Love the Ocean

Monday, January 30, 2012

Are You Serious About Your Health?

I talk to so many people everyday about current issues which includes politics, the economy and health care. Every one seems to have a solution to all of our problems, but they are massive challenges that face us going forward. Many of the challenges that we face are going to be difficult to correct, but can be done. Let's focus on just the health care issue in this country.

The cost of health care doesn't seem to be slowing down and it is already really expensive for just about every one in the country. Some of the solutions that I have heard to reduce the costs are; make insurance competitive by letting companies cross state lines to sell different health plans and create a more efficient system using electronic medical records. Streamline the paper work and get rid of wasteful testing. Doctors order every test under the sun because they don't want to be sued for malpractice. Malpractice insurance is sky high which increases the cost of health care.

When you analyze all of these options they all sound good, but they will also take a great deal of money to implement. I had another idea that would be less costly and get America back to health. Why don't we all take responsibility for our own health? I don't think that is too much too ask, do you?

So what does that look like, taking responsibility for your own health. The first thing that must be decided upon is your commitment. Are you serious about changing your health? Are you serious enough about not eating foods that can cause you illness and disease? So often I hear people tell me that they want to be healthier, but they never take the necessary steps to do it. Words are just words until you apply action to those words. Take a stand and commit to better health which will lead to lowering your health care costs.

It makes sense doesn't it? It all starts with your diet. I don't mean going on a diet, I mean what you eat on a daily basis. If you put garbage in your body you will get garbage out. The thought of not eating food that contains harmful chemicals is tough for most people because most all food is flavored so we become addicted to it. Food is a comfort for a lot of people and they can't imagine not having their favorite foods even though they know it is bad for them. This is where the serious part comes in. If you are truly serious about your health then why can't you stop eating foods that are bad for you?

I guess I shouldn't assume that everyone knows that fried foods are bad for you or that fast food is some of the most dangerous foods to eat. Since I have decided to take responsibility for my health I began doing research on our food supply. I suggest that you educate yourself as well. If you really want to learn more about what is happening in our food supply, I recommend you read Jeffrey M Smith's book called, "Genetic Roulette". If you want a wake up call this book will give you one.

Getting serious about your health is no joke. We go around once in our lifetime and I want to go around healthy. How about you? If you do then get serious and mean it!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Genetic Roulette

I am currently reading Jeffrey M Smith's book called, "Genetic Roulette". I just started it the other day and I'm scared already. Americans have no idea what is taking place in their world of "food supply". It is changing our genetic make-up which is changing the health of our country. Not many people are aware of GMOs which is a crime in itself. You have to wonder about the priorities of the main stream media. In my mind it is a travesty that there is not more reporting on this important issue.

This is a very dangerous situation we find ourselves in. Imagine changing the DNA of the seed that produces our corn, soybeans, sugar beets, and canola. Of the testing that we know of , and it's not much, the results are very bad. Like corn and corn varieties engineered to produce a pesticide protein called Bt-toxin. They found that when people were exposed to Bt-toxin, there was a lot of allergic-type symptoms. If that wasn't bad enough they found that inserted genes can transfer food into gut bacteria. If this happens there is a strong possibility that it might turn our intestinal flora into living pesticide factories!

I guess if you really look at it, the thing that is hurting us the most are the people making the decision to grow GMOs and the people allowing it to hit our shelves. I wouldn't mind them using GMOs as long as they do extensive testing before they dominate the world and PROVE that they are not harmful to us. Uh Oh, too late. Monsanto controls 90% of the GM market and if you look at a graph of the % of GMO crops to non GMO you would be BLOWN AWAY!  We are in trouble unless we rise up and tell everyone we know to do their own research as I am. Once you see it in writing for yourself I think you might think twice before you eat your next knife and fork meal.

I just want everyone to know about this so they can make a decision of which way they want to go. "Do I care about these chemicals I'm ingesting?" Or,  "Are you going to research what I'm telling you and then take action by finding an alternative". It just so happens that I decided to take action. I found an alternative to the current food supply. I consume the finest food products on the market and I would like to share them with everyone I meet. I am on a very aggressive protocol of nutrient dense food that amounts to 1,550 calories a day. The amount of calories I eat in three days is what the average American eats in one day. The difference is that the American diet is laced with dangerous chemicals and empty calories.

Do your research and don't play genetic roulette. If you don't want to change your lifestyle that is one thing, but don't let the children fall into this evil trap. Alert everyone you know about the dangers and then if you want to know more about our protocol please contact me soon. I can't go back to eating the way I did. Every time I look at food my brain starts going nuts. I guess you could call that a curse, but in my case I consider it a blessing.  Please don't turn a blind eye to this important issue because your life and your children's life depends on it.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Coming To A Country Near You

Some exciting news about the next two countries to have Isagenix call home. They are Singapore and Malaysia. If you are from there or know someone from there please get in touch with me right away. Isagenix is getting very close to opening in those countries and the first people on board can help so many people with their health and their wealth.

If you have any contacts there I would love an opportunity to speak with them or communicate with them by e-mail. At this point I don't know when they are launching, but I know it will be very soon. When a market opens up such as Singapore and Malaysia the first people to get involved can become leaders in those countries. Imagine helping people in other countries get a grip on their health while at the same time providing an opportunity to make a substantial income.

