Love the Ocean

Thursday, March 31, 2011

This Is Like An "IPO"

Fot those who might not be familiar with the intitials "IPO", it stands for Initial Public Offering. When a company is trying to raise money to grow their company they will put out an IPO so people like you and I can invest our money in hopes of getting a very nice return on investment. The return on investment usually takes a long time to realize so if you have the money to invest you might be waiting awhile to get your money back and make a profit. You could always sell your shares in the company at any time.

Isagenix is coming out with their own version of the "IPO" this August. The company is launching a new product that will be a game changer in the anti-aging industry and you and I can take advantage of this right now! There is one major difference in their version of the "IPO" and that is you don't have to put money into the company, but rather you have to invest in yourself. You see, once you begin taking their products you are actually investing in yourself. So how is this like an "IPO"?

After you invest in yourself, you can now share your experience with others and spread the word about the company. Isagenix will actually pay you to do that! Instead of spending millions of dollars on advertising the company pays its members for spreading the word. So what if you knew the company had a major breakthrough on a new product and you could make money from telling everyone you knew about it? This is like insider trading that is legal. It is really quite brilliant when you think about it. You take products that give you a better than average chance of coping with the issues we face today and you get paid by educating other people about these products. If you get involved right now, you have a chance of helping so many people take advantage of the newest product that will help extend one's life in a healthy way. This is a ground floor opportunity that should not be missed! Believe me you will still be able to make a ton of money later down the road, but why miss out on potentially tens of thousands of dollars by not even investingating this new discovery.

Don't let this inside information go to waste. Get involved and tell everyone you know about it. This is the kind of "IPO" that should excite everyone. Make the investment!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dream Stealers

As I get more involved in my home based business I'm beginning to realize that there are a lot more "Dream Stealers" out there than I thought. Before I define a "Dream Stealer" I have to talk about Dreams!

Dreams are thoughts you have about the future. What I'm finding out is that a lot of people don't have dreams. The reason I make this statement is because I always ask people, "If you had a blank piece of paper and could write down in words how you want your life to look like, what would it look like?" So often the answer is "I don't know". If you can't design your life in your thoughts then you will always be floundering and forever be missing out on what life has to offer.

Maybe people don't take the time to dream. It really doesn't take a lot of time, but it does take some thought. There is that word again, THOUGHT. You actually have to think about what you want. Once you do that, then the next step is to be clear on those thoughts. Think about them everyday and focus on them. It will have a dramatic effect on your life!

So that brings me back to Dream Stealers. These are the people that put negative thoughts in your head about your dreams. I see it so often in the network marketing industry and it makes me want to scream. One of the reasons it drives me crazy is because most people that put negative thoughts in your head are the people that don't have dreams themselves. They can't imagine making $50,000 per month because of their own lack of confidence. So if they can't do it they tell you that you can't do it. It's that negativity that is the real killer. Once you get a sliver of that in your thoughts, then you begin to doubt yourself and then you are doomed. Once you get into self doubt then you fall into fear and then it leads to paralysis. This downward spiral was all because someone told you that you couldn't do it or it will never work.

Now for the good news. There is one sure fire way to never let someone steal your dreams and that is summed up in one word...BELIEF! You see, if you believe something to be true then nothing or no one could ever steal your dreams. So my suggestion would be to work on your belief. Once your belief is iron clad, you will become unstoppable!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Invest In Yourself

The economy has people scrambling to find ways to make money and save money. I don't know what your situation is, but if you are like the majority of people in America there is a serious cloud hanging over every one's head about many things including health care. What does the future hold for us as we get older?  America is getting older with all the baby boomers coming of age. Very soon the people over the age of fifty will be the majority in this country. A perfect storm is brewing with more elderly people and rising health care costs, where does that leave us? Something has got to give in this scenario and I believe it will be the elderly that will get the short end of the stick.

So now that I have completely depressed you, especially if you are a baby boomer, have no fear because there is a way to fight this situation. It is going to require courage and discipline, but then what doesn't to get a positive result. I would also like to tell you that what I'm about to suggest is an easy concept, but very few people are willing to do what it takes to get it done. That is where the courage and discipline comes in.

How many of us are looking for investments to make us more money? How about to make us look better as we age? There is one investment that I don't see people utilizing very often and that is the investment in your insides. People lack the knowledge about investing in themselves and if they had that knowledge it could change EVERYTHING for them. You see, my theory is that if you take care of the inside of your body then you have a better than average chance of not needing medicine in later years to help you stay alive. Our health care system is reactionary. You get sick and they give you pills. What if you took better care of yourself and you can eliminate the need to see a doctor before you got ill?

It is totally possible if you INVEST IN YOURSELF! What do I mean by that? I'm talking about trying to find foods that are not processed, stop smoking, exercise and have the discipline and courage to follow through on these issues. What is the alternative? Very simply, if you continue to abuse your insides you will have to pay the consequences later. It is not too late for anyone to start. Take a stand and begin today!!!

Start with small goals like stop drinking soda or stop eating things with sugar. I know it can be hard, but I found a product that can help me get over those cravings. It all starts with nutrition and feeding your body what it desires most. It doesn't get any easier than that and Isagenix can help you begin the process.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

March Madness and Food

March Madness is in full swing and I have to admit something to you, I don't really follow it except for the fact that the UofA beat Duke. Being from Arizona and the fact that my wife graduated from the UofA is the only reason we are interested. I do know, however, that this is a really big tournament to determine the best college basketball team in the land. So in the spirit to try to fit in we went to dinner Friday night at a local neighborhood sports bar called "Zipps".

When we got there the place was packed and rocking and so we had to wait for a table. We have been to this place before as it is 5 minutes from our house and I will be the first to admit it, the food happens to be very good for a sports bar. As we waited to be seated I looked around the bar to see everyone having a great time drinking and eating. Finally our little pager went off and we were ready to be escorted to our table.

As we were walking toward our table I just observed what everyone had on their plates to eat. The majority of people had a huge burger with fries or onion rings. I also saw a lot of wings and other fried foods. Now if you have read any of my earlier posts you know that I look at food a different way since I have been on Isagenix. Tonight was no exception. As I walked to the table I realized that this was the norm for the American diet. It would be one thing if people ate like this once in a while, but this is how most people eat all the time. And you wonder why there is obesity and illness in our society. I don't want to come off as some food snob or that people are harming themselves greatly by eating food like this, but my point is about choices. Even in a restaurant like this you have a choice to eat something healthier for you than a meal that consists of thousands of calories and no nutritional value.

