Love the Ocean

Monday, April 30, 2012

Walgreen's And CVS

Have you noticed a drug store on basically every corner in America? I might be exaggerating, but it's not that far off. There are a lot of these chains all over the country. I believe they are getting ready for the largest wave to hit them, ever. It's the "Baby Boomer's" that are moving in and the demand for medications is growing.

Maybe these chains know something we don't know. What we do know is that every day 10,000 people are turning 65. If you were like most Americans and continued eating the food in the food supply, there is a good chance you will end up with some illness or disease. Why? It is due to the chemicals and toxins that are invading our environment.

Prescriptions are big business as is the entire "Health Care System". I mean think about it, how many Doctor's, Hospitals and Urgent Care facilities are out there? Think about all the other businesses in the industry like, medical transportation, nursing homes, in home services, physical therapists and the list goes on and on. As Americans are getting older the need for these services becomes critical.

What if we could effect change in this industry by creating better health? What if more and more people began to take responsibility for their health? I believe we can do just that, but it is going to take courage, action and a great deal of education. Educating people that there is another way to get healthy than to go to a doctor and mask the illness with medication.

The reason there are so many Pharmacies in the country, basically on every corner, is because people need to be on medication every month and the BIG Pharma companies are banking on it. They are making sure that you need to take your medications every month for the rest of your life!! The average American takes two prescriptions every month. Ever wonder why these companies do Billions of dollars a year in sales? I don't. It is because they have you by the short hairs into believing that you NEED these drugs to feel better and live longer.

I am on a mission to change that. Education plays a big part in changing people's thought process when it comes to medication. Wouldn't it make more sense to eat a better diet than to take pills? And yet, we are not really taught the proper way to eat and that is due to massive marketing from the food industry. Well, there is another little issue, and that is our parents. I don't believe that as parents we are doing a good enough job in educating our children of the proper way to eat.

Many factors come into play in today's world which include convenience and cost. We live such busy lives that we are all looking for ways to reduce our food costs and the time it takes to eat. What do most Americans do? Fast food or foods that are highly processed and have less than the normal amount of nutrition in a daily recommended allowance. I'm being nice because there is basically ZERO nutrition in these foods, not to mention the chemicals.

There is a solution and I have found it. I was open enough to try the "7 Day Challenge" and it has changed my life. I am no longer on any medications and I contribute that to my diet of nutrient dense super food. The Pharmaceutical companies are going to have to find someone else to get money from because I no longer need one of their stores on every corner. How about you? Are you ready to try something new?

Friday, April 27, 2012

Sweet Endings

When I was growing up I was exposed to a lot of treats that came in many forms. These treats were filled with an addictive ingredient called sugar. I loved eating desserts because they tasted good and it made me happy. Who doesn't like to feel happy all the time?

Over the years I continued to experiment with many different types of desserts like the usual suspects, cookies, candy, cheesecake, all baked goods and the list goes on and on. I always tell people that I never met a sweet I didn't like. Well, there was one ingredient that I didn't care for and it was coconut. Other than that, nothing was off limits. Every time I was around a sweet I felt compelled to eat it, whether I was hungry or not.

My company does a lot of work with law firms and every time I'm at one of my clients offices I walk by and see doughnuts, cake or cookies in their lunch room. You will find these items in just about every business in the country. Kind of a scary thought, but it is the norm in today's society. I find it interesting that there is such a push for healthy employees and yet most companies don't discourage these types of foods in their lunch rooms.
Maybe they feel that their employees need a sugar boost to keep them awake and engaged?

There is an alternative to keeping someone engaged and that would be to provide an environment of better health. I know that is so foreign to most everyone on the planet, but it is an alternative. As I mentioned before, I was the same way as so many people that couldn't kick the sweet tooth. Sugar is addicting and there is no way around it. Maybe they should set up facilities where you can go to "detox" from sugar. I'm not sure the insurance companies would pay for that, but it is a thought.

So, how did I kick the sweet habit? Well, it wasn't easy, but I did it with nutrition. Huh? Yes, I did it by flooding my body with high quality nutrient dense super food. Once I tried the "7 Day Super Food Challenge" I lost all of my cravings for sweets. When I say all, I mean ALL! I no longer eat any sweets and the only sugar I put into my body is natural sugar that is found in the Isagenix products. The sugar that they use is all natural and it is not processed. The amount of sugar is like eating 1/8 of an apple.

If you were like me, at the end of the day after dinner or after any meal for that matter, I needed something sweet. I always would have a craving for something sweet before bedtime and, of course, that is the worst thing you can put in your body before bed. The reason I needed something sweet? My body was craving it because the meal I just consumed had NO nutrition. If you have a perpetual sweet tooth then I recommend you start putting nutrition in your diet. I know it will be a challenge at first because you are so conditioned to eating something sweet after dinner, but soon you will find yourself losing the cravings for something sweet.

