Love the Ocean

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Great Weekend

This Memorial Day weekend was a great time had by all up in the cool weather of Sedona. My wife and I went to a wedding and was surrounded by the red rocks of Sedona. If you have never been there I would suggest you travel there at some point along your journey and enjoy the amazing views that are afforded by the majestic red rock mountains.

It was a relaxing weekend and the weather was spectacular because it was in the 70's and is was windy. The cool breeze was a refreshing change from the hot dry summers we must endure during the summer time in Scottsdale. We had a little patio outside our room and I would just sit there for hours and enjoy the cool breeze slapping me in the face.

The wedding was at Enchantment Resort which is found right at the base of the red rock mountians and was it was so beautiful as they got married on a grass area outside at sundown. As you looked up we were surrounded on all sides by these amazing red rock mountains and although we were in a vortex and it was windy it was a special night for all who attended.

It is weekends like this that you realize how grateful we are that we can enjoy and experience so many beautiful places in this country. This weekend was also a time to reflect on how fortunate we are that we have so many good friends to share these special moments with. Not to mention that I got a good glimpse of the way I want my life to look like. Relaxed, enjoying friends, exploring new places, no pressures of the daily grind, and just a sense of peace.

I also wanted to tell you that I didn't skip a beat with my lifestyle when it came to eating. I had all my Isagenix products with me and made good choices when it came to eating actual food. You can still go out and enjoy yourself while maintaining your responsibility to your program. I didn't feel like I was missing anything although I will tell you I did have a sliver of wedding cake. Truth be told, I could have lived without it as my cravings for sweets have left me. All in all it was a great weekend and now we are looking forward to our next trip which is to Coronado CA to sit on the beach and enjoy the sound of the waves while the ocean breeze graces our skin. Life is Good!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Long Weekend

We have a long weekend coming up and I am not going to lie, but I'm looking forward to it. I have been working really hard since January without a stop. Remember that I'm working two jobs and trying to build a home based business so I can just go down to one job. And truth be told, I don't look at my Isagenix business as a job. For that matter I don't look at my conventional business as a job either. I guess I'm fortunate that the two things that I do for an income I love. I don't consider either one work although I do have to be at my conventional job everyday.

There is the difference in a nutshell. I HAVE to be there everyday. With my home based business I make my own hours, work from the house, help people get their health back and provide someone an opportunity to make extra income. But I digress...

My wife and I are headed up to beautiful Sedona this weekend to attend a wedding at The Enchantment Resort. A gorgeous resort nestled into the red rocks of Sedona, AZ. It will be a time to reflect on the first part of the year which is hard to believe that we are coming up on June 1st already. I will be taking a respite from my blog for the weekend and enjoying some down time with my wife. I will take this time to regenerate my thoughts and goals for the rest of the year. I will also use this time to embrace the feeling of freedom from everyday demands and know that I want this feeling 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 52 weeks of the year. You know the feeling I'm talking about. Where that weight is lifted off your shoulders of the stress of constantly being in motion because you are trying to get to that place of total freedom.

Long weekends like this are much needed for your mind, body and spirit. It helps me slow down and understand my why. It provides me with a clear vision of how I want my life to look like. I really like what I see and how I feel. I then hold onto those moments in my thoughts and that translates into my actions which will transform into my reality. Thank goodness for long weekends!! I hope you all have a healthy, safe weekend. Take this time to look inside yourself and decide what you really want out of life.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Time Is Now!

With the economy teetering on colapse and our gas and food prices climbing rapidly, we as Americans find ourselves in a bit of a pickle. Is there any real secure job out there today? The days of working for one company for 40 years is gone and will never return. People are going back to school to learn new skills so they can adapt to this ever changing world. Unfortunately, the world is changing so fast that those skills might be obsolete in a very short time. There are industries that have not even been created yet which will provide new opportunities, but what do we do in the interim?

When I ask myself these questions I always try to think in terms of what people need to survive and the coming trends in the 21st century. I always go back to the fact that as our world population grows there is an ever growing need to feed them all. However, as the population grows so does industry to keep up with the demand and that means cutting corners and using pollutants to keep the food edible. What does that do to the food we eat? How about the nutritional value? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there is no nutritional value in the food we eat.

