Love the Ocean

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Information Overload

In today's society we are bombarded with information at lightening speed. With the advent of the smart phone you have access to any information at your fingertips. I remember going into Costco to buy some dog food and there was a women in the aisle on her smart phone doing a search for reviews on a particular brand of food. You want to see a movie at a moments notice? Just go to your phone and look up the times and you can actually buy the tickets right from your phone.

With all this information at our disposal is it too much information? How do you decipher all of it and process it so it all makes sense? On the one hand, if you are researching a product to buy then you have a lot of information to choose from. After your research you can then make an intelligent decision which product to buy. On the other hand, you can ask a friend if they have had any experience with these products and then make your decision based on their recommendations.

This is where the power of word of mouth marketing comes in. If you came across a great restaurant you would want to share that info with all of your friends. Once you recommend it to them they can then go on-line to check out the menu, prices and locations. A recommendation from you will hold more weight then if the person just did a search for a restaurant in a particular city.

Word of mouth is the strongest form of advertising and that is why the network marketing industry is growing so fast. With so much information out there it is comforting to know that you can get great tips about all kinds of things from your circle of influence. There are those that frown on the industry because I believe they don't understand it. Everyone in this country networks all the time and they don't even see it as networking. An example would be if someone notices your haircut or a women's fingernails and says, "Hey, I like your haircut or your nails look great, where did you get them done?" Once you open your mouth you just became a networker, but the difference is you didn't get paid for it.

During your fast paced day try to become aware of how many times you recommend something to someone. Every time you make the recommendation, stop, and realize that what you are doing is passing on information first hand of that product or service and how you benefited from it. The network marketing industry is no different and yet people put up this wall whenever they hear the word network marketing. It is no different than me telling you about a great movie or a great restaurant to try. In my case, I'm telling people about a complete system for better health. Either they buy it or they don't, but at least I'm providing them first hand information about these products.

With information overload happening on a daily basis I still believe word of mouth IS the most powerful form of advertising. So if that is the case why not get paid for recommending something that will benefit everyone that tries the product? Could it be as simple as that? The answer is yes.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Growing Old Alone?

In several of my posts I have been describing the new product that Isagenix is launching next month, currently called Product B. This is a powerful antioxidant with telomere supporting properties. To refresh your memory our cells divide many times throughout our lives, but each time they do parts of the cells die off. There are also many factors that cause the telomere to shrink like poor eating habits, smoking and lack of exercise.

The good news however, is that you can prevent this from happening by changing your diet to a nutrient dense super food and take anti-aging vitamins in addition to regular exercise. This would mean that you have to change your lifestyle and that takes courage. It really takes discipline, but you need the courage to be disciplined.

So what if you were taking Product B and no one else in your circle of influence was taking it? You were doing all the right things regarding diet and exercise and you were extending your life to 150 years and you were HEALTHY! At 150 you're playing golf, running marathons and doing just about anything you want, but you are alone. All because the people that you love didn't have the courage to change.

The next question would be, "Do you want to live that long?" I for one would like to because I love life and enjoy every day that I'm on this earth. I want to experience what is ahead in terms of technology, transportation, computing. Product B is not for everyone, but if you have adventure in your DNA and want to experience these things then know that there is an alternative to the way you are currently living your life. Tell others that you love so you can share a long wonderful life together. Otherwise, you will grow old alone and that would be no fun.

I understand that it is a hard concept to fathom, living that long, but most people have this image of old decrepit people with wheelchairs and oxygen tanks. With this new technology that wouldn't be the case. Your cells regenerate in a healthy way. If your cells are staying healthy then disease and illness seem to disappear. Remember, BAD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOUR TELOMERES GET SHORT. So, if you have a desire to live longer healthier than it's not too late to move in that direction. Contact me today and I will help you on the road to longevity.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Spreading To Other Countries

I have been posting about Isagenix and their great products, but I failed to let you know that the company is already in 8 countries. Those countries are Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mexico, Peurto Rico, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and of course the US. Additional countries are on the drawing board for the next couple of years. I believe we are getting closer to opening in Malaysia and if you are from there please let me know so you could be one of the first people in that country to offer these amazing products.

The success of Isagenix so far has been the fact that they have created a new way of looking at food and health. By putting together a complete system they can go anywhere in the world and be successful because every one needs these products. Many countries, like the US, are deficient in their food supply. If you are living in a country that doesn't have the ability to produce quality food then this program will be a huge hit.