Isagenix has applied to do business in 80 countries and in each country it takes time to bring the products to market. They have to go through many steps to make sure they are compliant with the laws in that country. When they do open a new country then you know that everything has been approved and Isagenix is doing it right. They continue to be the world leader in Nutritional Cleansing and Replenishing and their reach is growing exponentially.

Isagenix currently is doing business in the following countries: USA, Mexico, Hong Kong, Taiwain, Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Canada. Again, if you know someone who lives in these countries then please contact me as soon as possible so I can start the ball rolling and educate them on the possibilities. By the way, the possibilities are endless as Isagenix is only 10 years old and they are just beginning! Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Is It FDA Approved?

I can't tell you how much I love getting the question, "Is It FDA Approved? I do my best not to go off on the person because I try to maintain my composure. At first, you would think that is a reasonable question, but then when you know some facts about the FDA it seems like an irrational one.

The first thing I tell people is that Isagenix products are botanicals and do not have to be approved by the FDA. At this point I go into my little speech about the FDA and I try to stay calm. The FDA is the most dangerous Dept. in the US Government. They have a great deal of control over what products make it to market and which ones don't. The trouble comes in when big industry begins to take control of the FDA.

I am referring to big Pharma and the largest food companies on the planet. Ever wonder why they approved the drug called Vioxx? This was the largest pharmaceutical recall in history. Did you know that more people die of legal prescription drugs in this country than any other country? Yet, the FDA is supposed to protect of us from any harmful drugs entering the market.

The concern is that the FDA believes the testing that is done from the companies themselves and that can be a very skewed report and often times it is. I would like to turn my attention to the food industry and companies like Monsanto. When I read about Monsanto and the FDA's approval of their GMO technology I believe my head is going to explode.

GMOs have been around since the 90's and I should mention here that they are Genetically Modified Organisms. The process of creating a GMO is by injecting the DNA of one species into the DNA of another species. In the case of Monsanto, they are injecting bacteria and viruses into the seeds of corn, soybean, sugar beets, and canola. They say they have done testing on the effects of this process and find that it is no different than the non GMO seeds. What they don't tell you is that they are leaving out very important information in their reports to the FDA. So what does the FDA say? Since there is no difference they will allow Monsanto to continue to produce these seeds.

Isn't that amazing? The funny thing is that when scientists and other testing labs try to do their own tests on the effects of the seeds, the findings are never allowed to be used. Now, the scary part is that the findings are nothing short of frightening!! There are so many instances that livestock die and it causes infertility in many of the animals among many many other damaging effects. I don't have the time in this post to list all of the negative effects of these dangerous chemicals, but it raises a very serious question. Is the FDA really there to protect us? How can you allow these GMOs to continue without doing extensive testing? These seeds are changing the genetic make-up of our cells. Our bodies were not made to process these chemicals that are injected into the seeds. I don't want to be a human Guinea pig and continue eating food that contains these GMOs. I am now on a mission to alert everyone I know that GMOs can be extremely dangerous to their health.

I feel an obligation since our revered FDA fails to do it. So the next time someone asks you if it is FDA approved, try not to go off on them like I would. I don't give much credence to the FDA because in my opinion they are not really protecting us. If they were then our food supply would be GMO free.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Getting The Word Out

I don't think I can stress enough about getting the word out. It's about thinking a different way. It defines the words, "Think Outside The Box". That is why I'm so passionate about helping people get healthy. The reason I am, is because I did it and if I can do it anyone can. This protocol that I'm on is very aggressive CR (caloric restriction). Most people don't want to stop eating the way they do even though they know that it is not good for them. The only other explanation is that they have no clue the danger they are in by eating polluted foods.

I want to educate everyone I meet about GMOs and then help them get the word out. I feel like I have an obligation to tell everyone about the dangers of these chemicals and the effects they will have for the rest of their lives. I know that things take time, but I don't have time. There is a sense of urgency in getting the word out. It is that important.

We as a society should find alternatives to our current food supply and not rely on anyone to provide it to us. I have found such an alternative and it is extremely aggressive, but IT WORKS!! Your first step is to know in your gut that you are ready to change your life....for good! The next step is to take action! Put your money where your mouth is. Are you ready for a change or did you just say it to sound good?

I'm not telling anyone to change if they don't want to change, but there are people out there like me. I have made the change in lifestyle and I have never felt better. I stopped putting junk in my body and guess what? Junk stopped coming out of my body. If you treat your body with respect it will respect you. That is another reason I want to get the word out. If you think of all the people that eat the way they do and then end up with illness and disease, you don't have to guess what got them there.

I'm not sure why people are afraid to look at the real truth about changing their lifestyle. Since I have been through it and still continue to practice this diet of CR, Gluten free and GMO free, I can honestly say that I have changed my lifestyle and I feel a sense of well being. So, I don't care what people think of me when I don't participate in eating foods that I know can be harmful to me. The question is "can I get to enough people fast enough to alert them"?

Maybe you can help me. If you are reading this post take it upon yourself to first look at yourself and ask if you are ready to change? Can you see yourself being above eating food that is hazardous to your body? If you can then you also won't care what people think of you because you are doing whats best for your health. You are going to be looked on like a freak, but who cares because you are taking responsibility for your health. You should NEVER have to apologize for that.