O.k., so now that I have completely depressed you, let me provide some hope for the future. It is just an option and one that anyone can take if they choose. There is a company called Isagenix that is blazing a trail in both food technology and income technology. They have created a food system that is nutrient dense with all the supporting products to provide your body the essential vitamins and minerals to sustain itself with maximum efficiency. NO EMPTY CALORIES!. What that means is that all the food from Isagenix is being utilized so efficiently that you wouldn't need to eat "food" as we know it. I know it is a very hard concept to get your head around because we have been so conditioned to eating food.

As Americans get older and the baby boomers are coming of age there is a real need for quality food that has nutrition and is not polluted. Isagenix fills that need and delivers BIG TIME. It is not too late to take responsibility for your health, you just have to have the courage to do it. There has never been a better time to start then RIGHT NOW! If you choose to begin your journey down a healthy path and you see results (which you will), then you have an opportunity to share your success with thousands of other people and make money by doing so.

The perfect storm is brewing in the country for a company like Isagenix to EXPLODE. Aging Americans, polluted food, nutritional bankrupt food and the need to make money in this unsettling world. There has never been a better time to get involved or at least investigate what this is all about. Get over the fact that the vehicle is network marketing and understand the simplicity and the brilliance of the business model. After all, this IS the "Business of The 21st Century." Don't be left behind because you think this company is "one of those things." Isagenix is a real company that produces real results for real people. Contact me to learn more.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It Has Finally arrived

The day I have been waiting for has arrived. I received my supply of Product B yesterday and I immediately opened the bottled and took two capsuls of this revolutionary product. I can't stress enough that this is not a stand alone product. It must be used in conjunction with nutrient dense food and our Ageless Essentials with powerful antioxidants.

I'm looking forward to experiencing what others who have been on the product for several weeks say is a wonderful energy. They are seeing other results as well such as improved eye sight, reduced hair loss, and turning from grey to natural color. Please let me say that this is in no way a cure for anything and it doesn't claim to cure anything. Product B is there to help support our telomeres with antioxidants and other botanicals.

When it becomes available in Aug to the general public, the world will receive a true gift and one that I believe fell into the right hands. This product goes hand in hand with the other Isagenix products to create a total system for better health and longevity. John Anderson, the master formulator that they call the "mineral man", has created an amazing array of nutrient dense foods with the essential ingredients the body needs to sustain itself without having to choose empty calories that is bankrupt of nutrition. We are so blessed to have these products and get paid to share them with other people. I can't think of a better business model than that.

I'm sure most people are skeptical because they hear all companies say their products are the best. I'm sure there are other good companies out there, but there is only one Isagenix. If you don't even try the product then you are cheating yourself out of better health. There is only one way to find out and that is to try them for 30 days which is guaranteed or your money back.

Isagenix is gaining steam because the products work. If you don't get involved now then where will you be in 3-5 years? I know where I'll be...Making a very nice residual income by helping people with their health and becoming more than they ever thought they could be. Oh yeah, I'll be doing this by the beach!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Walking Down The Grocery Isle

As I'm walking down the grocery isle I'm looking left and right and I can't help but think about this "food" on the shelves. If you take the time to do the research you would find that the food in this country is not very healthy and quite frankly can be harmful to you. I just made the decision to do something about it by consuming Isagenix products. Try and understand what these products do for you. They provide what your body needs in an efficient way. I won't go into the ingredients here, but you can certainly find the information at  The website is well laid out and easy to use.

I often talk about taking responsibility for your own health and that it is up to each individual to take on that challenge. When you become aware of the toxins that we breathe and food that we ingest it becomes all too clear why you pass up everything in those isles. That awareness will give you perspective on the fact that you have a choice of what to put in your mouth. If more people knew of Isagenix and the alternative they provide then maybe more people would take advantage of it.

Since I've been on Isagenix I've had to play with the combinations of quality products that I take and now I am at my perfect weight and BMI. I am in maintenance mode and that doesn't require a lot of food. As a matter of fact I do not have a need to eat very much at all. What I do eat is very small portions and I am in control of what I eat. I do still indulge once in a while, but not with sweets. I don't eat sweets anymore, except for Isadelights.