I can't tell you how good I feel that I no longer am enticed by sweets or soda. It has dramatically changed my life and I am on a mission to help others do the same. Of course, there has to be one thing that must be included in moving away from sweets and that is DESIRE. If you don't have the desire to change then you won't, but know that if you do you can say goodbye to sweet endings for good! I believe it's in your best interest to do so.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Why The Secret?

I often wonder why our government doesn't follow through with the wishes of the majority of the people they govern. I am referring to labeling our food products so we, as consumers, can make an informed decision whether to purchase a product or not. Would it be that difficult to print a new label and let us know what is really in the food we consume?

If you haven't noticed, and why would you, there is a big push for using GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) seeds throughout the country. When I speak to people every day about GMOs I get the same reaction, "What's that"? The reason they ask me that question is because our wonderful main stream media is silent on the subject. If they don't report on it most people don't know these GMOs exist.

So what is the big deal about GMOs? Very simply, it is the unknown. We know through research that they have a debilitating effect on lab animals. When GMO food is consumed by these animals it effects their organs and causes infertility. Still think its not a big deal? How about cows that were feeding on some GMO cotton and most of them died.

When it comes to our health and the food supply in this country I believe it is the responsibility of the press to keep the American people informed about the dangers of such chemicals. I recently saw a children's book published by the Biotech industry on the advancements of GMO crops and how they are helping feed the world. You can check out this book on indoctrination here Yes, they are indoctrinating our kids with lies about the benefits of these new seeds that will feed the hungry, grow in drought areas and the list goes on.

My question is, "If these seeds are so safe and do so much good for the world, then why the secret"? Why doesn't every food product that contains GMOs tout the benefits of them? If they were that good wouldn't you want to know that you are getting a great product that contains GMOs? As a matter of fact, I would go out of my way to look for a product that contains GMOs. The funny thing is that the opposite is actually the case. I go out of my way to find foods that don't contain GMOs.

I recommend you do some research on the subject and a good place to start is reading a couple of books by Jeffrey M Smith. He is the leading expert in the US on the subject of GMOs. He has written a couple of books called "Seeds of Deception" and "Genetic Roulette". Once you read these books I think you will agree that there shouldn't be any secrets from the public about what these genetically altered seeds can do to our population. Please don't bury you head and hope that this will go away. Understand we are at war with the food manufacturers and now the government. All we ask is that they don't keep these known facts a secret from us. I personally don't think that is too much to you?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Great Idea!

Did you ever come up with a great idea only to find out someone else thought of it first? I certainly don't want to diminish the fact that I came up with the idea knowing that no one else on the planet would think of it, until I found out they did.

Great ideas are great ideas whether you think of it first or not. That happened to me the other day when I was talking to a friend of mine. We, of course, were talking about the current food issues we are having in this country. Can you guess who brought up the conversation?

Anyway, about the idea. We were talking about GMO foods and how scary it is that most Americans aren't aware of them and they are eating them everyday. We also talked about our supermarkets and how nothing is really labeled. If it is labeled, how do you know if it is really what it says it is? After all when the label says "Organic", is it 100% Organic? Unless it says 'USDA 100% ORGANIC', you might want to question it.

So what is the big idea? Why not have an isle in the supermarket that is devoted to non GMO foods. Can you imagine that? Everything in this one isle is safe to eat because it is GMO Free. Now that is one way to hold the other manufacturers accountable. It would be interesting to see if sales are higher in that one isle. My guess is that it would be, but the challenge you are going to face is the fact that selection of Non-GMO foods might be too small.

It is my hope that we begin a grass roots movement and stop eating GMO foods. The percentage of GM crops are not going down, but rather getting larger. More and more of our food will contain GM seeds. When I think about that I imagine picking up a product in the market and reading the label and it says, WARNING! THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS GMOS AND COULD BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH. At least at that point you have a choice. You can choose to consume that product and take your chances or you could eat something else that doesn't contain harmful chemicals.

I guess that is my point, if they would just label the products then we could make an informed decision. I can't tell you how happy I am every time I read about something else you eat that can kill you. The reason I'm happy is because I have an alternative. The "7 Day Challenge" protocol is Gluten Free and GMO free. I am grateful that I found this company and that my health coach put together a daily protocol that actually benefits my body. There is no magic pill or magic diet that is going to improve your health. What will improve your health is providing your body with nutrition. A simple solution that is not so simple to find in our American diet...until NOW.