If you make a decision to eat healthier and are conscious of what you are eating then you are in control of what goes in your mouth. I get a lot of help from the Isagenix grocery store. By consuming nutrient dense super food it allows me to stop craving these types of foods. We all have choices, but most of the time we are not in control. That is left up to our conscious mind telling us, "it's ok to have that burger and fries this time because we are watching the game and it tastes good". We all need help making those decisions and I helped myself make the best decision by trying Isagenix.  It literally has changed my life. Oh by the way, I walked out of the bar feeling amazing as I had a salad and a glass of water. I didn't have that stuffed feeling or bloated feeling that you often get after eating a big meal of fat. Wouldn't you rather feel that way too?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Right Place Right Time

If I told you that we are at the right place at the right time, what would that mean to you? I think it probably means something different for everyone, but I also believe that the underlying theme is that there is a GREAT OPPORTUNITY that lies ahead.

Most great opportunities are usually taken advantage of by a relatively small amount of people because they have the money to invest and they are aware of the opportunity. Even if you or I knew about some great new technology that was about to hit the market would we be in a position to get on board? Could we take advantage of this knowledge and make a ton of money from it? Most likely the answer would be, NO. I am here to tell you that our time has come!!!!

I know I have touched on this in earlier posts, but I can't stress enough the unbelievable opportunity we ALL have with this amazing company called Isagenix. They are blazing a trail in the next Trillion dollar industry called WELLNESS. Isagenix has been so successfull since they began in 2002 because they actually created a new category called "Nutritional Cleansing". Thousands of people have a new lease on life because of these great products. The retention percentage for this company is almost unheard of in network marketing. The majority of  people that take the product do not sell the product. Does that give you a clue of how incredible these products are? So if you were here in the beginning of Isagenix, were you at the right place at the right time? YOU STILL ARE!!

The reason you are is because the company hasn't hit momentum or critical mass YET. That and the fact that they are launching a product in Aug. that will change the face of an entire industry. Try and get your head around a product that will make people regenerate the cells in their body so they stop AGING! Can you even understand the magnitude of that?

The best part is that you and I can take advantage of this incredible discovery and we don't need a lot of money to invest. ANYONE can get into this business for as little as $19 and begin educating people about this product. That's right, you don't need to be a millionaire and invest a lot of money to go out and make a lot of money. Fortunes will be made by those who take advantage of educating everyone about this new product.. Several years from now you don't want to say, "I knew about this age reversal product, but didn't get involved". This is very real so please contact me to see how easy it is to get started on being at THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Breakfast of Champions

I remember a time when I would roll out of bed and had to have a cup of coffee. If I didn't get that coffee, you really didn't want to be around me. Do you know anyone like that? Since I was trying to get a bit healthier I knew something had to change. Over a year ago I decided to try to break the habit when I was introduced to Isagenix. I didn't need to lose a lot of weight although I certainly could have lost of  few pounds. So I started on the "Shake and Cleanse" Pack. What this consists of is 30 meals in the form of shakes and 30 days of "Cleanse for Life". What really attracted me to this system was how easy it was. All I had to do is drink a shake in the morning and take the cleanse at night. Does it get any easier than that? In the middle of these two routines I would snack on some almonds, hard boiled egg , yogurt and things like that. For lunch I would keep my calorie count between 400 and 600 calories. I would do the same for the evening meal. Now if you wanted to lose weight you could substitute two meals with two shakes.

Here is what happened to me after a short time on this product. I released 13 pounds, stopped drinking coffee, stopped having cravings for sweets and felt satisfied all day long! And that was just after a few weeks on the product. Now that I have been on the products for over a year it is scary how good I feel. I don't get starving pangs in my stomach and I never get that incredible stuffed feeling from eating too much.

I'll be honest with you that it took a bit to get to this point because I had to experiment with different Isagenix products to get the right combination. I have since found what works for me and can now say that I have this feeling of well being. What is the right combination for me? Well it is basically the same as when I started which is the shake and cleanse, but I added Ionix Supreme which is John Anderson's magic elixer to help reduce stress on the body. I also have added Greens to my morning shake since I don't get enough of that in my normal daily intake. Can you imagine getting the greens that your body needs on a dialy basis going right into your cells? How efficient is that! I also can't live without their little chocolates that are filled with green tea, niacin and more nutrients that are good for you. At 50 calories it is head and sholders above a snickers bar.

After I cleanse the impurities out of my body at night, my system is screaming for nutrition in the morning. So I give my body what it wants in the morning. It is MY breakfast of shake!!!! I don't leave home without it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Network Marketing

You ever wonder why Network Marketing gets a bad wrap? Could it be the old business model where you buy thousands of dollars worth of product and then it is your responsibility to sell it. When you can't sell it then you have a garage full of product that no one wants and you are out a bunch of money. Maybe because you think only the people that get in first are the only ones that make the money? You have tried your hand at it and the company changes the comp plan or they go out of business and you get discouraged.

It could be one of these or a combination of these reasons that the industry is looked on as a pyramid or a scam. Unfortunately, there have been some unsavory companies that have entered this industry, but have been weeded out because they have been exposed for what they are. Over the years, stories of these companies have become the "norm" for a representation of the industry and it is extremely unfair. There are exceptional Network Marketing companies out there.

If you understand the business model that this industry affords you could definitely see the appeal, but you must do your research. If you are interested in joining a company then you have to do your homework first. My suggestion would be to look at several very important factors. The first would be to find out what your passionate about. So often people get sucked into a company because of the money. They think it will be easy money without any regard to the product. They say the same thing about buying stocks, buy what you know about and are interested in. After you decide what gets you excited then you MUST check out the company. Every January, a thousand new network marketing companies start up and by the end of the year there are a handful left. The management team is critical to the success of the company. The next criteria would be need. Is there a need in the marketplace for these products. When people approach me about their products I always ask them,"would you buy this product if a business opportunity wasn't attached to it?" The answer better be Yes. The compensation plan has to be simple and easy to explain. If you can't understand it then how are you going to explain it to someone else? The last thing that you should consider is if you are coachable. There is no need to reinvent the wheel here, just follow people that have become successful in this industry and keep it SIMPLE.