Getting the word out is imperative to the health of our country. I know that sounds dramatic, but it is so true. We need to get serious about educating people about the danger of these GMOs. These chemicals are altering our genetic makeup and it is causing all kinds of health issues. There is a movement in this country to mandate the manufacturers to label their products that contain GMOs. Don't you believe we have the right to know if we are consuming poison? I do and won't stop until the people I care about know the dangers of these devastating chemicals.

One solution is the "7 Day 100% Gluten Free Super Food Challenge". Do yourself a favor and check it out.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I Do Get Looks...But I Understand Why

When you do something out of the norm most people look at you in a funny way. They can't understand why you would do something different than everyone else because it is so foreign to them. I never really experienced it until I decided to take responsibility for my health.

So what does that mean taking responsibility for my health? It means eating the proper foods even though it is not the most popular thing to do. My decision to gain better health meant more to me than going along with the masses and eating the food in our food supply. As I have mentioned many times that our food supply in this country is bankrupt of nutrition and polluted. We are the most industrialized nation in the world with the most food in the world and yet we are undernourished. 

Nutrition plays such a big part in our health, but no one seems to understand that. If we were to put good nutrition in our bodies that would solve a lot of the health issues that we face today. The average American eats 4,500 calories a day, but they are empty calories. The food does nothing to nourish the body and provide essential minerals needed to sustain itself. Ever wonder why you are so hungry after a few hours of eating a lot of food? Because the food has NO NUTRITION.

Another observation is the health issues that are becoming increasingly apparent, such as diabetes, autism, and of course obesity. Do I have medical proof that the food supply is causing an increase in these illnesses? No, but you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. Do a search on Google for GMOs and be prepared to get very scared. We are a nation that is putting dangerous chemicals in our food. When I say in our food I mean injected into the seed of the plant (corn,soybeans,etc). You can't wash it off. 

After doing some research on the potential effects of the food we eat over a long time, I decided to stop eating traditional food and switched over to eating 100% gluten free nutrient dense super food. Well, I'm actually at 98% because on a very rare occasion I will eat traditional food. The good thing is that now I'm in control because of the powerful nutrients I'm consuming with this protocol.

When I'm out and about during the day I take my food with me so I don't get out of my routine. The protocol that I'm on is so easy because everything is packaged and easy to consume. I know what I'm eating and it is actually helping my body get the nourishment it needs with ZERO GLUTEN, ZERO GMOs, ZERO EMPTY CALORIES. When I'm out for lunch with friends and they are eating mounds of food that tastes great and fattening, I'm sitting there with my meal replacement bar loaded with the highest quality of whey protein, trace minerals, essential amino acids and the list goes on. I do get a few looks like, "Are you crazy? That is all you're eating"? 

At this point I understand why they look at me funny, but I hope they respect me for wanting to treat my body like the miracle it is. I don't want to put garbage in my body anymore. I had many years of that and now it is payback time. Look all you want, I don't care because I have never felt so good. If you want to know more about my challenge to go you can go to my site.

Monday, January 23, 2012

How Much Does It Cost?

I always love getting this question because everyone is on a tight budget these days. Take a look around at our economy and you will understand why I get that question so often. The trouble with that question is that if you hear all the benefits of our program and you still ask "how much" then I did not make myself too clear.

What do I mean by that? Well, I'm offering people an alternative to our current food supply with no chemicals, no Gluten, no GMOs, no high fructose corn syrup and the list goes on. When I do tell them the price of the food they hesitate, but if you really put it in perspective it is EXTREMELY affordable. Have you taken a look at the cost of buying organic food? That food is higher in cost because of the fact that it costs more to keep it chemical free. I know that sounds odd because it should cost less, but I believe it is due to the powerful manufacturers making it more difficult for farmers who want to practice organic farming.

Every time someone asks me the cost of the product I always shoot back a question of my own. I ask them "If you buy my product or if you don't"? They look at me kinda of funny, like what do you mean? You see, there is a cost either way, if you buy the product there is a cost and if you don't buy the product there is a cost. I assert that the cost of not buying the product is much higher due to the nature of our food supply. You have heard me rant sometimes about GMOs and all the chemicals that are in the food we eat. The cost if you don't buy the products will outweigh the cost of the food by a mile because of your future medical bills. I understand that everyone thinks their invincible, but if I take responsibility for my health and you don't, doesn't it make logical sense that I will have a better chance of living a healthier longer life?

It just makes sense to sacrifice now rather than later. Then again what am I sacrificing? Steak, pasta, fried foods, sweets, and everything processed? I realize that most people can't get over the fact that they won't be able to eat traditional food if they take responsibility for their health. I just decided that I don't want to live in a retirement community with all kinds of health issues, but rather enjoy life to the fullest into my 100"s.

Try and think of someone who is elderly and the health issues that they are going through. I believe these health issues are caused by none other than our FOOD SUPPLY. Change the food supply and the world will become healthier. Health care costs would go down and you would create an entire new industry...the "Wellness Industry". Products are coming out all the time to improve our health and relieve us from unnecessary medications. We are just in the beginning stages of this revolution.

Can you imagine where we are today. Being in this position this early in the next trillion dollar industry is very fortunate. Well, it is only fortunate if you take advantage of it. For me I don't see it as a cost, but an investment. I'm investing in myself so later in life I can enjoy it without taking a pill to stay alive. I am so excited about the future because if I feel this way now, I can't imagine how good I'll feel in 10 or 20 years. Before you ask , "How much does it cost?", ask yourself what your health is WORTH to you. Can you put a value on that?

