Love the Ocean

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Investing In My Health

We always find things to invest in, whether it is real estate, stocks, gold, etc. In addition to investing in these transactions that will hopefully provide a return on investment, we also invest in other things like charities, family, volunteering, and sports. Even if you don't play sports, a lot of your time is invested in watching it. There are all sorts of things we invest our time and money into, but there are other things that we should invest in, but don't.

The one I'm referring to is investing in yourself. Even that could mean several things like: self development, learning a new skill, more time to do things that interest you. What about our health? Do we, as a society, for the most part invest in our own health? On the surface I would have to say, NO! I don't believe that most people look at their health in the way they should. I mean they should pay close attention to it because you only go around once.

I realize that when you're young you have this idea that nothing will ever happen to you. You feel invincible and it really doesn't matter what anyone says because you know nothing will effect you. There is one slight misstep in that thinking...the realization of what it will do to you, years from now.

I was one such whipper snapper who was feeling his oats at a young age, until I found out my dad and his brother both died of heart issues. Looking back I remember my dad loved to cook, but it was stuff that was high in fat and absolutely not good for you. At the time it didn't seem to be a problem, but then it never does. So many people have bad eating habits and it doesn't catch up to them until it's too late. I've seen it so many times with family and friends where they get an illness or disease and they often wonder, "Why Me? What did I do to deserve this?"

I didn't want to say that when I got older so I decided to do something about it and invest in my health. For me, investing in my health means eating properly. Eating properly means coming off the "food grid" and choosing to eat an alternative food supply that contains nutrition. I believe a lot of the problems facing this country are do to the nutritionally bankrupt polluted food that we eat. Is it a good investment to eat hamburgers and french fries, fried foods, vegetables laden with pesticides and soda? No, that is not a good investment, which is why I go nuts when people tell me that my food is too expensive. I always ask them, "Compared to what"?

Our food supply is broken and very few people are waking up to the fact that GMOs are invading our crops. They are having a devastating effect on our country. If more people invested in themselves and spent the money on quality food, then their health care cost could be reduced. Do yourself a favor and start the New Year with a good sound investment in your HEALTH! Try this to get started.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hard Choices

Everyday we are faced with making decisions about everything in our world. From the clothes we wear to the food we eat and to the people we hang out with. Most people want to make easy choices and I don't blame them, who doesn't? On the other hand, thank goodness we live in a country where we can make our own choices.

When choices are easy it is a no brainer for us because we are used to a certain way of doing things. By being easy, it makes it hard to actually make a change if you finally decide to make a change. That is where the hard choices come in. There are many situations I can think of and I'm sure you can as well, but today I want to focus on "food choices."

We all have food choices which makes that the best part of your day, deciding where to eat and what to eat. It can be an experience to do that especially if you're a foodie. "What shall I eat today?" There are those people that have a bit of a financial issue so they are looking for food that is affordable and contains some semblance of nutrition. Good luck with that! Of course, there are those people that are conscious of what they eat and try to be very good. At least they make an effort. Good luck with that as well.

I know that I must sound pretty harsh when speaking about the choices people make when it comes to food, but I only speak like this because most people don't make good choices. On top of not making good choices I always hear the justification game. You know, "I've been good all week so this won't hurt me", or, "I love food too much to stop eating the way I want", and my favorite, " I eat healthy most of the time." What does that really mean? Eating healthy all the time for most people is a lot different than my definition of eating healthy. My protocol is eating nutrient dense food 96-97% of my daily food consumption.

Why? Because I made a decision to take responsibility for my health which made my decision to change my lifestyle easier. Was it a hard choice? Yes, but it had to be made. Hard choices are just what they are, hard. If you start to think about the alternatives, that also helps in making the right choices.

The real hard choice today involves our children. They are so susceptible to the foods in our food supply because of the way we treat food. It is such a comfort and we, as parents, don't want to deny our kids anything. So what do we do? We ignore the dangers of the food that we are feeding them so we can be hip parents instead of doing the right thing and limiting their exposure to these toxic foods. I don't believe there is a tougher choice today, besides taking care of our own health.

When I think back to when my boys, now 25 and 27, were going to all those parties after soccer at the pizza place or the hamburger joint, something stirs up inside of me. Had I known the dangers of the food they were eating, would I have the courage to stop them and put my foot down? It's too late to go back, but it's not too late to go forward and educate them so they can make an informed decision about what to feed their children.

There is no question that we are on a slippery slope with the food supply in this country, but what will it take for people to wake up? I know one thing that it will take and it is called...HARD CHOICES! Even though they are hard, you still have the ability to make the RIGHT CHOICES. Don't delay, because every day is precious. It can begin with a sample of nutrition.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Free Shake Offer

I was a bit of a skeptic when someone approached me about this shake. I thought all whey protein shakes were the same. I WAS WRONG!

The way I started to figure it out was by reading up on whey protein. When you go into a store to buy whey protein, you usually see it in these big containers and most of the time it is not the cheapest thing you can buy. I mean, I've seen those big containers for anywhere from $40-$50. Now to some people that might seem like a lot of money and it is, but there is one thing you should know and that is....the source of the whey

You see, if it is domestically manufactured then you run the risk of having the product invaded by steroids or hormones or even antibiotics. If it is domestic then there is a very good chance that it is filled with these chemicals. That is why the source is so important. You want to get as close to pure whey as you can.

The other issue is the heating process. That is called denatured, when the whey is extracted from the milk using heat. I'm not sure if you were aware of the fact that when you heat something you take the nutrients out of it. As a matter of fact, whenever you heat something like steak or vegetables you are basically taking the nutrition right out of the food.

So why do I bring this up? Because I want you to try a shake on me. This shake is no ordinary shake because of the source and the fact that it is UNDENATURED. The whey is extracted using a proprietary cold process which maintains the integrity of the whey which is why it is the highest grade whey protein you can put in your body. It is above the USDA Organic standards and will help build lean muscle even if you work out mildly. Oh yeah, it will help boost your immune system as well!

Yes, this shake comes from New Zealand and it is illegal to inject any animal with steroids, hormones, or antibiotics. On top of that they are grass fed and are milked when the time is appropriate. Free range, grass fed, chemical free!!!!

Please give it a try and then let me help design a lifestyle change that will last. This is not a diet!! Go to and begin your road to health.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Big Picture

Taking responsibility for my health is very important to me and I have demonstrated that by my actions. By utilizing the "7 Day Challenge" protocol I have literally changed my life. So what does that actually mean? It means I changed what I eat.

We are so deluged with information about diets and fitness that you are always trying to figure out who is right or which program works the best. It doesn't have to be that way, but people believe what they want to in order to justify their decisions. I keep telling everyone it is really simple and you would think they would listen to me since I have actually done it, but again I'm not an expert.

There are many people out there that want to change their lifestyle and some do to a certain degree. The question then becomes to what degree and is it effective. I often tell people that if you want to change your lifestyle you are going to have to change the way you eat. I can't be more clear than that. There are those that don't want to hear that because they don't want to believe it or they don't have the courage to do anything about it.

No problem, but I'm here to tell you that if you are serious about your health then there is only one way to get on the road to better health and that is to change the way you eat. I'm not talking about going on a diet for one week or reducing the amount of food you eat. I'm talking about literally changing what you eat most of the time. In my case I have done that by consuming nutrient dense food in the upper 90% of all my food consumption, EVERY DAY!

My vision, or the BIG PICTURE, is that Isagenix will become the largest health and wellness company in the world by continually pushing the envelope in finding the most cutting edge products to achieve ultimate health. They have an amazing start in their current product line. On a daily basis I consume 4 meal replacements that are nutrient dense, gluten free and GMO free. This is HUGE in itself, but then you add products like Ageless Essentials (for men or women) with Product B and you have the makings of the perfect synergistic combination of foods and vitamins on the planet.

I truly believe these products will dominate the world because of what is happening in our food supply today. The effects of GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) on our society is in the beginning stages of showing what can really happen if you consume these foods over a period of time. Since they were introduced into the food chain 20-30 years ago, we have seen an increase in obesity, diabetes, autism, cardiovascular disease, etc. The world is ready for an alternative, but like anything else, it takes time for people to catch on. Isagenix is thirty years ahead of the competition and will continue to be with the R&D they do regarding aging, the brain and so much more.

Question? What if you bought Apple stock when no one knew who Apple was? Do you think you would be wealthy today? Don't let another opportunity this big get away from you. Contact me today to learn how YOU can change your life in health and wealth.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Would You Eat Poison?

I realize that is a crazy question. Who would eat poison especially knowing what it could do to you. I mean there is no way you would take a swig of household cleaners or ingest anything like that, would you? Of course you wouldn't.

This is why it drives me insane when I ask people about their food intake. They tell me what they eat and in my mind I'm thinking about a way to tell them that the food their eating is poison. If they would just do a bit of research about the contents of some of their favorite foods, they might, just might, make a choice to stop consuming that product.

