Love the Ocean

Friday, March 30, 2012

Invisible Prison

Have you ever talked yourself out of something? Let's say you want to make a sales call and before you pick up the phone to call your mind starts to go nuts. You begin to tell yourself that the people on the other side are not interested or they might be too busy to speak to you. All sorts of things go through your head that are probably not true, but you make them true.

This could be a pattern for a lot of people in every aspect of their lives. This is what I call an "Invisible Prison". When you put limitations on yourself without any reason to justify it. It is all in your mind and yet it seems so real to you. Do you know what I'm talking about? We all do it in some form or another, but some people are able to break free of that prison. When you break free is when you are now expanding as an individual. I call it coming out of your comfort zone.

There is only one way to get out of that comfort zone and it is by taking action. No matter how awkward it might feel it is still the best way to free yourself from this prison. I can relate to this greatly as I have slowly come out of my comfort zone over the last two years. Never in a million years did I think I could write a blog or record a video. Once I did these things I was able to continue to expand as a person. Each time I would stretch myself a little further and a funny thing happened. As I would step out of that zone more opportunities opened up. Imagine that! Had I not taken action I would still be in that prison.

Under full disclosure, I am still expanding as a person and I hope to do that for the rest of my life. If you become to complacent then you will stop growing and if that happens then your world begins to get very small.  Opportunities start to fade away even though they are still right in front of you. Don't let that happen to you.

Since my passion is helping educate people on nutrition, I too have had to bust out of that invisible prison. How I did it was by educating myself, but more importantly by finding my voice. I am not afraid anymore of speaking up when people talk about food and then I chime in about the dangers of our food supply. Most people don't want to hear the truth because if they face the truth they would then have to do something change their lifestyle. In a way, these people are also living in this prison.

I can completely understand where these people are coming from because at one time I was in the same place. I couldn't imagine my life without eating all this great food we have in this country until I did my research. It appears that the food in this country is so addicting that most people would rather poison themselves then take responsibility and eat food that contains no chemicals. When it comes to food I don't think I have ever seen anything like it. To a lot of people food is everything.

Our "7 Day Super Food Challenge" is another way to break out of that invisible prison. Most people I talk to say that they could never eat just Super Food for one whole week. Is it really such a stretch to not eat traditional food for 7 whole days? We have become so conditioned to eating a certain way that it is very difficult for people to even fathom not eating their favorite foods.The good news is that it is only 7 days. The bad news is that if you don't try it you will be stuck in that prison forever.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Out To Lunch

If you work at a regular job, say 8 to 5, and you go out to lunch every day, what choices do you make? How many times do you have a co-worker come up to you and ask, "Where do you want to go today"? If you are like our office, we basically have the same choices for lunch that are in our vicinity. You know, like pizza, hamburgers, sandwiches, salads, and of food. After a while it becomes boring eating the same thing over and over again.

You could change it up once in a while by bringing your lunch. Maybe you had some leftovers from the weekend and you pack it up and bring that. If you don't have leftovers and you want to bring your lunch then that means you have to go to the market and buy stuff to bring. In that case you buy something that is simple to put together so you don't have to make a whole thing of it. The downside to that is that you are probably eating your lunch at your desk or in the lunchroom while everyone else is going out. The easiest thing to do is grin and bear it and go with everyone else.

I often wonder if anyone who goes out to lunch every day ever considers the health of the food they are about to consume. My first guess is NO. Seriously, who is going to consider what their putting in their bodies when it is such a social hour? After all, you can't go out to lunch and not eat with everyone else, can you? It is almost like peer pressure to eat food that could end up doing serious damage to you now and in the future. Even if you are pretty conscious of what you eat it still defies nature to find something that will truly benefit your insides.

I shook things up a little while back because I treated myself to the "7 Day 100% Gluten Free Super Food Challenge". On this challenge I decided to give my body a break from processing gluten and chemicals and ate strictly gluten free food for 7 whole days. What? "What did you do when it came time for lunch with your co-workers? You must have had lunch with them?" I cannot tell a lie so, yes I did go out to eat and had lunch with them. No matter where we went I tagged along for the ride, but since I made a commitment for 7 days to eat nothing but nutrient dense super food, I brought my own super food.

I know it is hard to believe and if you try to visualize that it is so out of the norm. I would bring my delicious favorite meal replacement bar with me. That is correct, I would sit there and have my awesome tasting meal replacement bar while they would eat whatever the restaurant offered. Most of the time what the restaurant offered was less than healthy. So you get the picture? Is it hard for you to imagine not eating what every one else is eating? For most people it would be impossible to do what I do, or is it?

It really comes down to the importance of your health. How important is your health to you? What would you sacrifice to gain better health? If you know you should eat better foods and exercise then why don't you? All of the questions are good ones and the only one that can answer them is you. What is stopping you from getting healthy? My suggestion is to try the "7 Day 100% Gluten Free Super Food Challenge". Anyone can do anything for seven days and you never know, it might end up changing your life. It did mine because now I can go to lunch with everyone and happily have my bar and be totally satisfied. I know I'm on the right track because of the way I feel. That feeling is what it is all about and one I want the rest of my life. How about you?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I Feel Like A Lab Rat..In A Good Way

You know how you hear about all kinds of experiments on lab rats? They use these rats to test all sorts of things with every kind of chemical you can imagine. These rats are the first line of testing that is extremely helpful to scientists in testing new drugs for consumption. Then again, it could be a bad thing for the rats if the drugs are very harmful.

I was thinking about this the other day when I was trying to imagine what it would be like to be a lab rat. Instead of testing new drugs, how cool would it be to try a new kind of food that is healthy? So instead of being injected with drugs, I was injected with high grade protein, 8 essential amino acids, active enzymes and so many minerals that I began to release weight and felt better. Now, that is something I can get behind. Who wouldn't want to be a rat with that protocol?

The thing is, I am like a rat, but not in a lab. I'm in the real world and I am experimenting like I was in a lab. What am I experimenting with? I am feeding myself a steady diet of 100% gluten free nutrient dense super food. What started out as a "7 Day Challenge" to see if I could do it, has now turned into me changing my lifestyle. Sound crazy, huh?

Of course, I had to have the right products to be able to eat nothing but nutrient dense food for a week. I found it and it is from a company called Isagenix. They have a complete health system that is not just one or two good products. They have a complete system including a product called Ageless Essentials. These are AM PM vitamins packs that are actually nutrients with therapeutic doses of QoQ10, Resveritrol, and D3 among many other nutrients.