If you take a look at our cabinets you will see that we have made a commitment to this system because it works. We now consider Isagenix our food store and the food we eat our supplements. With the Isalean Shakes, Cleanse For Life, Ionix Supreme, and the Ageless Essentials I know what I'm putting in my body and it isn't polluted empty calories. Everyone deserves to have the proper nutrition and Isagenix is the answer to that. They go far beyond other companies by offering a system for better health. Don't waste another day without it because if you commit to it, then it will commit to you!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Why Is Our Company Different?

I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit dating back to my late teens. In the beginning I had these big dreams of making tons of money very quickly and I was blinded by all the pitfalls that come with that attitude. You know the ones I'm talking about like not caring who gets hurt, what's in it for me and just jumping in without really understanding the consequences of my actions. Looking back on those times is actually helping me now with my current company.

Through the years of experience you begin to become aware of all of these pitfalls and start to change your thought process and your mindset. I began to listen to personal development CD's, went to seminars and read books on the subject. By taking these steps it allowed me to know more about myself which is helping me help others do the same. It also allowed me to see through certain opportunities and I was able to make better decisions about those opportunities. I can now think more clearly and evaluate which ones are good, bad and ugly.

I had to go through a few of these experiences in order to get to this place, but I finally realized that without going through the trials and tribulations and hardships, I would never have arrived at a place I can finally call home. Isagenix is home to me.

So why is this company different than other companies? Let me try to summarize in a few words: culture, products, management, environment, education, training and the people involved. Do other companies have these things? Yes, I'm sure they do, but some companies excel at one or two of these, but fail at the most important ones of all. I have never been exposed to a better managed company with better products and a better vision in my life. This company is so much more than great products and making money. This company is about its associates and their development as human beings which sets them apart from any other company in the industry. I love this company for the culture they have developed. People with zero financial benefit are willing to help other people. I do it all the time for two reasons. The first is that I get to help someone who asks for it and the second is because I get better as a person. After all isn't that what we are all after? Growing as a person is empowering and Isagenix would like everyone to grow in a positive way. No other company invests in their people like Isagenix does and it shows. Of course, it is totally up to you.

If you are going to enter this industry then I suggest you do your homework before you look at products or comp plans and really look into the factors that matter. Management, Culture, and Vision are just as important, if not more. I know making money is important, but you will be able to make more money with the right company who makes an investment in their people. Please check out Isagenix, you will be glad you did.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's Like Priming A Pump

I'm not sure if you ever had to prime a pump, but it is very similar to building a network marketing business. When you prime a pump you exert a great deal of energy to get the water flowing. I mean you are breaking a sweat pumping and pumping and nothing seems to come out of that hose. You start to think to yourself, "Am I doing this right, because nothing is happening." So you stay the course and continue pumping. At this point you start getting frustrated because you believe all your hard work will lead to nothing but a dribble.

Wait!!! As you keep pumping you start to see something come out. Although it is a very small stream there is something happening! With excitement you start pumping faster and faster and low and behold you begin to have a steady flow of water coming out of that hose. The joy of seeing that water flowing is a sense of accomplishment. It also demonstrated your commitment to make it happen and never give up because the payoff was worth it.

Now let's move to the network marketing industry and see how the two are similar. In the beginning of your journey in this industry you work very hard to jump start your business. Making contacts, doing presentations, going to presentations, making phone calls, etc. Nothing seems to be happening, but you are really working it. You start doubting yourself and your ability to build a business in this industry. At this point so many people would stop trying because they think they tried everything and made all the contacts they could, but still nothing was flowing. Then you hear the dreaded statement that "This doesn't work and it's not for me."

The crazy thing is that a person like that was probably closer to having success than they thought. You can't stop "pumping" the process. You must continue on and the way to do that is with belief. If you don't stop and continue to prime that pump I guarantee that you will eventually get the flow you wanted. I can only speak of experience because I have been at this for over a year and I'm just now starting to see a trickle. That is all I need to see to keep going because I know that once I see a trickle...the flood is not far behind. Believe in yourself and never give up. The only way to fail is to quit! KEEP PUMPING.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Product B is Here

In my post yesterday I talked about Product B and the fact that it is not a stand alone product. It works along side the Isagenix system which includes nutrient dense food, a whole body cellular cleanse, and powerful antioxidants. When you have a system that includes all of these products then you have a better than average chance of improving your health and longevity.