I've mentioned this before that the food manufacturers and the advertising industry are good. The food manufacturers make the taste of food so good and the advertising industry makes you believe that these foods are healthy. A great deal of money is spent on flavoring the food, so you want to come back for more. Think about what they have to do to make the food edible in this country. If they didn't, my guess is no one would eat it. Hey, what a great idea, don't make the food edible and then America will look for an alternative!

Just so happens I have one and it doesn't have any chemicals in it. It is nutrient dense food that has one thing that most other foods don't have....NUTRITION. Do you realize that if more people just added more nutrition to their diet then so many issues could be avoided. We could turn this country around and reduce the cost of health care significantly. Unfortunately, there is very little money in keeping people healthy, unless, of course, you partner with me and start your own Health and Wellness company. We get paid very well just for helping others improve their health.

When I go into a supermarket, which is about once a month just to get a few non-food items, I am blown away by a couple of things. First that the cost of food seems to be going up. Due to the drought this year, next year will yield less food which means food prices will continue to rise. The second thing I notice is that the aisles are filled with chemicals. Not just the aisle with the cleaning supplies, I mean the WHOLE store. Walk down any aisle and pick up a product and read the label. My guess is that their is either high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, MSG or any other name they want to call these dangerous foods.

I post a lot about GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) on my blog so check out one of those posts because our food supply has been invaded with GMOS. THESE ARE NOT GOOD FOR YOU. Stay away from the GMOs!! Can you imagine walking into a supermarket and picking up a product with this label: WARNING: CONTAINS GMOS, LONG TERM STUDIES HAVE NOT BEEN DONE SO EAT AT YOUR OWN RISK! Would you buy that product? Guess what? You are, but don't know it. You have a choice and I believe my choice is a better one. Contact me today and I'll show you how to stop eating junk food and start eating real food.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Starting A Business In This Economy

What would it take to start a business in this economy? I guess it depends on the business, but starting any business today is risky. If you start a retail store or a service business there will be an investment up front. The challenge is receiving a return on that investment in as short of time as possible, if at all.

From someone who has started a business in the service industry, I can tell you that the cost to start the business was a very high 6-figure expense. The costs continue to climb and I'm one of the lowest paid people because all the money goes back into the business. If you have ever started a business or are still running one, I don't think I have to tell you that it's not all that it's cracked up to be. The responsibility for every aspect of the company is on your shoulders.

This wouldn't necessarily cause stress, but it often does. I have to refer to Michael Gerber and his book E-Myth. He talks about a women who can make the best pie in the world, but when she was encouraged to open a business to sell them, she didn't do well. Not because no one liked her pies, but because she lacked the skills to run a business. This is what I'm finding today. Most people want to be in business for themselves,  but they lack the financing to start a business and the skills to run one.

That is where Network Marketing comes in. Most people think it is one of those get rich quick schemes, but not all companies are created equal. With over 1,000 companies starting every year, I'm sure there are a few that are like that. You know the ones that tell you that you don't have to talk to anyone or buy anything. I would watch out for those and others, of course.

However, if you do your research on quality companies then you will discover that there are some great ones out there. I represent one such company that has been around 10 years and is poised to be a Billion dollar company within the next two years. They already have accumulated sales of $1.8 Billion dollars since 2002. Very few companies make it to five years and less than that make it to a Billion in sales in one year. A handful make it to multiple billions per year. Isagenix is the next company to do just that.

The advantages of starting a business with Isagenix? Low start up cost, a company that is on the verge of massive momentum, amazing products that work, incredible compensation plan, the top formulator in the world, the management team that has led another company to a Billion dollars, the best culture a business could ask for and VISION. If you understood where this company plans to journey, then you would get very excited and would want to be a part of their exponential growth. The best part is that you don't need any special skills to run this business, nor do you need a small fortune to start it. You just need the desire to help other people take control of their health. For your efforts in helping others, the company will pay you handsomely for doing so. That's the kind of business I want to be associated with, how about you? Contact me if you want to know more about starting your own Health & Wellness business today.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Is It Lack Of Will Power?

I think most people in the country know that eating poorly is not good for them. At least that is what I thought until I started talking to a lot of people. When I talk to people about their about eating habits, they seem to put up this wall of defense. People just don't like talking about how bad the food is for them. Maybe if they don't talk about it then they won't have to face reality.

I believe if they were introduced to an alternative food supply they would be open to trying it. Then again, I do introduce this notion of eating nutrient dense food to them, but for some reason they look at me like I'm speaking a foreign language. What could the answer be?

Do people have to get really sick before they have a huge wake up call and take action? Does a close friend or relative have to contract some disease before they wake up? Most people say they want to eat better, but that usually isn't what ends up happening. They might cut out some foods or reduce the amount of food they are eating. That is a very good start, but that is not going to get it done!

The foods in our food supply are manufactured with certain ingredients that are extremely addictive. There are companies that specialize in flavoring foods. Their goal is to make you come back again and again and again. They make the food so addicting that you get that taste planted in your brain and you can't let go of it.
So how do you stop this madness? It is called WILL POWER.

I do keep going back to one important point and you will notice a running theme through my posts, and that is you have to want to change!!! Once you decide that you are serious this time, you then need a plan to get you to that place of WILL POWER.  Everyone has the power, but most people are powerless when it comes to food. The minute you make the decision to change you must find a vehicle to get you over the hump.

For me, it was the "7 Day Super Food Challenge" protocol. For 7 days it helped me realize that I could eat just nutrient dense super food with no gluten or GMOs and be satisfied. When you eat every couple of hours and are eating quality food that makes a difference in your cell structure, then it makes it easier to have WILL POWER. If you flood your body with nutrition instead of empty calories then you can begin to have WILL POWER because you aren't hungry. You lose your cravings for just about everything. What that does is put the control back into your hands instead of your head. It is easy to fall back off the food wagon when you are not providing your body what it needs.

Are you ready to change? Need some WILL POWER? Then try the "7 Day Super Food Challenge". A protocol that will satisfy you all day every day with quality food. You can do it, but you have to want it. Then and only then can you have true WILL POWER.!

Friday, November 16, 2012

It's A Tough Decision

In the beginning it is a very tough decision, but in the end it is a no brainer. What am I talking about? I'm talking about taking responsibility for your health. Do you realize that if everyone took responsibility for their own health how that would change our countries focus? We could spend less time worrying about our health and more time enjoying life!

Imagine more and more people becoming healthy, by utilizing the products that a company like Isagenix offers? What if we started to eat nutrient dense food as our main food supply and very little traditional food? Whoever participates in this new way of living will benefit greatly by feeling better, adding quality years to their life and having lower medical costs. There are other benefits as well, like being able to care for others who choose not to respect their bodies.

I know it is a tough decision to do the right thing because I had to make that decison myself. After my dad passed with heart and kidney issues I knew that I had to do something. I know, it's sad that I had to watch my dad go through hell to realize that if I didn't change, I could go through the same thing. It was a wake up call for sure, but a lot of people get wake up calls and still do nothing. I knew it was time for me to take a stand and do something for ME.

Once I decided to take better care of myself it was still a tough thing to do. I mean there is all this great food out there and I loved to eat food. Exercising is not the answer. I did exercise, but that alone isn't going to solve the problem of eating poorly. I get a kick out of people who exercise like there is no tomorrow and yet eat crap and foods that are terrible for them. I guess they justify eating that way because they work out so much. Exercise is only one part of the equation.

So how did I muster up the courage to change? I first had to decide that I wanted to change. I know that sounds trite and very simple, but believe me it is not simple if your are serious about changing. So many people always say, "I'm going to change the way I eat", but never follow through. If they do it is for a short time and then they are right back at it, eating because they are so conditioned to eating. Changing for a short time is not the answer. If you make a commitment to yourself then follow through and make it permanent.

I'm so glad I made the decision to take responsibility for my health. I had a a lot of help from my Certified Health Coach, Randall Burt. He developed a protocol of nutrient dense food that I eat every couple of hours and that made the transition much easier. Putting quality food in your body DOES MATTER. My cravings for junk food went away and I now crave quality food over any other food. People ask me all the time, "Jay, don't you miss eating this or that?" No, because I made the decision to treat my body with respect instead of abusing it with the "food" in our current food supply.

When I look back on my decision to change it doesn't seem like a tough decision at all. How about you? Are you ready to change? Don't make it hard on yourself, JUST DO IT!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Single Payer...On Its Way

The election is over and now we know who will be leading us for the next four years. What we also know is that Obamacare will be implemented and it doesn't appear that there is anyway to overturn it. So, what does that mean for everyone? It is hard to say since Nancy Pelosi uttered these words, "We have to pass the bill so we can find out whats in it." Scary, isn't it?

Little by little we will be receiving bits of information about the bill and how it will effect all Americans. My fear is that in the end, we will be a single payer society. What that means is the government will control the entire health care system. They will determine how much doctors make on every procedure as well as who is lucky enough to get the procedure.