So as a lab rat, I started out by doing a "7 Day 100% Super Food Challenge" and I ended up going another week followed by another week. I am currently over 130 days on this protocol of eating these super foods. Under full disclosure, I am actually on 99% Isagenix and find myself so addicted that I will never go back to eating food again. I know that sounds so final, but if you were to do research on the food supply as I have, you would come to the same conclusion. I wonder how many more people would like to be an Isagenix lab rat and try this amazing protocol?

I think in order for you to be a lab rat in this experiment, you have to do a couple of things. The first is to educate yourself about our food supply. The reason I say that is because once you know the truth it will be much easier for you to stick with the protocol in order to change your lifestyle. The second thing you have to do is believe in yourself. Know that no matter what comes up you will be committed to 7 days. Your body deserves a break from working super hard to process all of the chemicals it has to on a daily basis.

Once you become an Isagenix lab rat you can then go out and experiment on your friends and family. This experiment will be very helpful if you can record the progress on a daily basis and for that I would recommend my best friend the Tanita scale. It measures your body weight, but it also measures the really important stuff like body fat, visceral fat, water weight and even your metabolic age. I am so thankful that I became an Isagenix experiment because it has changed my life. Are you ready to change yours?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

GMO Indoctrination

It has come down to this and it is just one more nail in the coffin, so to speak. Our children are being taught that GMOs are safe. Who would be teaching them something that is not true? You guessed it, it is none other than the biotech companies that manufacture GMOs. The scary thing is that the parents of these children probably believe this stuff as well.

The reason I say that is because our wonderful main stream media doesn't do their job anymore. Where is journalism today? You know, researching the truth and then reporting on it. Thank goodness we have several resources that tell us the real story, like naturalnews. I am providing the link to the book that you will not soon forget. Book If you get a chance check it out, but try to stay calm.

What is interesting is the fact that we are finding this practice is the norm today. We are being led down a road we really don't want to go down. At the present time the existance of GMOs are in our lives and it appears they are here to stay. The one thing that should change is the lack of truth in education today. Our kids should be taught the benefits of not eating GMO foods and, of course, the reason to avoid them. Would that be too much to ask? What happened to telling the truth?

Our kids today are being indoctrinated with a lie. How great is that? What has this country become or worse yet, where are we going? When I saw this book I couldn't believe my eyes. If you do your own research you will find that GMOs are incredibly dangerous. This book makes it look like these biotech companies are doing us a favor. Advancing technology will help us with our food supply....yada yada yada.

The only thing that is advancing is my belief that Isagenix is the way to go. It is the most efficient way to fuel your body and provide it with essential nutrients with ZERO chemicals. The protocol I'm on is also 100% Gluten free. If we truly believe in better health then we must make a decision to help others and educate them on the dangers of these chemicals. It is going to have to be a grass roots effort because the machine is too powerful.

It is not just the children that are being indoctrinated, it is all Americans. My question to you is, " If GMOs are so good for you, why don't they advertise it on their packaging"? You know, like "Every bite is packed with GMOs" or " GMOs are essential for better health". Don't fall prey to their lies and make sure your kids don't believe it either.

On a daily basis I speak to so many people that have no idea what a GMO is. When I get done describing what it is they kind of have a blank stare on their face. I don't know if they think I'm lying or they know what I'm saying is true. What's interesting is that even though people know about GMOs, they still won't change their lifestyles. They are just in a different place, most likely not thinking that eating these GMO foods will ever effect them. Hate to tell already is too late to turn GMOs back, but not too late to eat nutrient dense super food from Isagenix. At least you know what's in it. Please help our children and get the truth out there. Don't be afraid to speak the truth because if you don't who will?

Monday, March 26, 2012

Overfed And Starving

As Americans we have more food in this country than some third world countries combined. As a society I believe we are overfed. If you take a look around I think you would agree with that last statement. When I was laying around the pool on our cruise I couldn't help but notice the percentage of people that were overweight and morbidly obese. On a cruise is where lots of people go crazy because there is food basically 24 hours a day. and it's all included. You might say people go hog wild.

If you think about it we should be the healthiest country in the world with all the resources at our fingertips. The funny thing is that we don't utilize these great resources until it's too late. We have to torture ourselves with food in order to get the help we need. It is a vicious cycle that MUST be broken. I finally broke free from the food wheel. Stepping off wasn't easy, but well worth it.

It never ceases to amaze me that Americans are overfed and yet they are starving themselves. The reason I know that is because there are millions of people overweight. So how could they be starving if their overweight? Their bodies are starving for nutrition. When it doesn't get the proper nutrition then it goes on a hunt for it and cannibalizes your tissues, organs and bones till it gets what it needs. The trouble with that is it can only do that for so long. Eventually inflammation builds up and then your body goes into protect mode. Protecting your vital organs from toxins and other impurities. At this point you are not absorbing any nutrients from the food you are eating. You begin to gain weight because your body can't get enough fuel and it is not running efficiently.

Most Americans are starving for nutrition, but they are so hooked on "food" that does them harm, that they can't break free from that treadmill. I know you have heard the definition of insanity before, but this is a perfect example of it on steroids. Knowing that the food you consume is dangerous and people continue to eat it. No one wants to face it and I have talked to a lot of people that told me they don't want to know about the food supply. They just want to bury their heads in the sand and hope it goes away. What people have to understand is that this is not a dress rehearsal. This is really happening and it is happening RIGHT NOW!

The solution to starving the body is simple. Start injecting your body with quality products that actually do something for your body, like nourishing it and cleansing it. Our new program called "7 Day 100% Gluten Free Super Food Challenge" is a vehicle to help you get to that place. Imagine replacing junk food with high quality food. The food on this challenge is nutrient dense. That is exactly what your body is in need of. Calories that actually count and that make a difference to your health. Putting nutrition in your body removes any cravings you have and will help you from starving yourself. On this protocol I'm not hunger at all and I feel so clean inside. I'm giving my body a break from processing all kinds of chemicals and gluten.

If you really believe that your health is important to you then stop the insanity train and jump off. Get control of your health by giving your body what it really needs...NUTRITION...and stop starving yourself!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Food Suicide

With knowledge comes power. With power comes responsibility. I always talk about educating myself and others on the dangers of our food supply. So I am wondering if people commit food suicide every day? Let me explain.

The information that I have researched is about the meat industry and the dairy industry. We as Americans are being duped into believing that the meat and dairy we eat on a daily basis is good for us. What they don't tell you is all the of disease and dirty conditions that exist in the slaughter houses and dairy farms. The pathogens that are flying around in these places would be enough to scare you out of your mind and yet all of their marketing makes you believe that all of the animals are happy and clean.