The protocol that I talk about is packed with nutrition, is Gluten Free and GMO Free! By providing my body with nutrition it has helped me eliminate cravings for sweets and virtually everything else under the sun. Why? Because my body is satisfied and happy that it is getting essential nutrients it needs to sustain itself. I do have another great idea...try our "7 Day Challenge" and see if you can feel the difference.

Monday, April 23, 2012

But It's The Weekend!

When I first talk to people about the "7 Day Challenge" there are mixed feelings. Some are excited to try it and some are a bit hesitant because they don't know if they can make it through a whole week. Sometimes they say, "Oh, I can do that until the weekend". Now the last time I looked, 7 days includes the weekend.

When I first got on the challenge I realized that I'm going to have to go through the weekend in order to complete the 7 days. I began the "7 Day Challenge " on a Monday as most people do because that is an easy start and stopping point. As I looked at my schedule for the weekend coming up, I realized that we had a party to go to and my first thought was, "Uh oh". How am I going to go to a party and maintain my protocol? Then I remembered why I began the challenge in the first place. The reason I did the challenge was to make a commitment to better health.

That is a really good word that we hear a lot, but not many people follow it, COMMITMENT. What does it mean to commit to something?  My definition is to follow through no matter what situation comes up. If you make a commitment to do something, you follow through until it is done. I made a commitment to do a "7 Day Challenge" and no matter what came up I was committed to it. So when we went to the party that weekend I followed the protocol that I committed to. Before I went to the party I had my Isalean Meal Replacement Shake and I brought my Isalean Meal Replacement Bar with me to the party.

That weekend I felt so good, not because I didn't eat bad food that has no nutritional value, but because I followed through on my commitment to the "7 Day Challenge" protocol. Once I did that I knew I was on my way to changing my lifestyle. Now, after one year, it is easy to follow the protocol and the results I have achieved are even more reason to continue. My weight is under the acceptable BMI ratio, I have reduced over 8% of body fat and am now building lean muscle tissue with very little exercise.

If you make a commitment to the "7 Day Challenge" that means "7" days. So many people begin the justification process when Friday is approaching. You know, "I have this birthday party" or "I have a wedding" or "My kids have a soccer party" and the list of excuses goes on and on. There is always going to be something that comes up and gets in the way of your commitment to better health. My question to you is, "On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is your health to you"? If you say it is a 10, but don't back it up with action, then it really isn't a 10 is it?

Making a commitment to something takes courage and discipline. I guess it comes down to how bad you want to change, in this case, your health. If you cheat on the weekend after making a commitment to the "7 Day Challenge", then your commitment level wasn't very strong. Don't get down on yourself if you can't make it for 7 days because I realize that most people are so conditioned to eating food that they can't imagine eating nutrient dense food for a whole week. I also realize that food is a social thing and how can you get together with others and not eat?

I think we need to go back to taking care of us first because then and only then can we help others. I know, I know...."It's the weekend, so I'll start back up on Monday and be good". Be good All the time, even on the weekend, and you will slowly see your lifestyle change to a healthy one.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

25%, 50%, 75%

By now you know that I'm a maniac because I'm very focused on my health. I have changed my lifestyle to the point of eating mostly Isagenix food to any other food. Full disclosure, I still do eat some food, but it is rare and selective. Being in control of your food choices is not half the is the battle.

I want to tell everyone reading my posts that it might seem like I'm taking it to the extreme, but when you look at the choices we now have in our current food supply, you begin to realize that the choices are limited. Isagenix has created amazing products and my health coach, Randall Burt, put together a protocol to unleash the power of these products. When taken on a daily basis they work synergistically to power the body with high quality nutrients.

The message today is that you don't have to do the protocol 100% of the time to get the benefits of these products. If you were to incorporate 25%, 50% or even 75% of the protocol you will be way ahead of the game. I know I talk a lot about the current food supply, but I want to really emphasize the importance of taking action to fight off these dangerous chemicals that we consume every day. We are bombarded with so many toxins that we need something to fight them off.

A lot of people I talk to just can't seem to shake the food they eat. I also know that the food is addicting and to get off of the stuff is not easy. I'm often told by "experts" that you have to eat some food during the day because...well because, you know, you just do. If that were true then I would have wilted away by day 3. I'm not going on over 150 days. The point is I'm taking action. It really doesn't matter what percentage you do, just do something.

After the "7 Day Super Food Challenge" you can decide what products you love and then work them into your other healthy choices. For instance, by just having one shake a day and cleanse at night will do more for your health then you can possibly imagine. At least you would be putting nutrition in your body and remember it is nutrient dense. I believe it is the perfect food and what better way to start your day than with high quality whey protein with 8 essential amino acids that your body doesn't produce. If that wasn't enough it is a live food due to the Active Enzymes that are ignited when mixed with water. These Enzymes help break down the food so it is easily digestible. I could go on, but you get the point. I'm just describing one product in the protocol, imagine a whole day of these products eating every two hours!