As a small business owner I know that my company will be affected. As soon as the "tax" goes into effect, my partner and I will have to make a decision as to whether we will cover our employees or pay the tax. You see, the government will provide us with two options. The first is to provide health coverage for all of our employees or pay a tax if we don't. Here is where it gets interesting. The tax is less expensive than the cost to cover the employees for their healthcare. So at this point we have to make a business decision as will every business in the US.

If we choose to pay the tax, then the employees are on their own and will have to go to an "exchange" set up by the government. That sounds great, but I'm not sure that is the best for the employee because I really don't know what those exchanges will cover or how much they will cover. I guess the big question is, "Will health care coverage be of high quality under one of these exchanges?"

It appears, on the surface, that the government is forcing businesses to pay the tax because it is cheaper and  everyone will be in one of these exchanges. That leads me to believe we are on the road to a single payer system. I don't know about you, but I'm concerned that the government is not well equipped to take on an entire health care system. Just take a look at medicare, social security and every other program that they touch.

I am being proactive by taking responsibility for my health so I have a better than average chance of avoiding the need for any major health care. Due to the fact that I have been on the "7 Day Challenge" protocol for over a year, my health has risen to a new high. By not invading my body with gluten, chemicals and GMOs has had a positive effect on my health. By treating my body with quality food, my system is working more efficiently and I have lost the desire to eat empty calories. It is hard to explain how good these products are unless you put them in your body and try them yourself.

The future of health care is an unknown at this point, but you don't have to be left in the dark. Do something for yourself and begin now by eating quality food. Contact me today and I would be happy to speak to you about an alternative to your current food consumption. Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What About Our Children?

When I think about the years I was a kid growing up and not having to worry about the food that I was eating, it brings sadness to my heart about how things have changed. We never had to worry about all the chemicals that were in the food because back then the soil was still rich in nutrients. Even though they sprayed the crops to kill weeds it is nothing like it is today. New powerful chemicals are invading our food supply and there is no turning back.

A lot has changed over the last several decades and the biggest change is the introduction of GMO's into our food supply. GMO (genetically modified organisms), I believe, is the cause of so many maladies today that when I think about the companies that produce these dangerous mutations, it is hard for me to even comprehend they have anything in mind, but profits.

As parents, we always want to do the right thing for our children and yet we are caught up in the conditioning  we grew up with surrounding food. Yes, we are conditioned to eating a certain way with certain foods and it is something that is very difficult to break. We pass that onto our children and that is a very dangerous thing to do. Breaking that habit is extremely hard to do, especially knowing that the food in our food supply is not very good for our overall health.

When my kids were growing up, they are now 25 and 27, I was uninformed about the dangers of our food supply. It was that conditioning I grew up with that carried over to my kids. On top of the conditioning was the changing work environment. Both parents have to work to make ends meet and we began to see the erosion of the family dinner. Sitting down to eat with your family was once the norm and now it is grabbing something quick on the run. No good can come from that.

Knowing what I now know about the food in our American diet is causing me some concern. I often wonder if I would have done things differently with my kids. It would have been very hard to tell them that after the soccer game they can't go to McDonald's or go have pizza with their teammates because the food is disgusting and bad for them. That would have been the right thing to do, but an extremely difficult thing to do.

Speaking up as parents today is critical because so many things hinge on the future of our children's health. The cost of health care now and in the future is reason enough to begin changing our patterns to a more healthy lifestyle. Our children deserve the best and unfortunately they are not receiving the best and I have to go back to us, as parents, to make that call. There are so many variables in play, but the one constant is our love for our children. Do the right thing and begin to condition your kids on a more healthy path even though it goes against the norm. In the long run they will love and respect you for your actions.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Food Liberation

In a recent post I talked about changing ones mindset about food. This is an ongoing battle most Americans  due to their conditioning since childhood. I think that stems from the parents wanting their kids to fit in with other kids, so they go along with allowing their children to eat what they want. I also believe that we, as a society, look for more convenient food items because we are all so busy.

Because of the changing economy, families now have to have more than one source of income, which in turn changes everything about how we feed ourselves. Once you begin the cycle of eating a certain way, it is very difficult to change. Today, it is all about convenience, but it is also about trying to eat healthy and yet that is a difficult thing to accomplish. The vicious cycle of eating foods that are unhealthy is getting stronger and that is witnessed by the increase in the obesity rate in north America. We have become addicted to food that is bad for us.

What if you were liberated from food? Can you imagine not being held hostage by food? That would mean walking into a party and not being tempted to eat any of the food. That means taking responsibility for your health and recognizing that there is an alternative to our current food supply. In order to do that you need a vehicle to get you over the hump of those bad habits. For me it was the "7 Day Super Food Challenge". It provided my body with the nutrients it needs to survive and not be tempted by "food". Flooding my body with nutrients actually curbed my cravings for food. Once yo get to that point you are half way home. The next obstacle is your mind. Liberating yourself from the thought of having to eat "food" is one of the most difficult things you will go through. This is where most people get stuck.

If I had a nickel for everyone that told me that they, "love to eat", I would be very wealthy. At some point, your health will become an issue if you continue eating the way you do. Please don't tell me that you, "eat healthy", because when I hear that I go insane. There is no escaping the chemicals in our food supply, no matter how well you think you eat. There is, however, an alternative.

I can only speak from experience. The "7 Day Challenge" protocol has changed my life. The big reason was because I wanted to change. I think you have to start there if you want true liberation from food. Without a true desire to change you will not change. I think people don't change because in their minds they think they can't make it. They don't even try because they know they would have to give up things they love. If you are one of those people know that you CAN make it. If you just change your thought process to knowing you can change your lifestyle, you can change. Funny how powerful the mind is, but it is up to you to THINK it!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Monday Night Football Food Frenzy

I was invited to go see a Monday night football game last night in Phoenix. I knew it wasn't going to be a great game as the 49'ers beat our Cardinals, but it was still a fun evening. To take advantage of the entire experience we got to the game a bit early and what I saw was truly eye opening.

The term that is often used for pre-game festivities is "tailgating". This is where friends and family get together in the parking lot and go hog wild on food and drink that would make any food truck jealous. People really get into this tradition by setting up tents, chairs, t.v's, music and things that I can't mention in this blog.

Now, if you have been following me for any length of time you know by now that I don't indulge in the type of food you would find at a Monday night football game tailgate party. Last night was no different. What I saw people eating almost made me feel ill, just because I have done a bit of research on the foods that were being consumed last night. The big one was hot dogs and I saw a lot of those being consumed last night.

"So Jay, what did you do? If you don't eat football food, then what did you do the whole night?" The answer is, I didn't eat or drink. I know, I know it is hard to believe, but realize that I have been on the "7 Day Super Food Challenge" protocol for one year. Since I have changed my lifestyle it was really easy to resist eating any of the "food" that I saw last night. Keep in mind that when you eat something like a hot dog it stays in your cell structure for 6 months! I realize that most people don't know that and quite frankly they don't care...but I do.

When I was sitting in my seat I witnessed so many people walking by with hot dogs, cheese nachos, pretzels, hamburgers, french fries and a whole lot of BEER. Not to mention all of that soda people were drinking down like it was nothing. I felt like getting up and holding a health seminar right then and there.

The worst part of this whole experience was observing the people that were eating this way. I'm not going to tell you that everyone was overweight, but what I will say is that the majority of people were. I know that everyone was having a great time, but at some point you have to take responsibility for your health. The stadium was a snapshot of North America and the fact that 2/3rds of people are overweight and 1/3rd of those people are obese.

We need to make a change in this country and a step in the right direction would be to educate people about food and the dangers of most food consumed in North America. Do I sound like an alarmist or someone who cares about the health of fellow Americans and our friends from the north. I have changed my lifestyle and it is my mission to help others do the same. Don't freak out, you don't have to be as committed as me, but you need to move in the direction of improving your health. If you are ready then I'm ready to help you.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Question: "Are You Ready To Change"?

I speak to so many people everyday about their health and, of course, their weight. There are millions of people in this country looking for that magic bullet to get them healthy and to lose those unwanted pounds. When I ask them what they are doing to achieve a better lifestyle and improved health, most of the answers I receive are, "I'm watching what I eat and I exercise a little".

Sometimes I press them a bit further and ask them, "What does that mean, you watch what you eat"? The most common response is that they eat salads and try to eat chicken and fish. Doesn't sound so convincing, does it? I think most people don't really think about what their eating as long as it tastes good and it satisfies their hunger...for the time being.

Perhaps they don't know how or what to eat to create better health. I know that we, as a society, get bombarded with information and you have to be able to sift through the advertising and get to the real information. Unfortunately, very few people actually do that. Advertisers are very good at making their products sound so good, and yet a lot of them mislead the public about what's really in the food they are selling. We need food labeling laws!

It really comes down to you and your interest in getting healthy. After all, are you ready to change? I know a lot of people say they are really ready this time, and they think they are because they stopped eating a certain food or stopped drinking soda, but that isn't the change I'm talking about. When I describe to people my lifestyle change they look at me and say, "I could never do that". I'm speaking, of course, about the "7 Day Super Food Challenge" and how this protocol has literally changed my life. If has changed my life because I have changed my lifestyle.

