Love the Ocean

Monday, July 30, 2012

Is This Really Me?

For years I had the intention of taking responsibility for my health, but for years I just didn't do it. When I look back I realized that eating food was more important to me than my health. You might ask, "What does food have to do with health?" EVERYTHING!!

I don't think most people put two and two together and realize what they eat has an enormous effect on their health. Especially today when our food supply is invaded with Gluten and GMOs. It has only been in the last 2 to 3 decades that GMOs have come on the seen. The scary thing is that we are now seeing some of the effects of the introduction of these dangerous chemicals. Ever wonder why obesity, diabetes, autism, etc. is on the rise?

That is why I started my journey on the "7 Day Super Food Challenge" in November of last year. I wanted to take a stand in making better choices regarding my eating habits. I had done a bit of research on our current food supply and I was actually shocked at what I found. My research led me to the "7 Day Challenge" Protocol, where I was able to break free from the food grid. The products in this "Challenge" are all Gluten Free and GMO Free.

What makes the Protocol so unique is the fact that you are providing your body with the nutrition it is begging for. Think about what you eat on a daily basis. Most of the foods are bankrupt of nutrition and they are polluted. I know what your going to say, "Oh, but I eat healthy". Honestly, I really don't care that you think you are eating healthy because most of the food is not good for you. I know that you are going to disagree, but if you are honest with yourself and you really did your homework, I know that you would find what I'm saying to be true.

So, what has this Protocol done for me? It has given me my life back. My body is functioning at an optimal level which means it is working more efficiently. My heart rate is down, all of my bio marker numbers are in very good ranges and the most important one, I feel good. I'm not sure that most people in this country really know what it is like to "feel good".

O.K., there is one more thing that I still can't believe and that is how I look. My body has transformed in a very short time. I have not only released weight, but body fat as well. I have gone down several pant sizes and when I look in the mirror I say, "Is this really me?" I still can't get over how good I feel and how good I look. Please don't think I'm conceited, I'm just feeling more confident of my appearance, which translates into a better outlook on life.

I know that everyone on this planet has choices, but I chose to take responsibility for my health. At first I had to get over my mindset about eating food, but being on the "7 Day Challenge" helped me so much with that because I wasn't hungry. Not only wasn't I hungry, but I lost my cravings for food. Now, I'm on this Protocol in the high 90% range and have never been happier.

Once you experience good health, why would you ever want to go back to your old lifestyle. Food does matter and I just happen to flood my body with nutrient dense food instead of eating empty calories. It worked for me so I know it will work for you. The only thing stopping you is YOU!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Did You Save Room For Dessert?

My wife and I went out to dinner the other night to a local restaurant here in Scottsdale. It happens to be a  restaurant with a variety of menu items which means you could find something you like. Yes, we do eat food, on occasion. The difference now, is that we get to choose what we eat and I can't tell you how liberating that is.

Anyway, as we were having a wonderful healthy dinner, I glanced around the room at all the people in the restaurant and I began to observe what they were eating. At most restaurants around town the portions are quite large and this restaurant was no different. I observed people eating all kinds of foods and when I look back at how we used to eat, I get a wonderful feeling inside. The feeling is a sense of accomplishment that I am no longer held hostage by food.

I could go anywhere that has food and not be tempted to eat any of it. Hard to believe? I know what you must be thinking, that I'm full of it. How could anyone resist the temptation of eating food that is all around them? It is quite easy when you flood your body with nutrition. The "7 Day Challenge" Protocol has changed my life because I have changed my lifestyle. This Protocol is packed with high quality protein, fiber, minerals, vitamins and the list goes on. When you flood your body with nutrition then you don't have the cravings everyone gets. The reason, I'm not eating empty calories. On the Challenge, every calorie counts!

Back to the restaurant. As I'm observing what the patrons have on their plates I can't help notice the size of most of the patrons. When you read the statistics about the obesity problem in our country and then you see what people are eating, it's not hard to put two and two together. The food in our food supply is the issue. Americans are killing themselves slowly by consuming food that lacks nutrition and is polluted.

The items on most of the plates that I observed were high in fat and their beverage of choice was soda. The alarming thing to me was the number of children drinking this liquid sugar. Virtually everyone I observed was eating a plate of empty calories. I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt by rationalizing this is only one meal and maybe they decided to just "let go". By merely looking at them I could tell that this type of feeding was the norm for them.

Once they got done eating their ton of empty calorie food, the server asked, "Did you save room for dessert"? They proceeded to order one of the dessert items to finish off that "healthy" dinner. I was amazed that they could actually fit another thing in their mouths, but then I remembered my past. I had to have dessert after a meal because I needed something sweet to eat. That is a clue that you are not eating enough nutrition. I felt like standing up in the middle of the restaurant to do one of my seminar presentations on "Toxicity in America", but I know that would go over like a lead balloon. It seems like no one wants to really hear the truth about what's causing so many health issues in this country.

