Love the Ocean

Friday, June 29, 2012

Obamacare Changes Everything

Yesterday's Supreme Court ruling was shocking to many Americans and I'm sure many people around the world. The long and short of the ruling is that Congress can now put a tax on human behavior or the inactivity of it. Being taxed if you don't buy health care insurance is unthinkable. This Supreme Court ruling changes everything about what role the government plays in our lives.

If the government can tax us for not buying health care insurance, can they then tax us for not going to the gym 4 times a week? How about if we don't eat certain types of foods? I'm not sure where this will end, but at the moment this is not a good thing for Americans.

Aren't we supposed to be free to make our own decisions instead of the government telling us what is good for us? Does the government think they know better than we do on how to care for ourselves? I have been working very hard to take responsibility for my own health by following an amazing Protocol of nutrient dense food that is Gluten free and GMO free. What if I became so healthy that I decided to stop paying for health care insurance because I never get sick? Under the current law, I would be penalized and would have to pay a tax for not buying health care insurance. THAT IS ABSURD!!

Even if I do become so healthy that I won't need health insurance, I guess I could buy the cheapest health care coverage that is on the market. The question is, "Will that be less costly than the tax for not buying the coverage"? It is still hard for me to get my head around this new law and the ramifications for all Americans. I don't believe taxing Americans for not buying health coverage is the answer to lowering health care costs. On the contrary, it will raise costs so much that the average person will not be able to afford it.

I am a small business owner and what this means for my company is that I will be forced to pay the tax for not offering health care to my employees. Why would I do that? Simply because the tax is lower than the cost to pay for my employees premiums. The government is basically forcing everyone to purchase insurance from one of these health insurance exchanges. Do you think that your health care will improve under this plan? I'm going to have to say NO. Think about it, you will have millions of more people on these plans which means the quality of health care going down. They estimate adding between 20 and 30 million more people that currently don't have insurance to these plans. Couple that with all of the new people going on the plan because their employer decided to pay the tax instead of covering the employee. What you have will be chaos and the quality of care will go down.

Once the government is in control of our health care then they will be able to dictate how much to pay a doctor for each service they perform. They will be able to determine who should get a surgery and who should not. They will have the power to set up "death panels" and determine who should live and who should die. If you think I'm overboard then thing again. I have read parts of the bill and it is scary and most Americans have no idea the magnitude of this law or what's in the bill.  I seem to remember, then speaker Pelosi, making a comment that they'll have to pass the bill to see what's in it. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

What is at stake is not just healthcare, but our freedoms. The freedom to make our own decisions about our health, our wealth and our lives. If you take that away from us then we cease to be America because that is what makes America great. Maybe that's why so many people want to immigrate to the US, because we are the land of the free and the home of the brave. Yesterday's decision is changing that to land of the not so free and the home of the cowards.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

You Have To Want It

I speak to so many people every day that are looking for that magic pill that will provide them the easiest way to lose weight and get healthy. I think you know as well as I do that there is no such pill. I also realize that it won't stop people from attaching themselves to the next big thing that will help them get over the hump, if it is easy.

As a society, how did we get here? I mean, this mindset that we only want the easy way out instead of working for it. A magic pill that will give us the body we want and still allow us to eat what we want. This notion that you can be good for a short time and see results, only lasts for a short time. Once you come down from that wonderful feeling of accomplishment, you are right back where you started from...looking for that magic pill.

So often people tell me that they will try anything to lose weight and get healthy. I sympathize with them, but know that what they are looking for is a miracle or once again, an easy way out. They always have good intentions and will try just about anything, but they are lacking one important ingredient. That is, an actual burning desire to change. Every time they start out on a new adventure to change their lives for the better, it gets derailed because it is too hard. This goes back to that burning desire or should I say, lack there of.

When it comes to food and losing weight, it is difficult for the majority of people to think clearly and separate the two. In order to lose weight you have to be aware of the food you are consuming. I would say most people think they are doing a good job by eating less food or cutting out certain types of food, but that is not the issue. The challenge most people have is between their ears. I really can't blame them because our society is so engulfed in marketing and advertising that it is hard to know what is good for you or bad for you.