I can't begin to tell you how impactful a product like this will be on our society. Think of all the industries that will be affected by people taking responsibility for their health by eating nutrient dense food, exercising, taking powerful vitamins, and now Product B. The technology is here for humans to now live a longer healthier lifespan. Imagine running a marathon when you are 100 years old and winning it!

I believe in America we have the best Health Care system than in any other developed country, but for too long we have been reacting to poor health instead of being in front of it. We eat polluted food over time and we become ill and then we look to doctors to help us with medications so we can feel better. Doesn't it make more sense to prevent these things from happening so you don't need pills to stay alive? It really is a simple concept yet very few people take the responsibility to put it into practice.

The cost up front might seem a bit high for a lot of people, but you need to take a closer look at the benefits of eating  proper food and taking the proper vitamins. The upfront costs are so small compared to the back end costs that it boggles my mind why more people can't understand this. Is it that people are weak and they can't live without their "food"? Or is it that they just don't care about themselves. Perhaps they just don't have the courage to change their habits.

I believe that everyBODY has the right to be healthy and live a long wonderful life. My goal is to help educate as many people as I can on the benefits of the Isagenix system. Once you have the information then you can decide if you want to do something about it. Remember, it is up to you to take charge of your health. Start investing in yourself as it will be the best investment you ever make!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Not A Stand Alone Product

I have been talking a lot about Product B and the launch in Aug., but I haven't mentioned that Product B is not a stand alone product. Even though the product will promote a healthy telomere there are other factors that come into play when taking this product. In order for Product B to work to its maximum efficiency you still have to eat the right food, not smoke, exercise and do a whole body cellular cleanse.

I'm sure I have written in the past about the four pillars of health. Isagenix has created a system that covers all of these pillars and they are: Isalean Shake, Cleanse for Life, Ionix Supreme, and Ageless Essentials. With these four products you are setting yourself up for success when you begin taking Product B. Dr Bill Andrews encourages everyone to be on these products especially the Ageless Essentials. The Ageless Essentials are filled with antioxidants that are more potent then you can get in any health store. The dosage of CoQ10 in these vitamins are 800 times more potent than the ones that come in a powder form. Resveratrol and D3 are therapeutic doses as well.

If you are not taking these products before trying Product B then you are cheating yourself out of the best health that money can buy. How much is your health worth? Why don't people invest in their health instead of spending their money on other things? The amazing thing is that you are going to end up spending money on your health in the end, but I contend that the money you spend after the fact will far outweigh the money you spend on your health today. Hence, the Wellness Revolution is upon us. More and more people will be spending money on themselves and taking care of their bodies before they have to resort to drugs to stay alive.

Our world is changing rapidly and as a society we have to adapt to these changing times. Advancement in biotechnology is leading the way. When you couple that with the rising costs of health care we are at the right place at the right time. I believe another factor will be the rise in food prices. Americans have no idea what is coming down the road regarding inflation. We are headed for disaster and most people think it will never happen in this country. There is a term for that and it is called the "normalcy bias". Everyone should get prepared for the inevitable and turn to a company like Isagenix for your food supply. These products will help sustain you and provide everything your body needs in the way of nutrition at a fraction of the cost of food. Please take a look at this company because they have created a solution for our growing needs. We need to eat better nutrition, take potent vitamins, exercise and then take Product B for a long healthy life. Are you willing to do these simple things for a better quality of life? DON'T WAIT START TODAY!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Powerful Environment

I just spent the weekend with about 400 people who have the same desire and commitment to make a difference in the health and wealth of people's lives. The energy in the room was empowering as everyone opened up their hearts and their minds to the possibilities of effecting tens of thousands of lives with better health.

So many people shared their stories of their journey to a place very few people ever get to. Stories from  many different backgrounds and so many unique ways of how they got involved with an amazing company called Isagenix. Each story was powerful because they shared  how they got involved which led to their why they got involved. Everyone has a different WHY, but the results are the same. Each person had a passion for helping others rid themselves of physical and financial pain.

This was my second time going through this experience and it was as impactful as the first, maybe more. I loved meeting new people who are on the same journey as I am. Everyday people who want more out of life then the same old thing. People who care enough about helping others improve their lives whether it is physical,  financial or both. I don't think you can get more powerful than that.