I did all of the above research and that is why I landed at Isagenix. I am passionate about the products and helping people get their health back. The management team has taken another company to one Billion in sales and did the same for this company already. There is a tremendous need for these products as we face so many challenges today regarding Toxcicity, Obesity, and lack of Nutrition. The compensation plan is the easiest to explain and most lucrative in the industry. To top it all off is the future products that this company is developing. In Aug, the anti-aging industry will be turned upside down with the launch of the age reversal product currently know as Product B. Stay tuned!!

If you are afraid of the industry then I believe you just don't understand it. If you have a bad taste in your mouth because you have been burned before then I suggest you do some more research before jumping back in. The author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad" just wrote another book called "The Business Of The 21st Century" and he describes this industry, the Network Marketing industry, as the way business will be conducted. This is about a system through which a product and service will be delivered in the most efficient cost effective way while creating wealth for those who choose it.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Do you remember the movie "Limitless". It was about this new drug that stimulated your brain to the point of actually utilizing 100% of its capacity. I would have to say that most people only use a small percentage of their brain capacity. It's like our smart phones and computers, we only use maybe 10% of the functionality of these amazing products. So can you imagine using 100% of your brain?

This movie got me thinking about the new technologies that are being developed and will be developed in this century that will make us smarter, healthier, and live longer. One such product is called Product B and it is the exclusive property of Isagenix. I spoke about it in an earlier post called "Anti-Aging Discovery".

Imagine a product that can make your cells in the body reproduce without dying off? That would mean you would stop the aging process and can actually reverse it. Can you get your head around this discovery from Dr. Bill Andrews and his partner John Anderson? When I tell people about this incredible new product I believe they think I'm talking about a science fiction movie. You know like "Limitless". But is it science fiction? NO! This product actually exists and is in clinical trials as we speak.

We are getting word from some close sources that the product is working with amazing results. It is hard for people to understand the magnitude of this discovery. That is why I'm so excited to be involved with Isagenix because they not only have solutions to our nutritional challenge in this country, but they are also very involved in this new Wellness industry which includes ANTI-AGING.

You can't pick up a paper today, watch tv, or listen to the radio without seeing some product that is touting anti-aging. The revolution has begun and Isagenix is leading the pack of major discoveries in this new industry. Fortunes will be made by bringing this product and many products like this to market. I hope you can see the potential of this new product and the future of this Wellness Revolution. If you can't don't worry about it. You can still make good money two years from now as the wellness industry will be in full swing. I guess you could say that the opportunities are LIMITLESS.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Am I The Crazy One?

My wife Gina and I went out to dinner last night and as we were walking out of the restaurant we ran into a couple that we have known for years. The husband looked at me and said, "You look great, what are you doing"? Of course I told him I was on a new program from a company called Isagenix. He had never heard of them before, but was interested in learning more. Now he is a bit older than I am, but he was in pretty good shape except for one small detail...he loves to eat. When I explained to him that I'm filling my body with nutrient dense food and that I have lost my cravings for just about everything bad for you, he looked at me with the deer in the headlights look. He asked me if I eat food. I told him yes, but with one major difference. The food that I actually do eat, is now the supplement to my Isagenix program.

When I talk to people about this alternative food system it is so foreign to them. We have been so conditioned to think about food in a certain way that most people can't fathom eating any other way. So I began to wonder if I'm the crazy one. I mean, am I crazy because I want to put no compromise products in my body that make me feel amazing? Just because I look at food in a different way from most people does that make me a lunatic? I just choose to put quality products in my body rather than empty calories.

Eating products from Isagenix is like a short cut. Your body gets all the nutrients, vitamins, trace minerals, amino acids and more without having to wade through all the calories that is associated with "regular" food. You might say that it is an efficient way of eating. I know that people have a love affair with eating food, but does anyone think of the effects it will have on them later in life. And are you really sacrificing anything? Since you have been so conditioned to thinking that your going to miss something if you don't have that decadent dessert or whatever your pleasure is, then you are going to have a tough time changing those thoughts. Have no fear! It is possible to change those thoughts, but it is going to require some work and products from Isagenix.

This way of eating food is not for everyone, but believe me it is worth a try. I don't spend my days thinking about food. Look at the time you would save on this activity alone. Food seems to be the center of our world, but what really should be the focus is helping our bodies achieve optimal health. If you change your focus to that, than worrying about that next great big meal will fade away.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

It's Here!!!

Can you imagine if you were there in the beginning of major shifts in our economy? When Henry Ford created the automobile industry or a small software company in the early 80's called Microsoft began to change everything about computers. There are so many industries that began with an idea and then exploded onto the scene. How about the pager, cell phone, fax machine, CD player, DVDs, microwaves and the list goes on and on. If you were there in the beginning and had an opportunity to get involved you would be wealthy today.

In order for you to capitalize on all of these industries and Trends, you would have to be a manufacturer or a retail store or own a lot of the companies stock. I guess the question is "if you knew about these things why didn't you get involved"? I believe the most common answer is lack of money. Since you didn't invent these things and didn't have the capital to start manufacturing the items, you couldn't take advantage of any of them.

We are currently in the beginning stages of the Wellness Revolution and this time WE can capitalize on it in a big way. The wellness revolution has already begun as sales have gone from $200 Billion in 2002 to $500 Billion today. This industry is on the way to a Trillion dollars so in my mind we are at the right place at the right time. Everyone who chooses to get involved now can become extremely wealthy, but you HAVE to get involved.

Health care is a 2 Trillion dollar industry and makes it's money on people who don't have an alternative to get healthy. The medical profession is here to cure our ills, but it is after the fact. They know how to treat disease and illness, but do absolutely nothing for the prevention of these illnesses. Maybe they should spend more time in medical school learning preventative medicine.

This is where the Wellness Revolution comes in and how we can all make a fortune educating people on new technologies that will make us healthier and live longer. The company I represent is Isagenix and they are on the forefront of the greatest shift in wellness in the 21st century. It's Here!!! The company wants to impact world health and free people from physical and financial pain while becoming the largest health and wellness company in the WORLD. See my earlier post on Anti-Aging will blow your mind.