This is where education comes in, but then again, this is something that you have to want to learn about. If people took the time to educate themselves about our food supply then I believe it would be easier for them to make the right choices. I didn't say they would, just that it would give them a choice. Just because you follow a diet doesn't mean it is a good one. You will probably lose some weight, but is that your ultimate goal? What happens after the diet is over? Can you maintain it? I believe that 95% of people that go on a diet are back on one in a very short time.

No magic pills are going to get it done. The only magic you need is the willingness to change. You have to want it. I know you think you do want it because you were able to follow the diet, but that is not wanting it. Wanting it is changing your lifestyle even if it means giving up your favorite foods. For me, I have changed my lifestyle by eating nutrient dense food 99% of the time. I talk the talk and walk the walk. I can proudly say that I have changed because I wanted it bad enough. When you can make a radical change like I did, then you can say the same thing...that you wanted it so bad you could taste it (no pun intended).

If you truly want to change then stop looking and hoping for that magic pill. Take action and get serious about your health. If you don't WHO WILL?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Strolling Through A Grocery Store

As you may or may not know by now, I don't go to a grocery store to buy food. When I do go into a store it is to buy other things like light bulbs or paper towels, etc. I was in a grocery store recently and it was amazing!

It was amazing because I could walk through the entire store with food all around me and I didn't care one way or the other. The reason it is meaningless to me is because I have shifted my mindset about food. When I walk up and down the aisles now, all I see is Gluten, GMOs and Chemicals. All the research I have done about our food supply comes flooding to my brain and I realize how fortunate I am. I'm lucky because I no longer am held hostage by food. Food doesn't dominate my life like it did before and it is the best feeling in the world.

Advertising and Marketing is so huge in this country because it dictates what we eat and how we think about food. The only challenge with that is most of the advertising is misleading. I love the ads that use the words: light, fat free, low carb,  97% fat free, half the sugar, etc. Mind blowing, considering it doesn't matter what these ads say because these foods are still bad for you. I'm not saying all foods in a grocery store are bad for you. I'm just saying that the majority of them are.

Imagine eating quality food that is Gluten Free and GMO Free! Imagine that you don't have to drive anywhere to get that food. Imagine that the food is nutrient dense super food. Imagine that it provides your body with everything it needs to nourish and cleanse the body. Imagine consuming this food is convenient and portable, in addition to having no dishes to wash and very little garbage to take out. Imagine having no wasted food to throw out because you don't have any food that could be spoiled.

I realize that this seems like it is futuristic, but I assure you it is happening right now. The only thing that is stopping someone from better health utilizing these foods is the courage to take a stand. If you know that the food in our system is polluted and bankrupt of nutrition, then why are you still eating it? I know it is hard making the switch to all nutrient dense food, but how much is your health worth? Would you rather spend more money later in life or a little more now so you avoid those medical bills in the future?

Strolling through the grocery store is such a great experience for me. I love watching what people put in their carts and it makes me want to go up to the front of the store, grab a microphone and do my seminar on our current food supply. Educating people in the store would be rewarding until I see them walk out of the store with empty calories and products that could cause many illnesses now and in the future. It is so sad to me, but then again I have done something that most people don't want to do. That is take responsibility for my health right now. I don't want to wait till it's too late as so often happens to the majority of Americans.

The next time you are in a grocery store try something new. I don't mean a new product, I mean try to read labels and think about what you are putting in your cart. You and your family deserve the best, so why not provide them with products that will nourish them instead of harm them. Do what I did and turn to a different type of grocery store where all the products actually help you achieve better health. My grocery store is called ISAGENIX. It is an amazing store filled with quality food products that are chemical free (including GMO free) and most of the products are Gluten free. I can't think of a better place to shop and I never have to leave my house!! Try it, you'll like it. Contact me today.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Any Doctors Ready To Make The Shift?

I know several people that have gone through medical school and then residency and finally got a job. It is a long and grueling task to become a Doctor today. After all, there are going to be millions of people that die from cancer and other diseases over the next couple of decades and they need to be cared for.