I was very glad to be in a room filled with people who have integrity, passion, commitment, and a true desire to help others live a life that everyone deserves. I believe that everyone in this world deserves to have the best health that is available and I am determined to help educate people on how to get that optimal health. Isagenix developed a food system that is simple and extremely effective and at the same time provides an opportunity to make a financial difference for those that are interested. If you are someone that has a desire to help others than I would recommend looking into this company very seriously. Very soon, Isagenix will be a household word.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Biotechnology Breakthroughs

How come the main stream media doesn't report on new Biotechnology breakthroughs that will change the way we look at health care in this country? My guess is because of the incredibly strong lobbyists that are in Washington. Can you imagine having cures for cancer or even natural techniques to fight that disease. How about the therapies for diabetes, aging, and heart disease. All of these can be treated with natural ingredients, but most people will never know that because they will not be told about them.

The pharmaceutical industry is so strong that they control the information we get about these diseases. The reason is obvious, because they couldn't make any money by using natural ingredients from the earth. The same reason the power companies held off on wind and solar as solutions because there was no money in it for them. Imagine if the word got out about a natural ingredient to cure cancer. The effect on the health industry would be so dramatic that it would cause a huge financial collapse in that industry. Think about all the oncologists, radiologists, treatment centers and doctors that provide services for cancer patients.

The fact is that if you do some research there are many natural therapies to help provide a solution to many diseases and that is why I'm so excited about being at the forefront of this Wellness Revolution. This is the future of the health industry. These Biotech companies are developing remedies and therapies to make us live longer and healthier without chemicals. I hope you could really understand where we are sitting today in this new industry called WELLNESS. There is a huge paradigm shift happening in the country and we are at the beginning stages of it. The most exciting news is that we can all profit from it as we will be taking a large portion of dollars from the pharma companies. Ok, that is not the best part. The best part is helping millions of people with their health! If we focus on helping people gain their health back then the money will be there in the end. Remember, serving the many leads to GREATNESS!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Does Anyone Dream Anymore?

We hear this word dream and although it means different things to different people, the universal understanding of the word is the same. The definition of dream is a series of images, ideas, and emotions that occur involuntarily in the mind during the state of sleep. Some of us can remember our dreams and some of us don't want to remember them, but the bottom line is we all dream.

The dreams I'm referring to are the ones that we think about when we are awake. You know the dreams I'm talking about. Dreaming of a new car, some new golf clubs, to be thinner and the list goes on and on. These are nice dreams to have , but I'm talking about real dreams. Letting your mind go really far out there and imagining how you want your life to look like. I know it is difficult because you can't get past your current circumstances. You are so entrenched in just getting by day by day that you can't think of anything else, but making it to tomorrow. Money issues, health issues, job issues, family issues, car is exhausting and sucks the life right out of you. No wonder no one has the strength to think outside the box and dream.

When you are faced with one or many of these issues it is the best time to sit in a quite place for 5 minutes everyday and DREAM. Dream of the way you want your life to look like. Think about not having to work at a JOB or being able to pay for your car repairs without a blink of an eye. Do you want to take any classes, donate your time for charity, learn how to play the piano? Start to get inside your head and begin to formulate what YOU want in life. Most people won't do this because in the back of their minds they know that these things can't come true. Of course, that is where the problem lies, in your mind.

Dreaming would be a lot easier if you were clear on how you want to live your life, but you can't do that unless you sit down and design that life. Forget about how you are going to get there and you must look past your current situation. That is the first step. It's kind of like you building a road map of what you want. Once you have the road map, then you know where you are going. Be Clear on your thoughts and that starts with dreaming.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cleansing Is The Key

When I tell people that I do a daily cleanse they often look at me and say, "Do you own stock in a toilet paper company?" I understand the reference because when we hear the word, "Cleanse" we automatically assume colon cleanse. I do not do a colon cleanse every day! What I do take is a product called ,"Cleanse for Life." This product helps me remove impurities and toxins from the deepest part of my cells.

