reason for my concern.

Since I know what it takes to open and run a business, I was trying to give them a glimpse into a different way of looking at business in the future. I believe there is a more cost effective way to own your own business without breaking the bank and throwing your life savings into something that may or may not work. The industry I am speaking about is Network Marketing. No, it is not a dirty word, but rather the way business will be conducted in the future.

You see, Network Marketing is a way to move product and services through a network of people that not only benefit from the product or service, but financially as well. What makes this so attractive is the fact that the cost of entry into your own business is minimal. The other major benefit is that you don't need a great deal of skill in running your own business because the company does all of that for you. You could be the best pie maker in the world, but what do you know about running a business and selling your pies?

Network Marketing levels the playing field for those interested in helping others achieve a level of success  they never thought possible. Low start-up costs, no overhead, no employees and all you have to do is share the product or service with others. I know that sounds simple, but very few people understand the power of this business model. This industry will be the largest shift in our changing economy in the future. Actually, the future is NOW. If you are interested in the new economy please contact me today.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

America's Love Affair With Food

Being in the health and wellness business is trying at times. Sifting through all of the "noise" or should I say the information overload that we see on a daily basis is difficult at best. Advertisers are really good at what they do because they provide information about there products and they make them sound incredible. Only problem is that most of them aren't.

I guess it really doesn't matter as long as they get their message across, that their products are healthy and good for you. Without the public being educated on the real facts, it appears that they are highly successful. The reason I say that is because people in this country can't stop eating food that is not good for them. I believe they are addicted to food and they couldn't imagine giving up their food.

The challenge that most Americans have when it comes to food is the psychological aspects of food. They believe that they can't go into a social setting without eating food. How about you? Could you go to a party and not indulge in all the goodies that are there? Can you resist all the bad foods that are displayed for all to see? Are you a sweet junky?

There is something about food that makes people turn into someone else. If you are having a bad day, but know that you are going to eat your favorite food later, does that change your mood? How about when you know your going to be eating great food, say at a wedding or an event, do you starve yourself all day so you can do some serious damage when you get there? I know we have all been through this before, but for some reason we can't get off this bandwagon. Americans have a love affair with food.

There are many reasons for this, but the biggest one and the most obvious to me is that our food contains NO nutrition. That is why your body is screaming for something to eat after a couple of hours after you had a meal. Eating empty calories is the norm in this country and if there is one practice that should be stopped it is this one. The challenge is to find foods that actually have nutrition and that is no easy task, until now.

I have been on a Protocol of nutrient dense food for almost one year and it has changed my life. It isn't fancy food, but when it comes to my health I don't care. The good thing is that the food I do consume tastes fantastic. I started on the "7 Day Super Food Challenge" almost a year ago and now I have a craving for quality food that has nutrition. My food consumption is the Isagenix food 98% of the time. By putting quality food into my body it has responded better than I could have ever dreamed. Nutrition makes a difference...a HUGE difference. Start a new love affair with food, but make it food with nutrition. If you want to try our shake for free then please go to shake

Monday, October 15, 2012

"I Had A Late Lunch"

Since I have been on the "7 Day Challenge" protocol for almost a year, I have used various excuses for not eating when I go out to dinner. The most common one is, "I had a late lunch". As if I needed to justify the reason I wasn't eating when everyone else at the table was. This is where lifestyle change is evident.

Just because you go out with your spouse or friends doesn't mean you have to eat and drink. I have gone to many parties and didn't have any alcohol or food and guess what, I survived AND I had a great time. It never ceases to amaze me that we live in a society where people consider you strange if you want to take care of your health by not indulging in life's great

I can't tell you how many times people have encouraged me to eat what their eating because they can't get over the notion that I prefer to consume quality food over empty calories. I don't think it registers with them that there is an alternative to eating polluted food. I realize that they are conditioned to eating the way they do and I don't hold that against them. So why do they insist on me eating what they eat?

I'm not a psychologist, but if I had to guess, they don't want to eat alone and they feel like they are doing something they shouldn't. Only thing is, they are! If you are not careful and watch what you eat, over time it will effect you in more ways than you can count. Just visualize someone in an assisted living facility and know that they had the chance to be much healthier at this stage of their life. That is, if they took responsibility for their health.

I must admit that I am so addicted to eating quality food that it is hard for me to eat any traditional food at all.  As I mentioned several times, I do eat food, but it is rare and it is my choice. I don't think many people grasp where I'm coming from. I have an entirely different view of food than the majority of people in this country. I could go to a wedding and walk right by the buffet table and the dessert table without blinking an eye. The reason? Because I'm so satisfied with eating my nutrient dense super food that I have lost my cravings for empty calories. Go figure, flood your body with quality nutrition and see what happens.

