Love the Ocean

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Is Any Food Safe To Eat?

The more research I do about our food in this country, the more frightened I get. Every day there is another story of some kind of food being recalled because it caused illness and in some cases death. How scary is that? As Americans, we want to know that the food we are eating is safe to eat.

I subscribe to many health related websites and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't see an article about GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms). What I would like to see is the main stream media reporting on this every day. This is such an important topic that I believe everyone in the country should be aware of. A little knowledge can go a long way.

Since I began this journey to better health, one of the habits I picked up was to become a label reader. Now I'm not a scientist or a doctor, but when there are ingredients on the label that I can't pronounce, I get a bit worried. Today, these manufacturers can disguise many chemicals into nice sounding words, but the truth is that they are very dangerous.

I know there are some people that think I'm overboard with my critique of our food supply, but at this point I would rather be cautious than foolish. Virtually everything you eat today contains some type of chemical. On top of that, most of the food you eat stays in your cell structure for 6 months. So if you want to go crazy one day at a ball game and have a hot dog, plan on that hot dog staying with you for the next 6 months.

I'm not trying to scare anyone about our food supply, but rather to educate them on some of the dangers that these foods could cause. In particular any food that contains GMO's should be avoided. The next question should be, "How do I know if it contains GMO's?" That is a good question! With no labeling laws in this country it is difficult to determine, but I do have a great way of avoiding GMO's. I eat Isagenix food 97% of the time. The other 3% of my food intake is with food that I know doesn't contain GMO's. I have a whole shopping guide list of NON-GMO foods.

The Isagenix food I eat is certified and verified GMO free. To me, that is one of the best reasons to try this food. The benefits of these products go far beyond being chemical free as they actually nourish your body. How many foods that you consume are GMO free and nourish your body? I'm going to guess that the typical American diet has very few products that do that.

So when you come right down to it, is any food safe to eat anymore? Become a label reader and if you don't know what an ingredient is then do what a lot of people do...Google it. You might be surprised at what you find in these fancy words that no one can pronounce. If I were you I would stay away from GMO food like your life depended on it, because IT DOES!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Did I Mention The Quality?

I know I talk a lot about the "7 Day Challenge" protocol that I have been on for over 300 days, but I don't think I do a good job talking about the quality of these products. They are so good that I now have decided to make this lifestyle. I can't begin to tell you how incredible that is because I'm no longer held hostage by food. How many people can say that?

The quality of these products are so good that they satisfy my cravings to the point I am not hungry for food. Now it took me a bit of time to get to this place, but the key was that I was willing to do it. I made up my mind to take responsibility for my health and I'm fortunate that I was asked to join a small group of people to think outside the box. That thinking was the "7 Day Super Food Challenge".

At first I was reluctant because I had to first get over the fact that I wasn't going to eat any food for one week. I don't think people realize that when they go on this challenge it is a commitment to stay true to the protocol. After all, you are going to encounter a weekend during your 7 Days.That is when you know you are serious about making a change in your life. If you make it through the weekend give yourself a high five because that is a sign that you are ready to change.

So back to the quality of these products. In looking at the top selling product in 8 countries,which is the Isalean Meal Replacement Shake, you understand why that is so. The whey protein in these shakes are the top of the line and they come from New Zealand. It is illegal to inject any animal with steroids, hormones or antibiotics in this country which makes the source of the whey the highest grade you can buy. Always check the source of the whey when comparison shopping. Just a little hint, there are no comparisons to the Isagenix whey protein. It is by far the most superior whey protein on the planet.

In addition to the high grade whey protein is the method of extraction. Isagenix uses a proprietary process for extracting the whey without heating it. The majority of the whey protein you buy in a health food store is denatured. That means it is heated. Isagenix whey protein is undenatured. When you heat anything it takes the nutrients out of the product, like when you cook your veggies or steak.

Several of the other products I take on the protocol also contain the whey protein found in the shakes. Quality DOES MATTER!! If you put quality food into your body it will respond in ways that you never thought they could. Most people don't know what "Good" feels like because they have never stopped eating the food in the American diet. It really is an easy choice if you are serious about your health. I know people think about the money, but they think they have to spend extra money on the Isagenix products. If they could just get their head around the fact that they are substituting meals for their normal diet, they would be amazed at how much better they feel while at the same time saving money.

You deserve the best quality food for you and your family. Why settle for anything less?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

I Can See It, Can't You?