In order to truly change your health you are going to have to change what you eat. There is no easy way to get around it and believe me I've tried. Until I changed my eating habits, nothing really changed. You could tell me that you eat healthy until your blue in the face, but you are not going to convince me. I've seen it so many times and heard everything many times over, but the fact that people still eat the way they do demonstrates they are not serious about their health. Do I sound like a jerk right now? I'm not, I'm just speaking the truth.

Unless you are willing to make the commitment to yourself and change what you are eating then you will always be chasing that goal of better health. I'm not saying my way is the only way, but it is light years from where most people are in terms of creating better health. Try a sample of what good nutrition looks like.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Our Changing Economy

Unless you're living under a rock or in a cave, most Americans are feeling the effects of our changing economy. With unemployment at it's highest level in years and more people looking for work, it makes you wonder what the future holds for us.

Jobs are certainly one indicator of how the economy is going, but there are other factors that come into play. It is the way business is conducted in this country and around the world that is changing at break neck speed. With the advent of technology comes new communication avenues. Today, most people don't use the phone for calling someone, but rather for texting, sending photos, playing games, etc.

The "normal" way of doing business in the 21st century is changing dramatically. Distribution channels are also changing as evidenced by the Internets increase in on-line shopping. Retail stores are closing and more people are buying products on-line because it is less costly for both the consumer and the retailer. Imagine the overhead the retail store can save by just selling products over the Internet? The real estate costs alone would be huge and then you start adding all the other expenses like payroll, workers comp, taxes and the list goes on for a mile. I know because I own a small business and believe me it is not a pleasant thing.

I know in Phoenix, where we live, there is a changing landscape when it comes to how business is conducted. I have some friends that are talking about opening up a health food store or a coffee shop and I had to throw my two cents in and advise them not to do that. I know, that is pretty bold of me to tell them not to do that when they have their heart set on it, but I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't provide them the reason for my concern.

Since I know what it takes to open and run a business, I was trying to give them a glimpse into a different way of looking at business in the future. I believe there is a more cost effective way to own your own business without breaking the bank and throwing your life savings into something that may or may not work. The industry I am speaking about is Network Marketing. No, it is not a dirty word, but rather the way business will be conducted in the future.

You see, Network Marketing is a way to move product and services through a network of people that not only benefit from the product or service, but financially as well. What makes this so attractive is the fact that the cost of entry into your own business is minimal. The other major benefit is that you don't need a great deal of skill in running your own business because the company does all of that for you. You could be the best pie maker in the world, but what do you know about running a business and selling your pies?

Network Marketing levels the playing field for those interested in helping others achieve a level of success  they never thought possible. Low start-up costs, no overhead, no employees and all you have to do is share the product or service with others. I know that sounds simple, but very few people understand the power of this business model. This industry will be the largest shift in our changing economy in the future. Actually, the future is NOW. If you are interested in the new economy please contact me today.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

America's Love Affair With Food

Being in the health and wellness business is trying at times. Sifting through all of the "noise" or should I say the information overload that we see on a daily basis is difficult at best. Advertisers are really good at what they do because they provide information about there products and they make them sound incredible. Only problem is that most of them aren't.

I guess it really doesn't matter as long as they get their message across, that their products are healthy and good for you. Without the public being educated on the real facts, it appears that they are highly successful. The reason I say that is because people in this country can't stop eating food that is not good for them. I believe they are addicted to food and they couldn't imagine giving up their food.

The challenge that most Americans have when it comes to food is the psychological aspects of food. They believe that they can't go into a social setting without eating food. How about you? Could you go to a party and not indulge in all the goodies that are there? Can you resist all the bad foods that are displayed for all to see? Are you a sweet junky?

There is something about food that makes people turn into someone else. If you are having a bad day, but know that you are going to eat your favorite food later, does that change your mood? How about when you know your going to be eating great food, say at a wedding or an event, do you starve yourself all day so you can do some serious damage when you get there? I know we have all been through this before, but for some reason we can't get off this bandwagon. Americans have a love affair with food.

There are many reasons for this, but the biggest one and the most obvious to me is that our food contains NO nutrition. That is why your body is screaming for something to eat after a couple of hours after you had a meal. Eating empty calories is the norm in this country and if there is one practice that should be stopped it is this one. The challenge is to find foods that actually have nutrition and that is no easy task, until now.

I have been on a Protocol of nutrient dense food for almost one year and it has changed my life. It isn't fancy food, but when it comes to my health I don't care. The good thing is that the food I do consume tastes fantastic. I started on the "7 Day Super Food Challenge" almost a year ago and now I have a craving for quality food that has nutrition. My food consumption is the Isagenix food 98% of the time. By putting quality food into my body it has responded better than I could have ever dreamed. Nutrition makes a difference...a HUGE difference. Start a new love affair with food, but make it food with nutrition. If you want to try our shake for free then please go to shake

Monday, October 15, 2012

"I Had A Late Lunch"

Since I have been on the "7 Day Challenge" protocol for almost a year, I have used various excuses for not eating when I go out to dinner. The most common one is, "I had a late lunch". As if I needed to justify the reason I wasn't eating when everyone else at the table was. This is where lifestyle change is evident.

Just because you go out with your spouse or friends doesn't mean you have to eat and drink. I have gone to many parties and didn't have any alcohol or food and guess what, I survived AND I had a great time. It never ceases to amaze me that we live in a society where people consider you strange if you want to take care of your health by not indulging in life's great

I can't tell you how many times people have encouraged me to eat what their eating because they can't get over the notion that I prefer to consume quality food over empty calories. I don't think it registers with them that there is an alternative to eating polluted food. I realize that they are conditioned to eating the way they do and I don't hold that against them. So why do they insist on me eating what they eat?

I'm not a psychologist, but if I had to guess, they don't want to eat alone and they feel like they are doing something they shouldn't. Only thing is, they are! If you are not careful and watch what you eat, over time it will effect you in more ways than you can count. Just visualize someone in an assisted living facility and know that they had the chance to be much healthier at this stage of their life. That is, if they took responsibility for their health.

I must admit that I am so addicted to eating quality food that it is hard for me to eat any traditional food at all.  As I mentioned several times, I do eat food, but it is rare and it is my choice. I don't think many people grasp where I'm coming from. I have an entirely different view of food than the majority of people in this country. I could go to a wedding and walk right by the buffet table and the dessert table without blinking an eye. The reason? Because I'm so satisfied with eating my nutrient dense super food that I have lost my cravings for empty calories. Go figure, flood your body with quality nutrition and see what happens.

So when I go out for dinner with people and I don't eat, I usually use the, "I had a late lunch" line. I could, however, say that I'm using a new food technology that is incredibly effective and I've lost my desire to eat empty calories. By doing that I released 15 pounds, 9.6% body fat and metabolically I'm 21 years younger, but that might prompt a discussion of, "tell me more about this stuff". Now, we wouldn't want that to happen, now would we?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Funerals-Another Reminder

In the last month my wife and I went to two funerals and they were both tough. One was my ex-father-in-law and the other was the mother of a very close friend of Gina's. As we were sitting there at the grave site, I looked up at the sky and saw the sunlight shining bright through the trees as they swayed with a slight breeze, albeit a warm breeze, a breeze none the less. I realized at that moment how wonderful life is and how we often take it for granted.

The difficult part of these two funerals was how these wonderful people spent the last months of their life. There was so much suffering physically, mentally and emotionally that it is not only hard on them, but all the family members as well. Seeing someone you care about going through that type of distress is not fun. As I said it takes a toll on everyone.

Before the ceremony began, I started to reflect on my own situation and how I'm doing what I need to do to avoid suffering as so many people do. Taking responsibility for my health is the best gift I could give myself and if I continue this practice of fueling my body with nutrition and powerful antioxidants then I believe I will have a better chance of living a better quality of life. I realize that we are all going to pass at some point, but why not live life healthy to the very end.

I know for most people it seems like a tall task to say no to the food they love and consume, but at some point they must educate themselves on the dangers of the food they eat. No one really looks at it like that, but I firmly believe that a lot of the suffering people go through could be avoided if they took more responsibility with their food choices. It sounds so simple, but it is one of the most difficult things to do in our society.

We place so much emphasis on food and everything that surrounds the food such as the social setting. If you think about your everyday life, it is surrounded by food. Meeting someone for breakfast or lunch and planning on where your going to dinner. It is all around us and yet no one stops to think about what food is doing to them. Why would they when they are not educated about food and the chemicals in the food that could harm you. GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are very scary, but so many people have never heard of them. In my opinion, since GMOs were introduced in the food supply 20-30 years ago, we have seen a rise in so many illnesses and diseases, but no one is putting two and two together.