When you pump antibiotics into these animals in addition to steroids and hormones you are actually putting them into your body. The phrase, "You are what they it" is pretty telling. What is the reason for them using antibiotics? To kill bacteria that is invading their bodies. When you get sick what does the Doctor give you? When you take antibiotics it changes your cell structure and the more you take the more resistant it becomes to the "healing" effects of the drug. After a time you will have to increase the dosage in order for it to work. Now imagine a large operation, say cattle farms, and there is an enormous amount of disease floating around in these places. They use antibiotics to ward off many different diseases, but after a while it loses its affect. So what do they do? They have to find something stronger to kill the germs and you and I are the beneficiaries of that extra strength protection from disease.

I haven't even mentioned the use of steroids and hormones and their effect on our bodies. Ever wonder how they get these animals to be so large so quickly? They have a system of fattening up these animals in half the time they used to. The demand is so great for hamburger and chicken that they need to increase their size quickly because the more weight they have the more money they can make. You wouldn't want to buy a chicken that is scrawny, would you? There is a cost to this and it is our lives.

I feel a responsibility to tell everyone about what I have learned, but not many people are ready to hear the truth. That is why I feel that they are committing food suicide every day. If I don't tell them about the dangers of our food supply then I might as well put a gun in my hand and pull the trigger. I know that is way out there, but I'm trying to make a point. Do you have family that you care about? If you do then you should be persistent and get the information to them as often as you need to. I'm the first one to realize that most people don't want to think about these things and, of course, they don't think anything will happen to them if they do eat this food. I can only do so much before people have to take responsibility for themselves.

Our food supply has changed dramatically over the last several decades. Now we have another major hurdle to get over and that is GMOs. It is exhausting thinking about all the things that you shouldn't eat, but there is one positive. It is the 7 Day 100% Super Food Challenge. I know that if I participate in this protocol I am eating 100% Gluten free and GMO free food. Can I tell you what a relief that is? I don't have to think about what I can't eat because I just focus on what I can eat and I know the food is safe. Give your mind and body a break and just try the 7 Day'll be glad you did!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I'm Addicted To Food

Through my lifetime I have known many people that are addicted to food. It doesn't matter what they eat as long as it is food. You have heard of the seefood diet, if you see food you eat it. I don't think most people realize that they are subjected to intense marketing and something we never talk about called food flavoring.

There is a huge company called Givaudan that specializes in food flavoring. They are a multiple billion dollar company and the largest in the world and all they do is come up with flavorings to make you addicted to a particular food. Imagine, that is their job to work with food manufacturers to find the right flavor to hook you. By the way, the food flavorings are made with chemicals, in case you were wondering.

So if you have a particular food that you absolutely crave there is a good chance this company had a hand in it. I know you didn't need to know that, but I thought I would educate you on the subject. It's kind of like when you find out that Santa Clause is not real. In the back of your mind you kinda of know, but...

Now that we have established the fact that the reason you have cravings for food is do to flavorings, my question is why does the food need flavoring? Is it because you wouldn't eat it otherwise? Food doesn't naturally come with a hazelnut flavor or a Cinnamon flavor, I guess you get the point. So the purpose of the flavoring is to make you addicted into wanting that food all the time.

Apparently it is working because when I see people in a restaurant they simply can't stop eating and by the looks of them I can see why. Americans are addicted to eating, but the sad thing is that they are addicted to eating the wrong foods. Most of the food they eat is filled with empty calories. It might satisfy their senses of smell and taste, but it does ZERO for their health. The majority of food in this country is bankrupt of nutrition and on top of that it is polluted. That might explain the flavoring.

I decided to do something about what I was eating because I too was addicted to the wrong foods. I had my favorites like anyone else until I found something I crave more than traditional food. I am now addicted to Isagenix food. That's right! If you are going to be addicted to food you might as well eat the best food on the planet. This food actually helps my body because it is nutrient dense. Let me repeat that, it is nutrient dense which means it is loaded with vitamins, trace minerals, amino acids, high grade protein, active enzymes and so much more. When I eat this food I'm not wasting one calorie...NOT ONE!

By eating food that is nutrient dense it eliminates my cravings for food, altogether. I used to be addicted to sweets and now I'm addicted to a chocolate cream crisp bar, shakes and snacks. You could say I am still addicted to food, but healthy food. Which would you rather be addicted to? It all starts with the "7 Day 100% Super Food Challenge"! Once you try eating healthy food for a week and give your body a break from processing all of the crap that is in the food, you will be a believer. Try it for 7 Days, what do you have to lose? Contact me today to get started on a new kind of addiction....A HEALTHY ONE.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Why Do We Always Wait...

Till it's too late. Americans have become so conditioned to a way of life that it becomes normal to do what we know to be wrong and yet it appears that it is normal. I don't believe that thinking is normal. What I'm finding when I speak to people about the food they eat, which includes gluten or GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms), their body language changes. It is if they are protecting something. Maybe they don't want to hear what I have to say?

On the other hand, after every presentation I do people come up to me and tell me, "Thank you so much for the great information". That tells me they are listening and I might have struck a nerve. If I can get one person to even listen to what I'm telling them it makes it all worth while. I also inform them that I have found a viable solution to our current food supply.  I speak of experience because I have changed my lifestyle and it is a wonderful feeling. I'm doing something now, for myself, so I can live a very healthy long life.

When I speak to a group of people I see that most of them are overweight and just not feeling well. I believe it is the food they are eating and I just can't understand why more people don't see that. I suppose the main stream media wouldn't tell the masses that the food they are eating is polluted. That would be asking too much. So I feel an obligation to tell as many people as I can, but I am only one person. What if I had a bunch of people like me out there telling people what's really happening in our food supply and that they also have a solution to this issue. Paying it forward so to speak. Everyone benefits in this situation because you can help tens of thousands of people over the next 5 years transform their lives. You could also make a substantial living as well.

The challenge is getting the masses to wake up and realize that the shift is happening right now. Monsanto is basically trying to take over the entire food supply of the world. That would be a powerful and dangerous thing if they accomplish that. Unfortunately, they are almost there. My point is don't wait for an illness to happen to you. Instead take the responsibility needed to prevent any major illness you will be faced with down the road. Once you do that you can expect a better quality of life. Would you give up a hamburger today if you could be healthier in the future? Do you care that the food you are eating is polluted?

If the answer to those questions is "no", then you have a bigger issue. Don't be one of those people that waits till its too late. It also doesn't matter when you start, just start! Start in small steps. Take one shake a day and see how you feel, that's how I started. Then let me help you with education. Learning about the meat and dairy industry will send shivers up your spine.....until we delve into GMOs. Buckle your seat belt!

