Love the Ocean

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Health More Valuable Than Gold

There are many reasons why your HEALTH is more valuable than GOLD!!! Most of the reasons are for preventative measures, but they are also for precautionary ones as well. What do I mean by that? It actually has to do with the health of the economy or the lack there of. If you consider what is happening in the country with our banks, health care, infections, diseases, etc. you begin to realize that there are other reasons to get healthy.

Here is a short list of reasons why I believe your Health is more valuable than Gold.

1. Your health will provide a survival advantage
2. In a crisis you won't have access to prescription drugs
3. Your health won't be confiscated
4. You won't be a burden to others
5. Good health will help resist infectious disease
6. Good health will help you reduce your need for calories
7. Good health will help you heal quicker

These are just a few of the reasons, but I think you get the picture. By spending the money and the time to educate yourself on proper nutrition it will pay dividends down the road. I understand that the concept of getting healthy is different for many people, but one thing is for sure, you must begin NOW. If you feel like you are sacrificing something in the way of food then just think about paying higher medical bills in the future because that is exactly what you are going to do. I don't expect most people to go on my program of 100% Isagenix, but I do expect you to become aware of what you are eating and to shift what you eat on a daily basis.

I would suggest that you do research on GMO's and see how the manufacturers are trying to maximize their profits at our expense. The food in this country is polluted and you have the choice of putting it in your mouth or not. If you can't find an alternative to our food supply then I recommend you try Isagenix. You might be surprised of how effective these products are in meeting your daily requirements for nutrition and other essential minerals. The bottom line is GET PREPARED!

Monday, November 28, 2011

FR vs CR

There is a misunderstanding in our society about dieting. There is a huge difference in trying to lose weight and changing your lifestyle to become more healthy. Just because you diet doesn't mean you become healthier. As a matter of fact you don't become healthier at all because your body needs certain minerals and amino acids to maintain body tissue and lean muscle mass.

This is where we begin today with the difference between FR (Food Reduction) and CR (Calorie Restriction). When you go on a diet you restrict the food you intake, but by doing that you are depriving your body of key nutrients and minerals. If you eat an average 4,000 calories a day and it consists of potato chips, bacon and beer and then you go down to 2,000 calories a day eating the same thing, you will probably lose weight. By reducing your calories no matter what you eat you will be able to lose weight, but it comes at a cost. Your body goes into starvation mode and the body needs a certain amount of protein, lipids,vitamins, minerals and yes calories.

On the opposite end of the spectrum is CR (Calorie Restriction). This is much different than just reducing the amount of calories you eat. Calorie restriction has to do with what you eat and how the body processes what you eat. If you were to eat a nutrient dense super food that has 270 calories then all of those calories are not wasted. If you were to go on a steady diet of nutrient dense food you would realize the benefit of not eating empty calories. You will feel full instead of hungry all the time. I often wonder how people eat a huge plate of food and then do the same thing several hours later. They are not getting satisfied because the calories they put in their bodies have no redeeming value. Hence the words EMPTY CALORIES.

When you restrict your consumption of food don't be fooled that you are eating healthier. So many people tell me that they eat well because they have salads and lean meats and they eat organic. That is taking a step in the right direction, but it is not healthier because you are eating less food. Depriving the body of key nutrients is the downfall of millions of people around the world. That is why diets don't work because you are robbing it of these key nutrients.

If you really want to make a change in your diet to a healthier one you can do it. The main thing that you must keep in mind is COMMON SENSE. If you are stuffing your face with a lot of bad foods and you know it is not good for you then common sense should come into play. Most people know that the food they eat is polluted and yet they can't stop eating it. I have one word for those people...STOP !! Start eating a diet that is CR. If you don't have the time to figure out a diet that is CR then do what I did and begin using the Isagenix products. They are nutrient dense super foods and provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals that it needs to survive in this toxic world.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

True Commitment

I have talked about transforming your lifestyle to a more healthy one through the use of the Isagenix products, but what about the other things I use that have toxins? The water we drink is not good so we have to filter it in order to drink it. The only really bad thing is the bottle it comes in, it is has harmful chemicals and the water has high levels of acid in it. Acid? Yes, it is filled with a higher level of acid that I don't want, so I use Isawater.

Isawater is an alkalized concentrate that I put into my water and other liquids. What it does is increase the alkalinity in the water bringing down the acid. Our bodies are loaded with acid and I believe that is what causes people a lot of problems. If you are too acidic it can cause inflammation among other things.