Yes, you can do your body some real good if you choose to consume high quality no compromise products, even on a partial basis. That is actually how I started out. I began my journey for better heath with a Shake and Cleanse protocol. I loved my results so I added additional products and now Isagenix has become my grocery store. Get started now, while you still have plenty of time to turn things around. If you start today you might discover that you were sensitive to Gluten. I hear so many stories about people stopping their gluten consumption and it changed everything for them. Whether you are Gluten sensitive or not, everyone needs better nutrition and a whole lot more of it. You don't need to diet, you just need nutrition, even if it is only 25% a day.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I'm Never Going Back!

By now you must realize that I have changed my lifestyle. If you are reading my blog for the first time then I invite you to read some of my older posts. That will give you a real good idea of where I'm at regarding my preference in food. I can't begin to tell you how much nutrition has impacted my life and made a world of difference in my health. It is so simple, but not that easy.

John Anderson, Isagenix founder, is one of the most respected formulators in the world. In his world he is someone who is looked on as a legend. He has created over 2,500 products for 600 different companies and I bet most of you have used them, are using them or know them by name if you heard them. The reason John moved on from these companies was because they wanted to skimp on quality to make the bottom line more attractive. John didn't want to have anything to do with that.

John went into retirement because money for him was not an issue. The thing is, he wasn't done creating. I believe, as many people do, that John has saved the best for last. He wasn't finished and decided to do it one more time. Due to his extensive knowledge in the field, he created the system in a very short time and Isagenix was born. The products he created are second to none, which is what John always wanted. No compromise products in quality and effectiveness. He finally calls Isagenix his home with his co-founders Jim and Kathy Coover.

I began my journey with these products in Oct of 2009. I dabbled with them and loved them and continually added more products to my daily routine. In Nov. of last year I decided to try the "7 Day 100% Gluten Free Super Food Challenge". The best decision I ever made!! I have a sense of well being that I thought I would never achieve. I guess you don't know until you get there. I now feel like this ALL the time. I have to attribute my health to Isagenix and the products John has formulated.

When you actually look at the "7 Day Challenge" protocol you can get a glimpse of the future. An incredible alternative to our current food supply. Once I did the research on the food we are currently consuming, the light bulb came on and it hit me. This protocol is the answer I've been looking for. On a daily basis I'm giving my body incredible nutrition with powerful nutrients. I'm not eating empty calories and it has made a huge difference in my life. I have more energy, clarity and I have no cravings. Food is addicting and most people can't imagine not eating food because of this addiction. Thanks to the "7 Day Challenge", I don't have that problem any more. If I do have an addiction it is now eating Isagenix food which is packed with NUTRITION.

I hope by now you can tell that I'm NEVER going back to eating the way I did. Why would I? I FINALLY FEEL GOOD! Until you have experienced being on this protocol for any length of time, I think it would be difficult to feel better than this. I truly have a sense of well being. You don't have to be a crazy person like me and eat 99% Isagenix, but you owe it to yourself to try it for seven days.

Monday, April 16, 2012

What's In A Name?

Until you do some research on the subject of food, you are pretty much oblivious to what is really going on. This post will be about the names of the ingredients that we find in every day products. If you ever took a look at the ingredients on the package you would find words that are not the real name of the product.

Isn't it amazing that the FDA approves some of these ingredients that are very harmful to us? I mean, aren't they supposed to protect us? After what I've learned, I'm not so sure that is actually the case. The biggest example I could find would be GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). Did you ever wonder why other countries don't allow GMOs? It really is quite simple. It is because they need more testing done in order to make a decision whether they are safe or not. How about another 20 or 30 years? After all, once you expose the environment to these powerful toxins, it could have a devastating effect on our ecosystem and that affects you and me.

So I'm reading an article about the names of the ingredients the manufacturers hide behind. Here are a couple of examples. One of the really bad things in just about every food is MSG (Monosodium Glutimate). This is a very toxic substance, particularly to the brain. My concern would be for parents with small children because it is more likely to attack a developing brain. MSG has been around since 1945 and it now has become a staple in virtually ever food. One more thing, if it is only 99% MSG then they can give it many different names without being regulated. Here are some to look for; Natural Flavoring, Vegetable Extract, Protein Concentrate, Soy Isolate, Caramelized Yeast, Caseinate and  Carrageenan.

When you get right down to it, just about everything is harmful to you. The best way to steer clear of falling into that trap is to find an alternative to our current food supply. YOU'RE IN LUCK! I have found a company who has put together the most complete system for better health that I have ever seen. Their products are powerful by themselves, but when you unleash that power by putting together a protocol of nutrient dense food that is Gluten free and GMO free, you have the most efficient way to nourish your body and cleanse it as well.