What I find really amazing is that all of the schooling they go through, they get maybe 2 weeks on nutrition training. Of course, I understand the reason behind it. Most people in the US are going to get some type of illness or disease and the Doctor has to know how to treat it. We are going to need a lot of Doctors because there is going to be a lot of sickness in this country. That is, unless we make a shift!!

The shift I'm speaking of is to "Wellness". How about learning more about nutrition and the benefits of it? How about studying natural ingredients and the positive affects they could have on an individual? Natural cures that are actually working on a high percentage so you won't need medications to mask the issue?

Who knows the future of health care and where it will be a decade from now. Health care costs continue to climb with no end in sight. Why is this happening? I believe for one, that the system is incredibly inefficient. Add regulations upon regulations and then throw big money at it from the pharmaceutical companies and you have a recipe for a bloated health care system.

I realize that there is huge amount money at stake, but at what cost? It boils down to the cost of American lives. American lives that could be spared if we had an honorable system that cared about the people in it. So many medications for every thing under the sun, even ones that you think they are making up. If there is a symptom, then there is a fix from Big Pharma. Ever notice the advertising dollars spent on drugs that you never heard of? They always finish the commercial with all the side effects that could occur if you take their medication. Mind numbing.

So Doctors are going to be faced with a choice. Continue practicing a profession that is being priced out of sight or find another line of work. When medical costs go up there is less for the Doctor and it is evident today because most Doctors won't take on any new Medicare patients. There is no money in it. What if the US went to a single payer system? What would the quality of care be like then?

The country is getting ready for a paradigm shift in the health care industry. There is a grass roots effort to educate people and let them know that there is an alternative to our current health care system. It is called "Wellness" and it is beginning to catch on. I believe it all starts with our food. The Protocol that I'm on right now is proof that there is another way to nourish the body than with traditional food. Nutrient dense food is the future and there is no other company that comes close to providing people in 8 countries a way to achieve better health then Isagenix.

Isagenix is leading the way with a complete system for better health. I know it works because I have been on a high 90% Protocol of Gluten free, GMO free nutrient dense super food for over 230 days. I will NEVER go back to eating "food" again. My message for the Doctors out there is that you have a choice. Do the right thing for your patient and your conscience and learn more about this new emerging industry. You"ll be glad you did, even if it's for yourself. Better health can be achieved with the right products that contain the right nutrients.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Mind Shift About Food

I know I talk a lot about changing my lifestyle when is comes to the food I eat, but there is obviously more to it than that. I mean, the only way to really change the way you eat is to shift the way you think about food. The way to shift the way you think about food can be done in a couple of ways. The first way is to educate yourself about food and the other is to eat real food that has nutrition.

I know that most Americans think they eat real food, but nothing could be further from the truth. What Americans think is real food is actually empty calories. They believe they are consuming something that will help their bodies satisfy a need, but unfortunately the only thing they're satisfying is a craving for food. The American diet does ZERO for people looking for something healthy to eat.

I've done a bit of research on the subject and can tell you that our food is depleted of vital nutrients because the soil is depleted of essential nutrients. I'm sure you have heard the statistics about eating a bowl of spinach in the 1950's and how you would have to eat 35 bowls today to get the same vitamins and minerals as in one bowl back then. Have you had your 35 bowls of spinach today?

As a society we are so conditioned to eating food that tastes good, but is actually so bad for us. If you think about the food choices you make on a daily basis and analyze the calories in those foods, I think you would be blown away at the number you eat and the fact that it probably contains dangerous chemicals that you don't even know is in the food. But as long as it tastes good and it satisfies your cravings then you are taking the easy way out. After all, people can't live without their favorite "BAD" food.

If you shifted your mindset and began reading labels and doing research on the meat industry and the dairy industry, I believe you would have a rude awakening. You would discover that the food in our food supply is actually dangerous. How many people would eat from a label that states: "WARNING! THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS CHEMICALS THAT COULD BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH AND THE FUTURE EFFECTS ARE UNKNOWN". I'm sure there would be many people out there that would ignore that warning because they are blinded by their desire to have their favorite food. Food can be that addicting.