Now, you might be a skeptic about all this stuff I talk about, but I'm going to do what I believe is the right thing. The food in this country is loaded with chemicals and if there is a better option I'm going to take it. I found that option with Isagenix. I'm not sure that people truly understand what my health coach Randall and I are doing. We are starting a movement to help educate people that there is a solution to our food supply. Our solution is our "7 Day 100% Gluten Free Super Food Challenge". Once you try going 7 days without traditional food you might find yourself not going back to 100% "food" again. You might switch over to 50% or 60% nourishment from Isagenix. Whatever the percentage you choose, it is a far cry from what you are currently doing. I am currently on 99% Isagenix and am loving it. Like I said, I have literally changed my lifestyle for the better.

I don't expect anyone to do what I'm doing, but if you care about your health you"ll do something. I'm looking for people out there that want to make a difference on this planet. Join me on this journey to help people achieve a level of health that they thought was not possible. Leave a comment or just get in touch with me to learn more.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Diet Books Galore

I was in the bookstore the other day and I always find myself at the self development section. I love reading books on ways to improve myself and in particular spiritually. I could recommend so many books, but I won't do that here. Maybe I'll do a post in the future.

Right next to the section I love is an entire wall of diet books. I'm not talking about one or two shelves, I'm talking about a complete wall from top to bottom of all kinds of diet books. I knew there were a lot of diets out there, but this blew my mind. The next time you're in a book store check out this section.

What I found fascinating was that there are so many experts on the subject and they all have their own slant on diets. The juicing, the veggies, the low carb, the low cholesterol, the low salt, the high protein, the low fat and the list goes on from there. Wow, that is a lot to digest and on top of that who do you believe? I'm sure all these diets work for someone or have worked for people that will try anything to lose weight. I do believe there is a better way.

Through my experience with nutrient dense food I have realized one thing, you don't need to diet. What everyone needs to do is provide the body with nutrition. I know I've said this in previous posts, but could it be any simpler than that? Nutrition plays a huge role in our lives and yet the majority of Americans lack this one key ingredient in their diets. If the food you consumed contained ample amounts of nutrition then you wouldn't need to go on a diet.

Every time I hear the word diet I can't help but think of a time frame. When you start a diet, there of course, is a beginning and then there is an end. In your mind you know that you will be a stopping this diet at some point and then what? Most people that go on diets always retreat back to their old ways because they are not mentally prepared to change their lifestyle. Well, they are for a short time, but it never lasts.

All of the diet books on these shelves usually contain recipes that go along with their particular diet. Like the Atkins diet of eating steak and eggs and bacon. Yummy! It sounds good until you realize that a diet of these foods will kill you faster because of the bacteria, e-coli 157:H7, hormones, antibiotics and steroids that they are laced with. You also have to take into account the time to shop, prepare, eat and clean up from all of these special foods that are on your diet.

I have basically thrown out every cookbook that I own because I now eat with such simplicity that I don't need any fancy cookbooks. The protocol on our "7 Day Super Food Challenge" is so convenient, so effective and so affordable that I have turned eating healthy into a habit. If I wrote a cookbook to go on that wall in the bookstore it wouldn't take up much space. How could it because it would only be one page. Do yourself a favor and try something that will actually change your life, not for a couple of weeks, but for a lifetime. It only takes 7 seven days and you won't believe the difference in how you feel. You deserve to give your body the best chance you can at optimal health. Let me show you what is working for many people as they now have made the switch from diet to lifestyle change.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


One of the definitions of a pioneer is "One who opens up new areas of thought, research or development". When you think back to some of the greatest pioneers in our country you could probably name a whole host of people. Some that come to my mind is Ford, Gates, Jobs. I know there are many more, but these gentlemen were true pioneers because they created a paradigm shift in this country.

If you realize how Ford changed the landscape of transportation and the industries that were created because of his vision, you have to respect him as a pioneer. He definitely opened up new areas of thought as did Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. These are just three examples of pioneers, but by no means are they the only ones. If you look at every industry in our country it was started by pioneers. People who looked ahead and thought outside the box.

In some crazy sort of way, I feel like a pioneer. My vision of the future of our food supply looks radically different than it does today. I believe we are headed in the direction of a major shift in how people eat food in this country. The perfect storm is brewing and the major factors are the cost of food and the content of the food. As you may or may not know, food prices are going up substantially and this is just the beginning. The basic reason for the increase is the fact that our government continually prints money. When you flood the market with money it drives the value down and the cost of goods up. The other major factor is the onset of GMOs. Genetically Modified Organisms are invading our food supply and account for over 90% of the corn, soybean, canola, and sugar beets in this country.

The disturbing fact about GMOs is that once you put them into circulation the chance of a recall is slim to none. The number of crops for GM seeds is growing all across America and it doesn't appear to be slowing down. We, as a society, need to do what we can to stop this invasion by companies like Monsanto. At the very least we can try to get the manufacturers to label the foods that contain GMO.

So what does this have to do about being a pioneer? It has everything to do with it. I have adopted a protocol of eating 100% Gluten Free Super Food that is GMO free. The Isagenix products that I consume provide my body the essentials to sustain life without all the calories and fillers and whatever else they put in the food. My results have been so amazing and my overall health has improved dramatically. I believe that I'm blazing a new trail by getting off the food grid and taking responsibility for my own health. In the very near future more and more people will adopt this protocol.

Being one of the first people to adopt this new lifestyle I feel like I'm opening up new areas of thought, just like a pioneer. Why do I have to conform to whatever everyone else does? It apparently isn't working because if you take a look around this country, the obesity rate is out of control. Not to mention the overall condition of the majority of Americans. How would you like to be a pioneer? You can do it by taking responsibility for your own health and adopt this new food technology to give your body what it is begging for. Try it for one week and if you like it continue nourishing your body for optimum health. Then you too can say that you are a pioneer!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Looking At A Menu

When I used to go to restaurants I would look forward to that time when I sat down and enjoyed a good meal. So good in fact, that I felt sick afterward. You know the feeling I'm talking about. That was when I had no regard for my body or my health. Things have changed for me and the menu.

Today, when I go into a restaurant it is a completely different experience for me. It is not the food that I'm there for. I know that sounds crazy and you probably want to know why I even go. I go because I can still have a good time whether I eat or not. I'm there to be with people I care about and my wife and I do go out occasionally. That is usually the 1% that I actually eat food. The nice thing is that I have total control over what I eat. What a concept! Having control over what you eat and how much you eat.

Since the "7 Day Challenge" protocol I have been so satisfied with just eating the food from my on-line grocery store... This grocery store has everything your body needs to cleanse and nourish it to better health. The finest products, no compromise products, that you can't find in any other store or restaurant. The time I save and the gas I save not driving to the grocery store every couple of days. The cooking time, the clean up time, the digestion time! I have less garbage to take out.