I believe every BODY deserves to eat healthy food that has nutrition without eating all the other things that are in the food, like chemicals. Our environment is bad enough without us having to eat, drink and breathe in pollution. Toxins are everywhere and not just in the United States.

Although there is not one solution to all of these problems, Isagenix is forging new territories in total health by developing a complete system for health. All over the world people speak different languages, but one thing is common in all of the countries and that is health. If you have a choice of providing your body what it needs to optimize your health then why would you put anything else in your body? That is a universal question in any language.

Monday, July 25, 2011

To Good To Be True

Has anyone ever come up to you to tell you about the next great thing that is coming. If you get in on the ground floor you could make a lot of money.

It sounds so good that you get excited, but in the back of your mind you start to play devils advocate and come up with all the reasons that something is not right. At first glance it sounds "to good to be true." At that point most people will turn and run from it because in their minds it is a scam. They will talk to their friends and family and they all put the kabosh on your excitement.

The thing that gets me is that when this happens I have to ask a simple question, "how do they know that it is not true or a scam?" Does anyone do any research or take the time to find the answers? The answer is "NO". Most people put up this wall when they hear that they could benefit from a new product or make a ton of money if they get in right now.

Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of scams out there and you do have to do your due diligence before jumping in, but then there are legitimate opportunities that come along that could make you a fortune. The other thing that is a tip off is the investment and the return on investment. If you have to put a lot of money up front and get nothing in return then I would say that is not a good investment. If the investment is small, but the return is huge then that would be something I would look into.

In our society today there are so many deals and scams out there that it is hard to determine which are good and which are bad. My suggestion would be to do your own research before listening to any "expert" in your family or circle of influence. If you are looking into the network marketing industry you have to consider Isagenix. This company has a vision unlike any other company out there. They have a goal to free people from physical and financial pain while at the same time become the largest health and wellness company in the world.

This company is on the threshold of a major breakthrough in anti-aging and is spending a lot of money on clinical trials to prove their theories. Once they are proved to be true it would help those that don't believe. Or would it? People are always going to be skeptical even if something is true because they just listen to naysayers who want to believe something different.When the co-founder of Isagenix says that Product B will be larger than Microsoft I would be cautious, but I also want you to do your own homework. That statement shouldn't be taken lightly and I realize it gives cause for one to be skeptical, but what if it is true. Remember, low investment and huge return, so you can't get hurt.  The only way you can get hurt is by not getting involved. This is not too good to be true, but just TOO GOOD!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Food Spoilage

After reading this post please go to your refrigerator and see how much food you have in there that is ready to be thrown out. Now if you are honest with yourself you know that you buy things at the market and you never get around to cooking it or eating it. So you end up throwing it out. How much money do you think you spend on food that you throw out?

I see two solutions to this problem. The first one is to go to the market every day and just buy what you are going to eat that day. Does that seem practical? Is that cost effective and do you have the time to do that every day? The second solution would be to have your groceries delivered to you every month and they don't spoil even if you don't eat them right away. I like the second solution because it is more convenient and it saves me time, gas and money because I don't end up throwing any of it out.

I believe that if you wrote down all the food that you threw away on a weekly basis you could have enough money to buy the best food on the planet which doesn't spoil for up to two years. I know, I know, it isn't the type of food your used to because it doesn't have preservatives or it's not processed and it is not loaded with chemicals, but there is a positive side to eating this type of food. The positives are you are getting all the nutrients, minerals and vitamins your body needs on a daily basis and not just once in awhile. The food reduces your cravings which will help reduce your food costs. There is never any waste!

With the cost of food going up and more info coming out on what is in our food, isn't time to take a look at an alternative to what you are doing now? Just because it is not filled with fat and carbs and tons of calories doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. I know for me, it has changed my life so dramatically that I will NEVER go back to eating the way I did for years because I FINALLY FEEL GOOD!
Let me know if you are ready to try something different and stop wasting money at the grocery store on food that will just end up spoiling in your body or in the fridge.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Product B Buzz

It is starting to happen all over the place. The buzz about Product B can be found just about everywhere. It was kicked off by the 10 page article in Popular Science magazine in the Aug issue. In that article, Dr. Bill Andrews was interviewed and he was talking about the race to telomerase. That is the gene at the end of your chromosomes that holds the key to aging. The article mentions his association with Isagenix and the new Product B coming out this Aug. Product B is a powerful antioxidant with telomere support. It will be the only product of its kind on the market at a price level that everyone can afford. There is another company that is selling a product for up to $8,000 per year. The difference is very simple. That product is a chemical and the Isagenix product is a combination of botanicals. HUGE DIFFERENCE!