The way that I shifted my mindset about food was first educating myself and then I began to consume food that was loaded with nutrition. By doing that I began to see my cravings dwindle down to nothing. The more nutrition I put in my body the less cravings I had. When I say my cravings decreased, I would have to say that is an understatement. I have lost my cravings for "food " altogether and now crave only food with nutrition.

In the beginning of my journey changing my mindset about food, I had a bit of a battle with myself. Even though I wasn't hungry because I flooded my body with quality protein, fiber, antioxidants, etc., I would find myself eating out of habit. That soon disappeared because I was so satisfied with my "7 Day Challenge" Protocol that I just stopped eating "food" 99% of the time. I created a mind shift from empty calorie food to nutrient dense food. I know it is difficult for a lot of people to make that shift in their minds due to the conditioning toward food from birth, but it can be done. You just have to have a desire for better health and the commitment to follow through on that desire.

For those that just can't imagine not eating "food", I would say that at some point in time you will pay the price for the enjoyment of eating chemical laden food. Yes, it is in small trace amounts, but over time it will effect your body and illness and disease will follow. Imagine your health care costs then. Even if you can't make the shift as I have, try and make it 50% of the time. Who is kidding who, any percentage would be better than what you are doing now.
You can do it! You've heard the phrase "Mind Over Matter", well now is the time to make the SHIFT no matter what your mind tells you.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Expanding Globally

When you get right down to it if you are in business you are going to have to expand your products and services globally at some point. It is the business model for the 21st Century. Once you build a network of people globally, then you can introduce new products and services to this network. Everyone in the network can share in the benefits of developing the network.

Isagenix is currently in 8 countries and will be launching two new countries very soon. Every once in awhile I do a post of the expansion of this incredible company. I am always looking for entrepreneurs to help me build a network in others countries as well as the United States.

I have a couple of team members in Australia and hoping that will lead me to people in Malaysia and Singapore. There are so many different languages in the world, but the language of health is the same. Every one in the world deserves better health and they can find it if they open their minds and think outside the box.

What I mean by that is looking at food in a different way. Imagine not relying on "traditional food" to sustain oneself. After all, the food in this country and many others is bankrupt of nutrition and polluted. I thought we were intelligent people? Why would you knowingly put dangerous chemicals in your body. I guess there is one reason and that is because you don't know you are doing so. You see, in the US there are no labeling laws which means that consumers have no idea they are buying products that contain harmful chemicals. Other countries, on the other hand forbid any GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) to enter their country. Isagenix takes the guess work out of knowing if you are eating things you shouldn't because they don't put them in their products. They are all Chemical Free!

So if you live in Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia or Singapore please contact me if you know of anyone who is looking for better health. If you know someone that is looking to make extra income or a networker, please let me know. If you are the first in a country to begin referring people to a new way of eating that will improve their health then I want to talk to you. Especially if you know someone in Singapore and Malaysia.

Remember that when it comes to health we all speak the same language. Please leave your contact info and I'll respond quickly with additional information so you can make an informed decision.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Cravings Have Changed

When I was growing up I had certain cravings which was developed by my parents and the choices they provided me. Some things I liked and some things I didn't like, but mostly I liked everything that was sweet. I developed a real sweet tooth growing up and from that time on I have been held hostage by sweets. I never met a sweet I didn't like!

It was only recently that I found out why I was addicted to sweets. I became addicted because I wasn't giving my body the most essential thing it needs to thrive. Without this one thing your body will always be searching for it. If you don't consume this on a daily basis your body begins to cannibalize your organs to get it. What is it? It is NUTRITION.

I know that most people believe they get plenty of nutrition in the food they eat, but I'm here to tell you that it is not the case. Our food supply is bankrupt of nutrition and has been for the last several decades. The soil is depleted of nutrients, it is polluted and is now being invaded by GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). These are very dangerous chemicals that are injected into the seeds of the corn, soybean, cotton and canola.

Why do they inject the seeds of these staples in our food supply? They will tell you it is for better yields of crops or that it will be able to grow in drought conditions and the vegetables will be able to last longer on the store shelves. There is another reason for this and it has to do with resisting powerful chemicals that are sprayed on the crops. I mean think about it, when they spray the fields to kill weeds and other living organisms but the crop still grows, you have to ask yourself, "Is the food safe to eat"?