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Is Your Health Important To You?

A funny thing happens to people when I ask them the question."On a scale of 1-10, how important is your health"? You can't imagine the awkward feeling that generates in the room. I think I catch people off guard when I ask them that. Once they begin to think about a response I can still sense some anxiety of them answering that question. I think it is a straight forward question, don't you?

So if I asked you the same question what would your answer be? Some people think it is a trick question, but it isn't. I just want to know how people feel about their health. If you say it is a 10 then I immediately ask the follow up question, "On the same scale, where would you say your health is right now"? If you responded to any number lower than an 8, I have to question your commitment to your health. How serious are you really about your health if you can't match the importance to your reality.

I don't intend to put people on the spot, but rather make them think about their health and then offer one solution that could literally change their lives for the better. That solution is the "7 Day 100% Super Food Challenge". As you know, I post a lot about the dangers of GMOs and other dangerous chemicals that is flooding our food supply. There doesn't seem to be a place to run or hide. I fear that these GMOs are here to stay, but we can do something about it.

I believe we are looking at the future of our food supply from the company I represent called Isagenix. This company is roughly 30 years ahead of any other company on the planet when it comes to alternative food. I know there are many products out there that are nutrient dense, but there is only one company that has a complete system for better health and longevity. Like anything else there is no one magic pill that is going to take care of obesity and the polluted foods that we ingest and the list goes on. However, Isagenix is the world leader in Nutritional Cleansing and Replenishing.

Toxins are everywhere and can be found in our air, water and food. The products that Isagenix sells creates a solution to these challenges we face on a daily basis. cleaning the body of toxins and then replenishing it with the highest whey protein on the planet. They have so many other products that work in concert with each other that it is the most complete system for better health in the world.

So my next question would be, "Would you be interested in knowing more about this alternative"? If so, are you ready to make a change? I'm talking about a radical change in the food you eat. You must be efficient with the products you put into your body, otherwise they will linger in your system for 6 months or longer. So before you eat a chili dog or anything that you know is bad for you...think twice because it may satisfy you at the present time, but you will be paying for it for a long time. Is it worth it? Really worth it? Take control of your health and to do that you must be disciplined and have the courage to change. No one said it is going to be easy, but anything worth while is NOT easy. You owe it to yourself to get healthy!!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

GMOs And Our Children

I have talked a lot about GMOs which are genetically modified organisms. These are very dangerous chemicals that are inserted into our food supply. Monsanto is the largest supplier of these chemicals which account for 90% of all GMOs in the world. They are changing the face of our entire ecosystem and not in a good way.

When I talk to people about these highly dangerous chemicals most people have never heard of them. That is scary in itself. The reason is that the mainstream media has decided that it is not important to alert the American people about something that could alter their genetic makeup. In my opinion, what Monsanto is doing to our food supply is unthinkable. There is no going back and the chance of us cleaning this up is never going to happen.

There are efforts to get the word out by way of a small grass roots movement in this country. California is trying to get a crucial bill on their 2012 ballot that will make the manufacturers put labeling on all products to let everyone know that the product that they buy is genetically modified. If it gets on the ballot it will be a miracle because Monsanto is so powerful you never know what could happen. Even if it does get on the ballot and it passes I believe it will be fought tooth and nail. As an American don't you have the right to know that the food you purchase is safe? If you choose to buy the product at least you made the choice knowing the risks.

My fear is that the experiments on mice and rats have yielded some very scary results such as infertility. They did a test in a small village in Africa and had the women eat a certain food that the men were forbidden to eat. Sound strange? The food that was given to the women was genetically modified. The reason was because they wanted to reduce the population. Ok, are you scared yet? This is something that won't be reported in the mainstream media and it should be.

The results of these tests on lab rats are nothing short of unbelievable. Infertility is showing up and that leads me to believe that if they continue these practices of inserting GMOs in our food supply then it will effect our children's ability to have children. If they can have children then they might give birth to mutants. Can't happen in the USA? Do you want to take that chance? Let's stop these GMOs before they get uncontrollable. Well, I'm not sure we can stop them, but I know of one way to do it. As a matter of fact I'm doing it now.

I have made a decision to stop eating food in our food supply because it is incredibly polluted. So am I out of my mind? Or is everyone who eats the food in our current food supply crazy? Yes, I have found an alternative and it is awesome. Eating food that is nutrient dense with no chemicals is making me feel like a new person. I want to spread the word so other people can understand that they have a choice. I also want to educate parents about the dangers to their children if they continue eating food that contains GMOs. We are not in a dress rehearsal...this is very real and the world must know the truth. Speak up, if not for yourself, but for our children.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Health Care Spending Out Of Control

Our current health care system in the US exceeds 1.8 TRILLION dollars a year! Now, to put that into perspective think about the security of our country and the Dept. called Homeland Security. Our health care system spends 40 times more than we do on Homeland Security and 4 times more than we do on National Defense. Do you see a problem here?

The scary thing about this is that it doesn't look like it is slowing down anytime soon. Health Care costs are skyrocketing and will get worse if we move toward a socialistic society. I believe we can get hold of this situation in many different ways. The first, and to me, the most obvious is to begin educating the American people on the importance of nutrition. Education on the subject is something we never think of, but it would do more to reduce our health costs than just about anything.