So when I go out for dinner with people and I don't eat, I usually use the, "I had a late lunch" line. I could, however, say that I'm using a new food technology that is incredibly effective and I've lost my desire to eat empty calories. By doing that I released 15 pounds, 9.6% body fat and metabolically I'm 21 years younger, but that might prompt a discussion of, "tell me more about this stuff". Now, we wouldn't want that to happen, now would we?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Funerals-Another Reminder

In the last month my wife and I went to two funerals and they were both tough. One was my ex-father-in-law and the other was the mother of a very close friend of Gina's. As we were sitting there at the grave site, I looked up at the sky and saw the sunlight shining bright through the trees as they swayed with a slight breeze, albeit a warm breeze, a breeze none the less. I realized at that moment how wonderful life is and how we often take it for granted.

The difficult part of these two funerals was how these wonderful people spent the last months of their life. There was so much suffering physically, mentally and emotionally that it is not only hard on them, but all the family members as well. Seeing someone you care about going through that type of distress is not fun. As I said it takes a toll on everyone.

Before the ceremony began, I started to reflect on my own situation and how I'm doing what I need to do to avoid suffering as so many people do. Taking responsibility for my health is the best gift I could give myself and if I continue this practice of fueling my body with nutrition and powerful antioxidants then I believe I will have a better chance of living a better quality of life. I realize that we are all going to pass at some point, but why not live life healthy to the very end.

I know for most people it seems like a tall task to say no to the food they love and consume, but at some point they must educate themselves on the dangers of the food they eat. No one really looks at it like that, but I firmly believe that a lot of the suffering people go through could be avoided if they took more responsibility with their food choices. It sounds so simple, but it is one of the most difficult things to do in our society.

We place so much emphasis on food and everything that surrounds the food such as the social setting. If you think about your everyday life, it is surrounded by food. Meeting someone for breakfast or lunch and planning on where your going to dinner. It is all around us and yet no one stops to think about what food is doing to them. Why would they when they are not educated about food and the chemicals in the food that could harm you. GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are very scary, but so many people have never heard of them. In my opinion, since GMOs were introduced in the food supply 20-30 years ago, we have seen a rise in so many illnesses and diseases, but no one is putting two and two together.

I understand that we are not going to escape the inevitable, but why not live a full wonderful life by taking responsibility for your health. During the funeral my mind began to wander as I thought about one day people attending mine. Then I realized that because of my commitment to my health, I will probably outlive most of the people that would be at my funeral. It is not too late for everyone to live a more fulfilling life by being good to themselves. Start today so you can have a better tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Prescription Drugs Out Of Reach For Most Americans

I was reading an article the other day in Natural News about the cost of prescription drugs that are out of reach for most Americans. According to the article 45% of Americans under the age of 65 can no longer afford their medications. Has Big Pharma priced themselves out of the market?

It was bound to happen at some point in our history. The drug companies prey on the American people because they charge unbelievable prices for their drugs. Now, don't get me wrong, I understand there is a huge cost in developing new drugs and medications, but we are seeing the effects of these monopolies on our pocketbooks.

Big Pharma has an agenda and it is to render you helpless without their drugs. The average American must take two different medications every month, but it is not for a short time, it is for the rest of their lives. Imagine paying for prescription drugs every month for life?

I was on that path with high blood pressure medicine and cholesterol medication. When I was going to a traditional Dr. he put me on these two medications and I was on them for several years. I really didn't want to take these drugs, but I felt that I had no choice, but now I do!

I began to look for ways to change this pattern and I'm fortunate because I found Isagenix. I began my journey with this company and these products in Oct 2009. I toyed with them for a couple of years and then in Nov 2011 I got serious. I got on the "7 Day Super Food Challenge" and it has changed my life. I dropped my Cardiologist and found a Naturopathic Dr. that I absolutely love. On my first visit he told me to stop taking my medications because he saw I had taken responsibility for my health with a new diet. I don't mean that I was on a diet, but rather I changed my lifestyle by eating nutrient dense food and powerful antioxidants.

I'm not making any claims that if you change your diet you won't have to take medications. I'm just saying that it worked for me. Changing what I ate had a positive effect on my bio markers such as cholesterol and blood pressure. By not consuming sugar, fried foods, fast food, coffee, etc., I was able to come off these medications and now I have controlled these issues with the Isagenix food.

When I put this in terms of costs that I'm saving it is incredible. With insurance my medications were $40.00 per month. Without insurance they would have been over $150.00 per month. Now imagine that you didn't have insurance and had to pay that amount every month. I know there are millions of people out there that pay more than that for their medications. Now imagine everyone spending their money on quality food coupled with a change in their diets. I believe with this combination we could have a lot more healthy people in the country and this would reduce the cost of health care.

We all have choices which is what makes this country great, but it is the choices you make that determine your ultimate health. How many people are going to give up their favorite foods in order to create better health. I believe you can reduce your prescription drug costs with the proper diet, but you will have to sacrifice something along the way. Are you willing to do that? If costs keep climbing you might not have a choice!