The challenge that most Americans have is not knowing these small details about our current food supply. Then again is it really that small of a detail when you are consuming dangerous chemicals that alters the genetic make-up of the food we eat? The other thing one must consider is the flavoring of our food. Once again these flavorings are made with chemicals and are in the food for one specific make you addicted to the food and want to come back for more. Hence the word CRAVINGS.

We go through life with cravings for certain foods and then once you are conditioned to eating those foods, it is almost impossible to stop those cravings. Even though you understand that the food is not good for you, you still consume it because you just can't stop. You go through all of the justifications why you can still eat your favorite foods because you CAN'T stop. If I told you that your favorite food is laced with poisonous chemicals, would you still eat it. I can hear people say, "Yeah, but it is such a small amount and I don't eat a lot of it, so it really can't harm me". JUSTIFICATION!!

I turned to a solution for the craving challenges that face me everyday. I now consume nutrition, but not just any nutrition. I flood my body with powerful nutrients, antioxidants, protein, fiber, etc. By doing that I have lost my cravings for junk foods and basically all foods. I know what your thinking, but no, I don't miss any of those foods anymore. I decided to do the "7 Day Challenge" Protocol and drown myself with the highest quality nutrition on the planet and the results have been nothing short of amazing. Now, my cravings have changed from junk food to quality food that provides my body the essential nutrients it needs to live a long healthy life. We all deserve that and should CRAVE that way of living. How about you, are you ready to crave something that can better your health? I promise once you do, you will never have to justify it to anyone!!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Casual Dining

With the economy in a tailspin for so many Americans, it's no wonder that the casual dining category is flourishing. There are so many casual dining restaurants out there that are national and regional and even local. They are all fighting to capture a small piece of the pie in a sea of competition.

You've seen the ads on t.v. or in one of those mailers that come to the house. Two steak dinners with all the trimmings for $12.99. Buy one and get the second one half off. Free appetizers with the purchase of one meal. They are all over the place and you can't escape them.

Every time I see one of those ads I start to think about the food they are serving. For the purposes of this post I will refer to it as "food", although I can think of several other things to call it. I also started to think about the cost of food today. Commodities are increasing all the time so it is more expensive for a restaurant to buy food at a good price. You would think that they would pass that onto the consumer, but they can't because they are competing for your dollars.

These restaurants have to be competitively priced or they won't be in business. So what are they supposed to do? They have to maintain their quality or no one would eat there, or would they? The only way for these establishments to stay in business is to use less expensive ingredients. Would that mean less quality? In most cases I would have to say yes.

Anytime you go into a restaurant I guess it is a crap shoot in the quality of the food you receive. Then again, even if it is a fine restaurant and not just a casual one that you could find inferior food. That doesn't stop people from going in. If it is a brand they are familiar with then they feel comfortable going there time and time again.

The reason I bring this up is because when I go into a casual dining restaurant today and look around at what people are eating I start to think about the quality of the food on their plates. I think about the fact that the food they are consuming is bankrupt of nutrition and it is polluted. I think about how long it took for the food to travel to get to their plate and all the people that handled the food. How long it has been in storage or if it was properly refrigerated. I know, I sound like I'm crazy, but when you have been exposed to nutrient dense super food and eating quality food, you think about these things.

I know exactly what I'm consuming with my "7 Day Challenge" Protocol and the food from Isagenix. I don't have to guess what I'm putting in my body and I'm actually saving money by eating this food. There are so many advantages to conforming to a caloric restrictive diet. Even though I'm restricting my calories, I'm not sacrificing nutrients. After all, isn't that what your body is craving? If we were to give our bodies more nutrients then I believe we could reduce the obesity rate in this country.

That's why when I see people eating in these casual dining restaurants I want to get in the middle of the room and do a seminar on our current food supply. I'm not sure the manager would appreciate that because by the time I got done, there wouldn't be but a hand full of people left in the place. More Americans have to wake up and become educated on the food they consume. I'm here to help them and I would love to help you too. Contact me today to get a glimpse of the future way of nourishing your body.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Buffet Line

Have you ever attended one of those restaurants where they have a buffet line and all you can eat food? The best ones are in Las Vegas, NV. As a matter of fact, you can find one at every hotel on and off the strip. They are so appealing because for one low price you get to stuff your face with so many different types of food. If you take enough time you can have breakfast, lunch and dinner and spend the day there.