I understand that we are not going to escape the inevitable, but why not live a full wonderful life by taking responsibility for your health. During the funeral my mind began to wander as I thought about one day people attending mine. Then I realized that because of my commitment to my health, I will probably outlive most of the people that would be at my funeral. It is not too late for everyone to live a more fulfilling life by being good to themselves. Start today so you can have a better tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Prescription Drugs Out Of Reach For Most Americans

I was reading an article the other day in Natural News about the cost of prescription drugs that are out of reach for most Americans. According to the article 45% of Americans under the age of 65 can no longer afford their medications. Has Big Pharma priced themselves out of the market?

It was bound to happen at some point in our history. The drug companies prey on the American people because they charge unbelievable prices for their drugs. Now, don't get me wrong, I understand there is a huge cost in developing new drugs and medications, but we are seeing the effects of these monopolies on our pocketbooks.

Big Pharma has an agenda and it is to render you helpless without their drugs. The average American must take two different medications every month, but it is not for a short time, it is for the rest of their lives. Imagine paying for prescription drugs every month for life?

I was on that path with high blood pressure medicine and cholesterol medication. When I was going to a traditional Dr. he put me on these two medications and I was on them for several years. I really didn't want to take these drugs, but I felt that I had no choice, but now I do!

I began to look for ways to change this pattern and I'm fortunate because I found Isagenix. I began my journey with this company and these products in Oct 2009. I toyed with them for a couple of years and then in Nov 2011 I got serious. I got on the "7 Day Super Food Challenge" and it has changed my life. I dropped my Cardiologist and found a Naturopathic Dr. that I absolutely love. On my first visit he told me to stop taking my medications because he saw I had taken responsibility for my health with a new diet. I don't mean that I was on a diet, but rather I changed my lifestyle by eating nutrient dense food and powerful antioxidants.

I'm not making any claims that if you change your diet you won't have to take medications. I'm just saying that it worked for me. Changing what I ate had a positive effect on my bio markers such as cholesterol and blood pressure. By not consuming sugar, fried foods, fast food, coffee, etc., I was able to come off these medications and now I have controlled these issues with the Isagenix food.

When I put this in terms of costs that I'm saving it is incredible. With insurance my medications were $40.00 per month. Without insurance they would have been over $150.00 per month. Now imagine that you didn't have insurance and had to pay that amount every month. I know there are millions of people out there that pay more than that for their medications. Now imagine everyone spending their money on quality food coupled with a change in their diets. I believe with this combination we could have a lot more healthy people in the country and this would reduce the cost of health care.

We all have choices which is what makes this country great, but it is the choices you make that determine your ultimate health. How many people are going to give up their favorite foods in order to create better health. I believe you can reduce your prescription drug costs with the proper diet, but you will have to sacrifice something along the way. Are you willing to do that? If costs keep climbing you might not have a choice!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Is Any Food Safe To Eat?

The more research I do about our food in this country, the more frightened I get. Every day there is another story of some kind of food being recalled because it caused illness and in some cases death. How scary is that? As Americans, we want to know that the food we are eating is safe to eat.

I subscribe to many health related websites and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't see an article about GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms). What I would like to see is the main stream media reporting on this every day. This is such an important topic that I believe everyone in the country should be aware of. A little knowledge can go a long way.

Since I began this journey to better health, one of the habits I picked up was to become a label reader. Now I'm not a scientist or a doctor, but when there are ingredients on the label that I can't pronounce, I get a bit worried. Today, these manufacturers can disguise many chemicals into nice sounding words, but the truth is that they are very dangerous.

I know there are some people that think I'm overboard with my critique of our food supply, but at this point I would rather be cautious than foolish. Virtually everything you eat today contains some type of chemical. On top of that, most of the food you eat stays in your cell structure for 6 months. So if you want to go crazy one day at a ball game and have a hot dog, plan on that hot dog staying with you for the next 6 months.

I'm not trying to scare anyone about our food supply, but rather to educate them on some of the dangers that these foods could cause. In particular any food that contains GMO's should be avoided. The next question should be, "How do I know if it contains GMO's?" That is a good question! With no labeling laws in this country it is difficult to determine, but I do have a great way of avoiding GMO's. I eat Isagenix food 97% of the time. The other 3% of my food intake is with food that I know doesn't contain GMO's. I have a whole shopping guide list of NON-GMO foods.

The Isagenix food I eat is certified and verified GMO free. To me, that is one of the best reasons to try this food. The benefits of these products go far beyond being chemical free as they actually nourish your body. How many foods that you consume are GMO free and nourish your body? I'm going to guess that the typical American diet has very few products that do that.

So when you come right down to it, is any food safe to eat anymore? Become a label reader and if you don't know what an ingredient is then do what a lot of people do...Google it. You might be surprised at what you find in these fancy words that no one can pronounce. If I were you I would stay away from GMO food like your life depended on it, because IT DOES!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Did I Mention The Quality?

I know I talk a lot about the "7 Day Challenge" protocol that I have been on for over 300 days, but I don't think I do a good job talking about the quality of these products. They are so good that I now have decided to make this lifestyle. I can't begin to tell you how incredible that is because I'm no longer held hostage by food. How many people can say that?

The quality of these products are so good that they satisfy my cravings to the point I am not hungry for food. Now it took me a bit of time to get to this place, but the key was that I was willing to do it. I made up my mind to take responsibility for my health and I'm fortunate that I was asked to join a small group of people to think outside the box. That thinking was the "7 Day Super Food Challenge".

At first I was reluctant because I had to first get over the fact that I wasn't going to eat any food for one week. I don't think people realize that when they go on this challenge it is a commitment to stay true to the protocol. After all, you are going to encounter a weekend during your 7 Days.That is when you know you are serious about making a change in your life. If you make it through the weekend give yourself a high five because that is a sign that you are ready to change.

So back to the quality of these products. In looking at the top selling product in 8 countries,which is the Isalean Meal Replacement Shake, you understand why that is so. The whey protein in these shakes are the top of the line and they come from New Zealand. It is illegal to inject any animal with steroids, hormones or antibiotics in this country which makes the source of the whey the highest grade you can buy. Always check the source of the whey when comparison shopping. Just a little hint, there are no comparisons to the Isagenix whey protein. It is by far the most superior whey protein on the planet.

In addition to the high grade whey protein is the method of extraction. Isagenix uses a proprietary process for extracting the whey without heating it. The majority of the whey protein you buy in a health food store is denatured. That means it is heated. Isagenix whey protein is undenatured. When you heat anything it takes the nutrients out of the product, like when you cook your veggies or steak.

Several of the other products I take on the protocol also contain the whey protein found in the shakes. Quality DOES MATTER!! If you put quality food into your body it will respond in ways that you never thought they could. Most people don't know what "Good" feels like because they have never stopped eating the food in the American diet. It really is an easy choice if you are serious about your health. I know people think about the money, but they think they have to spend extra money on the Isagenix products. If they could just get their head around the fact that they are substituting meals for their normal diet, they would be amazed at how much better they feel while at the same time saving money.

You deserve the best quality food for you and your family. Why settle for anything less?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

I Can See It, Can't You?

When you put two and two together things become more clear. This has never been more evident to me then right now. I'm taking in all the information that is provided and some that is not provided and drawing my own conclusions. The conclusions I am coming up with make it easy for me to see the future and the trends that will shape our lives.

What I'm talking about is the next hot trend to hit the US and it is going to have a profound effect on this country. More importantly, a positive effect that will save lives and reduce health care costs dramatically. I know that seems like a bold statement, but I believe we might be forced into it, which would be a good thing. I'm referring to the Wellness Revolution!

One of the forces in our economy that will move us in the direction I'm talking about is the cost of food. Have you been to the grocery store lately? I actually don't go to grocery stores any longer, but I ran into one the other day for some paper products and I took a look at some of the prices of the food that people buy. What I experienced was what people call sticker shock. I couldn't believe some of the prices of the food.

That led me to begin the process of putting things together. I thought about the government decided to print more money to the tune of $40 Billion dollars a month. That is on top of all the money they already printed which made the prices for staples go up in the first place. So adding additional printed money is not going to help, but rather cause massive hyper-inflation. If you add to that the severe drought the US went through this year, you have a recipe for disaster. Food prices will skyrocket next year and what will the American people do?

You see the effects of it now because more and more people are eating inexpensive fast food because that is all they can afford. It's cheap and it fills them up, but what about the long term effects on their bodies? Most people don't think of it that way because they go into survival mode and will eat what they can afford to eat. They don't think of the health ramifications of their eating habits at the time, but they should. Eating poorly for any length of time will create another expense and I mean a really BIG expense. I think you have heard of it and it's called Health Care.

We are in a vicious cycle that I believe can be broken, but we must make sacrifices. The first sacrifice is to begin feeding your body better nutrition. Since I have been on the Isagenix products my world has changed for the better. Does it cost a bit more to eat quality food? The answer is yes, but what is the alternative? Eat junk that is cheap, but then spend your life savings on your health care as you begin to develop illness and disease due to the food you ate for years?