Do you want to take advantage of this new emerging industry? You can because the cost of entry is low and the benefits are high. Direct selling is the way to go and the only other way to take advantage of these new products coming to market. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to profit from Wellness Revolution.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Am I Missing Something?

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that sees the opportunity in front of us. Well that's not true because there are many other people out there with the same dream. I mean the dream is different for each person, but the end result is the same for everyone. Of course, the end result is happiness. Whatever that means to you. That is an individual thing and only you know what happiness means to you. I have a very simple dream and I'm on my way there. I can feel it because I feel good inside. Taking responsibility for my health by consuming these products. Isagenix has created an amazing line of nutrient dense superfood that enters your body on a cellular level. Your body doesn't crave carbs or sweets.

The challenge for most people is the thought of giving up real fattening food which includes fast food, fried foods, and all kinds of sweets.So we have a choice between nutrition delivered in an efficient way on a cellular level or a big mac, frys, and a shake. My current caloric intake a day is less than 1500 and I'm not hungry. The calorie count of the meal at McDonald's is more than I have in two days being on Isagenix products. I'm saving money while I'm giving my body what it doesn't get from the American diet...NUTRITION

Am I missing something? How could people not see this incredible company that is creating an amazing alternative to the current food supply. A couple of reasons for this would be that very few people know about this company. Another explanation would be that people say they want to be healthier, but they don't have the courage to stop eating the way they do. They don't want to give up their guilty pleasures. But it is a trade off. If they continue to neglect their insides then disease and illness could be more intense in their later years. I remember my mother-in law (may she rest in peace) said right before she left us that if had she known that she was going to live till 90 she would have taken better care herself. It's not too late to change for the better. Just find the courage.

If nothing else do some research on my website. Also, take a look at yourself in the mirror. Just the two of you. There is two of us in everyone. We are millionaires or poor, we are happy or sad, healthy or unhealthy. Which do you choose to be? In later posts we'll discuss how you get to choose.


Do you know anyone who likes rejection? When you get rejected it puts a sting in you that usually doesn't feel too good. I'm not sure there is another industry that sees more rejection than the network marketing industry. When you first enter the business you are excited, optomistic, and can't wait to tell your family and friends about it. So you start with your family members and they tell you NO. Then you go tell some friends about your new venture and they tell you NO. After a few of these dissapointments you start to question yourself, the products and just about everything else your doing.

I guess the person that introduced you to this industry should have warned you about days like these. They should have told you that not everyone is going to say yes. In actuality, rejection is a part of life. It isn't the rejection that is the problem, it is how you handle it that is the key. I like to use a baseball analogy when discussing rejection because it becomes really clear and it makes a lot of sense.

Relate your business to a major league baseball player and the notion of averages. When a professional hitter comes up to the plate he usually has a batting average. A good hitter is one that hits the ball 3 out of 10 times. We call him a 300 hitter. That means for every 10 trips to the plate he gets on base 3 times. That also means that he is out 7 out of 10 times. When you are speaking to a prospect for your business, you are not going to sell everyone you talk to everytime. So you also can come up with a closing ratio. Now in the beginning, if you could close 1 out of 10 that would be considered good. You now have a ratio! So if you talk to 20 people your going to get two. As you progress in your business you can get your average up to 2 out of 10. The reason....your getting better.

Now if you understand this in the beginning of your journey in this industry, the rejection doesn't seem all that bad. Understanding the numbers is a good thing. If you just stop after the first few people that you talk to then you are not giving yourself a chance to get a ratio. Even if you got one person after talking to 20 people, you now have a bench mark and your own ratio.

I would now like to put this into perspective so you can see how powerful numbers can be. Remember the baseball player that was hitting 300? Well that major leaguer is making $7 million a year! He is out 7 times out of 10!! If you can get your ratio up to 2 out of 10 you will create an income that will be beyond your wildest dreams. I bet rejection won't sting so much after thinking about the numbers. Keep in mind that the more no's you get means you are that much closer to a yes. Please don't stop trying because you are probably closer than you think to having a great batting average.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Working Part Time On My Fortune

The great thing about the network marketing industry is that you can do it part time. I tell people that I'm working on my career at my full time job and my fortune on my part time job. I would recommend this to anyone looking for extra money because there is a low cost of entry and you can work as hard or as little as you want. You don't have to put pressure on yourself to light the world on fire. I'm looking at working on my fortune for at least 5 years. With a committment like that, I don't beat myself up if my fortune is taking longer than expected. I also don't get down when someone rejects me.

So many people are either afraid of this industry or believe that it is a get rich quick scheme. Nothing could be further from the truth. Any business that you open will take time to mature, but in Isagenix I don't have any real estate, employees, taxes, computers, and all the things that are needed to run a business. If I had all of that to contend with I would be stressed and believe me, I have that with my conventional business. I am a partner in a small business with 35 employees and offices in three states. We do have a bit of stress to put it mildly. But my part time job is enjoyable because I get to help others achieve a level that they never thought possible. Actually, with the network marketing business model I don't make any money unless I help others first. Don't you think business should be like that? Helping people get healthy and wealthy and at the same time rewarded for sharing these great products.

So how do I find the time to work on my part time fortune? I make the time!!! I  work after my regular job has ended for the day and put in several hours in the evening. Everywhere I go I talk to people about their health and find out that they want to lose weight or would like to have more energy. I might discover that they need to make more money, but don't want to work a second job for minimum wage. If you have a strong enough reason to work hard in the beginning then with this business model you won't have to work hard in the end. I'm not trading time for money working part time,  I'm building something for the future. The exciting news is that everyday with consistancy and persistance my efforts are compounded. After several years in the business I will enjoy the fruits of my labor in the way of residual income. Getting paid tomorrow for the work I do today. How many part time jobs out there can provide that?

So many people want to be in business for themselves, but can't because they don't have the money to start a business and they lack the skills to run a business. Enter network marketing. You see you don't need a lot of money and you don't have to have any special skills. Everything is done for you so all you have to do is educate people about your product. In my case, I educate people about nutrition and anti-aging. I'm informing them of products that they had no idea existed. That is why many people make a great deal of money in this industry. They just share their products with everyone that comes in their path. The best form of advertising is word of mouth. This industry is the business of the 21st century.