I remember going to many of those types of places in my day. There are places where they have all you can eat sushi, Chinese, pizza etc. The ones in Las Vegas are great because they have multiple ethnic foods in the same buffet. Boy, those were the days....NOT!

When I look back at how I used to abuse my body I could kill myself. Had I not changed my lifestyle, I would have ended up dead or with so many health issues that I might as well be dead. Most people overeat even when their not at a buffet. There is something about getting your money's worth that gets people turned on.

The way I am now after being on the "7 Day Challenge" Protocol for over 220 days, I could walk into a buffet and eat nothing. You heard me right, the food in a buffet would do nothing for me because I don't crave food any longer. I made it to the other side. I am no longer held hostage by food. Can I tell you how liberating that is? Believe me when I tell you that it is liberating. Just the fact that I can go to a party, restaurant or anywhere there is food and not be tempted to eat it. How about you? Could yo do that?

In order to get to that place one has to change the way they eat. They also must change the way they look and feel about food. It is called a commitment and one that once started should be followed through. I could never understand the people that have tried Isagenix products and have had amazing results only to find out they stopped consuming the products. Maybe it's because psychologically they know that there will never be another buffet line in their future. Maybe they don't have the commitment to change their life to better health.

I'm sure there are many reasons people don't follow through on a commitment to better their health. The one that gets me is the cost. I know I have heard so many people say it costs too much. I say, "Compared to what"? If you had a choice to put the best food on the planet in your system for less than $3.00 or a Big Mac, fries and a coke, which would you choose? Unfortunately, I believe most Americans would choose the burger because they believe it will fill them up more than a meal replacement shake. How wrong they are! The burger, fries and coke are EMPTY calories and the shake is packed with nutrients that will actually curb your cravings and provide your body with a feeling of satisfaction.

The next time you are on a buffet line don't think about the calories you are consuming, but rather think about the damage you're doing to your body. Try and get over the sensation of stuffing your face with a ton of tasty food and realize that there is a better way to treat your body. It is a hard thing for most people to do, but why wait until it's too late. Eventually, if you continue eating the way you do, your health will suffer.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Young People Are Not Invincible

I have two sons, 24 and 26. I remember, kind of, being that age and was able to eat anything under the sun and not worry about it. When you are young you seem invincible. You don't have to worry about getting older because it is so far off in the future.

When I was growing up I didn't have anyone telling me not to eat something because it wasn't good for me. As a matter of fact, it was just the opposite. I would be at the dinner table and my mom would be forcing more food down my throat. "Come on and have some more". How about, "There are starving kids in the world and they only dream about having food like this".

Of course, I must admit that back when I was growing up in the '60's and 70's we didn't have to worry too much about the food we were eating. Just over the last couple of decades has there been a reason for concern. With the advent of GMOs and now Gluten becoming a huge issue we have seen our food supply go from not too bad to really bad and now it is very bad.

At 54, I think I caught myself in time to change my health for the better. Being on such an aggressive caloric restrictive diet has literally changed my life. I stopped putting a ton of chemicals in my body and it responded the way it should. Instead of junk going in on a daily basis I now consume nutrient dense food that actually gives my body the nourishment it needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is an amazing thing when you put powerful nutrition in your body, but what is more important is to get the toxins out of your body.

I often wonder how people can continue to eat the food in this country and not cleanse the body. If you don't cleanse, then how are the nutrients going to be absorbed into your system? The first thing you or anyone should do is cleanse the body. Not a poop cleanse, but rather a whole body cellular cleanse. Then and only then can your body be able to absorb all the nutrients in the food, even if the food has very little nutrition in it. That is what I'm finding when I do my research. Most of the food Americans consume is dangerous because of the chemicals in the food.

I wish we could get our young people to wake up and realize that if they take care of their body now and flood it with quality protein, minerals, amino acids, etc, that they could live a more fulfilling life with better quality. Isn't that what we are all after when it's all said and done? A better quality of life so we can be in our '80's, 90's, and even in our 100's and still be able to enjoy all the things life has to give.