Isagenix is so far ahead of the curve when it comes to solving solutions for people. They have put together the most complete system for better health that I have ever seen. Now, they are moving into true science with cutting edge products that help your brain and aging. This is the future and the more people that take responsibility for their health, the less they will have to pay for health care in the future. Yes, I can see it moving in this direction as people will need a way to nourish their bodies at a reasonable cost. Isagenix is positioned for massive growth, not only in this country, but many countries around the world. I can see it, can't you?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Band Aid Medicine

The United States of America has the greatest health care system in the world. After all we spend about 26% of our GDP on this system. In contrast to other countries that spend only about 2% of their GDP on health care. Does something seem out of whack? How come we spend so much on our health care in this country and we have some of the sickest people in the world?

Health care in our country is a $2 trillion dollar industry and costs continue to rise. It seems that people are getting sicker faster and the number of people getting sick is increasing. Illness and disease is on the rise and our generation will be the first to out live our kids. How scary is that? If we don't make a change quickly then I fear we will become a nation that can't afford to take care of its people. Come to think of it, we are almost there.

I look at the health care system as a machine, a very powerful machine. I also believe it is tied into two other industries which is our food industry and the pharmaceutical industry. We eat food that is bankrupt of nutrition and is polluted. Then we get sick because the food is now laced with GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms) and other chemicals. Over time this is have a devastating effect on our health. The second step is going to the doctor because of all the symptoms that occur after eating the food. So what does the doctor do? They offer a band aid for a solution. Yes, they mask the issue with more chemicals so you feel better. The pharmaceutical companies are the third step in this process. They make billions of dollars with drugs that don't cure anyone, but rather create a dependency on them.

Band aid medicine can be stopped if you are willing and committed to stopping it. How can you stop it? By having the courage to change your eating habits and the habits of your children. I know, I know it is not the easiest thing to do, but it is one of the best ways to get off that (Hamster Wheel-Post 2/9/12) we all find ourselves on. Our dependency on poor food nutrition is the key to changing this vicious cycle. If Americans would just switch their eating habits to food that has nutrition then so many issues could be resolved. I know that sounds so simplistic, but it is the truth.

I can speak from experience since I have followed the "7 Day Super Food Challenge" protocol for over 300 days. I stopped eating sweets, drinking soda, fried foods and the list goes on. I went from eating all empty calories to eating a trace amount of empty calories and my life has changed dramatically. My body is working more efficiently, which means my heart rate has slowed down, I released unwanted pounds, reduced my body fat and my metabolic age is now 20 years younger. All I did was change my diet to nutrient dense super food. Once I did that I lost all my cravings for the bad stuff I was feeding myself and saw my health begin to improve. Isn't it time you rip the BAND AID OFF? It will sting for a moment, but then you can begin the healing process and your health will improve.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Isn't The Gov Supposed To Protect Us?

I'm not one who relies on the government for all my needs and I don't believe anyone should. Our founding fathers formed our country to basically protect their citizens from foreign invaders and to make sure everyone  has their rights protected. Does it seem like that today?

Government has grown into this behemoth that has basically chiseled their way into our lives and it appears the current administration is trying to get further into our freedoms. Think about all the agencies that are set up to help protect us such as the FDA, EPA, CIA, FBI to name a few. Are they really protecting our freedom?

I have written about the FDA in previous posts and I don't have any trust in this agency any longer. They allow products to enter the market without long term product testing and thousands of people suffer the consequences. Drugs that they said were safe turned out to be not so safe and even deadly. I realize that it is a tough task to police all the new products that come on the market, but isn't that the reason they were formed? Does the FDA have any checks and balances?

The reason I bring this up is because of the latest industry that is flourishing and one that should not be. That is GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms). How the government can allow these crops to grow in the US is beyond me. The danger of these GMO's is wreaking havoc on the American people and has for the last 30 yeas, but no one in Washington seems to care. If they did, our crops would be GMO FREE!

Since GMO crops have invaded the US some 3 decades ago, there has been a rise in obesity, diabetes, heart disease, autism, cancer and the list goes on for a mile. If you don't believe me then check out Jeffrey M Smith's new movie called, "Genetic Roulette". You can watch it for free until Sept 22, 2012. Here is the link

In Jeffrey's movie he lays out the effects of this dangerous process of altering the genetics of all the major crops which include: corn, soybean, canola, sugar beets and cotton. The effects they are having in our society is devastating. Our children are getting adult illnesses and diseases that they never had before. Obesity is on the rise which effects one third of our population. It is all do to our food supply. Can you think of another reason all these things are happening to the health of America?

The government is turning a blind eye to GMO foods and there is only one reason I can think of why that is occurring...BIG MONEY! There is another reason which I won't go into, but let me just say it has to do with our population. Our Government should be protecting us from these companies that are destroying our health. Since they won't do it I will take on the responsibility to do it myself and NOT eat GMO foods.

Our "7 Day Super Food Challenge" is a perfect way to avoid GMO foods and create a healthier lifestyle. Don't you deserve the best? Why risk eating GMO foods when you have a perfect alternative. You owe it to yourself and your family to avoid GM foods. Start today!

Monday, September 17, 2012

What Makes You Choose?

Everyone knows that we have choices in this country, don't they? I mean there is a reason you choose one brand over another, right? You make choices daily on where you eat, on a nail salon, hairdresser, place for clothes and just about everything you do.

So, what makes you choose the things that you do? Is it the advertising? Did a trusted friend tell you? Is it the "in" thing and you MUST have it? It could be none of these and then again, it could be all of these. Is it the way you grew up?  I guess whatever the reason you have for making the choices in your life, know that you have the ability to make them.

What I find in the people I speak with is that they know they can make a choice, but fail to take action because they feel comfortable with the way things are. When you feel comfortable, it's time you need to shake things up. Comfortable is good when you reach the next level. When you get there, you need to shake it up so you can get to the NEXT level.

Choosing is an ever changing process unless you get stuck in choosing something comfortable. I think the point to remember is that you do have a choice. If you choose something that doesn't work out, no big deal just move onto something that will work out. When something doesn't go your way, know that there is a reason for this. Every experience points us in the direction we want to go, whether it is good or bad. The key is knowing that you are getting closer with every choice you make.

But what am I choosing? That all depends on what you want. If you don't know what you want then how can you get it? You must first know where you are going. How do you want your life to look like? Most people I ask that question to say the same thing, "I don't know, I don't think about it". That is the problem...they don't think about what they want. Everyone dwells on what they don't want instead of what they do want. Guess what is going to happen? That's right, you get what you think about. My suggestion, start thinking about what you DO want and focus on that.

If you focus on what you want and move in the direction of getting what you want, then you will have it. So, what is it that really makes us choose? It happens to be the end result. Seeing the end result will bring all the choices you will need to make and they will be easy to make once you have that vision in mind.

Monday, September 10, 2012

My Fears About The Future

In Oct. 2009 I made the decision to try a new product to gain better health. In Nov. 2011, I took that commitment to the next level and began flooding my body with powerful nutrients. As you are aware by now, our current food supply is bankrupt of nutrition and it is becoming more polluted by the day. My decision to radically change my lifestyle has been one of the best I've ever made.

When I speak about taking responsibility for your health, I'm referring to several things that must been done to achieve better health. The first thing is that you must change the way you eat. Making better choices is a good first step, but that is not going to get you to where you need to be. I know that I sound pretty radical when I tell people that I have, for all intents and purposes, come off the food grid. The majority of my food intake is from the Isagenix products. The reason is because I know that I'm providing my body with a great deal of nutrition along with powerful antioxidants, minerals and so much more.

Along with the nutrition that I'm consuming I have started taking Product B and the newest product called Brain and Sleep Renewal System. These products are cutting edge and along with the nutritional products create the most effective system for better health on the planet. This is the future! When you put quality products in your body then good things will happen. I say that because I am living proof, having been on the "7 Day Challenge" protocol for over 300 days.

Of course, I would like everyone I know to be on these products since I know how good they will make them feel. The sad truth is that most people are not willing to commit to a new way of thinking when it comes to food. In their minds if they go on a diet every so often they think they are helping themselves, but they are only prolonging the inevitable. In order for things to change YOU must change. Until that happens...nothing will happen.

This brings me to my fear about the future. I am doing my part in taking responsibility for my health and it is difficult when the people you care about don't do the same. As I continue on this path to better health, I will be experiencing the benefits for many years to come, while those that don't utilize these products will be subject to the normal aging process. Along with that comes illness and disease. I know what you're thinking, "Aging is a part of life and everybody is going to end up sick or dead." That may be true for some, but it is not true for me. By taking care of myself now I will have a greater chance of avoiding any major illness in the future and live a more robust quality of life.

In addition to my fears about the future is the fact that I will outlive everyone I care about. The people I care about will most likely end up with an unwanted illness or disease. I certainly will feel for them, but at the same time they have a choice. Every one has a choice. The last thing I want to hear is, "Why didn't I do what you did and take responsibility for my health? I probably wouldn't be suffering right now." It's not too late to start on your journey to better health. If you are ready, then make the commitment like your life depended on it.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Over the last 5 years I have been through a great deal regarding the passing of my mom and my mother-in-law. I saw up close what it is like to lose someone you care about. The end result is the easy part, it is the time leading up to the end that is the challenge.