Everyday we face so much pollution in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink that we need something to fight off these impurities. Cleanse for Life is an amazing product that will help you replenish vital nutrients while it also cleans out the impurities in your cells which causes your body to function less efficiently. It makes sense doesn't it? I mean, we clean out the air filter in our car every 3-5,000 miles because it traps the gunk from getting into the cars system. Your car always runs more efficiently when you have a clean filter. Your body is no different. It needs to be cleaned out and Isagenix has the answer. Isagenix is the World leader in Cleansing and Replenishing and has the top formulator in the world developing these world class products.

So what other benefits of Cleanse for Life can you expect? How about increasing your energy and endurance. Or maybe lose unwanted fat when combined with proper exercise and diet. It also increases resistance to oxidative stress. When you first take this product you might not feel so good because you are cleaning out the impurities in your system. If you are used to drinking a lot of coffee then you might experience some headaches because of the caffeine, but these symptoms are normal. Each person will have a different reaction, but my recommendation is to start cleaning NOW. The sooner you clean the toxins out of your body the sooner you can begin to utilize this miracle called the body to its optimum efficiency.

Stop putting crap in your body and start to treat it like it should be treated....with respect. Remember we have total control over what we put in our bodies except for the impurities of everyday life. Now we have a product to get rid of these nasty toxins and get that control back!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

It's All About The Network

In Robert Kiyosaki's new book, "The Business Of The 21st. Century" he devotes the entire book to Network Marketing. The interesting thing is that he never entered the industry as a distributor, but he has become a product user from some of the companies that he has studied over the years.

After reading the book I knew I was in the right place at the right time in the right industry because he makes such a compelling case to be in Network Marketing. He never promoted one company over another, but asked that if you do enter this industry to do your homework and choose one that fits you. He writes that entering this industry is so much more that just a product and making tons of money. Is there the potential to make a great deal of money? Absolutely, but that is not the only reason to get into a Network Marketing company.

He talks about having a good product, but again there are a lot of companies that have good products. So if it's not the money and it's not the products that he is recommending, then what? Very simply, he is talking about building a network. The future, as he describes, is moving products and services through a network of people. By building a large network you now are creating an asset. If you recall in his first book, "Rich Dad Poor Dad" he described the difference between an asset and a liability. So many people don't grasp this concept, but an asset puts money into your pocket and a liability takes money out of your pocket. By building a network you are creating an asset that will pay you for many years to come. Does it take work to build a network? Yes, it does, but what is your alternative? Work for someone the rest of your life and never have the security our parents and their parents used to have. The days of working for one company for 40 years are gone. The economy is changing rapidly and you have to be able to adapt to these new changes.

In addition to building a network he writes about a companies ability to educate. Does the Network Marketing company have systems in place to help you succeed? Do they have excellent training? Are they creating a duplicatable system so ANYONE can succeed if they only put in the time and are willing to be coached? These are critical questions that you have to ask yourself before getting involved with a Network Marketing company. So you see, it is so much more than a product or making money. This is about growing as a person and if you are willing to put the time and effort in, the rewards will be greater than you can possible imagine. Building a network doesn't happen overnight, but if you start now can you reap the rewards for many years to come. After all, this is the "Business of The 21st Century."

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Daily Actions To Get You To That Place

Once you have decided to make the commitment to go after your dream, the next thing you have to do is put it into action. The reason I say make the commitment is because so many of us have these thoughts of living a certain way or making a certain amount of money, but usually the thoughts are just that. A lot of people allow some negative thoughts to enter their minds and then they will never get to that next place.We need to take the next step in order for our dreams to come true.

What that entails is daily activities to move you in the direction of your goal. I will relate this post to my dream of working out of my house and helping people rid themselves of physical and financial pain. Anyone can do it if they just put their thoughts into action. In order for me to achieve my goal I have to do certain things on a daily basis. Please remember that everyone's goal is different, but the one constant is DAILY ACTION.

One of my daily actions is saying my affirmations. For years I would here successful people tell me to write down affirmations that would support my end result. Always make it in present tense and say them everyday. An example would be, "My income is constantly increasing." At first you might think this is stupid, but you feel that way because in the back of your mind you know that your income is not increasing. That negative thought is rearing it's ugly head again. You MUST put those thoughts out of your mind and begin the process of believing your affirmations even if they don't come true right away.