I believe that we are looking at the future of food. This is new food technology that Isagenix has developed and they are 30 years ahead of any other company in their category. If you are like me, I don't spend a lot of time researching what's on the food label. Not because I don't care what's in it, it's just that I don't have to waste time because I know what I'm eating in the Isagenix food. This food is of the highest quality and the latest technology. Isagenix is onto something very big. I'm glad their here because they saved me so much time reading labels. Actually, they save me time in just about every aspect of my life. Imagine not having to go to the grocery store except for toiletries? How about the time it takes you to shop, and cook and clean up? How many hours of your week do you do that? How much time does it take you to decide where to eat? The list goes on when it comes to saving time on this protocol.

There is lots in a name. The names on these labels are very deceiving to the American people and no one is watching over us. So that is why I chose an alternative and decided to take responsibility for my health. You know what the side benefit is? I'm healthier now than I was when I followed the American diet. I'm fueling my body with nutrients which is what the body is craving for. Stop reading labels for one week and join us in the "7 Day Super Food Challenge". It could change your life! It did mine.

Friday, April 13, 2012

You're Too Thin!

Ever since I began my journey with the the "7 Day 100% Gluten Free Super Food Challenge" in Nov. of last year, I have been getting the same response from every one I see. That response is, "You're Too Thin". Now that response is from people that haven't seen me in a long time and more importantly from people that know me very well.

I never thought I would hear those words come out of anybody's mouth, ever. You see, when I was growing up I was a bit on the heavy side. Not obese, but just heavy enough not to feel good about myself which in turn made me self conscious. Growing up kids can be very cruel when it comes to weight. I believe it is at this point that we form opinions of ourselves and that stays with us for many years.

So I grew up with the mindset that I was overweight and I began trying to battle with it year after year. I remember my last year in high school I finally trimmed down to a respectable level. The reason I knew it was acceptable was because I felt good about myself. After all, isn't that the ultimate goal? To feel good about yourself and have the confidence to talk to anyone?

As I entered my college years it was difficult not to put some weight back on as I fell prey to peer pressure, great advertising and a shear love of food. Please keep in mind that I wasn't obese or overweight, I just wasn't feeling healthy and it felt like I was still carrying around my "baby fat". You know how you just don't feel comfortable? So my struggles continued for years because I couldn't break free of the American diet and all the wonderful food that was available.

Fast forward to my forties and a big wake up call. My father had heart bypass surgery and he began to change his diet. I didn't put two and two together and realize that the reason he was doing that was to avoid having another heart attack. You mean there could be a correlation between food and your health? Being the real sharp person I am I decided to watch myself and my food intake. The challenge I was having was finding enough courage to stop eating the crap I was used to eating. Even though I knew it was bad for me I just couldn't stop. I will say that I did reduce the amount of bad food I was eating which was a start, but it's not good enough.

Food is such a powerful addictive "drug" that it is hard for the majority of people to change their lifestyle to incorporate nutrition into their diet. The advertisers would lead us to believe that the food in our food supply is good for us. They also depict the most beautiful people eating all kinds of foods and make us believe we can look like them if we eat what their eating. Any idea why they choose thin people? No matter how fancy the ads are, you can't get around the facts that our food supply is bankrupt of nutrition and that is the leading cause of obesity in this country.

I decided to take responsibility for my health and I tried the "7 Day Super Food Challenge". It was the best decision I ever made because this protocol practices a CR(Caloric Restriction) diet. When you practice a CR diet many good things happen like not eating empty calories. Providing your body a break from processing so many chemicals and toxins and the end result is you will become thin. So I guess that is why everyone who sees me says the same thing, "You're Too Thin"! From where I came from, I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing that.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Power Of Food Addiction

Until you walk in my shoes, I don't think you can understand how I feel about food. I know that people think they know, but I'm pretty sure they don't. How many people could go to a party where there is a ton of food and not eat any of it? I've done that many times and will continue to do so.

Food is a very powerful thing and could be considered a drug, in my opinion.. One of the reasons it is so powerful is because of the flavoring. Just about every product you put in your mouth has food flavoring to make you addicted to it. The food in our food supply is so bankrupt of nutrition and polluted that they have to make it look good and taste good in order for you to eat it.

Food with no nutrition is called empty calories. Those empty calories make you hungry for more food just a few hours after you eat. By eating food that has no nutrition your body becomes inflamed and out of balance. Most people have too much acidity in their bodies. The first place you should start to make a correction is in your diet. I don't think people realize how important nutrition is to their living a long and healthy life.