Within a very short time, I will be able to tell people that I'm making more money in my part time job than I am in my full time one. How would you like to tell someone that? Well, in network marketing it is possible because ANYONE can do it. For now I'm going to continue working part time on my fortune. I would love for you to join me. Together we can both make a fortune and help thousands of others do the same!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Don't Go Backwards

After my last post about comfort zones, I hope you started to think about what your comfort zones are and how you can overcome them. For some people it takes awhile for them to come out of their zone, but when they finally do, they start walking with more confidence. As for those people who get off to a fast start, it isn't really about how fast you start... it is simply that YOU DO!

I guess you could call that the hardest part. Having the courage to take the next step. Once you have determined your comfort zone or zones, now it is time to ACT. You actually might not know what to do to get started. Hey, that is a comfort zone in itself, figure it out. That is the base root of getting to the next step. The thing that is holding you back is what you need to overcome. Remember, it's called getting OUT of your comfort zone.

So you venture out of your zone and then things don't go as planned. What happens to you? You start doubting yourself and you want to go back to your favorite place. You either stop or go backwards at the first sign of rejection. "This isn't supposed to happen to me because I'm coming out of my comfort zone". "This is what I was afraid of". No one said it would be easy. If it was easy it wouldn't be uncomfortable.

Once you have thoughts of doubt you better go back and check your belief. Your belief level must increase because that will help you get over those early negative thoughts. No good can come from negative thoughts. I have been practicing on thinking of positive thoughts only and it is making a huge difference in my life. When you change your thoughts to positive all the time, it will change your world. It is a simple concept, but very difficult to do. Master this one exercise and you will never go backwards!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Comfort Zone

In my last post I talked about getting clear on your dream. Once you are clear on what you want your life to look like then you have to begin moving in the direction of that dream. Now you don't have to spend every waking moment thinking about it, but you do have to have it in your mind everyday. Moving in the direction of your dream means taking action on the intentions toward getting you there. I really don't care what you do on a daily basis as long as you do something that will give the impression that you are on your way to that ultimate end result. The great thing is that you don't have to be perfect with your intentions, you just have to do something everyday that will get you closer to transforming your life the way you envision it.

Here comes the part that people start to freak out about. "You mean I'm going to have to do something that I don't normally do? But it is really uncomfortable for me to go to those places, I feel awkward and not confident". Welcome to the COMFORT ZONE! Most people are in this place called the comfort zone. That is the place where everything is so familiar and I know everything about this place. I feel at home in this place. Well I'm here to tell you that in order for you get out of this place you are going to have to do things that are uncomfortable.

By taking action on the things that make you uncomfortable you are now expanding your comfort zone. When you expand your comfort zone it feels weird and frightening, but you want to here something crazy? When you finally do get out of that zone, then the things that you were afraid of....disappear. They become easier and easier to deal with. When you look back to how afraid you were, you start to realize that there was nothing to be afraid of. Then once you get past that first fear you are in a position to conquer them all because you did it once and you are still alive.

If you want to get to the next level in your development you MUST expand your comfort zone. I am still in the process of getting out of several comfort zones and I feel fantastic. I'm doing things that I never thought possible. Writing this blog was one of them. Speaking to people about Isagenix that I would never have approached before because of their profession or income. Learning about social media and how to utilize these tools to propel my business. That was a hard one and I am still learning, but it was the fear of the unknown that pushed me out of MY comfort zone. I am doing the daily things needed to get me to my dream and I can see a difference in myself. As I reach new obsticles I am better prepared to attack them because I took that first step and EXPANDED my zone. Get out of your comfort zone and get into an uncomfortable zone. That is the only way you are going to grow as a person and achieve everything you are dreaming of. Trust me, if I can do it you can do it!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wellness Revolution: Living Your Dream

Wellness Revolution: Living Your Dream: "When I talk to people about Isagenix, I always ask them about their dreams. My question is always the same, 'if you could do anything you wa..."

Living Your Dream

When I talk to people about Isagenix, I always ask them about their dreams. My question is always the same, "if you could do anything you want and money was no object, what would you do"? The answer I most often get is,"I DON'T KNOW". This is the beginning of the end. If you don't know what you really truley want, then how can you get there? If someone invited you to a party and told you to be there Sat. at  6:00, but you didn't have the address, how could you go? You MUST have a destination in mind! Before you do anything else, find out what you want your life to look like. So go get yourself into a quiet space and start dreaming how you want your life to look like. I realize it is a hard thing to do because of all the outside influences that we face on a daily basis. You have to wade through the economy, the middle east, unemployment, inflation, etc.

Once you decide what you want and it becomes clear in your mind how your life will look like, then the next step is FOCUS. You must focus on that dream with very clear intentions. I mean you have to do it everyday. I know it isn't easy because of your current circumstances, but what if those circumstances were not bogging you down? Sometimes it takes people several attempts to rid their mind of all this clutter and just think of what they want. Your thoughts are extremely powerful and that is evidenced by where you are right now. Your thoughts got you where you are right now. The good news is that your thoughts can also get you where you want to go.

I still can't get over the fact that most people don't have a clue of what they want. Oh sure, they want to make more money and be out of debt, but that is not focusing on what you really want. I'm talking about when you wake up everyday till the time you go to bed. What would make you happy? Whatever that is you should be thinking of it everyday. I'm not suggesting you have to think about it 24/7, but I can't stress this enough that it must be in your mind and very CLEAR.