Then their are articles in different publications talking about telomeres and this new "pill" that works  from Isagenix. This is very exciting stuff especially if you are in Isagenix and are currently taking Product B, like I am. What these articles don't tell you is that the company is launching a product much more powerful than the current version. I have heard reports that the percentage of effectiveness of Product B will increase from 6% to 36%. That is an absolutely huge increase.

The most recent publicity came from a TV station in Reno NV where Dr. Andrews lab is located. If you take a moment to look at this you will see Dr. Andrews interviewed and he is wearing a really cool shirt. Check it out at

It is hard to put into words what this discovery and this product will have on our world today, but one thing is for sure, it will change everything. For those people who want to live longer they now have a choice. You can choose to get healthy and take Product B for a longer healthier life or continue to live the way you are and die slowly in an unhealthy way. It is up to you!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Shake vs Shake

Whenever I hear people tell me that they take a protein shake in the morning I often wonder how they chose that particular shake. Is it because it was on sale or did they get a recommendation from someone? Do they truly know what is in the shake and how it was processed? Where does the manufacturer get the whey for the shake? After all of these questions I realized that most people that take a protein shake in the morning believe all protein shakes are the same. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Of course, I was one of those people until I found Isagenix and the Isalean Shake. It was after I began using the product did I realize the difference and what a difference it is. I think the most important difference is that the Isalean Shake is an actual meal replacement because it is considered a food. In order for it to be a food it has to have the right percentages of fats, carbs and protiens. The Isalean shake also comes with an active enzyme which is there to break down the food so it is easily digestible.

For me the deciding factor in which shake to drink is the whey and where it comes from. The majority of whey protein on the market is denatured. That means when it is processed it is heated and the heat removes most of the nutrients that are found in the whey. This is a critical point because the purer the whey the better it is for your system. Isagenix has undenatured whey and their process to create it is proprietary. The undenatured whey is not heated so all of the nutrients are still in their most potent form. The integrity of the product will also remain because Isagenix owns the cows that produce the whey.

I know that might not seem like a big deal to a lot of people, but when you offer a no compromise product you want to be able to ensure its quality. By owning the cows they can maintain that quality. The other important point is that the cows are from New Zealand and they are called happy cows. The reason they are happy is because they are grass fed, free range, and are milked when they are ready and not forced to. Oh, did I mention that they are not fed steroids, hormones or antibiotics? This creates quality no compromised products which in turn helps your body maximize its efficiency.

If you are in the market for a protein shake do some research on the product you are going to buy. If you want to try the BEST on the market then please contact me so I can get you started on the road to better health. If you do nothing else for yourself you should have one of these Isalean Shakes everyday!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Same Thing Wherever You Go

Have you ever noticed that when you go out to a restaurant the menu looks the same. We went out Friday night before a movie and went to a Restaurant/Bar. Luckily I had eaten an Isadelight Plus candy about 4 pm so I wasn't hungry, but my wife wanted something. The menu comes and here are the appetizers:

Chicken Wings, Battered Mushrooms, Cheese Crisp, Quesadilla, Spicy Queso Dip, Nachos and the list goes on. This is what America is eating and everyone wants to know why we have an obesity problem in this country. The food on the menu is not only bankrupt of nutrition it is polluted. A few things the experts tell you is to stay away from fried foods. In that case don't enter the building.

I guess the question that should be asked after you eat food like this is," How do I feel?" Full, satisfied, stuffed, greasy, uncomfortable? It is disturbing to watch only because I know that there is an alternative to eating this way. Honestly, even though people know that it isn't good to eat this way they do it anyway. Chains over 20 locations have to post their calorie count on the menus. They recently did a study and found that even though the calorie count is on the menu sales of those items that are bad for you didn't go down.

That tells me one thing....people don't have the courage to change. It takes courage to begin looking at food in a different way. It takes courage to change the way you eat. It takes courage to stand up to your inner voice and stop what you are doing and CHANGE. Isn't it time you stood up to that inner voice? Take responsibility for your health and contact me today so we can get you on the road to better health. The only way you will contact me is if you are ready to....