I was talking to a friend who I hadn't seen in a while and I told her about my routine of eating nutrient dense food. I told her I don't go out to dinner very much and she said, " I could never just go to dinner and not eat." I thought that to be strange because there are many times I go and just have a glass of water. She couldn't understand how I could be happy sitting there not eating food. She said food and friends go together. She couldn't imagine not eating food and talking to friends.

That got me to thinking about how food is so sacred to us. People value food so highly that they believe they couldn't have a good time without indulging in food and spirits. Can you be social and not have anything to eat? I have experienced going to several parties and actually bringing my own food with me. Now granted it was just a meal replacement bar, but I still went and had a great time. Oh yeah, I felt better than any one else, guaranteed.

So back to the menu. When I look down at a menu in a restaurant all I can see is an article I read on Natural News about Gluten or GMOs. I know that sounds like a curse, but it is actually a blessing. I've done a lot of research on our food supply and that has helped me make better decisions about what is going to pass my lips. I know for some people that would be a difficult thing to do. For me, it scares the crap out of me knowing I'm about to eat something that is genetically modified.

When I look up from my menu my observation makes me sad. I see so many overweight people that I know I could help, but it isn't up to me, is it? Everyone has to take responsibility for their own health, but I believe many people don't know how to go about it. I'm so fortunate that I have found a solution to this problem. Something led me to this company called Isagenix because they have the solution. If you put these products in your mouth it will change your world, but you must first WANT to change. That is why I'm on a mission to help people who don't know where to get it, but have the desire to change.

The next time you are in a restaurant and are reviewing the menu, keep one thought in the back of your mind, "Will my body be happy if I eat this"? I know your taste buds will be happy, but what about your insides? My health coach always says, "It's not so much what you eat that matters, it's how you digest what you eat that matters".

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Education Not Medication

When did our country go in the wrong direction when it comes to education? Education is a wonderful thing because it gives you power and knowledge. I think education has been taken over by marketing and that is how most people get their information, from advertising. Have you seen the pharmaceutical commercials lately? Half the time I have no idea what the symptom is, but they go through this huge list of possible side effects if you take the drug.

I like to educate people about our food supply. So many people don't have a clue about what the potential dangers are down the road if they continue eating the way they do. Of course, education is one thing, but putting your knowledge into action is another. That is why some people don't want to know what is in the food they eat. They figure that if they don't know then they don't have to worry about it or change anything about their lifestyle. The trouble with that is at some point you will probably notice some things starting to fall apart. With the proper information you could avoid that from happening.

What I'm discovering is that Gluten is playing a bigger role in diagnosing people with different maladies. Gluten is a protein found in wheat and barley and could wreak havoc on your intestinal tract. Once it disrupts your intestinal tract it ignites a chain reaction of many symptoms that are very hard to diagnose. More and more people are finding that they are sensitive to Gluten. Our "7 Day Challenge is 100% Gluten free". In addition it is free of GMOs and it is nutrient dense.

What we need in this country is a better way to educate the masses about our current food supply and provide alternatives that are healthy and safe. The one that I have found to be the most complete system for better health is from Isagenix. Once again, I have educated myself regarding our food supply and know what to look for and what to avoid. I have learned so much about the Isagenix products and where they come from that I am comfortable utilizing them for the rest of my life. I now prefer this food over traditional food and don't plan on stopping. I actually have a craving for the food every day. 

If we spent more time teaching people about an alternative way of eating, then you would see our health care costs decrease substantially. Education is better than medication any day of the week. I have seen it time and time again where a proper diet was all that was needed to transform someones life.

I don't see people spending the time educating themselves or even learning about ways to reduce their costs and increase their health. It is such a simple thing to do and yet very few actually do it. The easy way out is to listen to your doctor and have them give you pills to cure everything. This is the reason for my passion in educating everyone I come in contact with about thinking outside the box. I might get some help from the economy. Huh? Yes, the way things are going with food prices, that might encourage people to find healthy alternatives quickly. The great thing is that I have a simple solution that they could adopt right away. If you want to begin preparing right now for those high food prices, contact me as soon as possible. I would be happy to educate you on the benefits of nutrient dense food so you won't need medication!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Be Brave If You Believe

So often we are afraid to speak our minds about something we feel strongly about. Many times we don't bother talking to someone about it for fear of what they might think of us. Why are we afraid to speak our minds? Well, we want to be accepted by everyone and if we go against the grain then we might upset the apple cart.

How many years can you go without speaking your mind? Most people go their entire lives without speaking up. I think it comes down to one really big thing and that is BELIEF. If you believe in something so strongly and you come across someone who disagrees with you, then you should stand up and not back down. Be brave and let the world know how you feel without worrying what people will think if they disagree with you.

If you believe in something then you should have a strong enough conviction to stand behind the way you feel. I am finally at this point in my life. I believe so strongly in the Isagenix products that I really don't care what you think about me and my routine. I can't tell you how many people look at me in disbelief that I hardly eat traditional food. They can't imagine not eating "real" food. That is such a foreign concept to the majority of Americans and it is a concept that could save their life. Sound dramatic? Do your research on our food supply and then ask me if it's dramatic.

I realize that most people I talk to about our food supply have no idea what I'm talking about or they just choose to ignore it. That is not going to stop me from educating people about the dangers we face now and in the future. I feel too strongly about it. Anyone who is in striking distance of me will get an ear full. My ultimate goal is to help people understand that what they eat could be causing them some serious issues.

I can't tell you how liberating it is to not care what people think because of your convictions. Is it wrong to learn about our food supply and then DO something about it? I'm having an issue with people not respecting me for my beliefs. Everyone wants me to eat what they eat all the time. When I tell them that I don't eat this or that because of GMOs or sugar or whatever it is, I get a look of disbelief. What's interesting is some of their reactions because they go into justification mode. They begin to justify what and why they are eating this particular food. Most people don't want to believe me when I tell them that our food supply is dangerous. I'm sure there are people reading this post that think I'm overboard with my belief. I respect that, but remember I don't care because I know the truth. I've done the research and it is due to that research that I have changed my lifestyle. Isn't it time that you do your research?

My advice to you is be brave if you believe. Get your voice and don't back down to anyone who thinks they know better than you. Don't let anyone put a shadow of doubt in your mind if you believe in something so strongly. Once you allow the slightest crack of doubt, you are rendered helpless to the negative belief. Be strong and the first thing you must believe in is YOURSELF. That is where it all starts, with you!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

But My Dr. Told Me...

From the time we are born we are told to look up to certain individuals and professions. One of the professions is a physician. Until recently I did what I was told and listened to a physician because I thought they knew best. After all, that is what we are all led to believe.