Another daily action is speaking to a minimum of 2 people about my home based business a day. The ultimate goal is to get two contacts a day and either send them info or make an appointment to meet with them. By doing this I am generating activity in order to build my business. Everyday I do this activity I get closer to my goal because everyday builds upon the day before. After a short while you have so much activity that you then have to begin prioritizing your daily activities.

Plugging in. I talk to my business partners on a daily basis as well as listen to live calls or podcasts of conference calls. I will listen in on other team calls just to soak up as much information as I can because you can always get great little bits of info from everyone. This daily action is very important as it keeps you connected to others that have the same goals as you do. This is where the word ENVIRONMENT really comes into play. I also have training Cd's in my car and I listen to them everyday.

One of the most important daily actions is thinking of others. How can I help someone else achieve their dreams? I want to pass on these tips to everyone, but not everyone is as committed as I am and that is o.k. The only way I can get to my goal is helping someone else get to theirs, but there is one important factor. People have to WANT to change. If you are serious about changing your life for the better then you must begin to take daily action in the direction of that dream. Whether it is in Network Marketing or anything you want to do, start to take ACTION and watch what happens!!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Restaurant Therapy

What the heck is restaurant therapy? Let me explain. Gina and I went out to dinner tonight since we both had a long week, but a productive one I might add. Everyday compounds on the day before and you start to see some movement and momentum in your business. Anyway, we were at this place, OK it was a pizza place, a rare outing for us. So we were sitting there waiting for our salad and my wife looked at me and said the most beautiful thing she could ever say to me. She said, "You know, I'm really not that hungry." That was music to my ears because she started taking these amazing Isagenix products and we looked at each other and it was definitely a moment I won't forget. She finally got it, but she had to do it at her own pace. In my mind I'm thinking, "I told you so." Of course, I didn't verbalize that but felt so good that Gina now understands the power of these products. She has been taking the 4 pillars for several weeks and has lost weight, feels better and has lost her cravings!

Ok, but what about the Post title? I'm getting to that right now. When I go to a restaurant now, and it doesn't matter what restaurant, I look around at the people sitting at their tables and stuffing these huge amounts of food in their mouths and I'm thinking to myself, "Do they have a clue what their doing to their bodies?" Wait a minute, Jay, you were at the restaurant so what about you? Well, I may eat like that once a month and I'm going to guess that most people eat like that several times a week, if not more. So it's therapy for me to sit and observe and know that I could have been just as happy to eat home and have a bowl of cereal or another shake! Food is meaningless to me and when you get to that point you know you have arrived at a really good place. You are not dependant on the food choices that are before you because I give my body what it needs everyday. Nutrition goes a long way and especially when you are on the product for some time. It actually works even better, if that is possible. So now when I look around the restaurant  all I see are PROSPECTS! The next time you go to a restaurant see if you have the same experience I did. Being in control is very powerful especially when it comes to food.

Friday, May 6, 2011

I Can't Wait For My Shake!!!!

Experts say that it takes about 30 days to break an old habit. When I first began my Isagenix journey I was drinking coffee first thing every morning. Ah, the breakfast of champions! Then once I began drinking my nutrient dense Isalean shakes  I gave up coffee for good. I don't miss it or crave it and I'm a lot better off without it. Now, when I wake up in the morning I cannot wait to drink my delicious chocolate shake.

So what makes this shake so desirable? Because it just happens to supply my body with everything I need to fully sustain myself for hours to come. This is a true meal replacement with 23 grams of the best whey protein you can buy. Folks, not every protein shake is created equal and there is no match for the Isalean shake from Isagenix. One of the biggest differences is the fact that the whey is undenatured. So what does that mean? It means that when the whey is processed it is not heated to the point of removing all the nutrients from the product. Most protein shakes you find at the market are denatured. By heating the whey during processing your left with minimal nutrients and hence the Isalean shake is providing you with an incredible amount of good stuff.

Some of the other nutrient highlights of this product are 70 super charged ionic minerals from proprietary Ionic Alfalfa, active enzymes that help break down food for better digestion and premium grade vitamins, amino acids, and other ESSENTIAL nutrients. So if you have a choice, which you always do, of buying the best whey protein why would you buy anything else?