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Popular Science Article--Telomeres Aug issue

I encourage everyone to go out and purchase the Aug 2011 issue of Popular Science. In this issue is a 10 page article on the discovery of telomeres and the effects it has on aging. The article features Dr. Bill Andrews and his company, Sierra Sciences and their work towards a cure for aging. The article also mentions Dr. Andrews association with Isagenix and the founder and master formulator John Anderson.

When these two men met they hit it off instantly and began their journey and their discovery of Product B. Product B is a powerful antioxidant and it helps support your telomeres. The significance of these two gentleman coming together will be legendary. Dr. Andrews had spent years trying to find a chemical that would turn on the telomere gene at the end of our chromosomes. Please read the article to understand the significance of that. It is hard for me to put into words the magnitude of a discovery like that. All I can say is that it will create a paradigm shift in the world regarding health care.

Dr. Andrews went through 300,000 different chemical combinations and nothing really worked as far as turning that gene on. Enter John Anderson who is known as the "mineral man" throughout the world. John sent over 15 samples of botanicals to Dr. Andrews and on the 11th sample got a "hit". He sent him an additional 15 samples and got another "hit". Since then they have discovered 3 more botanicals that have an effect on the telomeres. Pretty exciting stuff when you think about the positive effects this will have on disease and illness.

I am one of about 1,500 people in the world that are actually on this product before it launches in Aug. I have been taking it for about a month and a half and although I have seen and felt some changes I believe after Aug. I will really see some major changes. The reason I say that is because they have increased the potency of the formula and it will be up to 10 times more effective with the roll out in San Diego.

People in 8 countries will be able to take advantage of this new product and also have an opportunity to be on the ground floor of one of the greatest discoveries of this century. If you would like more info on how you can get this product or would like to become a distributor then please contact me at your earliest convenience. The wellness revolution is about to get kick started in a huge way. Don't be left behind.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Diet vs Healthy

There are many diets out there that tell you to cut down on carbs, eat less, eat more protein, don't eat after a certain time and the list goes on. All of these diets have one thing in common and that is they force you to change the way you are currently eating. You either have to eat their food or count calories in a little book or give a point value to the food you eat. Once again, you have to make the decision to change because you want to lose weight.

When you diet there is usually a beginning point and an ending point. That is where the trouble begins for most people. It is the ending point when they are feeling really good about themselves and slowly but surely they start to take liberties with the food they eat. Before you know it you have gained the weight back and then you are looking to go back on a diet. It is a vicious cycle that millions of Americans can't shake.

One of the biggest misconceptions out in the diet world is that if you are on a diet then you must be healthy. Just because you diet doesn't mean you are eating healthy. These are two completely separate things. The main difference is that a diet restricts your food intake which is good, but you are still eating polluted food...just less of it. When you go on one of those diets that has their own line of food  you are still eating processed food.

Now you might feel better when you release the pounds, but are you any healthier? If you really want to be healthier and lose weight then I suggest you do research on a different way of looking at food. Isagenix has an alternative to our current food system because they provide food that has nutrition. If you want to get healthy and lose weight at the same time then this is the program for you.

Although I didn't need to lose a lot of weight when I started on Isagenix I did release 14 pounds a year and a half ago and I have maintained my current weight since. Isagenix is not a diet and never will be. It is the most efficient way of providing your body with all the nutrients it needs to live a healthy life. It is the easiest way to put nutrition in your body without a microwave, counting calories, or restrictions of any kind. It puts you in control of what you eat and you can't put a price tag on that. Don't get caught up in believing that you are healthier because you are on a diet. You actually have to go beyond that and start putting nutrition in your body. Once you do it will dramatically change your it did for me!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Are You A Changer or Venter?

I talk to people everyday about our economy, gas prices, food prices and health care. There are a lot of venters out there. I'm sure you have run into a venter, a person that just vents about everything, but never takes action to change anything. On the opposite end of the scale is the changer. This is a person that vents, but takes action to actually change the things that are not working in their lives.

The scary thing is that during my conversations with people regarding the food we eat I didn't find a lot of changers. If everyone I talk to knows that they should be eating differently, then why don't they do it? I see the way people eat and its no wonder that about 64% of the population is overweight and 30% of those people are obese.  You know the food is polluted and nutritionally bankrupt so are you one of those people? Why can't you stop eating? So what is the struggle?