Don't misunderstand me, there are great doctors out there and I'm glad we have doctors for when things go bad, but there is something that doesn't add up. Like the length of time that a Doctor spends on training in alternative medicine and nutrition. I understand why they go to school for all those years because they have to know how to treat you if you have one of the thousands of symptoms that they have diagnosed. All of their knowledge is tied up in curing you after you have been hit with the illness or disease.

What if, just make believe, that they went to school to learn ways to keep you healthy instead. Create an environment where all physicians could help pre-empt the illness or disease in the first place. I have switched over to one of those Dr.s who specialize in alternative medicine. His main goal is to get me on a program without using chemicals so I won't need prescriptions now and in the future. Why doesn't everyone go to one of these doctors? I have a really good idea why that doesn't happen. Do you think because there is no money in keeping someone healthy? If you didn't have to go back all the time to see your doctor, think of the money that could be saved on office visits, blood work, and x-rays. There is a stigma in this country that alternative doctors are not legitimate.

Your doctor doesn't have an incentive to instruct you on the proper diet or exercise program that would be beneficial to help improve your health. They have a goal to keep you coming back and to get you on medications that you will be taking for the rest of your life. I'm not saying everyone can be cured with the proper diet, but I am saying that it is worth a serious look!!

The research that I'm doing is very hopeful in terms of alternative medicine. The proper diet and exercise can be critical to your quality of life and your longevity. I know since I have started on a protocol of 1,550 calories a day of nutrient dense super food that is Gluten Free. If you give your body what it needs then it won't be looking for all the bad stuff that has invaded our food supply. I know that so many people think I'm crazy because I have actually changed my lifestyle.  They are still in the mindset that if they get sick they can just go to the doctor and get that pill. You know that there is a pill for every ill. At least that is what these T.V. commercials tell us. Isn't that the easy way out? Get a pill to mask the real problem.

As a society we need to switch our beliefs around. We need to do more research on our own and not rely on just the Doctors word. It is hard for me to see someone getting a prescription which is chemicals to mask the issue which was most likely caused by chemicals. I believe a lot of what is wrong with people today is that they are not getting proper nutrition. It is as simple as that. Stay away from Gluten as much as you can and absolutely do not consume food with GMOs. Cleanse your body and then replenish it with proper nutrition and before you know it you won't need to see a doctor. Take Isagenix everyday and keep the doctor away.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Wealthy vs Healthy

From the time we are born we have one thing ingrained in be successful you have to make a lot of money. Why do you think everyone looks up to celebrities, sports figures and people who are rich. Some people spend a lifetime getting there. Some people make fortunes and lose them several times over, but usually end up on top.

Along with this desire to be financially free also comes the desire to indulge as you please. When you make more money you get to spend more money on the things you think are important. Like eating at the finest restaurants in the world, drinking the finest liquor in the world and smoking the best cigars in the world. By the way women smoke cigars too. Becoming wealthy has its advantages.

If you do spend a lot of time building your nest egg and you ignore your health, the only thing I could say to you is "Shame on you". Of all the people that can afford anything, it is the wealthy that should be taking responsibility for their own health. What I mean by that is to educate themselves on the dangers of overindulging without regard to the contents of the food they consume. Just because you have money doesn't mean you have to go crazy with food. The wealthy have enough money to afford the best food in the world. They relate the best food in the world with very expensive food at very expensive restaurants. What they don't realize is that even very expensive food is laced with GMOs and Gluten and can wreak havoc on the body. I guess if your wealthy you have this mind set that nothing will happen to you, but if it does you will have the funds to take care of any medical issue that develops.

What about the people who are not wealthy? The great news is that you don't have to be wealthy to be healthy. I wouldn't consider myself wealthy in terms of money, but I am wealthy in terms of my health. I've made a conscious decision to take responsibility for my health by investing in food products that I know are good for me. There is science behind the formulations of the Isagenix products and for that reason I have improved my health 10 fold since starting on these amazing products. It is the future of food because it is efficient, effective and affordable.

The funny thing is that people right now think it is too expensive. I have to ask, "Are you kidding me"? Under $3.00  for an entire meal that gives your body amazing benefits. That is because everyone believes it is more expensive to eat quality food. Well, I got news for you, it is less expensive by a mile. Maybe not initially because you are going through a transition period. You are trying to incorporate Isagenix into your routine, but a lot of people have to go slow because they feel they still have to spend money on food. So it does appear to cost more because you are still buying food on top of Isagenix. I get it, but after doing this for over 4 months what I experienced is that I don't go to lunch any longer. If I do go out to dinner, which is rare, I'll get a soup or salad. I never go to the grocery store because I order my food on-line. I never have to throw away leftover food and I take the garbage out once a week because I don't have any garbage to speak of. I also don't have to do dishes because there are none. What I've done is substitute quality food for the food that I was buying. I have just transferred my food budget to Isagenix and shop in their grocery store.

I realize that is a hard concept for a lot of people, but when you feel this good it doesn't matter how much it costs. Whether you are wealthy or not doesn't really matter because the goal is to get healthy. How many people do you know that on their death bed they said, "I wish I had more money"? Please don't let money come between you and better health. Spend the money on quality food and watch your health improve. Quality of life is more important than money because you can't buy your health, but you can improve it.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Our Conversation Must Change

My wife and I went to her girlfriends house last night to celebrate her daughters 9th birthday. It was a very nice evening as it was a small group of family and close friends. As it turned out it was a surprise party and Sophia really was surprised when she came back from gymnastics and found everyone hiding.

We have been to this couples house many times and they usually have a tray of food with meats and cheeses and some veggies on it. The main course was pizza and, of course, for dessert was cake. The cake frosting was home made. Anyway, as I was mingling and talking to people that I had never met, they noticed that I wasn't eating the food. I explained that I have changed my lifestyle and now eat 100% Gluten Free Super Food.

When I tell people that I can tell they can't believe it at first and then I honestly believe they become uncomfortable around me. Maybe they feel guilty because they are eating food that has no nutritional value. Maybe it is because they choose to ignore the facts about the food they eat. Maybe, they aren't aware of the dangers of the food we consume. Whatever the case, I can tell people are looking at me like I'm crazy.

Have you ever noticed that as a society much of our world revolves around food. Count how many times you think about food. How many times do you say to your friend or spouse, "Where do you want to go to eat"? You say that for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Your world revolves around food.

Since I have a very strong passion for informing people about our current food supply, I spend a lot of my time educating people I meet about what I have learned on my journey to better health. What I have learned is that our food supply is DANGEROUS. I know I'm not going to change everyone's mind about food, but at least I'm doing my part. How can you make an intelligent decision unless you have all the facts? If you still want to eat the way you do after you know the facts, then at least you have a choice. You are making a decision to ignore potential illnesses and diseases by continuing on your current course. I don't agree with it, but I respect it since that is your choice. All I ask is that people respect me for MY choice.