The main reason we don't educate people about the subject is because there is no money in it. Do you know how many classes pre-med students take on nutrition?  One Doctor told me that he spent two weeks out of 4 YEARS on the subject of nutrition and yet nutrition is what will help fix this problem. The next time you need to see a doctor consider going to see an alternative doctor. I go to one myself and he specializes in Cardiology. He will be the first one to tell you to get off of statins and other unnecessary drugs. There are other ways to treat illness and disease without chemicals.

If you think about it, the reason people get sick is because of chemicals. All the chemicals that invade our food supply, the water we drink and the air we breathe. Chemicals are all around us and so what do doctors do? They  treat us with more chemicals. Does that sound smart to you? The pharmaceutical companies make billions a year on millions of people having to take their medications for life.

Wouldn't it make more sense to educate the public about alternative and safe ways to treat illness and disease? The information is out there, but you have to actually go and find it. The mainstream media is not going to tell you about it and either are the doctors. When was the last time your doctor suggested you look into the cave man diet or any diet for that matter. I could change that in a hurry. How about the doctor doesn't get paid or reimbursed if his patient gets sick. Can you imagine that? How many doctors would start referring you to natural remedies? My guess is a lot more.

Isagenix has created an amazing system for better health. The products were formulated by the best in the business. Some have called John Anderson a genius and I fall in that category myself. I believe he is a true genius and I'm living proof that his products actually work. That is why I'm so passionate about spreading the word about these amazing products and what they can do for you and the country. If everyone was on these products I believe that our healthcare costs would be extremely low. You might even be able to reduce your health insurance cost by just buying a catastrophic policy. Life insurance would become unbelievably cheap and the list of benefits goes on and on.

Do you want to reduce your health care costs? Then take responsibility for your health. I don't want to hear excuses that you love food or you don't have time or you can't exercise. Look yourself in the mirror and say, "It's Time". I will help you along the way, but you have to make the first move.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How Many Calories Do You Eat A Day?

Do you carry a calorie counter with you? Do you even care about the number of calories you eat on a daily basis? From the research I have done the average American consumes 4,500 calories per day. That would include your morning Latte and everything from that point on.

The interesting thing about not counting calories is that you never really know the actual amount you are taking in. You might think something is low in calories, but may turn out to be much higher than you think. Even if you do count the calories using some form of counter, like a book or an app that lists the calories for a particular food, you still don't really know. Those counters are estimates and could change by adding one or more things to the food your eating.

The other issue you have is the food itself. Is the importance of the number of calories that significant if the food you eat is polluted? I get a kick out of people who watch their calories only to find that they are eating food that is really bad for them. Remember that food reduction is one way to lose weight, but not the best way to get healthier. If you were on a diet of bacon, beer and chips at 4,000 calories a day and then reduced the amount of the same diet to 2,000 calories a day, you could probably lose weight, but is that really healthy for you?

I never really got into the calorie counting fad because most of the calories that you consume every day are EMPTY calories. The American diet is filled with low calorie foods to choose from, but again you might want to take a look at the choices you make because the food in our food supply is bankrupt of nutrition and is POLLUTED.

So how do you know the number of calories you're eating on a daily basis? Is the food you eat good for your body? Does it have any redeeming value to your system? Does it make you function better? If you can't answer these questions then I would suggest you think outside the box and get into the 21st century when it comes to eating food. Our "7 Day 100% Super Food Challenge" will be a way for you to experience eating nothing but nutrient dense food for one week. In our protocol you have everything laid out for you from what to eat and when to eat it. In addition you get the actual calories that you are consuming daily with a description of each product in detail and the contents of the food. You also receive a live coaching call Mon thru Fri and a book called "5 minutes To Wellness".

Try it for 7 days and I believe you will look at food in a different way. You will know what your eating and the actual calorie count of the food. The best part of knowing the calorie count on this program is that they are not EMPTY. Every calorie counts and has a huge effect on your body. Don't delay, contact me today!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I Don't Care What People Think Of Me

How often do we go along in life and wonder what people think about us. We always have this thought in the back of our minds about how we come across to people or how our appearance is. We also have our own ideas about politics or the environment and once again we usually don't speak our minds because we want to be accepted and we don't want to rock the boat.

The reason I'm bringing this up is because that is the way I have lived my life for the last 5 decades. Always holding my tongue so I would be politically correct in a number of different situations with a variety of different types of people. I have recently decided to get my voice and start speaking up about the things that are important to me. This means that I will say what is on my mind no matter what people think of me.

For this blog post I will be referring to the state of our food supply. After doing research on what is happening to our food supply I can no longer be silent. I am beginning to tell everyone and anyone who will listen to me about the dangers of genetically modified organisms(GMOs). It is so interesting when I begin to tell someone what a GMO is and they have that deer in the headlight look. I realize that many people don't know what it is, but once I get done with them they will.

When I get into a conversation with someone about the challenge I'm taking right now, that would be the 100% Super Food Challenge, they look at me and say, "I don't think I could do that. Not eating food for a long time would be really hard for me." This is when I explain why I'm doing it. I'm doing it for myself, of course, but I'm also doing it so I can help others along the way. I want to explain what is happening to this country and our current food supply and the dangers of the food we eat on a daily basis. You can educate yourself by reading great sites like which is one of the best resources for reading about GMOs.