As I said before, I am living proof that good nutrition will go a long way. My results speak for themselves. Imagine losing 8.6% body fat in about 140 days while releasing close to 15 pounds. Putting quality no compromise products in your body makes a huge difference. At this point I can never go back to eating food that had so much power over me. People look at food like it is the most important thing in their lives. I think people believe they might miss something if they don't have their favorite foods. Food does have power over so many people. I know, I was one of them. Not any more!

For me it was a mind shift. Shifting my thought process to eating healthy, quality, nutrient dense food was a difficult leap, but well worth it. The reason I was able to make the leap was due to these products from Isagenix. Our "7 Day Super Food Challenge" allowed me the opportunity to take responsibility for my health. Now, I actually crave the Isagenix food. If you are going to be under the power of food, why not eat food that will provide you nourishment? I know that sounds easier said they done, but it can be done. I am positive of that!!!!

The power of food is effecting this country in ways that you can't imagine. Obesity is on the rise, diabetes is on the rise, autism is on the rise and the list goes on. Please educate yourself about the dangers of our food and if you are looking for an alternative let me show you my program. I know this sounds crazy, but our "7 Day Challenge" could change your life. I don't want you to think that you have to do what I do and consume 99% of Isagenix food, but at least try some of the products to get started.  Get the power back. Don't be held hostage by food. Once you break that cycle of having food control your life, can you then begin to live a more fulfilling healthy long life.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

New Year's Resolution

Well, the first quarter is behind us and I wanted to check in with everyone to see how your New Year's Resolutions are coming along. If you made any resolutions, are you still following them? If you didn't make any, why not? Maybe it's because you knew you couldn't keep them? In any event, I made one and am still following it into April and beyond...

My resolution was to take responsibility for my health. That means different things to different people, but I think everyone would agree that part of that statement has to do with changing something that wasn't working. That is exactly what I did. Was it easy? Actually it wasn't hard as I thought it would be because I had a vehicle to get me there.

Before I tell you what that was, let me explain what I was looking to change. I was looking for better health, but I didn't know where to find it. The good thing is that at least I knew what I wanted. So I started my journey looking for better health. A couple of years ago someone introduced me to this company called Isagenix. At that point they had been around for 8 years and were growing rapidly. What were they all about? BETTER HEALTH. That is exactly what I was looking for.

I joined the company in Oct of 2009 and tried a couple of their products. I was blown away at how good I felt.  It was a great improvement over how I felt before I took the products, but I was still missing something. I mean I was still consuming regular food in addition to my shakes and cleanse. Now believe me, I tried to eat healthy, but I was still eating stuff like pizza and burgers. You know the normal American diet.

After about a year I began to try some of the other products along with my shake and cleanse. I added two more pillars of health, but I was still eating food. Then something happened in Nov of 2011. My mentor and health coach, Randall Burt, challenged me to do something that he was putting together called the "7 Day 100% Gluten Free Super Food Challenge". At first I couldn't speak because of what he was asking me to do. He was asking me to not eat traditional food for 7 whole days! I thought to myself, "Is this guy for real"? After a brief moment of self doubt I decided to give it a try. Am I glad I did!!!!!!!

So that brings me back to my New Year's Resolution going into 2012. I was looking for better health which meant I wanted to really monitor my food intake and exercise. Well, this "7 Day Super Food Challenge" was just what the doctor ordered. Randall put together a protocol of 1,550 calories of nutrient dense super food that actually tastes great. I'm giving my body everything it needs, and then some. What I'm not giving my body is EMPTY CALORIES! I am not hungry all day, I have more energy, and I basically have lost my cravings for the stuff I used to eat which is not good for me.

I have finally found a program that I can enjoy with all the benefits of better health. This is NOT a diet and it is NOT a short term fix. This is now my lifestyle and I couldn't be happier. As far as resolutions go, this was the best one I ever made and the one I am going to keep forever! How about joining me on a journey to better health.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Don't Bury Your Head!

Every day I have a conversation with someone about our current food supply. The conversation usually begins with me asking if they have ever heard of GMOs. That would be Genetically Modified Organisms which in short is when you inject the DNA of one species into the DNA of another species. I then have to clarify it by giving an example and then I get the deer in the headlights look.

The food manufacturers take bacteria and viruses and inject them directly into the seed of the corn, soybean, canola and sugar beet. It's at that point I usually get, "What'? You see, most people don't have a clue about what is really happening in our food supply. If you really want to get crazy think about having GMO wheat. Maybe that's why 50% of our population is sensitive to wheat as in Gluten Sensitivity.