In order for you to go from a venter to a changer you need one huge thing and only you can can bring it on. Drum roll need COURAGE! Courage to change the way you eat and what you eat. There are several ways to bring about that change like going to see a movie like Food, Inc. or doing some research on the internet about what is really in the food we eat. If these things don't bring you to change then you might be a venter for life. I guess it is like people who smoke. There are warnings all over the package and statistics show that smoking can cause lung cancer, but people still smoke. So I guess if people went into a market to buy food and the label on the food had a warning, "POLLUTED", they would still buy it.

I'm not sure I get it, but that is what America is all about. You have choices and it is up to you to make the one that best fits you. If you do decide to go down the road of eating crappy food, smoking and not exercising then do me a favor....STOP VENTING. Start to understand that you have a choice and move in the direction of becoming a CHANGER. Stop the madness and take a look at alternatives like Isagenix. It costs you nothing to research a new way of looking at food. The return on investment will be worth every second of research. Become a Changer today because your life depends on it!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Revolutionary...What Does That Really Mean?

One of the definitions of Revolutionary is, " Marked by or Resulting In Radical Change, a Revolutionary Discovery." When you have major shifts in the way business is conducted or a new industry that is emerging, consider yourself lucky to be at the beginning of a revolutionary discovery!

When I speak about a revolutionary product that is coming on the market in Aug. I'm not referring to a new gizmo to open jars or the latest fad which has no substance. I'm referring to a product that will radically change health care in this country and many others. A revolutionary discovery that will help people regenerate healthy cells and at the same time support longevity. This all has to do with the aging process that everyone goes through. Imagine if you could have a product that will help support the telomeres so they don't shrink any more?

A product like that is absolutely worthy of the name "REVOLUTIONARY". Changing the health care industry from reactionary to being proactive will create a huge paradigm shift. Getting people healthy for longer will reduce health care costs in this country which is something we desperately need. Having people living longer and in better health is an amazing way to affect the world. Getting people to take responsibility for their health and having them pass on the word.

One of the reasons I believe more people don't educate their friends and neighbors about these products is because they probably feel overwhelmed. "How can I help, I'm just one person?" That is where the power of compounding comes in. If you tell two who then tell two, etc. Two people can turn into tens of thousands and how rewarding would that be? Helping  people transform their lives is an amazing gift. If you choose, you can make a very nice living from helping others.

Revolutionary is a word that I think people take for granted until they realize that Product B is ready to radically change an industry. Opportunities come and go, but how many times do you recognize them and then ACT on them? Don't let this one slip away. Contact me and I will provide you the information and then you decide if it is right for you. If nothing else just take the product. You deserve to treat your body with the finest products available. Get in the revolutionary game while it is still early.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

So Many Companies..So Many Promises

As I'm going through my daily routine on the internet, you know checking e-mail, my blog, facebook and twitter I come across so many new network marketing companies that are touting their products. A lot of these companies are new and they have a product that basically focuses on one area of the body or some miracle ingredient that makes you feel better. They all say that their compensation plan is the most unique in the industry and they add a few twists to it so it will blow your mind.

As a networker I do research on these companies and look at the products and their compensation plans and I can't help wonder if people would buy these products if a business opportunity wasn't attached to it. There are so many companies that tout the greatest weight loss products and I've seen companies that sell chocolate or a product to takes the acid out of your body. It can be overwhelming looking at all these great opportunities.

When looking for a company to hang your hat on I would recommend researching a company that you have some interest in. I think alot of people get into network marketing for the wrong reasons. The biggest reason is to make money, but that should be the last reason to choose a company. My recommendation is to choose a company that have products you are interested in. I mean, are you passionate about the products and do you truly want to help people? If you find a product that you really believe in then that is where you should start. The next thing is the management team. Is the company a start up or are they established? Too often people don't even look at the management team and that is a HUGE mistake. Out of the 1,000 network marketing companies that start up each year only a hand full make it to year two.

Some other things to look for are the trends in the US. Are the products going to have an effect on the largest segment of the population which is aging at a rapid rate. The majority of our population will be over the age of 50 within the next 10 years. Is there a need for the products and is there a market for the products.

I landed at Isagenix for many reasons, but the most important one was the products that they offer. Unlike so many other companies that offer one miracle product to change one thing in your body, Isagenix has developed an entire system for your body. There are not too many companies that offer a complete system that includes food, cleansing, anti-aging vitamins and a product to help support your telomeres for longevity. Also, the management team has guided two companies to a billion in sales and are not done yet. If you are interested in learning more about this complete system and this amazing company then please contact me.