When you put two and two together things become more clear. This has never been more evident to me then right now. I'm taking in all the information that is provided and some that is not provided and drawing my own conclusions. The conclusions I am coming up with make it easy for me to see the future and the trends that will shape our lives.

What I'm talking about is the next hot trend to hit the US and it is going to have a profound effect on this country. More importantly, a positive effect that will save lives and reduce health care costs dramatically. I know that seems like a bold statement, but I believe we might be forced into it, which would be a good thing. I'm referring to the Wellness Revolution!

One of the forces in our economy that will move us in the direction I'm talking about is the cost of food. Have you been to the grocery store lately? I actually don't go to grocery stores any longer, but I ran into one the other day for some paper products and I took a look at some of the prices of the food that people buy. What I experienced was what people call sticker shock. I couldn't believe some of the prices of the food.

That led me to begin the process of putting things together. I thought about the government decided to print more money to the tune of $40 Billion dollars a month. That is on top of all the money they already printed which made the prices for staples go up in the first place. So adding additional printed money is not going to help, but rather cause massive hyper-inflation. If you add to that the severe drought the US went through this year, you have a recipe for disaster. Food prices will skyrocket next year and what will the American people do?

You see the effects of it now because more and more people are eating inexpensive fast food because that is all they can afford. It's cheap and it fills them up, but what about the long term effects on their bodies? Most people don't think of it that way because they go into survival mode and will eat what they can afford to eat. They don't think of the health ramifications of their eating habits at the time, but they should. Eating poorly for any length of time will create another expense and I mean a really BIG expense. I think you have heard of it and it's called Health Care.

We are in a vicious cycle that I believe can be broken, but we must make sacrifices. The first sacrifice is to begin feeding your body better nutrition. Since I have been on the Isagenix products my world has changed for the better. Does it cost a bit more to eat quality food? The answer is yes, but what is the alternative? Eat junk that is cheap, but then spend your life savings on your health care as you begin to develop illness and disease due to the food you ate for years?

Isagenix is so far ahead of the curve when it comes to solving solutions for people. They have put together the most complete system for better health that I have ever seen. Now, they are moving into true science with cutting edge products that help your brain and aging. This is the future and the more people that take responsibility for their health, the less they will have to pay for health care in the future. Yes, I can see it moving in this direction as people will need a way to nourish their bodies at a reasonable cost. Isagenix is positioned for massive growth, not only in this country, but many countries around the world. I can see it, can't you?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Band Aid Medicine

The United States of America has the greatest health care system in the world. After all we spend about 26% of our GDP on this system. In contrast to other countries that spend only about 2% of their GDP on health care. Does something seem out of whack? How come we spend so much on our health care in this country and we have some of the sickest people in the world?

Health care in our country is a $2 trillion dollar industry and costs continue to rise. It seems that people are getting sicker faster and the number of people getting sick is increasing. Illness and disease is on the rise and our generation will be the first to out live our kids. How scary is that? If we don't make a change quickly then I fear we will become a nation that can't afford to take care of its people. Come to think of it, we are almost there.

I look at the health care system as a machine, a very powerful machine. I also believe it is tied into two other industries which is our food industry and the pharmaceutical industry. We eat food that is bankrupt of nutrition and is polluted. Then we get sick because the food is now laced with GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms) and other chemicals. Over time this is have a devastating effect on our health. The second step is going to the doctor because of all the symptoms that occur after eating the food. So what does the doctor do? They offer a band aid for a solution. Yes, they mask the issue with more chemicals so you feel better. The pharmaceutical companies are the third step in this process. They make billions of dollars with drugs that don't cure anyone, but rather create a dependency on them.

Band aid medicine can be stopped if you are willing and committed to stopping it. How can you stop it? By having the courage to change your eating habits and the habits of your children. I know, I know it is not the easiest thing to do, but it is one of the best ways to get off that (Hamster Wheel-Post 2/9/12) we all find ourselves on. Our dependency on poor food nutrition is the key to changing this vicious cycle. If Americans would just switch their eating habits to food that has nutrition then so many issues could be resolved. I know that sounds so simplistic, but it is the truth.

I can speak from experience since I have followed the "7 Day Super Food Challenge" protocol for over 300 days. I stopped eating sweets, drinking soda, fried foods and the list goes on. I went from eating all empty calories to eating a trace amount of empty calories and my life has changed dramatically. My body is working more efficiently, which means my heart rate has slowed down, I released unwanted pounds, reduced my body fat and my metabolic age is now 20 years younger. All I did was change my diet to nutrient dense super food. Once I did that I lost all my cravings for the bad stuff I was feeding myself and saw my health begin to improve. Isn't it time you rip the BAND AID OFF? It will sting for a moment, but then you can begin the healing process and your health will improve.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Isn't The Gov Supposed To Protect Us?