My dream is very clear and in my mind I am actually doing it.. I want to effect thousands of peoples lives with better health and provide everyone with an opportunity to create a wonderful income. By doing that I will create an amazing life for me and my family. I can't think of a better way to make a living than by helping people transform their lives physically and financially. I see myself traveling around the country helping people who have a desire to better themselves and who want more out of life. For me, it doesn't get better than that. Along with this dream comes time freedom and money freedom. Not having to worry about finances is a huge challenge the majority of people face today. You won't have to worry about it if you just change your thoughts and get clear on what you want!! You too can start LIVING YOUR DREAM.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Getting Serious About Wellness

The wellness industry is exploding! More companies are coming out with amazing products for just about everything. So why aren't people getting more serious about it? In my opinion, they lack the courage to change the way they live their lives. They are so comfortable in their world that they can't imagine not having a big steak, a burger and fries, or just about any food you can think of. The other main reason is because they just don't know about them. Enter......Direct Selling

The Wellness Revolution is bringing amazing products to market, but have you noticed that most of the products are coming by way of the Direct Selling industry? That is because Wellness is the next Trillion dollar industry and the most effective way to market these products is by word of mouth. Please keep in mind that the products have to work. Check out this link to give you more of an overview of  where we sit today and the incredible opportunity that lies ahead.
If you watched the video I think you will agree with me that we are at the right place at the right time. There has never been a better time to get into this industry. So where does one begin to explore the opportunities?You could do some research on the areas that interest you or you could start right here!

If you haven't read my earlier post on the Anti-Aging Discovery I would highly recommend it. Isagenix is unleashing a monster product in Aug.  Sometimes it is hard to get my head around it. In my opinion, this product will be the next level of products to take the Wellness industry to the next level. Major breakthroughs are going to be coming at us with lightening speed. So are you ready to get serious about the next BIG thing? We shall see....

If you are ready then tell me what is holding you back? Are you willing to give up TV for one night? Are you willing to go to a meeting once in awhile? Are you willing to get healthy? Are you willing to tell someone that the products you are taking actually work? I know I'm asking a lot, but in order for you to get to the place you want to be, you must work at it. What is the alternative? The alternative is just going along in mediocrity and allowing someone else to control your life. I want to help people create their own economy so no one has to tell you what to do. Create your own economy!!! Get in the game and start a home based business.

If anyone is interested in getting serious about Wellness, then please contact me and I will show you how to create an income from the comfort of your home with a product that will change EVERYTHING!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Do Not Ignore The Economy

There are so many people that have lost a job and are still out of work. The prospects do not look promising for the near future. I believe that one of the reasons we are in the situation we are in, is because our politicians are not thinking of the future. Making tough decisions about where to cut spending is really tough. If we don't stop spending and printing money, then the country is going to be in a world of hurt. I know everyone believes that it could never happen in America, but please don't fall into that trap. Look at the signs which include gas prices and food. If they continue to climb then there is no choice but to raise taxes.

So what are people to do? How can they make money in this economy? They can make money in the business of the 21st century. The business of the 21st century has a very low entrance fee and absolutely nothing else. There is no shipping the product, inventory, no employees, copiers, computers, phone systems, etc. The only thing you have to do is tell a few people about the products you love to take . It could be anything, but in my case it is Isagenix. I will take these products the rest of my life because they make me feel that good. I know what I'm putting into my body and it is not polluted. One of the top selling products is an AM PM vitamin pak. All the main ingredients for anti-aging. I am getting myself prepared for the new product launching in Aug. You know the age reversal product that I talked about it in an earlier post.

When I approach someone about these incredible products, the first thing that comes out of their mouths is "how much does it cost"? I then ask them......" if you buy them or you if don't. You see there is a cost if you buy them, but there is also a cost if you don't. By not feeding your body the proper nutrition it deserves, you are going to pay for it later down the road. Disease and sickness awaits those people who choose to ignore what's best for their bodies and take the path of being treated for illness. I believe it is more cost effective to take care of your insides with these products then the cost of healthcare in the future. Sound familiar? It is called the Wellness Revolution. You can also save on groceries because on this program any food you do eat becomes the supplement not the other way around. I have actually saved a lot of money because I'm not eating like I used to.

There is no better place to be right now than in this industry and with this company. Filling a need for people looking to save money on food, providing fantastic nutrition, and allowing ANYONE an opportunity to make a very nice living with low start up costs. Anyone who wants to help others achieve more than they thought possible will be rewarded beyond their wildest dreams. Please take a good look at this company. They are one way to beat the odds in this economy!!!

Our Environment

When I speak about the environment, I'm not referring to the air that we breathe. Although I will tell you that the environment we breathe everyday is filled with toxins and that is another reason I take a product called "Clense for Life". That helps remove impurities from my body. Anyway, back to the environment that I am talking about.

Environment is so critical to the success of anyone looking for a better life. If you surround yourself with like minded people who also desire a better life then nothing is impossible. That is a big reason I got involved with the Network Marketing industry. First find out what you are passionate about and then dig in and get plugged in. There is one other thing you MUST have and that is BELIEF! All of these things are important to your success. Once you have a belief in the products and the company then your environment can grow to levels you would not think possible. When you are in a room with other people that think and feel the way you do it creates a positive energy that cannot be stopped. That is the type of environment I am talking about.

The challange then becomes holding onto that feeling when you leave the room filled with like minded people. Everyone goes back to their environment and if it's not a strong environment they easily fall back into this negative place. The reason they fall back is very simple...BELIEF. They either truly don't believe that the product or service they are selling really works or they don't believe in themselves! They listen to friends and relatives tell them every reason not to be in this business. If you are listening to people like this I guarentee that they are not successful, don't have money, and absolutely don't understand the network marketing industry.

If you really have belief in what you are doing then nothing should discourage you from your ultimate goal of waking up everyday and feeling good. In order to do that you must be in a good environment. A good environemnt is no NEGATIVITY. We all have challanges on a daily basis, but it is how you handle those challanges that makes the difference. Start surrounding yourself with positive like minded people and watch the transformation in yourself. It makes a world of difference. I am speaking from experience because I was in such a dark place with no hope in sight. I first began to listen to a great deal of self development CD's and reading books on the subject. That led me to Isagenix which led me to amazing life altering products.  It ultimately led me to an environment that I'm so happy to be a part of. What could be better than helping someone transform their life physically, financially, and spirituality?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Anti-Aging Discovery

Up till now I have been discussing the effects of nutrition on your health. I can't begin to tell you the difference it would make by giving your body what it actually needs. Nutrition is critical and works in concert with many anti-aging products.