What if we spent more time educating people about the food we eat, as we do deciding where to eat? How productive would that be? We would be able to start a movement in this country towards better health. If more people knew the truth about what they were eating then we could put a serious dent in our health care costs. More people would take responsibility for their health and then you wouldn't have to decide where to eat because you are already eating the most efficient, effective and affordable food on the planet.

I am doing what I can to change the conversation from "Where are we going to eat?  To  "What is in the food we eat". I know that I'll be looked on as a buzz kill in a room full of people that are so happy that they are eating "food". Who wants to hear the truth about the chemicals or gluten or the aluminum cans that are filled with toxins? Nobody..... but that is why I do it. Because I care about helping people. I'm beginning to realize that I want it more than they do. The question is, "Why wouldn't you want to be healthy by eating food that gives you nourishment"?

BEWARE....if you are in a room with me and there is empty calories all around us, get ready to be educated whether yo like it or not!!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Is Sugar The New Cocaine?

Americans consume on the average 22 teaspoons of sugar a day. They are addicted to it like it was a drug. I know that I have seen some reports that they are thinking about classifying it as a drug. Can you imagine going to the local grocery store and you need to get your fix of Hershey bars? You won't be able to without a prescription.

Maybe I'm taking it a bit too far, but am I? Since I have been on the Isagenix protocol of 1,550 calories a day I have lost my cravings for sweets. I could walk by a bowl of M&M's and not even give it a second look. For me that is pretty amazing because when I was growing up I never met a sweet I didn't like. I would rather eat something sweet more than any other type of food. I have come a long way since then and am so much better without it.

Americans can't get enough sugar and it is apparent when you observe people in the grocery store or restaurants. Have you ever stopped to wonder why you need something sweet after a meal? The simple answer is that you are not providing your body with enough nutrition. The real answer is that you are filling your body with empty calories and that causes you to want something sweet.

One thing I noticed is that not many people are disciplined enough to say no to something sweet. The reason for this is because we are conditioned to eating this type of food. Couple that with the addictive traits of sugar and you have a very dangerous combination. In today's society we treat ourselves to something sweet for just about every occasion. Whether it is a birthday, anniversary, graduation, etc. It is almost like a reward for getting through the main meal. I can't tell you how many times in the last several months that I have been subjected to one of these "special occasions" and everyone is looking at me because I refused to have it. I might as well have been from Mars because of the looks I got for not eating it.

Here in lies the rub. Why is it a bad thing to want to take responsibility for your health? Why do I feel like such an outsider because I don't conform to the norm? Shouldn't I be respected for my choice? I do have some people come up to me and say, "I don't know how you do it. I could never do that because I love sweets too much". At that point I don't think it is a good idea to go into my educational mode and tell them the dangers of sugar. I feel like saying to them, "Do you understand what you are doing to your body by eating that? Our bodies were not designed to process these synthetic chemicals", but I hold my tongue.

The more I think about sugar the more I realize that it is a powerful drug like cocaine. I'm reminded of the story about Gandhi when a women begged him to help her son get off of sweets. He told her to come back in a month and he will tell her how to do it. A month passed and Ghandhi asked her to come back in another two weeks. After two weeks he asked her to come back in a week. Finally she came back and he instructed her how to do it. She asked him why it took so long for him to help her and he said, "Because I first had to figure out how to get off it myself".

Do yourself a favor and get off of sugar ASAP. Get control over you mind because that is what is needed. Get nutrition in your body and make that a habit! Once you make that a habit then you can move on in your life without the cravings of cocaine....I mean sugar!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Could There Be A Better Business?

I have spent the last several months writing about the health benefits of the Isagenix products. I have informed you about my lifestyle change since I tried the "7 Day Challenge 100% Gluten Free Super Food Challenge". It is a lifestyle change since I eat Isagenix products 99% of the time. The reason I do that is because I know what I'm eating is good for me. It is also convenient, tastes good and provides my body with the essential building blocks that is so often missing in the American diet.

Now that we have established that let's take a look at the business side of Isagenix. I first want you to know that so many people shy away from great opportunities because of the unknown. A lot of the information they receive is from people who are negative and are not really educated on the fastest growing industry in the world. That industry is called Network Marketing. Oh no, I said those two words. Don't be afraid it won't hurt you.

Network Marketing has been around for many years and there are some very successful companies that are still thriving today. Have you ever heard of Avon or Mary Kay? These are multiple billion dollar companies and they provide great products and an income stream to millions of people. Isagenix is no different in that they provide great products and are helping people from all socioeconomic backgrounds achieve financial success by sharing these products.

I think people are put off by the "Network Marketing" word because they truly don't understand the business model. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that there haven't been unscrupulous companies in this industry, but you have to weed through them to find the good ones. Isagenix is a great one! The reason for my conclusion is my past experiences in this industry. I have been in some companies that folded up and some that I wasn't successful at because of one key ingredient....BELIEF. I have never been in a company that has every aspect covered from the products, the compensation plan, the management team, and most importantly the CULTURE. As a small business owner, in addition to conducting my home based business, I know the importance of culture to a company. So many people don't even have a clue of how important that one piece is to the puzzle.

Can you think of a better way to earn a living than by helping people gain their health back? I know that might sound so trite, but it is the truth. When you can share no compromise products with people you care about and have them have success with the products and then share it with others, you have what I call the perfect business. Don't get me wrong, I love my other company that I started from scratch, but in my health business I'm making a difference in the lives of many people on a personal level. This is more than providing someone with a paycheck, it is helping them live a longer healthier life.

I can't think of a better business to be in than helping people realize better health. It would be very rewarding even if I didn't get paid to help them. So for those people that think this industry is a dirty word all I have to say to you is....NEXT.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Connecting With People Globaly

There are so many languages in the world, but there is one language that is spoken everywhere. That is the language of health. No matter where you live in the world, health is the one thing that everyone strives for and yet so many fail to achieve. Why? Why do so many people fall short of taking responsibility for their health?

I have asked myself that question for years and don't have one single answer that makes sense. I realize that not everyone educates themselves on the dangers of the food we eat. Then again, why would you even look at the food industry and what is going on since you are so conditioned to eating food from the time you are born. The large food manufacturers have enormous advertising budgets and they spend every dime of it convincing you that you have to have their product. They paint this picture of healthy fat free, low carb and low everything to make you think it is actually good for you.