I must admit that when I was younger I didn't really think about being healthier. I was going along with the masses and eating whatever we wanted to. So it took me a long time to stop and think about what I was doing. Now I'm a bit miffed that I didn't do this years ago because I feel so good. Well, you know the old saying, "Better late than never". I don't care how old you are and especially if you are young, please don't take your health for granted. Respect your body even if it means you can't eat what you want. Life is so precious, why would you want to cut it short and get an illness or disease from the food you eat. Remember, there are no do-overs in life so why not take control of it by eating a proper diet.

The "7 Day Challenge" will provide you an opportunity to experience what it's like to eat quality food with minimal calories. Young or old it is never too late to achieve better health with the desire to do so. The challenge for young people is the feeling of invincibility. You can add so many more years of quality to your life if you just take responsibility for your health now.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Am I The Crazy One?

Ever since I have changed my lifestyle regarding food I feel weird. Not weird in a bad way, but rather in a good way. The reason I feel that way is because I feel like I'm on an island. There aren't too many people that are with me, that is I mean eating nutrient dense food 99% of the time.

I tried the "7 Day Challenge" in Nov of 2011 and I have followed the Protocol ever since. I feel much better and I have a lot more energy. The other thing I noticed is that I have better mental clarity. I'm starting to realize what it means to have better health.

I know I've talked about going to parties and the fact that I don't eat the food that is served. When I tell people that the first thing they say is, "I couldn't do that". They already know that they couldn't eat Nutrient Dense Food for a week and nothing else. How about you? Do you know that? How do you know if you never tried it? Full disclosure, when I was first approached to try the "7 Day", I myself had to think twice about taking the "Challenge". Then I told myself it's only a week and anyone could do anything for a week.

That week changed my life! I felt so good I decided to try it for another week and then another. I was really excited that I finally found something that makes me feel really good and healthy. For me this wasn't about losing weight, but I lost a bunch anyway. I wasn't even trying. Anyway, during the time that I began my journey with the "7 Day", I started to do research on our current food supply. What I found was shocking, scary and gave me a reason to change the way I ate.

The Protocol that I'm is efficient, effective and affordable. It saves me time, money, and most important it saved my life. I'm not sure why people get crazy about me telling them the truth about food. When I bring it up it is always so awkward because they seem to go into this denial thing. They don't want to have to face the fact that in order for them to get healthy, you must change the way they eat. Not many people want to stop eating their favorite foods. I mean, what if I told you that the food you were eating is filled with poison? Would you eat it?

What I'm doing is not very accepted because people just don't want to trade their food for better health. I see people all the time working out like crazy and then justify the burning off of thousands of calories by going to get a Big Mac and a coke. At least it isn't diet coke. That is one of the most deadly drinks you can consume. The Aspartame in that drink can cause brain development problems plus a whole lot more.

My question is, "Am I the crazy one"? The one who is eating 100% gluten free food that is nutrient dense and provides my body with ESSENTIAL nutrients or someone that eats food that is bankrupt of nutrition and polluted? In America we are so lucky that we all have a choice when it comes to our health. The sad thing is that most people don't take the healthy choice. It is just too easy to eat the way they do. I think they eventually will, but it might be too late. Maybe I am a little weird, but I'm going to be that way for a long long time.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Is It My Allergies?

Are you sneezing more than usual? Are your eyes tearing up more than usual? Have you noticed other people around you doing the same thing? Maybe there is something to this GMO stuff.

GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) are invading our food and environment and most everyone is oblivious to what's happening. It is unthinkable as to what is transpiring in this country regarding the dangers we face eating food. For the FDA and USDA and any other DA, they should be held responsible for allowing toxins and chemicals into our everyday food supply.

The first step in introducing these products into the supply chain is with long term testing. Just because you say something is safe for consumers, doesn't make it safe. More testing is needed, say for another 25 years. When rats and mice are having organ failures and dying from these GMOs, it might be time to say "Hold on a minute, something is not right here". But now it might be too late to stop altering the seeds genetically. This is one of those things that can't be recalled.