If you are not familiar with Dr. Bill Andrews then I suggest you do some research on this Dr. He is the foremost expert on telomeres. Telomeres are at the end of your chromosomes and are directly related to aging. The critical piece of infomation is the length of the telomere. When you are conceived the telomere is 15,000 basis in length. When you are born it is 10,000 and when you die it is 5,000. Dr. Andrews has been studying this for over 20 years and has discovered a way to lengthen the telomere which would stop the aging process. In the trials he has also discovered a way to reverse the aging process. You can find more info about him and his research at

In order for Dr. Andrews to bring his discovery to market it would take 10 to 15 years because of all the FDA regulations. However, he has partnered with Isagenix and the co-founder John Anderson to find a natural ingredient to stimulate the telomere and make it grow. He has found that ingredient!!!

Isagenix is on the cusp of the biggest breakthrough in anti-aging and I believe the beginning of the Wellness Revolution. I am looking for anyone who would like to live a longer healthier life to join me in spreading the word. Fortunes will be made over the next 5-10 years in this blooming industry. If you or anyone you know would like more info on how to tap into this exploding technology, please contact me as soon as possible. This product is going to launch in Aug of this year.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Another part to this system I'm on is cleansing. When I tell someone that I also cleanse they immediately think of colon cleanse. This is not the case. Isagenix has developed a product call "Cleanse For Life". This is a whole body cellular cleanse which removes the toxins and impuritites from your cells so they can perform at optimal levels. Our environment is a big contibutor to clogging up our cells with these toxins in addition to the food we eat. Isagenix is the world leader in this type of technology. By cleaning out the impurities in our cells, our bodies can run more efficiently. To give an example, do you change your oil in your car? How about the filter in your home for the air system? Your body is no different and it needs to be cleaned out.

John Anderson has created a product that does exactly that. Since I have started cleansing I can notice a distinct difference in the way I feel. I have more energy and basically feel healthier. When your cells are cleaned out they are so receptive to accepting nutrition into the body. So I have a nutrient dense shake in the morning and cleanse at night. I'm not sure if a system could get easier than that. The difference it has made in my body is hard to describe. Ok, let me clarify just a bit. Along with the products that I take are anti-aging vitamins that have therapeutic doses of CoQ10, Resveritrol, D3, and three different types of vitamin C.

So, I'm feeling really good because I'm investing in the inside of my body. I couple that with eating less food and foods that are not going to fight me every step of the way. The result is a feeling of well being. When was the last time you could say that? When you finally make the leap and have the courage to change the way you eat and decide to put no compromise products in your body, you have begun to become part of the wellness revolution.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Food Reality

When I began my journey to Wellness it started with my food choices. If you recall, I was already conscious of eating certain foods because of my father and his heart issues. I haven't had fast food in probably 15 years. Several years back I stopped drinking soda. By just doing these two things I  have added years to my life. They say if you do something for 30 days you can change your habit. I would encourage anyone who is interested in changing their mindset toward food and soda to try this for 30 days. When you go into a fast food restaurant look at the menu and then in your head start adding up the calories and fat content of the food. You might need a calculator. During lunch, most of North America has the daily allotment of calories in that one meal alone. If you add it up it probably comes to over 2000 calories. The worst part of this is that there is no nutritional value AT ALL!!! Here is where the problem begins. Our food is nutritionally backrupt. Without providing your body with nutrition it then goes on a search throughout the body for that elusive nutrition. It becomes a scavenger and starts to attack your bones and organs looking for it. When it can't find it, the only thing left is to go for the American diet and what we call EMPTY CALORIES. Shoving food in your mouth that is processed and then several hours later doing it again and again. Remember, eating processed food once in awhile is not going to kill you, but doing it over a long period of time will have a devasting effect on your sysytem. You will have a greater chance of developing disease and illness if you continue this practice.

A little over a year ago someone introduced me to an alternative method of providing my body with nutrition. I have been taking this product religiously for about a year and it is hard for me to truly express how it has changed my life. Every morning I take a nurtient dense super food by way of a shake. I know what your thinking, that all protien shakes are alike. I am here to tell you that is not even close to being true. The product I take is a perfect food with the perfect amount of carbs, fats, and protiens. It is a meal replacement at 240 calories and enters my body on a cellular level because it contains active enzymes. Once I mix it with water it becomes a live food and must be consumed within 10 minutes. My body is so satisfied, getting the ingredients it needs that it doesn't look for empty calories to get filled up.

The formulator of these products is world renown and has developed over 2300 products for 600 different companies. His name is John Anderson and they believe he has saved the best for last. All of the products that he has formulated work in concert to provide the body optimal health. In later posts I'll talk about some of the other products that I take and many more that are available in this line of nutritional cleansing. When you take a product that works and makes you feel better, you want to tell everyone about it. I have tried many other products, but I have had the most success with these and I will never stop taking them.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The New Business Model

Have you ever read Robert Kyosoki's book "Rich Dad Poor Dad"? It has sold over 25 million copies and continues to sell. He has just written a new book called "The Business of The 21st Century". In this book he describes how products and services are going to be delivered to people in all countries. The business model he describes in the book is called Network Marketing. This is the future. He talks about building assets and by building a network you are creating an asset. Remember that an asset is something that puts money into your pocket and liabilities is something that takes money out of your pocket.

So many people have a bad taste in their mouth about Network Marketing because they either got burned or they just derived an opinion from other people without investigating the business model themselves. Network Marketing is a brilliant business model if you have three key factors:

1. Products that Work
2. Timing
3. The Management Team

The company I am involved with, Isagenix, has all three. Since 2002 they have accumulated over one billion in sales. There is only one reason for that...the products work! They are filling a need in this country by providing nutritional cleansing. We face so many issues today such as; Toxicity, Obesity, Environment, Lack of Nutrition, etc. They have developed products that provide a solution to all of these issues. They are also getting into an area that will be the next big industry called Wellness. The Wellness industry will become the next trillion dollar industry. Please watch to hear one of the top economists talk about the future.

Is the timing right for these products? America is aging and within a few years about 50% of the population will exceed the age of 50. That is an extremely large segment of the population. Everyone will be looking for ways to be healthier and live a better life. In this country alone, $109 million dollars a day is spent on diet related products. Isagenix provides an alternative to dieting because diets don't work. The timing for these products and this company is perfect. Especially the product they are launching in Aug. I will talk about that in a later post.

The management of this company is second to none. The founders have been in this industry for over 25 years and have taken another company to over a billion dollars. They have assembled the top people in this industry and put them together to form the "All Stars" of the industry.