Every morning I can't wait to wake up and give my body what it is screaming for and that is incredible nutrition. Take a look at what most people eat in the morning. Coffee, bagel and cream cheese, bacon and eggs, egg Mcmuffin, pastries, etc. And people wonder why they are overweight, don't feel good and then are looking for more food a short time later. It is a really simple concept that most people don't understand. Just give your body an ample supply of nutrition and a lot of the issues you have with food will GO AWAY. You deserve to have a healthy meal first thing in the morning that won't break the bank and will provide your body what it needs. Don't cheat yourself out of what it needs, try these for 30 days and break the habit.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What Will It Take To Begin Eating Good Food?

The food industry has changed dramatically over the last 2 decades and it hasn't been for the better. When I saw the movie "Food Inc" it gave me a real eye full of what the industry is all about. Keep in mind that the US is a pretty big place and it was actually fascinating to see how mass production of food is done. The unfortunate thing about mass production is that quality suffers greatly. There are over 300 million people in this country and to feed them it takes a lot of technology and cutting corners. Manufacturers have to keep the cost down so everyone in America could eat for a reasonable price. Has anyone seen the cost of food today?

Anyway, what I witnessed in this movie was frightening as the farmers pump corn into all the animals to make them nice and plump in a very short time span. They are all the same size when they go meet their maker and how they meet their maker is another story which I won't go into here. The meat we eat are filled with steroids and antibiotics and I just learned about a new technique called meat glue. The glue is to hold together scrap meat that would have been thrown away and it is then pressed together to make one whole piece of meat. The chemicals that make up the glue are very toxic if you can imagine. Again, this is an industry that is doing things to feed millions of people at a somewhat low cost.

But what is the real cost to the consumer? Obviously, I'm not speaking in terms of dollars, but of health. Americans are eating food that is not fit for the animals that are the food supply. Where do you turn when you look at all of the processed food out there, the meat industry, the poultry industry and the fish industry? Unfortunately, most Americans haven't a clue about what they are eating or doing to their bodies. That is the sad thing about this whole food crisis we are facing today.

Isagenix is a real viable alternative to this epidemic we face in America. Isagenix is a company dedicated to providing no compromise products that satisfy a need in America and quite frankly the world. They are currently helping people in 8 countries with an alternative food system. Nutrient dense food that provides the body all the essential vitamins, trace minerals, and amino acids that it needs to survive in this face paced world we live in. No fillers, no glue, no processed ingredients and the list goes on. It isn't fancy because it comes in a shake form and quite frankly I have a hard time calling it a protein shake. It is so much more than that! Please take a look at my website to learn more about this incredible company and the products they are offering to help people get off this treadmill of poor food. Take responsibility for your health and take action today!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

If Its To Be... Its Up To Me

Several years ago I began my journey with self development by listening to Cd's, going to seminars and reading books. These ideas that the masters were teaching me seemed so easy to do, but something got in my way...ME. Although I heard everything they were saying I just couldn't get myself to practice these techniques. What was the problem? I had to sit down and take a hard look at the reason and I finally found it.

The reason was the environment that I was living in. I was immersed in my own little world of negativity and I allowed circumstances to control me instead of me taking control. It is so easy to allow outside influences to affect you and stop you from growing as a person. I'm sure we have all been there with the stories that we create about the situations we find ourselves in. I hate my job, not making enough money, no one's giving me a chance to move up and we end up saying, " life sucks." Of course it is hard to come out of that thinking because you are so wrapped up in it and you begin to believe everything you are thinking.

So how did I finally make the connection that it was my environment? I joined an amazing company called Isagenix and changed my environment to a positive one. I surrounded myself with people that told me I could do anything I wanted to if I only did one thing. That one thing was to believe in myself. Once I started believing in ME then the self development really kicked in. I then followed the techniques by saying affirmations daily, created a vision board, and didn't listen to the naysayers.

Belief is an amazing thing because it actually works both ways. If you believe you can't do something you are right. At the same time, if you believe you CAN do something then you are also correct. So why waste time in believing anything but positive thoughts? Anyone can do anything they want if they put their minds to it. The more belief you have the more those negative thoughts just fall away and are not even a factor at all.  Change your thinking and your world will change like you cannot believe...or can you? Remember, If its to is up to me!!