Love the Ocean

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Future Is Building Networks

Have you ever wondered why Facebook or Linkedin and now Google+ are exploding? Google+ is coming on strong and it is pretty cool. I like the Communities that you can join. Anyway, these social media companies are huge because people are trying to build networks. If you notice, it is now global! You can make contacts anywhere in the world.

This is why network marketing is starting to make a comeback. It is all about building networks of people. Believe me when I tell you, it doesn't happen overnight. You have to work at it and sometimes it could take up to 5 years, but the rewards can be amazing. Like having a residual income. That means even if you stop working the money continues to come in.

Building networks is a very smart idea. It actually makes sense when you break it down to a simple thought. If you have a large network and introduce products to that network, then your income will increase because a large percentage of your network will buy that new product. In my case, I consume Isagenix products. They are quality, no compromise products that contain no gluten or GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms).

The company has been growing exponentially, but the amazing thing is that our market share is very small compared to the total population. In the US alone the number of people that have never heard of this company is staggering. As I mentioned in a recent post, there is so much information about what products are good and what products are bad. I always look at the result of the products. That should be the determining factor when analyzing the products to choose.

The thing that always gets me is the people that try the products and it works beautifully. Then for some reason, they stop even though they never felt better. Why? It has to do with the feeling of loss. The loss of eating their favorite foods. The loss of that comfort feeling that food provides. You see, from the time we are born we become conditioned to the food in our food supply. It is a vicious cycle that Americans go through. Eating food that is polluted and bankrupt of nutrition. This is killing America and causing health ills for millions of people. This is what keeps the pharmaceutical industry in business.

Start your own network and who cares if it takes a bunch of years to build one. Just sharing revolutionary products in a new category called "food technology" should be reward enough. When you can add income from helping others who want to be helped, then you have a wonderful business model. I believe it all starts with DESIRE. Without the desire to change nothing is going to change! When you are ready then contact me because I have the solution. Remember, I'm building a network and I would love to partner with you and have you join mine. Together we can build a future of healthy people!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Have People Given Up?

Why aren't more people concerned with their health? If they were, wouldn't we see more healthy people? Would obesity rates be going up? The answer, of course, is NO. Maybe it has to do with too much information. I think there is so much out there and the way it is marketed to the masses is overwhelming. The other thing is that it is so readily available that you can have basically any information within seconds. So, I think this has a lot to do with American's not knowing what is real and what is not. What to believe and who to trust is a huge issue today.

Please understand where I'm coming from, our society is changing at break neck speed. We are becoming more automated with technology and we are heading for singularity. The speed that technology is advancing has become exponential. So for this reason, I could see it happening sooner than later. I don't want you to think I believe all American's are this way, but it has the appearance it is moving in that direction. You know what they say, perception is reality.

I personally believe a lot of this "mood" has to do with food. If you can imagine what a nation of  healthy people would look like, then you and I have something in common. I have an amazing solution to what ever they are looking for. Actually I have three solutions to help reduce weight, increase athletic performance and improve healthy aging. What I find is that everyone is looking for an easy way out because they don't want to deprive themselves of the simple pleasure food can bring. Even if they know the food is not good for them.

I tell people not to give up hope. I ask them to do me one favor, to dig down deep and find out what is holding them back from taking charge of their health. Of course, that means a change in food consumption. Again, most people won't give up their favorite food, it doesn't matter how bad it is. But there has to be a reason more people don't stop eating the way they do.

Have people given up? Maybe they say, "If I'm going to die, I want eat the way I want to". That is a terrible way of looking at life. For some people there is always an exception. I'm sure you have heard of those people in their 90's that eat bad food and smoke and are just fine. It just seems to me that those type of people are far and few between these days. With the toxins in the air, water and the food supply, it is no wonder we are seeing our children getting sick and contracting illnesses that were not prevalent when we were their age. IT IS THE FOOD WE ARE EATING.

People have not given up, they are just distracted from the marketing companies and the manufacturers who design their products to be addictive by the chemicals they use. One just has to look inside and have a heart to heart with themselves. I did that over 485 days ago and it was the best decision I ever made. Taking control of my health. Please notice the word CONTROL. I now control my food intake and not the other way around. Take a stand, even if it is a small step. A small step leads to another and before you know it you are sprinting to a new level of health. Don't give up, because it's never too late!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Our Quick Fix Society

Where did we go wrong in our society? We have become a quick fix society and in some ways it is a good thing, but in the long run it is actually a bad thing. There are many examples of quick fixes like; banks printing money to pay debt, women having their breats removed so they don't get breast cancer and giving our kids pills for many smptoms instead of getting to the root of the issue.