When I bring this subject up I have no intention of scaring anyone, I just want to educate them about the dangers of our food. Some people are open to listening to me and some are just the opposite. They would rather not know anything about the food industry or the dangers of eating the food in the American diet. My guess is that they just want to bury their heads in the sand and hope it will get better. If they don't know what's in the food they are eating, then they can eat to their hearts content and not worry about a thing.

I find this a bit disturbing because eventually their lack of responsibility will cost me and every other American money in health care costs. I know that sounds like a bit of a stretch, but is it? You eat food that has tons of chemicals in them for years and then you end up ill or with some kind of disease. You then have to go to the doctor and get medication to feel better. Once you do that you can then forget it. You are now officially in the disease care system. The chance of you digging out is slim to none. You might get better for a short time, but then you go back to eating polluted food and start the process all over again. This cycle creates an increase in health care costs.

More and more Americans are finding themselves in this cycle because they didn't want to hear the truth about our food supply. I realize every one doesn't think it can happen to them until it does. You spend the next several years researching your malady only to find out that if you made better choices you wouldn't have gotten sick in the first place. Don't bury your head...educate yourself or attend one of my seminars on Toxicity In America. It is not too late for you to turn things around because I did.

Once I decided to take responsibility for MY health it became easy to make the right choices. That and the fact that I had the best food on the planet to replace my eating habits. When I think about the stuff I used to eat I get ill thinking about it. When I go to parties and see all the chips and fried foods that people consume I want to yell at the top of my lungs, "STOP! DON'T EAT THAT BECAUSE IT WILL...". Then I realize that it doesn't matter what I say until someone is ready to hear it and make a commitment to change. If you are ready to see what the other side sees in terms of better health then please look into the "7 Day Super Food Challenge". It just might change your did mine!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Do You Want To Look Good Or Feel Good?

As we get older everyone I know wants to look younger. So they start investigating plastic surgery in addition to non-invasive procedures. I can't pick up a magazine without seeing an ad for laser removal of fat. Laser is the new technology that is making a big splash in the country today.

The length people will go to to look better is amazing. They work out all the time and they think that is going to make them look better. What they don't understand is that it's not how much you work out, but it's what you digest that matters. So if you work out a lot and your not seeing the results you would like, it is because you are having an issue with what you eat and how you digest what you eat.

It is so funny to see people work out all the time and then they think they can have anything they want to eat. In their minds they are burning off so many calories working out that they need to put a lot of calories in their bodies. What they don't realize is that the calories they are consuming are EMPTY CALORIES. All calories are not equal, especially the calories in a normal American diet. The body is only going to absorb so many nutrients out of all those calories and then the rest get stored. If you stored an extra 130 calories per day over a years time it would increase your weight about 13 pounds. Do that for ten years and then you can see why there is an epidemic in this country.

Most people are more concerned with the way they look than how they feel. The question then becomes, "How do I know if I feel good"? I'm sure you have glimpses of it over the years, but can you imagine feeling good all the time? Sometimes I relate it to when you get really sick and you haven't eaten anything for a couple of days and you spend a lot of time in the bathroom, if you know what I mean. You feel empty inside and your so glad that you are not sick to your stomach. The thought goes through your mind that I'm not going to gorge myself anymore because I love the way I feel right now. That lasts all of a couple of hours and you're right back in the swing of things, eating like there is no tomorrow. The point is that for a short time you felt amazing inside. Now imagine that feeling 24/7. Completely satisfied and no cravings for junk food or any food for that matter. You have a sense of well being. That is why I named my site, Finally Feel Good!

If you are going to invest in yourself then why not forget about the outside and focus on the inside. To me, that is the more responsible thing to do. If you do decide to take care of your insides then your outside will have a better chance of looking good.

So the question stands, "Do you want to look good or feel good"? If you want to feel good then you have to have a program that will give you the best chance of success. That is why I am recommending the "7 Day 100% Super Food Challenge". This protocol will make you feel better in just 7 days. Eating nutrient dense food every two hours is a revolutionary way of sustaining oneself. It is the most efficient, effective and affordable way of nourishing the body that I have seen. If you have tried everything else without success then please try this. You will have total support with live coaching calls, facebook posts and most importantly an education as to what is really going on in our food supply. You deserve the best so why not investigate the company that is leading the way in this new revolution called "Wellness".

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Ribs and Mac & Cheese?

Last night, Gina and I were invited to a 65th birthday party. Now as you can guess, most of the people at the party were on the older side. It was a lovely party that they had in the Club House where she was living. The party started at 7, but we didn't arrive until about 7:15 (More on why we were late later).

When we arrived in the lobby of the Club House they had a large table set up with a bunch of food on it. They had some good stuff and some not so good stuff. In any event I believe I saw some fried stuff on the bad side. On the other hand they had roasted vegetables on the good side. Everyone was running around the table to grab what they could. I just observed.