As I get older, I'm 55, I am acutely aware of my mortality. Why do you think I'm taking responsibility for my health? Seeing a loved one go through the pain and suffering is something I wouldn't wish on anyone. You have this helpless feeling and it becomes frustrating because you can't take the pain or discomfort away. Our jobs are to be there for support, emotional and spiritual.

Yesterday, I lost another person that meant a great deal to me. He was my father-in-law for 14 years and I truly cared about him as if he were my own father. The most wonderful, kind, intelligent, loving man you would ever want to meet. A successful doctor in Scottsdale, AZ for 30 years. His specialty was ear, nose and throat and was Chief of Staff of the Hospital, in addition to being on the Board of Medical Examiners. An amazing gifted man.

After the divorce I didn't see him too often, but when I did we enjoyed conversation and we were always pleasant to one another. My two sons, who are now 25 and 27 were very close to their grandfather. I know his passing is very difficult for them and it is moments like this that you must think of the positive memories and the time you shared with him. For me, it is also a time my thoughts of mortality begin to surface.

A regret I have is that I didn't go see him before he passed.  I needed to tell him "thank you" for helping with my son, who is going through his own challenges. I guess you could say I'm grateful and thankful for this man who had a heart of gold and an unwavering love for his family.

I remember visiting my mom and mother-in-law at their respective housing facilities, and as I was walking up the front entrance to enter the building, I had a vision of my sons walking the same path to see me. That is why I'm so passionate about educating and helping others find better health. So they can live a wonderful quality of life. Why do people always wait till it's to late? If only people would take care of themselves while they still can, so much suffering could be avoided.

If I can help one person see the advantage of changing their lifestyle then maybe, just maybe, I can help someone avoid a miserable end of life. It is no fun watching someone you care about begin to deteriorate. It is not too late to do something about it. Begin today to find the courage to change your life so you can enjoy your lifestyle in your later years.

I bid a fond farewell to my father-in-law, who I loved very much and who brought much joy into our families lives. You will be missed Dr. Z! Your next journey begins with a sense of peace.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Are You Really THIS Good All The Time?

If you are reading my blog for the first time, the next statement I make may sound crazy. I have been on a CR(Calorie Restrictive) diet for over 300 days. What is a CR diet? It is one in which you reduce your caloric intake, but not sacrifice nutrition. Our "7 Day Challenge" protocol has changed my life because I now look at food in a different way. I no longer look at food as a way to satisfy me. Instead, I am utilizing the most efficient way to fuel my body with the least amount of calories.

If you have any questions about my commitment I invite you to check out my new website at  If you want to get an idea of what I do on a daily basis, I go through the whole protocol on the site. I also add some of my views and thoughts about the future of food. Isagenix is so far ahead of any other company when it comes to providing the most complete system for better health on the planet.

The most exciting thing is the fact that they are on the cutting edge of the next trend that will explode. That trend is called "Wellness". The products they are offering are revolutionary, such as Product B and the new Brain and Sleep Support System from world renown Dr. Michael Colgan. I took a brain test on-line and then in six weeks I'll check it again after taking Dr. Colgan's new product. I'll keep you posted on the results.

If you think about this company as "one of those companies", you can get that idea out of your head. This is more of a biotech company than a nutritional company. They are actually known as a solutions based company. They have solutions for Weight Loss, Energy and Performance and Healthy Aging. The products are no compromise products using only the finest ingredients available. They don't rest on their laurels as they are constantly seeking new minerals and techniques to maximize the extraction process and preserve the minerals in their most potent form.

I have made a commitment to better health and I talk the talk and walk the walk. I don't want to put chemicals in my body, so what I had to do is find an alternative to our current food supply. I am grateful that Isagenix found me, but then again I was looking for it so our vibrations lined up and now I'm excited about the future. The quality of life should not be underestimated. You can have a wonderful quality of life if you just take care of yourself which means that you are going to have to make a change to your diet. I can't put it any simpler than that.

I guess the answer to the question, "Are you really THIS good all the time"? is YES. I changed my lifestyle because I want a better quality of life when I get up there in age. Consuming these products is the vehicle to get me to that place. I'm off to a great start after 300 days. It is hard to describe how powerful I feel now that "food" doesn't control my life. It is a feeling I want everyone to experience. You can do it once you make the decision that your life is more important than food.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Food...It's A Social Thing

I know I have posted about this before, but it bears repeating. The whole country is transfixed on food. If you think about your life, it pretty much boils down to the food you eat and the social setting you eat in. Name me a party that you went to like, a birthday party, graduation, babies first step and the list goes on, that food wasn't a big part of the event.

The challenge that I am facing is that since I've been on the "7 Day Challenge" protocol for over 290 days, when I go out to an event, no matter what it is, I'm not hungry and I would prefer not to eat the food that is served. I would much rather have my nutrient dense food instead.

I attend all types of events where there is food and if there is something that I would like to eat, then it is my choice whether to eat it or not. I am no longer held hostage by food and don't allow it to consume me, no pun intended. You see, I'm o.k. with not eating at an event, but the people around me feel awkward. They look at me like I am missing the best thing in the world, but as I gaze at the food I realize that it is most likely genetically modified and it is bankrupt of nutrition. Since I have a choice of the food I eat, I decided to nourish my body with the best quality food I could find. It happens to be from a company called Isagenix.

I'm not sure why people have a hard time if I don't want to eat. Sometimes I think their thinking, "I wish I could do that, have the discipline not to eat the food in our food supply." Or, how about this one, " I know I should not be eating this, but it is a special occasion and I don't do this often." It's o.k. to do the justification thing, if that makes you feel better. What I'm saying is that just because I choose to look at food in a different way, doesn't mean I can't be social at an event. It appears very difficult for people not to indulge at an event, but are they doing it out of the fear of loss? Most people can't help themselves and have to try everything at a party. Could it be that they have no will power or the fact that their bodies lack nutrition?

I think we need to make a change in this country. A shift in mind set about food. The protocol I'm currently on is proof that you can reduce your calories, but not sacrifice nutrition. I am flooding my body with nutrition and powerful antioxidents and the results speak for themselves. Since I began my journey over two years ago, I have released 25 pounds, 10% body fat and now my metabolic age is 34. I know that doesn't sound real young until you realize that my biological age is 55. My body is performing at a higher level because I am careful of what I put into my body.

Even if you don't do the "Challenge", try getting together with a relative or friend without going to get a drink or something to eat. See if you can do it. Every event I go to is still a lot of fun even though I don't indulge in the food festivities. I believe Americans should rally around each other and begin sharing their ideas and successes for better health. That would be a great social movement in this country. "I don't need food to have fun" campaign, even though it's a social thing.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Overweight Doctors

What kind of shape is your doctor in? Are they overweight? If they are I'm going to say something that is on my mind and I want to share. FIND A NEW DOCTOR! "Jay, seriously, you want me to find a new doctor because they are overweight"? Would you go to a fitness trainer that needed to lose 60 pounds? So, yes I would reconsider your doctor if they are overweight.

My Cardiologist was quite a bit overweight so I changed my Doctor to a Naturopathic Cardiologist who looks thin and very healthy. His understanding of the root cause of issues is critical to me since I prefer to get to the bottom of the issue instead of mask it. A shout out to Dr. Jack Wolfson, thank you. In this country we are part of the largest masking of basic issues that I have ever seen. Our health care is 26% of our GDP while other countries have as low as 2%. We are spending way too much on health care and it is because of our food supply.

If your doctor is overweight you have to ask yourself, "Does this person have any clue how to help me if they can't help themselves"? I know that sounds pretty harsh, but you have to wonder. If you are seeing a therapist, would you see a therapist that was seeing a therapist? Maybe that is common, but I don't know.

I think the point here is that your physician should be counselling you on the proper diet to be on instead of providing relief in the way of a prescription. You know, like masking the issue with more chemicals. The crazy thing is that if you didn't put chemicals in your body in the first place, you wouldn't need to take them to get rid of the chemicals that caused the issue. Doctors have a captive audience because so many Americans depend on them for their prescriptions.

I have the answer to why the drug companies want you to never get better. Yes, it is just a theory, but it might be because there is no money in getting someone healthy. Think about all the money that would be lost in the system. You could even begin by not spending gas going to the doctor. No doctor visit, no ex-rays, no blood tests, no seeing another specialist. The chain reaction would create a massive impact in the income stream of the system if everyone was healthy. But, when one door closes another one opens and that door will create an entire industry called "Wellness".

If you take responsibility for your own health and if everyone did that, we could change the face of our "health care system". Imagine a world where everyone is consious of their health, but actually makes a comittment to maintaining a well oiled machine. I realize that I am dreaming, but why not dream big. I firmly believe that we are at the right place at the right time and have an opportunity of a lifetime. It is like anything else that happens to you, it is how you react to that opportunity.