Every time I start to talk about someones health and where they see themselves on a scale of 1-10, it creates this uneasy feeling and there is this long pause before continuing the conversation. I think I strike a cord with people when I talk to them about it. That is because no one wants to face reality and when I bring the subject up there is a split second that they have to be truthful with themselves and that looks painful for most.

This is when I decided to stop shoving the topic of better health under the table and began to speak my mind. Most people look at me like I'm speaking a foreign language when talking about GMOs because they are not aware of what it is. When I tell them that our food supply is in danger of creating illness and disease on such a massive scale, again they just go silent and think that it can't be true. At this point, I don't care what people think of me because I am on a mission to help educate people about these dangers. If you are truly serious about your health then you will do your research and then get on a program that doesn't include food with GMOs. This would be a great time to try the "7 Day 100% Super Food Challenge". Contact me for more details.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Embrace The Change

They say it takes 30 days of consistent behavior in order to create a habit. Well I'm going on over 50 days with not eating traditional food as you know it. The more research I do on the subject of our food supply, the more frightened I get. I truly don't believe that Americans understand the severity of the food situation in this country. So I decided to do something about it and take responsibility for my health.

How did I do it? Well, the first thing I had to do is actually make a decision to change. That may sound trivial, but it is actually the biggest step in the process. The reason it is so big is because that sets everything in motion. Once you make the decision to change your lifestyle then you begin the next step which is to take action. In my case, once I made the decision I then searched around for a system that would help me facilitate my transformation.

A little over two years ago I was introduced to a company called Isagenix. They are the World leader in Nutritional Cleansing and Replenishing. All of the products are chemical free and are of the highest quality. The formulator, John Anderson, has created the most complete system for better health on the planet. This company has no competition because the product line covers the five pillars of health. From nutrition to anti-aging and now telomere support no other company comes close.

So after two years on the product and released 10 pounds and felt much better, but I was still eating some traditional foods that had lots of chemicals in them. Even though I reduced the amount I was eating I still ate many bad foods. I needed to make a bigger change because I began doing that research I spoke about on our food supply. In Nov of 2011 I began the "7 Day 100% Super Food Challenge". The challenge might seem radical to many, but not when you consider the food I'm consuming has no chemicals and it provides my body all the essential building blocks it needs to function efficiently.

The challenge for mean has created better health in every area of my body which has had many positive effects on my life. I have released an additional 12 pounds and also reduced my body fat by 4.6%. I have more confidence and I know that I'm doing the right thing for my health and for the benefit of my family. I am also reducing my health care costs, grocery bills, amount of trash, time to go shopping for food and the list goes on.

Please understand that you don't have to take it to this extreme of not eating regular food 100% of the time, but you would do yourself a favor if you started somewhere. I know the thought of changing is very difficult, but you should embrace the change because of the positive effects it will have on your health, your finances and your relationships. I know that many people would be scared to make the commitment to just eat nutrient dense super food all the time, but then the question is, "On a scale of 1-10, how important is your health to you?" If it is very important then you need to back that up with action. DON'T BE SCARED!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Years Resolution Time

Well, it comes around once a year and we just passed Jan. 1st. You know what that means don't you? It is resolution time. You also know that the two biggest resolutions are to lose weight and exercise more. I would think that losing weight is really the biggest challenge most people have since 1/3 of North America is overweight and or obese.

The number one word in the English language around this time of year is DIET. That dreaded word that we think about all too often because as a society we are obsessed with the notion that being on a diet is going to make us healthier. I don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but just because you are on a diet doesn't mean your healthy.

Every time I hear the word diet I immediately think of short term. "I have to go on a diet because I have a wedding to go to", or "Summer is coming up and I want to fit into that bathing suit I bought". I know there are probably a million reasons to go on a diet, but that is not going to do anything for you long term. People should begin to start thinking about more long term than a quick fix for some special occasion.

The first of the year is always the time people make those great resolutions and they seem to be excited, only to fizzle out after a couple of weeks. Why is there such a drop off so quickly? It is the same reason they were on a diet in the first place. They are not eating the RIGHT FOODS! If the masses would understand one simple thing that I have learned over the last 2 years, it would be that nutrition is the key to opening a life of better health. Once you understand that you can then move on and begin enjoying your life.

Here is the major challenge most people have. They love to eat food. They are addicted to empty calories and love the comfort of eating that food. In order to change that you must try something new. I believe I have the solution with our new campaign called "7 Day 100% Super Food Challenge". Anyone can do anything for 7 days especially if you eat every couple of hours and the food you eat is nutrient dense with no chemicals. Once you experience nutrient dense food you will have a hard time going back to eating the way you did. Not one calorie is wasted and you are consuming very important proteins with the perfect distribution of carbs and fats. Add to that essential amino acids and trace minerals and powerful antioxidants then you have a home run.

What would happen if you filled you car up with bad gas? It wouldn't run as efficient as putting premium gas in it. It would be sluggish and would not be able to perform at its peak performance. Same concept with food. Junk in, means junk out. Since I have been on this protocol I have noticed a huge difference in how I feel which includes more energy and a loss of cravings. It is so amazing what nutrition can do for your body.

This year I don't have to waste a resolution on losing weight because I have changed my lifestyle to a healthier one. I can now focus my resolutions on something far more important like helping others get healthy!!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

It Is Hard To Stop...