I later found out that the table full of stuff was just the appetizers. They had planned a meal on top of all the food that was on the table in the lobby. The main course was ribs and mac and cheese. Now remember, most of the guests were not super young, although there were several younger people in attendance. Ok, let me get to my point, people that are older have a more difficult time digesting meat on top of all the food they grazed on the first hour we were there. As we get older, our digestive system does not function as it did when we were younger. That is why we should be feeding ourselves something that can be easily digested and easily absorbed.

I happen to have the perfect solution to that very issue of making it easier to digest food. When your body is functioning as it should then your body is not working very hard to protect your organs. If it doesn't spend time protecting your organs it can do what it's made to do. Each organ will run efficiently which provides more energy and stamina. Your heart rate will be low so that you are saving your heart instead of having it work twice as hard trying to digest all the fats, carbs, gluten, gmos and the list goes on.

Don't you deserve to live healthy? I understand where we are right now with food, but I firmly believe there is a paradigm shift that is coming. With the Wellness Revolution, will come the most efficient way to eat food and sustain oneself and still provide the body the essential nutrients with a minimal amount of calories. That is why we started the "7 Day Super Food Challenge". We want people to give their bodies a break from all the chemicals and gluten they eat on a daily basis. All we are asking is to substitute traditional food for 100% Gluten Free Nutrient Dense Super Food for one week. You eat every couple of hours on our protocol and are consuming nutrients that actually help your body work more efficiently.

Since I started in Nov of last year, my results have been amazing and I actually crave this food over traditional food any day of the week. Which brings me to why we were late getting to the party. It was actually my fault because I couldn't go to the party without having my shake first. It was shake time on my protocol so the party had to wait! That is when you know you have turned the corner. Turning the corner is when you truly take responsibility for your health and believe it is more important than food.

As one women pointed out to me, "You can eat anything in moderation". I think I've heard that before and I've probably said that before. The knowledge I have now about our food supply tells me even "in moderation" is not good for you. If you can't do 90% then start with 50% and work your way up, but just start somewhere! If you take our "7 Day Challenge" I know that it will give you a new way to look at food. Think outside the box if you really want to make a lifestyle change and improve your health.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Legal Drug Store For Kids And Adults

Right by our house in Scottsdale Arizona is a shopping center called "The Scottsdale Quarter". It is really beautiful with many unique shops that you won't find anywhere else. There is one store that really caught my eye and it is a drug store for kids. The drugs in this store are actually legal and you don't need a prescription to buy the drugs.

The store is called "It's Sugar". In this store they have everything you can imagine and then some regarding candy. They have things in there that I remember as a kid and I can't believe they still make some of these products. Just walking in there you can gain 5 pounds.

"Jay, I thought this was a drug store, but it is really a candy store". That is where you are wrong. This store is the epitome of a drug store because Americans are hooked on sugar. I believe sugar is the new cocaine. On a daily basis Americans consume about 22 tablespoons of this addictive substance. I'm not sure if you can comprehend the amount of sugar that is, but if you put it in terms of annual consumption it would amount to 150 pounds.

One hundred and fifty pounds of sugar coursing through your body wreaking havoc on your system. Sugar gives you that immediate jolt of energy, but then makes you come down almost as quickly which leads you to want more of it more often. It is like a drug! The crazy thing is that it is legal. Why is it that you can't buy cigarettes until you are a  certain age? How about the age you have to be to buy liquor? Why don't they have an age limit on one of the most addictive drugs out there called SUGAR?

You probably thinks I'm nuts, but if you really want to reduce our health care costs I believe reducing the intake of sugar would be a good idea. Obviously, this would be a very difficult thing. Can you imagine needing a prescription to buy candy? My point is that as a society we are creating overweight people by making these products so readily available. I know, I know that we all have a choice and we can choose not to eat it, but have you ever had sweets? They are addicting and that is where the problem comes in.

There is a solution to the problem and I believe I have stumbled across it. It is very simple, but effective. It might seem radical in today's society, but I believe the time has come to take very strong action. Are you ready? The answer is to fill your daily diet with NUTRITION. Could it be that simple? Well it has worked for me since I began eating a very aggressive diet of nutrient dense food from Isagenix. Is there sugar in the Isagenix products? Yes, but it is a different kind of sugar. The sugar that is in these products are natural sugars. It is like eating a piece of fruit, actually about an 8th of an apple. These sugars are not processed like every other product out there.

If you would like reduce your health care costs and your waistline, do yourself a favor and stop eating so much sugar. More importantly, if you have children please think twice before you take them to the legal drug store for kids. Get them off to a good start in life by not getting them addicted in the first place.