Love the Ocean

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Food, Food And More Food

Something is perplexing to me. In many countries around the world there are people starving to death. They don't have enough food to survive. In our country people are dying because they have too much food to eat. That's what's crazy and doesn't make sense. We are a nation of food, food and more food and we are dying because of it.

The one thing that does make sense is that the food we are eating in this country is polluted. I know most people don't want to hear it or even think about it, but it is true. The food manufacturers just spiff it up to make it look good and taste good, but make no mistake it is not good for you. I know I'm going to get some push back on this. There are those of you who swear that they eat "relatively" well. What does that mean?
No matter what you think about the food you eat, no matter how you justify what you eat is good for you, it just doesn't cut it.

I recommend a great book by John Robbins called, "The Food Revolution". Do you want to know about the meat industry or the dairy industry? Read this book because if you do, you might not eat meat again and you will turn away from dairy, including milk. It is rather a stark picture that exposes the industries vulnerabilities and the dangers that they are causing you and me. Well, maybe you because since I read that book I have stopped eating meat. It has been over a year and I'm lucky because my wife has done the same thing. It is hard to describe how good we feel by not eating meat.

In a country with so much food you would think that we would be the healthiest nation on the planet. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Since GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms) were introduced into our food supply 20-30 years ago, we have seen a rise in obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autism and the list goes on. Do you think that happened on its own? On top of that we have become toxic. The air, water and food we eat has many toxins which is a major contributor to our ills.

Take action NOW. There isn't a minute to waste because your life depends on it. Take responsibility for your health which includes your families as well. How can you take responsibility right now? Try the products I have been on for over three years, Isagenix. Nutrient dense super food that is high in protein, fiber, antioxidants, minerals, adaptagens and so much more. These products are free of GMO's, certified and verified. Most of the products are gluten free and have provided a lifestyle change for hundreds of thousands of people in 8 countries. What are you waiting for? Don't eat too much food, just eat the right food!!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Something Doesn't Add Up

The United States spends over 2 trillion dollars a year on health care. Actually it is probably closer to 3 trillion, but at that point...does it matter? What doesn't add up for me is the United States is one of the sickest countries in the world. You see what I'm saying? Something doesn't add up.

How could we spend so much money on health care and be so sick? Every year there are more illnesses coming to light. Our children are getting sicker earlier. The population is getting older and by 2030 they estimate 50% of the population in this country will be over the age of 50. That is a massive increase in the potential drain on our system. If people don't take their health seriously and do it soon, I believe we could have a crisis on our hands. That is if we don't already.

Taking responsibility for your health is the only thing that you can actually do. I can tell people till I'm blue in the face to eat better or try the program that has worked for me for over three years, but when it comes down to's up to them. The first step is to look inside and decide what you want. Do you want to stop putting things in your mouth that are loaded with chemicals? I haven't even got into a discussion about GMO's (Genetically Modified Foods). That is enough to scare the living daylights out of you.

So what is the answer? We have some of the best physicians in the world, the best medial technology, a ton of medications that can alleviate pain and discomfort. So why are we so sick? I have a guess, but it is only a guess. IT IS THE FOOD WE ARE EATING. Could you point to another cause? What if we actually fed people food that had nutrition. I mean real nutrition that also could help your body reduce weight, build lean muscle, make you feel 20 years younger, etc. I'm no mathematician, but if we did that I bet we could reduce health care costs dramatically.

I often wonder why physicians are only trained on nutrition for about 2 weeks in 8 years of schooling and residency. Oh yeah, because there is no money in getting someone healthy. How sad is that? A world leader that won't do the right thing and educate its citizen's about what is really going on with our food supply. Since GMO's were introduced 20-30 years ago, we have seen a rise in obesity, cardiovascular disease, autism and just about everything else you can think of.

I'm doing my part, but then again I'm one of those people that wants to take responsibility for my health. With Isagenix it was so much easier because eating their nutrient dense super food allowed me to lose my appetite for unhealthy food. I've lost my cravings for all the really bad stuff for you. You know, like aspartame, msg, high fructose corn syrup and foods that contain GMOs.

It can be done, but you have to have the discipline and the desire to change. Once you get that find a program like Isagenix and stick to it. No it isn't fancy, but would you rather look good or feel good? Take it from me, these products work if you just put them in your mouth. If you take control of your health then everything will start to add up!