I'm not one who relies on the government for all my needs and I don't believe anyone should. Our founding fathers formed our country to basically protect their citizens from foreign invaders and to make sure everyone  has their rights protected. Does it seem like that today?

Government has grown into this behemoth that has basically chiseled their way into our lives and it appears the current administration is trying to get further into our freedoms. Think about all the agencies that are set up to help protect us such as the FDA, EPA, CIA, FBI to name a few. Are they really protecting our freedom?

I have written about the FDA in previous posts and I don't have any trust in this agency any longer. They allow products to enter the market without long term product testing and thousands of people suffer the consequences. Drugs that they said were safe turned out to be not so safe and even deadly. I realize that it is a tough task to police all the new products that come on the market, but isn't that the reason they were formed? Does the FDA have any checks and balances?

The reason I bring this up is because of the latest industry that is flourishing and one that should not be. That is GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms). How the government can allow these crops to grow in the US is beyond me. The danger of these GMO's is wreaking havoc on the American people and has for the last 30 yeas, but no one in Washington seems to care. If they did, our crops would be GMO FREE!

Since GMO crops have invaded the US some 3 decades ago, there has been a rise in obesity, diabetes, heart disease, autism, cancer and the list goes on for a mile. If you don't believe me then check out Jeffrey M Smith's new movie called, "Genetic Roulette". You can watch it for free until Sept 22, 2012. Here is the link

In Jeffrey's movie he lays out the effects of this dangerous process of altering the genetics of all the major crops which include: corn, soybean, canola, sugar beets and cotton. The effects they are having in our society is devastating. Our children are getting adult illnesses and diseases that they never had before. Obesity is on the rise which effects one third of our population. It is all do to our food supply. Can you think of another reason all these things are happening to the health of America?

The government is turning a blind eye to GMO foods and there is only one reason I can think of why that is occurring...BIG MONEY! There is another reason which I won't go into, but let me just say it has to do with our population. Our Government should be protecting us from these companies that are destroying our health. Since they won't do it I will take on the responsibility to do it myself and NOT eat GMO foods.

Our "7 Day Super Food Challenge" is a perfect way to avoid GMO foods and create a healthier lifestyle. Don't you deserve the best? Why risk eating GMO foods when you have a perfect alternative. You owe it to yourself and your family to avoid GM foods. Start today!

Monday, September 17, 2012

What Makes You Choose?

Everyone knows that we have choices in this country, don't they? I mean there is a reason you choose one brand over another, right? You make choices daily on where you eat, on a nail salon, hairdresser, place for clothes and just about everything you do.

So, what makes you choose the things that you do? Is it the advertising? Did a trusted friend tell you? Is it the "in" thing and you MUST have it? It could be none of these and then again, it could be all of these. Is it the way you grew up?  I guess whatever the reason you have for making the choices in your life, know that you have the ability to make them.

What I find in the people I speak with is that they know they can make a choice, but fail to take action because they feel comfortable with the way things are. When you feel comfortable, it's time you need to shake things up. Comfortable is good when you reach the next level. When you get there, you need to shake it up so you can get to the NEXT level.

Choosing is an ever changing process unless you get stuck in choosing something comfortable. I think the point to remember is that you do have a choice. If you choose something that doesn't work out, no big deal just move onto something that will work out. When something doesn't go your way, know that there is a reason for this. Every experience points us in the direction we want to go, whether it is good or bad. The key is knowing that you are getting closer with every choice you make.

But what am I choosing? That all depends on what you want. If you don't know what you want then how can you get it? You must first know where you are going. How do you want your life to look like? Most people I ask that question to say the same thing, "I don't know, I don't think about it". That is the problem...they don't think about what they want. Everyone dwells on what they don't want instead of what they do want. Guess what is going to happen? That's right, you get what you think about. My suggestion, start thinking about what you DO want and focus on that.

If you focus on what you want and move in the direction of getting what you want, then you will have it. So, what is it that really makes us choose? It happens to be the end result. Seeing the end result will bring all the choices you will need to make and they will be easy to make once you have that vision in mind.