We network every day of our lives, but we normally don't get paid for it. Ever tell someone about a great restaurant or a movie that you saw? How about telling someone about a great place to get your carpets cleaned or your nails done. That is networking. This is the same concept, but your educating someone about amazing products that help you feel better and look better. By sharing these products with people you know, the company will pay you for that referral. You also get paid when they share the products with their friends. It is a simple concept that is brilliant, but a lot of people feel they are scaming people or it is one of those pyramid schemes. You need to form your own opinion by investigating the company and the products. Whether it is my company or any other Network Marketing company.

Remember, this is the future business of the 21st Century.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Becoming A Bridge

I have spent my whole working adult life in a vacuum. I would wake up and go to work and go through the motions. Always hoping for something better, but never realizing my so called dreams. The reason I never got there was because of my environment. I would allow my enthusiasm to falter because of the negative environment that sucked me back into it. I don't believe you can put the value of your environment on your personal journey high enough. If you can change one thing...change that!

I recently got involved with a company that has the right attitude and environment in order for me to grow on several different levels. If you read my bio you know that my destination is Ultimate Wealth.
I am very in tune with my end result. For it to manifest you must move in the direction of your end result. The business model of this company is to help other people get what they want so you can have everything that you want. Helping people realize that they can be more, have more, and feel good about themselves is very rewarding. It is the only way I can get paid! I become the bridge to Ultimate Wealth. I will help anyone that asks me for help. The bridge could be long or short because it is ultimately up to you. Think in terms of becoming a bridge to other people. Helping them to the other side.

I see so many people that have so much potential, but they drag themselves back into this dark environment and sabotage themselves because they don't feel worthy or deserving. Everyone has the same opportunites, it is just your desire and belief that will make the difference. I am looking to help as many people as I can to become a bridge . You might say I'm a bridge builder.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Do You Have The Courage?

That is the question that I ask so many people and you know what their response is? Silence. Can you believe that? Most people don't even have the energy or the courage to change the way they eat. They are too comfortable in their ways. Small amounts of bad food over a long period of time will have a devastating effect on your health. Is that your mindset? I look at young people today and they feel invincible and know that nothing will hurt them. Could they be more wrong? Every one of us has a choice of what kind of foods to eat. Unfortunately, most people choose the wrong foods because their bodies are deprived of nutrition.

I have come across a nutrient dense food that I would recommend to anyone interested in providing their bodies the essential minerals, nutrients, and vitamins necessary to maintain optimal health. It is the perfect food! It can be found at my website One of the biggest factors in nutrition is cleansing. Our bodies are riddled with impurities from everything from the environment to the food we eat. We can not ecsape it because it is all around us. I believe the reason people can't lose weight is because of the toxins and impurities that are in their bodies. If you don't give your body the nutrition it needs then it starts searching for empty calories. You must clean out the cells of your body and when you do they are ready to absorb nutrition. Diets don't work for so many reasons, but it also comes back to having courage to change. Nutritional cleansing is catching on, but we have a long way to go to educate people that there is another way. Do YOU have the courage to change the way you think about food?

Obesity in Our Country

You can't pick up a magazine or a newspaper without reading about the obesity epidemic in this country. It is out of site!!! You have to ask yourself why that is happening. I believe there are several reasons for that, but I also believe that it is about to change.
Have you noticed food prices going up? We are just in the beginning stages of seeing food go through the roof. Everyone in America has this false sense of hope and belief that we are immune to anything like that happening. As I was filling my gas tank yesterday and it cost me over $50.00, I got a real dose of reality. As gas prices continue to climb, so does every other commodity in the world.

Families that have lost their jobs had to do something to ease the pain so they turned to cheap food (if you can call it that). Fast food is fairly cheap and it filled people up. You could feed your family for less than $20 bucks. Here is where the problems begin. There is NO nutritional value in fast food. Actually, the nutritional value in any food is extremely low. So what are Americans supposed to do? How about eating food that has nutrition. Yeah, but how can I afford that? My answer to them is how can you afford NOT TOO. Look, when prices go up more than they are now, what is the American population going to do? My guess, they will still head for the nearest fast food place because it will still be less expensive (in their minds) than actually making an effort to find a better way to eat.

Here is what is going to change this epidemic. The WELLNESS REVOLUTION. Our health care is going to look very different in the future because we are not going to treat people with pills and surgeries. The future products on the market will be able to create a longer life span and help our cells fight off diseases. There is one caveat to this and that is you have to be healthy to take advantage of these products. Would that motivate you to get healthy? We shall see!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How I Got Here

I knew that I had to do something or I would end up like my dad and his brother (my uncle). They both had heart issues and being that it runs in the family I decided to do something about it. Keep in mind that I started thinking about this when I was in my late 30's and early 40's. I am currently 53. The first thing I did was to stop eating fast food. I went cold turkey and I had this thought in my mind that every time I looked at fast food I could see the calorie count and the fat content etched in my brain. It repulsed me to even think about eating fast food. There is absolutely NO nutritional value in that food. As a matter of fact, the American diet is depleted of nutrients. We can get into that on a later post, but right now I want to tell you how I got to think the way I do. OK, so I stopped eating fast food, but I still ate some stuff that was not so good for me. My diet was erratic and I was either bloated or hungry. There was no middle ground. The good thing was that at least I was aware of my thoughts regarding food and nutrition. I did what everyone does and started to search for good things to eat. When I thought I was onto something, I was shot down by all the crap that was even in the GOOD food. Then I started to research what was in the food we eat. WARNING! If you have a weak stomach do not read further. I discovered that we are eating pollutants!! Yes, that is correct, I said pollutants. I wish the food we bought in the market had these type of warnings on their packages. I guess you can't pick up a package of food and have it display all the chemicals it has in it. If you did then you would probably starve. But I eat Organic! You know how many times I've heard that? I really don't care, but eating organic is at least a start. It really begins with the soil. After years of killing microorganisms with all the pesticides, insecticides and herbicides, the soil has nothing left. Did you know that the Latin word for "CIDE" is DEATH? That is correct, we are putting death on our food.

After doing this research I decided it was time to try something different. There had to be another way. An alternative to the American diet.