When you go on a diet you already have a pre-conceived notion that at some point you are gong to go off the diet. Your goal is to lose weight, of course, but do you stay on it for any length of time? Even when you commit to dieting  and following one of the fad diets out there, do you cheat?

Unless you are truly committed to better health and stick to it you will always be playing that game. I'm referring to the dieting game. You know the one I'm talking about, the yo yo diet. It seems like people just can't get the courage to change the way they eat. The comfort of the food is more pleasurable than better health. When you go on a diet you practice food reduction. If you notice when you go on a diet and stop eating certain foods you are still starving or feel like you are.

The light bulb came on for me when I began consuming these amazing products and it is really simple! PUT NUTRITION IN YOUR BODY! That's it. Substitute nutrition for say, pizza and wings or hamburger and fries. The other thing that is critical is cleansing the body. You must clean out the cells in order for your body to function properly. One of the biggest causes of obesity and a lot of health issues is inflammation. Our bodies have too much inflammation which wreaks havoc on our internal efficiency.

So how did I deal with this issue? I was introduced to a new way of looking at food. Isagenix is the most complete food without the calories. I can't think of a more efficient way to eat and get all the nutrients and minerals that my body needs than with these products. That is what is so exciting and has me in a cloud. I now know it is possible to survive on this nutrient dense food and at the same time improve my health. My challenge now is forcing myself to eat "traditional food"! I do on occasion have actual food and believe it or not I can feel the difference. I feel guilty that I'm messing myself up on the inside of my body by eating food with chemicals.

I have been on this protocol for over 50 days and now can't imagine going back to eating food. It is so hard to stop eating this way because I feel so good...WHY WOULD I STOP! I believe this would be very hard for most people because they can't imagine not eating food. The way I look at it, the faster I stop eating tradional food with chemicals the longer and healthier I will live. Are you ready to take control of your health? Please contact me.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Who Created The Food You Eat?

From the time we are born we grow up eating food that our moms made us and if we went to a restaurant we became familiar with the brand and we trusted it. We have been conditioned to the food we eat and again we are very trusting of it. After all, if we don't like certain foods then we choose not to continue to eat them.

As I get older and a bit wiser I am now questioning where my food comes from. One of the greatest tools ever invented for the internet is something called Google. I can sit down at my computer and research anything I want regarding any subject I want. Since I have decided to take responsibility for my health I do research on the state of our food supply. The information I found is both appalling and helpful.

When I was younger our country was at a different place when it came to food because farmers were growing food that didn't have a lot of pesticides and insecticides sprayed all over them. I remember going to the market and getting a unique item called a frozen dinner. The fast food restaurant was created and became incredibly popular. Our family started moving in the direction of eating at these types of places. The convenience of them and the cost of the food was very reasonable.

As our population continued to grow so did the food industry. In order to keep up with the demand the farmers needed a way to grow more crops that were free of weeds and insects and other bacteria that entered the atmosphere. The most dangerous of all the chemicals on the planet has been out there for several decades, but is only now coming to light and that is Genetically Modified Organism (GMO). A GMO is basically a chemical that is injected into the seed of crops such as corn, soy and canola. Over 70% of all food found in the supermarket has GMO's. If you were going to use Google to research GMO's I would suggest doing it NOW!

This brings me back to my original point about knowing where your food comes from. Since I have been on Isagenix I KNOW where my food comes from. John Anderson, the master formulator, has been creating healthy products for over thirty years and I believe he saved his best for Isagenix. John is the most respected formulator on the planet and he has put together the best food you could put in your body. ALL of the products contain ZERO chemicals and are loaded with nutrients, vitamins, trace minerals, essential amino acids and so much more. So, you could say that I do know who created my food and I wouldn't go back to my other way of eating...EVER! Will I eat regular food again? Probably, but now I have total control over what I eat and I can make better choices. So ask yourself this, "Who created the food you eat"? If you don't know the answer to that then you better find out before it's too late!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

I've Made The Turn

It doesn't seem that long ago that I was eating traditional food everyday. I can remember going into a restaurant and ordering anything on the menu without regard to what it was and how bad it was for me. That was many years ago, but more recently, say with in the last 10 years, I had been pretty careful about my food intake,but not careful enough.

Two years ago I began  my journey with an amazing company called Isagenix and it has changed my life, although I didn't realize it until Nov of 2011. It was in Nov that I began eating 100% Isagenix food which was nutrient dense and had no chemicals. Today I have literally changed my lifestyle and now eat Isagenix 99% of the time. There is an occasion when I eat a knife and fork meal, but it is far and few between. When I do have a momentary lapse it is so easy to jump back on the program.

Why am I so hooked? Several reasons, the big one is that this food that I eat is loaded with high quality protein and so much more. It is a total system for better health. Can you imagine not eating food that contains chemicals? I didn't either until I tried the "7 Day 100% Super Food Challenge". This has absolutely changed my life for the better. I have actually turned the corner and now think of Isagenix as my grocery store. Anything I eat other than that becomes the supplement to my super food.

Do I get stares when I'm out at a party or in a restaurant? Yes I do, but I DON'T CARE!!!!! I am taking responsibility for my health. You probably wonder why more people don't do this challenge to change their life, but many people don't know about it. I feel it is my mission to educate everyone I talk to about the challenges we face as Americans with our current food supply. The amazing thing is that so many people I speak to have no conception of what a GMO is.