Monday, September 10, 2012

My Fears About The Future

In Oct. 2009 I made the decision to try a new product to gain better health. In Nov. 2011, I took that commitment to the next level and began flooding my body with powerful nutrients. As you are aware by now, our current food supply is bankrupt of nutrition and it is becoming more polluted by the day. My decision to radically change my lifestyle has been one of the best I've ever made.

When I speak about taking responsibility for your health, I'm referring to several things that must been done to achieve better health. The first thing is that you must change the way you eat. Making better choices is a good first step, but that is not going to get you to where you need to be. I know that I sound pretty radical when I tell people that I have, for all intents and purposes, come off the food grid. The majority of my food intake is from the Isagenix products. The reason is because I know that I'm providing my body with a great deal of nutrition along with powerful antioxidants, minerals and so much more.

Along with the nutrition that I'm consuming I have started taking Product B and the newest product called Brain and Sleep Renewal System. These products are cutting edge and along with the nutritional products create the most effective system for better health on the planet. This is the future! When you put quality products in your body then good things will happen. I say that because I am living proof, having been on the "7 Day Challenge" protocol for over 300 days.

Of course, I would like everyone I know to be on these products since I know how good they will make them feel. The sad truth is that most people are not willing to commit to a new way of thinking when it comes to food. In their minds if they go on a diet every so often they think they are helping themselves, but they are only prolonging the inevitable. In order for things to change YOU must change. Until that happens...nothing will happen.

This brings me to my fear about the future. I am doing my part in taking responsibility for my health and it is difficult when the people you care about don't do the same. As I continue on this path to better health, I will be experiencing the benefits for many years to come, while those that don't utilize these products will be subject to the normal aging process. Along with that comes illness and disease. I know what you're thinking, "Aging is a part of life and everybody is going to end up sick or dead." That may be true for some, but it is not true for me. By taking care of myself now I will have a greater chance of avoiding any major illness in the future and live a more robust quality of life.

In addition to my fears about the future is the fact that I will outlive everyone I care about. The people I care about will most likely end up with an unwanted illness or disease. I certainly will feel for them, but at the same time they have a choice. Every one has a choice. The last thing I want to hear is, "Why didn't I do what you did and take responsibility for my health? I probably wouldn't be suffering right now." It's not too late to start on your journey to better health. If you are ready, then make the commitment like your life depended on it.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Over the last 5 years I have been through a great deal regarding the passing of my mom and my mother-in-law. I saw up close what it is like to lose someone you care about. The end result is the easy part, it is the time leading up to the end that is the challenge.

As I get older, I'm 55, I am acutely aware of my mortality. Why do you think I'm taking responsibility for my health? Seeing a loved one go through the pain and suffering is something I wouldn't wish on anyone. You have this helpless feeling and it becomes frustrating because you can't take the pain or discomfort away. Our jobs are to be there for support, emotional and spiritual.

Yesterday, I lost another person that meant a great deal to me. He was my father-in-law for 14 years and I truly cared about him as if he were my own father. The most wonderful, kind, intelligent, loving man you would ever want to meet. A successful doctor in Scottsdale, AZ for 30 years. His specialty was ear, nose and throat and was Chief of Staff of the Hospital, in addition to being on the Board of Medical Examiners. An amazing gifted man.

After the divorce I didn't see him too often, but when I did we enjoyed conversation and we were always pleasant to one another. My two sons, who are now 25 and 27 were very close to their grandfather. I know his passing is very difficult for them and it is moments like this that you must think of the positive memories and the time you shared with him. For me, it is also a time my thoughts of mortality begin to surface.

A regret I have is that I didn't go see him before he passed.  I needed to tell him "thank you" for helping with my son, who is going through his own challenges. I guess you could say I'm grateful and thankful for this man who had a heart of gold and an unwavering love for his family.

I remember visiting my mom and mother-in-law at their respective housing facilities, and as I was walking up the front entrance to enter the building, I had a vision of my sons walking the same path to see me. That is why I'm so passionate about educating and helping others find better health. So they can live a wonderful quality of life. Why do people always wait till it's to late? If only people would take care of themselves while they still can, so much suffering could be avoided.

If I can help one person see the advantage of changing their lifestyle then maybe, just maybe, I can help someone avoid a miserable end of life. It is no fun watching someone you care about begin to deteriorate. It is not too late to do something about it. Begin today to find the courage to change your life so you can enjoy your lifestyle in your later years.

I bid a fond farewell to my father-in-law, who I loved very much and who brought much joy into our families lives. You will be missed Dr. Z! Your next journey begins with a sense of peace.