Do yourself a favor and the people that care about you a favor by starting today. Try the "7 Day Challenge" and see what a difference one week makes. It could really change your life and not only physically. There is a wonderful mental side to this way of feeling good which provides more confidence, which creates more opportunities, which creates your vision. There is no need to go to an overweight doctor, let alone any doctor, if you treat your body the right way.   Free Shake

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Nursing Homes, Etc.

Have you ever been to a nursing home? How about an assisted living facility? Well, if you haven't you're lucky because they are a bit depressing to walk in and see elderly people in all kinds of situations. Wheelchairs, walkers, electric wheelchairs, canes, oxygen tanks and personal care givers to name a few.

I'm very familiar with these institutions because my mom was in an assisted living facility for a couple of years before she passed. My mother-in-law was in an independent living facility before she passed. So, my wife and I have been to these places for several years and we still can't get those images out of our minds. My mom was not in the nicest place because we didn't have the money to place her in a really nice home. Instead she was in a place where there wasn't enough help and she needed more attention than she got.

It was after our moms died I realized that I had to do something for myself which I had been promising myself for a long time. That was to take responsibility for my health. I don't want my two sons to have to go through the torture of seeing their dad in a place like that. There is nothing like visiting one of these facilities  to give yourself a wake up call and realize that you don't have to go through this at the end of your life. If you take care of yourself  RIGHT NOW, you can still avoid many of those situations. I'm not saying there is any guarantee, but I like my chances a whole lot better than doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

What I'm doing on the "7 Day Challenge" protocol is not the most popular thing because of all the social aspects that go along with eating. I think I might be a downer when we go out, but that is not my intention. I just want to be good! Should I feel bad because of that? Just because I don't want to eat the way everyone else eats, does that make me weird? I mean is there anything wrong with taking responsibility for your health?

I realize that in our society food and social settings go together. Most people couldn't go to a party and not eat or drink some kind of alcohol. I have not only done that, but that is the way I live my life. I could be just as happy eating one of my Isalean Bars and washing it down with plenty of water. The question is, "Could you"? Could you go to a party and not eat the "food" at the party or drink any alcohol?

So, why did I decide to change my lifestyle and take responsibility for my health? So I could have a better quality of life. So many people tell me, "We're going die anyway so what's the difference"? I usually have to hold my tongue when they say that, but that's a topic for another post. Are we at some point going to die? Yes, but what I'm attempting to do is put only quality food and supplements in my body instead of what every one else is doing. Limiting my gluten, chemicals and GMO's so far has made a huge difference in me and the way I feel. I believe by eating this way I will be healthier and have a better quality of life.

I want to play golf with my sons when I'm in my 100's...and kick their buts at the same time! Besides that , I want to be healthy so I can go visit my friends in the nursing home. You know, the friends that thought I was the crazy one.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Food And Its Hold On You

What is it about food that people can't stop themselves from over eating? Could it be that they are in love with food? Could it be because they have other things going on in their life that is stressful and they use food as a crutch? Could it be the addiction created by the food flavoring companies? How about the fact that the food in our food supply is filled with empty calories?

Whatever the reason, America has an issue with food. The only bad thing about that is, the food Americans consume is polluted. Imagine what the food would taste like if they didn't include food flavoring and all the additives to make it edible? I'm not sure too many people would eat the food if it was in the original state. Ever think about that?

That is why we created the "7 Day Challenge". To give people an opportunity to give their bodies a break from eating all sorts of bad things including gluten and GMO's. Imagine not putting all of the junk in your body that you do on a daily basis. If you're a soda drinker, can you imagine going one week without soda? Well, you should because drinking soda is one of the worst things you can consume, especially diet soda. I'm just going to mention one ingredient and that is all I will have to say...ASPERTAME.

You see, the food manufacturers do whatever they can to grab you and get you addicted to their foods. The reason? So you want to go back for more and more and more. Only thing is that when you go back for more you end up eating more each time. No good can come from that! You might want to try something new, a new food technology that satiets your body while at the same time nourishes it.

No, the food I eat on a daily basis does not look like your normal American food. Instead it is nutrient dense and comes in the delivery system of shakes, snacks, bars, fruits, vitamins, chocolates and a whole body cellular cleanse. To me, it is the most efficient way of nourishing and cleansing the body on the planet. The formulator of these products is nothing short of a genius.

Since I have been on the "7 Day Challenge" protocol for about 290 days, my life has changed dramatically for the better. A funny thing happened on my journey to better health, and that was that I became addicted to this food instead of the "food" I used to eat. I am now actually addicted to the Isagenix food and wouldn't you know it, the food happens to be good for you. No gluten or chemicals at all in this food. If your going to let food get a hold on you then you might as well consume the best food you can. It just happens to be these products from Isagenix.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Up Next? Food Increase!

I have to ask you a question, "Are food prices high right now?" The reason I ask is because I don't go to the grocery store any more. Can you imagine that? Not getting in your car and driving to a grocery store, grabbing a cart and walking around the store for what seems like an hour or more? Any idea how much time I save by not going to the grocery store?

I do watch the news and read some blogs about the high cost of food today. I do remember back in the fall, when I was still shopping in the market, I would go into the store for a few items and come out shaking my head saying, " Are you serious?". "What did I buy for $40.00"? The worst part is, you walk out without much to eat and that is the scary part.

Well, don't get to comfortable with the current food prices because if you have heard anything about the drought in the mid west, you realize that food prices in this country are going to go up, again! Next year, when the surplus of food is gone and there is nothing else to back it up because of this drought, hang on to your belts and your wallets because it's going to be a bumpy ride.

A solution would be for you and your family try the "7 Day Challenge" so you can get a glimpse of the future. The future way of fueling the body with nutrient dense super food. In addition to that combine it with powerful nutrients and antioxidants and our proprietary Product B, You have the makings for an affordable, effective alternative to our current food supply.

The hardest part for people is to get over the conditioning they grew up their whole lives. Conditioned to eating bad food over healthy alternatives. The reason? Healthy alternatives usually don't taste good and they don't have a lot of MSG, Aspartame, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sugar, Gluten to name a few. The "7 Day Challenge" gives your body a break from ingesting all of this stuff that isn't good for you. There are no Gluten or GMO's in our Challenge. Don't you think your body deserves a break?

If you get used to eating this protocol it will be easier for you to curb your appetite and cravings because you are flooding your body with so much nutrition. Quality food is so worth it. Most people think they have to buy our food AND also continue to buy their food, but they don't realize that the "7 Day Challenge" protocol is replacing their current food intake. It is affordable when you take into consideration the cost of GETTING SICK! Trust me, the cost of your medical care is going to go through the roof and you could avoid it by eating quality food. There is plenty of proof of that, just ask me since I've been on this protocol over 280 days.

All I'm saying is be prepared next year for that food increase. Just remember you have a choice and it only takes 7 days to find out if this is something you want to continue on a full time basis or even a short term one.
Just do something and do it with expediency. Every day you wait is another day in the doctors office.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Is Food More Important Than Health?

It never ceases to amaze me that as a society, we can't seem to get over the eating thing. I'm beginning to wonder if it is more of a social thing then anything else. It seems like we are always around food. When Gina and I go out shopping or to a movie, or on vacation, we notice people are enamored by food.

How many times have you slept in on vacation and then went to a breakfast place for something to eat. When you are sitting at breakfast you're already planning lunch and dinner. Maybe there is a party you are going to and, of course, there is a lot of food at the party. How about meeting a friend after work for a drink and it's happy hour with little finger foods. It is all around us, not to mention the birthday's and anniversaries, etc.

Since I have taken responsibility for my health I look at food in a different way. I'm no longer held hostage by food. I know you know the feeling of going to a party and just going overboard, not because you're still hungry, but because it's there. I realize food is addicting, but seriously, the amount of food people eat is hard to imagine. I guess I can imagine it because I was one of those people. The type that is so conditioned to eating food that whether you're hungry or not, you're going to eat. Can you relate?

So this new found passion for being healthy is really exciting because I now view my health as more important than food. At one time that was backward. Food was so important to me for many reasons including social. However, what I have discovered  is that I can go to a party, have a shake before I go and have a great time drinking water all night and conversing with everyone. My night doesn't focus around food and I can still enjoy myself. Do you think you can do that?

The more involved I get with taking care of my body, the more I realize that psychology comes into play. It is your mind that is the issue. You feel that you have to eat to be a part of the festivities. In the back of your mind you might be thinking, "I know that this stuff is bad for me", but that's where it starts. The justification shows its ugly head and you begin by saying to yourself, "It's only one night, I'll be good starting tomorrow". I know there are many versions of the same thing, but you get my point.

I was asked how I can be so disciplined about not eating food that is bad for me. The simple answer is that I  decided that if I take care of myself now I can reduce my health care costs in the future and have a better quality of life. Some people have the thought that, "I'm going to die anyway so why bother with eating healthy"? That is so wrong on so many levels that I don't even know where to start. Life was intended to be lived in a healthy body and we can all achieve that, but it is going to take courage to finally take a stand. Start today and commit to it. YOU CAN DO IT, because your health is more important than food!!!