That tells me that the press is not doing a good job or they just choose to ignore the subject. You have heard the phrase "elephant in the room"?  Well, the biggest elephant is right in front of us and it is called big agriculture. Farm land is some of the best real estate in the country today because these manufacturers need  more land to damage, I mean grow genetically modified food. Monsanto is the largest producer of seeds in the world and have basically created a monopoly on the market. There are other suppliers, but Monsanto is the granddaddy of them all.

Monsanto wants to supply their GMO seeds to other countries and more specifically third world countries. What I found interesting is that several of the countries refused to take the seeds because of the GMO's. These GMO seeds could literally wipe out these countries over a period of time. This information is valuable when making my own decision not to eat foods containing GMO's. That is why I don't eat traditional food and I have turned to an alternative food supply from Isagenix.

Do yourself a favor and research the chemicals that are in our food supply and then know that there is a new way of looking at fueling your body with powerful super food. I know it isn't what you are used to eating, but would you rather be healthy or eat some comfort food that can reek havoc on your system. WAKE UP and take a stand on your health!!! If you are ready to at least explore an alternative please contact me today.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Playing Russian Roulette With Your Health

I know that you all have heard the game called Russian Roulette. If you haven't, the game is played with a gun and only one bullet in the chamber. The players then take turns holding the gun to their heads and pulling the trigger. Remember there is only one bullet so you never know who will get the bullet through the head and lose the game. Pretty scary stuff and I wouldn't recommend playing that game.

I am talking about this because I relate this game to our health and our food supply. We all play this game every day, but we don't look at it as Russian Roulette because it doesn't contain bullets and a gun. It is actually far worse than that, but somehow it doesn't seem like that. The game we are playing is with something very dangerous called Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). There are only a few companies that control the world food supply and they are all using these GMO's.

To keep it simple GMO's are chemicals that are used in our food industry to battle insects and other pests that can damage our crops. How ironic is that? These chemicals kill the pests and also kill our cells at the same time. Food suppliers in this country use these chemicals because it creates an efficient way for them to protect their crops. They actually inject the seeds with these chemicals so they can still grow even when the ground is sprayed with Roundup. Roundup is the industry standard for killing weeds and much more.

So here we are in 2012 and our food supply is compromised beyond recognition. There are groups trying to get the manufacturers to label there products which contain GMO's, but are having a very tough time. Do you have to guess why? It is because companies like Monsanto who are so big and powerful and lobby so heavily in Washington that they have averted this critical warning on labels. Imagine if they put on the label a warning that this product contains GMO's? Would you buy it anyway? The other problem is that most all corn and soy products contain GMO's. Now what do you do? Do you stop eating food altogether?

There is an answer and you don't have to play Russian Roulette with your food. I have found a company that produces nutrient dense super food with NO chemicals and it tastes good. I am on a 1,500 calorie protocol every day and I have no worries about putting GMO's in my body. If you want to learn more about GMO's then check out one of the leading experts on the subject here Warning, if you do watch this video please prepare yourself and make sure that your head doesn't explode with major concern.

If you would like an alternative to our current food supply then please contact me today!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

I Made It Through The Holidays

I wasn't overly concerned about making it through the holidays and going to all of the parties that I went to. I attended three big parties that we go to every year and there is lots of food at each of them. The bad news is that there was a ton of food at these parties, but the good news is that I didn't eat any of it.

Yeah right!! You can ask my wife who was there with me. Being on 100% super food has been eye opening. Prior to going to these parties I would have my nutrient dense super food shake which helped me reduce my "cravings" for any traditional food. I know it is hard to believe, but then again I have to ask you one question. "Do you have any idea what is in the food you eat?

I know what you're thinking, " No big deal, it's only one meal and that can't hurt me". You are absolutely right! That one meal can't hurt you, but the other thousands of meals you eat over time can hurt you AND it does!
I've told the story before about the frog and boiling water. Throw a frog in boiling water and it jumps out right away. Put a frog in a pot of luke warm water and slowly turn up the heat. The frog won't know what hit him. Same thing is happening to you by eating food in this food supply filled with chemicals. Over time you start to get sick and wonder why. It is because of the food you were eating years before.

I guess it doesn't surprise me that people would rather spend money on anything else but their health. Maybe because everyone thinks that nothing bad will happen to them so one more hamburger isn't going to hurt. People just can't stop eating empty calories...hmmm, I wonder why? You think it is because they don't eat enough nutrition?

Anyway, back to me making it through the holidays. It was the best feeling knowing that I can go into a social situation and not be tempted to eat. I bring my food with me since it is so convenient. I usually ended up eating a meal replacement bar and I felt like a million dollars afterward. You see, I didn't have that full bloated feeling that you always get when you eat too much. I woke up also feeling really good and empty. I can describe my feelings in one word...liberating. Not being held hostage to chemicals in food clothing. All the food at these parties were processed and loaded with GMO's and other chemicals. They had no nutritional value, while my bar was packed with nutrition and cleansing minerals.

Sound radical? Or does it sound sensible? We all have a choice when it comes to our health and I choose to do everything I can to be the best I can be. That means eating healthy nutrient dense food. Come join me on this journey to better health. Contact me today if you are ready to change the way you feel.