I could go on and on with many examples of how we have become a quick fix society and my fear is that we are so far in that we won't be able to turn it around.  As you know I'm passionate about nutrition and educating the masses about our current food supply. The food industry is riddled with quick fixes, but it comes at a huge cost. The cost is the health of Americans!

If I was a conspiracy theorist it would make perfect sense. The food industry provides polluted food to the American people by using GMOs and many other chemicals. Over time these foods take a negative effect on your health so you are forced into the "sick care" system. This is where there are other quick fixes in the way of medications, which are also chemicals, but they really don't cure anything. They are developed to mask the real issues which is poor nutrition and basically perpetuate your need for these drugs.

This is a vicious cycle that will not break anytime soon. Unless, of course, there is a massive movement the other way. If Americans would stop buying polluted foods and demand quality food that contains no chemicals or GMOs, then the food manufacturers would be forced to supply what the majority of people want. If everyone stopped eating products that contain soy and the manufacturers sales for those products plummeted, they would be forced to stop making those foods. We need to hurt them in the place that hurts most, their profits!

This quick fix society we live in can be changed, but it is up to us to do something about it. It starts in my home and your home. It begins with us and taking responsibility for ourselves and our children. We have the ability to rid our lives of quick fixes and get back to basics. As far as food and nutrition, the great news is that it is less expensive to eat quality food over the long run. So not only am I saving money, I'm actually doing something for my body that will help avoid taking medications to feel better.

Eliminating the quick fix is a difficult concept for most people to wrap their heads around because we have been so conditioned to this way of life. Isn't it time to change that way of life? It is such a simple step to take, but you must have the courage to take it. The next time you come across a quick fix, do yourself a favor and STOP and think of another way to deal with the situation. Just becoming aware of your actions will start the process of replacing quick fixes with real solutions that make sense.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Vitamins B,C,D and M

I know that you heard taking vitamins is important to supplement what is going on inside your body. Taking ample doses of vitamin C is really good to help with fighting off colds. Vitamin D, especially D3 will help with your immune system. Most people in this country are vitamin D3 deficient. That is why if you get a blood test and your D3 is low the doctor wants to put you on massive amounts of D3 for a short peoriod of time to get your levels up. You know, like 50,000 I.U.'s for a week.

There is another vitamin that no one really talks about, but it is becoming so important today that it should be discussed everywhere and by everyone. That vitamin is vitamin M. What, you never heard of it? It is such an important vitamin, but everyone forgets to take it everyday. Without this vitamin you couldn't live, that's how important it is. So what is vitamin M? Well, the M stands for MONEY.

Due to economic conditions the US is in a very fragile state, which means that Americans are hurting. They are fighting to find work, pay their bills, eat properly and the list goes on. I know there are some pockets in the country that are doing well, but those are far and few between. My fear is that we are only at the beginning of this downward spiral. Have you seen health care costs lately? How about the cost of energy or food?

I hope you can start to see the need for more vitamin M. Most Americans need this vitamin, but they don't know where to get it. Of course, you could continue looking for a job and if you don't have one I would recommend that, but there is another way to receive vitamin M. That would be to go into business for yourself. I know what you're going to say, "How could I go into business for myself when I have no money to do that"? Well, it's that type of thinking that got you into your current situation in the first place.

In order to get more vitamin M you have to think outside the box. I first ask people if they eat food. The answer to that is pretty simple, everyone does. So, if you eat food then you can start your own health and wellness business for about $200. All you have to do is shift your grocery dollars from empty calorie food to nutrient dense superfood. Once you do that the next step is helping others do the same by referring them to eat better food. A couple of referrals and you are on your way to increasing your vitamin M.

You see, to start your own business is simple. Just eat better food, tell others about it and collect more money. You don't need any skills in running this business or inventory or employees. All you need to do is spread the word about an alternative food supply that will make people healthier. It sounds so simple. So why doesn't everyone do this to increase their vitamin M? I can't answer that question because I don't know what would stop someone from helping others gain control of their health. What I can tell you is that the opportunity is right in front of you if you are willing to invest some time and to switch some of your grocery dollars to quality food.  If your interested in learning more about vitamin M please contact me as soon as possible. The first step to helping yourself financially is to help others first. My goal is to help YOU.