There are cultures out there that are disciplined in the food they eat. The future of our food supply MUST be efficient, effective and affordable. That is why I'm so excited about our "7 Day Challenge". I can't believe that there is a complete system for better health and that it measures up to all three MUST haves. As a society we have to be more disciplined and if we are we can lower the cost of health care. By eating a better diet utilizing nutrient dense food each and every one of us can benefit tremendously.

So many people seem dead inside. They don't want to open their minds and think outside the box. The food that is in the American diet is very dangerous, but no one wants to face the reality of it. When I try to educate people about the truth I get a very distant look. People just can't comprehend what I'm telling them because they either don't want to believe it or they just want to ignore it. That is what drives me crazy.

When I look around and talk to people around the globe via the internet there is one thing that we have in common...good health. Our bodies are made the same and we all have the same needs as far as nutrition goes. Our bodies are starving for nutrition, but instead of feeding it properly, most people eat empty calories that has no redeeming value. It doesn't matter where they live in the world an empty calorie is an empty calorie.

Some countries do have an advantage over ours and that is their commitment to no GMOs. Not allowing Genetically Modified Organisms to invade their food is the smartest thing they can do. Avoid GMOs at all costs because of the damage they can do on a long term basis. My fear is that it is too late for our country because Monsanto creates 90% of all the GM seeds in the world and our crops are over 90% GMO. That means that our corn products and our soy products are genetically modified. You can't imagine how many products contain corn and soy.

Isagenix is currently in 8 countries and is growing. There is a need in any country for these products. I know that Singapore and Malaysia are coming on line very soon. If you know of anyone in those countries please let me know. Let's help the people that want it and spread the word about an alternative way of eating and nourishing our bodies. Together we can all change the person at a time.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sitting By The Pool

When you are on a cruise ship you spend a lot of time around the pool area, at least I did. I was reading a great book by John Robbins called "The Food Revolution - How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Life And Our World". Sounds pretty intense because.... it is. A bit of background, John Robbins was the heir to the Baskin-Robbins empire. I said was because he turned the offer down. He didn't take over the business like his father wanted him to. Instead he did what was in his heart. That was to educate people on the truth about our food supply.

When you have a conviction that strong then nothing will get in your way. If you constantly get bombarded with negativity and not even notice it, then you are at a very good place. I know that might sound selfish, but it is what drives you as a person and if you can get to your place, that place you have your sights on, then everything in your world is better. You're relationships are stronger with the people that you really care about.

My trainer, David Wood, has a saying and it goes like this, "Just Let Go". Let go of the things that are holding you back. Let go of your fears and by all means GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! What ever you dream, focus on it and move in the direction of it, and it will manifest. Often times we limit ourselves and so we are the root of the problem.

Think outside the box. Don't go along if you don't believe in it. Just because your friend eats the way they do doesn't mean you have to do the same. If you decide to take responsibility for your health with Isagenix or anything else, then commit to it, no matter what someone says. Each of us can think on our own and if something seems out of the norm then question it with an open mind. If someone wants to eat a certain way and it is healthy for them, don't feel bad that you can't do what their doing. Respect them for their decision as they would do with yours.

When people get defensive about eating the food that they do I often wonder if it is anger at themselves. Maybe they just feel helpless or weak because they can't stop eating something they know is not good for them. On this cruise, as I mentioned, I spent a fair amount of time by the pool. What I did there was read and also observe. What I observed was that the majority (95%) of the people on this ship were overweight and a large percentage of those people were obese.

Due to my thirst for education regarding our food supply I was comfortable to take my own food on the ship. I know that sounds crazy since cruises are known for the abundance of food, but I'm committed to better health. That is why I brought my own food so I could maintain my program. I did have dinner every night, but it was minimal and I would skip dessert and have tea instead. I didn't feel deprived of anything and I actually felt so much better by not shoveling food in my mouth.

What is really important to you? Is your health important? If it is truly important to you then don't you think it is time to do something about it? Don't go another day without at least trying my products. You won't know how good they are unless you put them in your body. You deserve the best so why settle for anything less?

Monday, March 5, 2012

I Didn't Go For The Food

As you may or may not know, I just got back from my first cruise on the high seas. I cannot believe I have never gone before, but I will absolutely go again. As a matter of fact I already signed up for next year and can't wait to go. The best part was that I can write the whole trip off on my taxes.

When I told people that I was going on a cruise the first thing that comes to mind is the food. Cruises are known for the "all you can eat buffets" and there is usually more food on the ship then some third world countries. In addition to the food there is always a specific seating for dinner and you have the choice of 6:00 or 8:00. If that wasn't good enough they also have a special steakhouse for an additional charge. I'm exhausted thinking about all the food on the ship.

This was a bit of a challenge for me because for the last three months I have done 99% Isagenix. I have been so used to eating nothing but Gluten free nutrient dense super food that I was afraid that I would get ill eating regular food. The nice thing was that I brought my Isagenix food with me. I know that sounds crazy, but I wasn't the only one to do that. There were a lot of people that brought their food, but I honestly think I was one of only a couple of people that ate mostly Isagenix.

I know I did a good job watching myself because this morning I got my best friend to tell me where I'm at as far as weight goes. Yes, my best friend is my Tanita scale and when I jumped on this morning I was really afraid. This piece of equipment really holds me accountable. Remember that my wife and I have been away from home for 12 days and seven of them were at sea. So can I have a drum roll please? My total weight gain for the twelve days including a cruise was 1.1 pounds. Hard to believe? Yes and no. I was really good the whole trip and followed my protocol about 80% and the other 20% was eating small amounts of food.

The secret was not going to the buffet line or eating desserts. I didn't drink coffee and my alcohol consumption was beyond minimal. If you added it up over twelve days I had a combined total of one drink. You're probably wondering if I had a good time by not indulging myself with all of these goodies. I can say without hesitation that  I had the best trip I have ever had with the exception of my honeymoon.

I proved to myself that you can be in a social setting on the high seas and still be committed to your health. I was very social with everyone I met and I didn't have to drink or eat to do it. Of course, the group I was with respected my choices because they too are concerned with their health. However, there were some of the group that went a bit crazy, but I'm sure they will be back on track today. I myself will be doing a deep cleanse today to get rid of all those nasty things that are in my body. It's a funny thing that when you treat your body with respect it responds to you in a wonderful way. Just because there is unlimited food on a cruise doesn't mean you have to take advantage of it.

This trip really solidified for me that I have now officially changed my lifestyle to a healthier one. I can't tell you how great I feel that I went away and came back with only one pound to lose. When I talk to my best friend in the morning I bet I will be down to my pre vacation weight. I will follow my cleanse day with the 7 Day Challenge protocol on Tues and probably lose another pound on Wed. That doesn't happen very often on other programs so what are you waiting for? Get in touch with me today and I will help you change your life...if you are ready to.