That isn't going to stop me because I'm still going to educate people on the dangers of our food supply. If I can get to one person who decides to take full responsibility for their health after hearing one of my seminars then it will be worth it. Instead of "saving room for dessert", start eating more food with nutrition. Your body will thank you and so will your wallet.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Doctors Office

I'm sure you have been to a doctor's office before. You usually have to wait beyond your appointment time to see the doctor. While you are sitting there your mind is probably racing. Some people start to think about how rude it is that they have to wait. Some people would like to send the doctor a bill for their time waiting for him or her. When I go to the doctor, I like to observe people that are waiting.

Please keep in mind that I only go to the doctor twice a year. That is to get a blood test to check some of my bio markers. I had a complete genetic workup in Nov. of last year. My last test was about 2 weeks ago and they came back in unbelievable shape. I'm living proof that a diet loaded with nutrition and powerful antioxidants can make a huge difference in your life. I'm no longer taking a statin drug or high blood pressure medication. As a side note, that was under my doctors supervision. The good thing is that I found a natureopathic cardiologist who believes treating the root cause is the way to go.

So, I'm sitting in the office and observe people all around the room and I realize one thing. These people are  there because they have an issue with their health. Then I start to think that this is only one small office in the  of tens of thousands of offices in the country and they all have people sitting in the waiting room because their sick. I didn't even mention the hospitals and urgent cares and the list goes on of people waiting somewhere in a disease care facility.

We are a sick society and we are getting sicker. The next time you're in the doctors office just observe people that are waiting. If everyone of these people sitting there took responsibility for their health then they probably wouldn't be there. So many of the issues we face today have to do with the food we eat. In this country we feed animals more grain than we do to Americans. The bad part of that is the grain is genetically modified. Our cows and chickens are eating things they shouldn't be eating and then passing that on to us: "You are what you eat".

We are the smartest country in the world and yet we can't educate people on the dangers of the food in our food supply. I wish the mass media would report on this, but it appears they have an agenda, as well as the food giants and the government.

Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that we have doctors in this country. I'm just saying that our waiting rooms could have NO WAITING, if more people took responsibility for their health. What does that look like? How about for starters, no smoking, no soda, no sugar, no gmos, no excuses! So many people I talk to say they want to feel better. They all say they want better health, but actions speak louder than words.

I think it comes down to you want to live a long healthy life with little or no maladies or do you want to end up in the doctor's office all the time because what they are doing for you is NOT working. One thing will lead to another and then you'll be spending your time trying to get well instead of being well and enjoying your life. I started my transformation with the "7 Day Challenge". You can start there or anywhere you want, but just start!! Stay out of the doctors office except to get your blood work.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Weight Loss Medications Approved

Have you heard about the new weight loss medications that the FDA just approved? There were two of them within a month of each other. The reason for the approval is because the obesity rate in the US is growing. Well, I should say that is one of the reasons. I'm sure the other one has to do with money.

Both of these drugs Qsymia and Belviq if used responsibly in combination with a healthy lifestyle and a low calorie diet mixed with exercise provides another alternative to weight management in people who are obese.   These drugs are only prescribed to obese people with a body mass index (BMI) of 27 or greater.

So, the FDA approved these drugs. One approval after 2 years of testing and one year of follow up. The epidemic is growing at such an alarming rate that they appear to be desperate to try anything to slow it down. I actually have a really good idea to help the situation, but I don't think the FDA would approve it.

MY BIG IDEA? Well, it is getting everyone of these people on the "7 Day 100% Gluten Free Super Food Challenge". You heard me. With this protocol they will get something that has been lacking in their American diet for years. You might have heard of it, it is called NUTRITION!!!!! Could it be any easier than that? Put nutrition in your body and see what happens. Not just any nutrition, but one that was formulated by the best in the business. John Anderson is the leading formulator in the world and he has developed an amazing array of super foods that happen to be nutrient dense and they taste great.

The challenge that we have as concerned citizens is spreading the word about these products and the need for nutrition. Not everyone will take them, but at least they will be aware of them. There really is no money in getting people healthy in this country. Getting people healthy in our society is frowned upon by the entire medical community because it would put them out of business. How sad for us.

What if there was a way to help people get healthy and make money at the same time? How rewarding would that be? Helping people you love and some that you don't even know be exposed to a new way of looking at food. Of course, they are going to have to want it, just like I did. I literally changed my life by trying the "7 Day Challenge" and now I consume these Isagenix foods 97% percent of the time. Imagine only eating traditional food 3% of the time?