Here in Arizona, my allergies are acting up which is crazy because I never used to have allergies for the majority of my life. Now my eyes are affected and I sneeze a lot more that I used to. I believe a lot of people are having more issues than you think. Why do you think that is? Well, one of the effects of these GMOs is more allergies. It can create different strains of allergies and bring on new ailments that might have been laying dormant in your system for years.

Another issue is a Protein called Gluten. Gluten affects 1 out of 2 people in the U.S. It is wreaking havoc on millions of people, but the sad thing is that most people don't know their sensitive to it. It causes inflammation in the intestinal tract and could be the start of many other issues. We discuss Gluten on our daily calls and quote from a great book called, "The Gluten Effect", by husband and wife Doctors, Vikki and Richard Peterson. Just as a side note there is a GMO wheat that is now invading America as well.

If you want to give your body a break from all of these Chemicals and Gluten, may I suggest trying the "7 Day Super Food Challenge". In one week you could literally change your life. At the very least it will make you aware of the food you are ingesting. Awareness is a good start and should become very clear after doing a little research. That and not eating traditional food. You may think that I'm overboard, but please understand that the food in this country is dangerous. I just choose not to let my guard down, but 1% of the time.

GMOs, Gluten and other Toxins are growing rapidly in this country and we just don't know what the future holds for the American people and especially our children. This might be just the beginning of a new epidemic. The point is that we DON'T know what to expect from this invasion into our food supply and that is the real tragedy. Not knowing because there wasn't enough testing done before releasing this biotechnology on our planet. Has the dollar become that important...more important than lives?

So,  is it your allergies, the food you eat, the medications you take, the air you breathe, the water you drink, etc? You owe it to you to take a TAKE IT!!!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Cheap Health Insurance

Who wouldn't like cheap health insurance? Maybe I should rephrase that question. Who wouldn't like to pay less for their health insurance? I know I would and I'm in the process of lowering it right now. To lower your health insurance today would be like giving yourself a raise.

There are several ways to reduce your health insurance costs. One way is to reduce your coverage or increase your deductible. They even have plans that are just for catastrophes and are less expensive. Of course, you are only covered in the case of a catastrophe. Either way you look at it the cost is pretty high. I just heard that the premiums are going to go up again. If Obamacare is not overturned by the Supreme Court, we could be in for extremely high health care costs.

Take a look at what you are paying in health care costs every month. If you're lucky enough to have your employer pay for a part of it then you are truly one of the fortunate ones. For those that have to pay for it out of pocket, I can only imagine how difficult that is. With the cost of health care increasing and our wages not keeping pace, it forces us to make tough decisions.

What if the tough decision was to eat better and healthier foods that don't contain chemicals. What if you also eliminated Gluten from your diet for say, one week? What if the hard decision was that you had to give up one or more of your favorite foods forever! Would you be strong enough to do that? If it meant you could be healthier and if you're healthier you could reduce the cost of health care.

I meet people every day that tell me they want to change. They tell me that they don't feel well or their tired.  I hear complaining about the cost of their insurance. What I don't hear is how they are going to change this thinking and do something about it. The simplest solution would be to change their diet, but that doesn't even enter someone's thought process. We are so used to going to a Doctor for all our ills because we think they can cure everything with a pill or medication.

In order to change your thought process for anything you do, you must first have the courage to change. I say that because you could have the desire, but still not do it. I often wonder what people are thinking about when they sit down to eat a huge meal filled with empty calories. Then they wonder why their hungry hours later and they are not any healthier. I love the people that work out 4 or 5 times a week and then think they can eat anything they want. Drives me crazy.

If you really want to reduce your health care costs then increase the nutrition you put in your body. Something so simple could change your life, but you have to take that first step and do it. You can actually do something to get healthier and it is just shifting your food dollars to better quality food. Quality food that gives your body the essential nutrients it needs to survive. The only real question is, "Do you want to pay for it now or later"? There is no escaping it, but if you treat yourself to better food then there is no question in my mind that you will save much more in the end on health care. It is not just about money, it is about quality of life. Do what I do and spend the money now and give up food that does nothing for you.

Feeding your body nutrition is the best way to get the cheapest insurance.