So, would you rather do my plan or take pills that were just approved? I believe it all comes down to commitment. Are you committed to getting healthy? Are you ready to take responsibility for your health? Are you ready to take action? If you are, then you don't need no stinking pills to do it. The only thing you need is COURAGE.
The courage to WANT to change your health. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Airplane Mask First

I'm sure if you have been on an airplane you have heard the flight attendant tell you to secure your oxygen mask first before you put your child's on. The reason is obvious to me and I hope it is to you as well. I was recently on a flight and it made me think about this procedure and how I relate it to my life.

Prior to my taking responsibility for my health, I was just like millions of other Americans who went along with the status quo regarding eating. You know, eating just about everything and not really caring about what it was doing to my body as long as I was eating my favorite foods. I really didn't think much about the food I was eating and really didn't care, especially when I was young. Young people believe they are invincible and absolutely know that nothing will happen to them.

Along came my dad and my uncle's issues with heart disease. That was a wake up call, although that only woke me up to a certain degree. I continued on my quest for satisfying my cravings, but I was a bit more aware of the food I was eating. The real wake up call came in my forties when my dad past away from heart issues and kidney disease.

At that point I began to start doing research on our current food supply and I changed some habits. The first thing I did was ceased eating fast food. That was a big step, but was only the first step. I was more aware of what I was eating, but it was still food that wasn't very good for me. Even though I was eating this food I kept the healthy thoughts in the back of my mind. I wanted to eat healthy, but it was a struggle to find quality food. As time went on it became increasingly more difficult to find.

Enter my fifties and by this time I was in full motion regarding my health. I was introduced to a company called Isagenix and it actually changed my life. I began using the products and was excited that I finally found something that was good and healthy and made me feel great. It wasn't until I tried the "7 Day Super Food Challenge" that my life really changed for the better.

Being on this protocol for more than 250 days has given me my life back which brings me back to the airline oxygen mask. It dawned on me that I can't help anyone unless I help myself first. Just like in the case of the mask on a plane, I have to be able to help myself before I can help anyone else. It makes sense, doesn't it? I have to know what I'm talking about before I can help someone else with their health issues.

There still is one challenge I'm facing and that is helping someone that wants it, but doesn't commit to it. I can help a lot of people, but if they are not willing to actually do the work, then they are doomed for failure. Maybe that's why people don't commit in the first place because they know they won't be able to follow through so they won't feel like a failure. I find that very sad because if you don't try you'll never know how good you can feel. Eating quality food is not sexy or fancy, it's just the right thing to do. I would recommend the "7 Day Challenge" because this will give you an opportunity to see what it's like not eating gluten and food that contains GMO's.

Do you want to help others improve their health? Then put your mask on first and help yourself. Then and only then can you provide those people you care about with the help they need. You can also breathe a lot easier in the process!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Standing In A Pet Store

Do you have a pet? We have three dogs and they are a part of our family in a big way. If you do have pets, I'm sure you feel the same way we do. They bring us such joy and happiness. We, of course, want to treat them like they're family and we do.

I was standing in the pet store the other day and I was looking for some new food for my dogs. I was actually looking at the different foods and reading the labels on each bag. When I was doing this there were many people that came by and began doing the same thing. We were all checking out the bags and started to ask each other questions. You know like, "What do you feed your dog"? Or, "Have you ever tried this one before?"

At that moment I just stopped in my tracks and it hit me. I was blown away because it brought everything into focus for me. All these people were standing there reading the label for their precious pets. They were looking for the best nutritious food they could find. I had to ask myself, "Why do people do this for their pets and not themselves?" We become label readers for our pets, but not for us.

Not only are we label readers, we actually don't mind spending money for quality food for our pets. Have you checked the price for quality dog food lately? Every bag I looked at was pretty expensive and please keep in mind we have 3 dogs. It gets a bit spendy on a monthly basis, but we do it. We want them to grow up big and strong.

Reading labels is a good start for better health, but the challenge everyone has is understanding the label. It is hard to read some of the ingredients or figure out if it's actually something other than what it says it is. The reason I say that is because the name for aspertame can be found disguised as many other names. So what are you supposed to do? If you question one of the ingredients or you can't pronounce it then put it back on the shelf.

There is one thing I do to make sure that I never find myself in that situation. I follow the "7 Day Challenge" protocol. It is an amazing schedule of products that provide me with powerful nutrients. I also have a health coach at my disposal should I have any questions about any of the ingredients.

I have a tremendous amount of confidence in these products because I have been on this protocol for over 240 days. My results have been amazing as I have released 15 pounds, 10% body fat and I'm now 21 years younger metabolically. The next time you are reading a pet food label please start to think about the food you eat. You deserve the best food on the planet and you won't find any finer food than Isagenix. Don't believe me? Then read the labels!