But what about other things like shampoo and soap? I have just discovered several new sites regarding all natural products that I plan to buy from. I also go to a lot of local farmers markets and I like to support the local growers and manufacturers. I just learned of a new one this weekend and love her soaps. They are all homemade with no chemicals and they are really good. The name of the company is called Udderly Natural Products.

So, to be committed to rid your life of chemicals you must first become aware that these toxins are all around you. The more you can limit the toxins in your body the better off you will be and the longer you can live in a healthy way. You know what I'm talking about, but for some people it is a tough thing to change the way you think about these things.

There are other products that I have to be concerned with such as dish soap and laundry detergent. The lotions that you put on your skin as well as the cologne or perfume you use. When you stop and think about it it is all around us. Everywhere you go you have to be concerned with toxins. That is why I am making a commitment to stop using store brands which I know have chemicals and buy all natural products without chemicals. That is true commitment when you reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals at every facet of your life.

It can be done, but you have to have the desire to empower yourself to make the necessary changes that will dramatically effect your health. I believe it is my responsibility to take care of myself now so I won't have to pay the price later. My family will thank me, especially my kids, because I don't want to burden them with my choice of not doing what I needed to do when I was younger. Everyone has a choice and I choose to be healthy. If you have the desire to change I would begin with the food you choose to eat. Try nutrient dense super food. What do you have to lose? Weight. What do you have to gain? Your life!

Overcoming The Need For "Food"

During my experiment with eating nothing but Isagenix food I realized that it is possible to sustain oneself without eating "food" as we know it. The products are so filling that it makes it so easy to not think about being hungry. I'm putting 20 grams of fiber in my body every day so it makes me feel full.

Other things that I noticed when on this 100% Isagenix food was mental clarity. My energy level is very high and I can actually think more clearly. My sleeping has been amazing with very deep sleep. I think the biggest change is in my thoughts regarding food. I will never look at food the same way EVER again.

When you begin to research the food industry and all that goes into the food that we consume, you start to realize that it is not good for you. The other thing that happened to me was an acute awareness of what I was doing to my body by eating this food. Most people can't get their head around it even though they might know that the food they eat is bankrupt of nutrition and is polluted. As Americans we are conditioned to believing that we have to eat three square meals a day with a certain amount of protein, fat and carbs at each meal. The problem with that is that it is not realistic. I'm pretty observant when I'm out and about and I see what people eat. My awareness is derived from my current view of eating nutrient dense food.

So now that I know that I could eat a steady diet of nutrient dense super food and gain amazing health benefits from eating this way, the next hurdle is the psychological one. This is the one that your brain is telling you that you HAVE to eat food even though you are not hungry. You're at a party or a get together with friends and there is a huge table of food that is before you. You are NOT hungry, but because the food is there you help yourself to something that catches your eye. Maybe there are many items that catch your eye and you begin to indulge. This is where the psychological thoughts come into play. Do you really need the food? If you aren't hungry then why are you eating it? It is because we are conditioned to eat it.

Changing ones mindset is critical for ones health. There are so many studies that have now been done over the last 20 years about calorie restriction. As pointed out in "The Longevity Diet" book calorie restriction is paramount to increasing ones longevity. Less food will create better health, but it is not just less food that is the important point here. It is eating less of the bad food. That is why the Isagenix 100% food is so incredible. It follows the books goal of calorie restriction, but it is packed with nutrients, essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes that the body must have to be healthy. My body is working more efficiently because I'm not putting chemicals into it.

I believe Isagenix is really onto something with just eating these nutrient dense foods. The challenge anyone is going to have is overcoming the need for traditional food. That is going to be a tough one for most people, but for the people that can see the benefits now and in the future it will be empowering. Taking control over what you eat and having a system that can make you healthier at the same time. People who eat regular food are getting nothing in return except poor health. Once you get over the ,"have to eat food" thoughts then your journey to better health can begin. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Your life depends on it.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving has come and gone and it was a wonderful day to give thanks for all we have. My wife and I have very little family close to us so we were fortunate to be invited to good friends of ours and share thanksgiving dinner with them. It was a great day to relax and reflect on what we are grateful for.

While I was reflecting on what we are grateful for I realized that I shouldn't have to wait for Thanksgiving Day to have these wonderful feelings of gratitude. Thanksgiving comes but once a year and we all gather around to share these feelings with the people that are close to us. Shouldn't we have these feelings all the time?

I have been on a spiritual path for the last several years and have come to think about being grateful on a daily basis. It is transforming my life in ways that I can't begin to tell you. As a matter of fact, I carry a special gratitude rock in my pocket every day. Every time I take put the rock in my pocket in the morning and then take it out every night it reminds me of how grateful I am for all the good in my life.

Yesterday on Thanksgiving was just one of those special feelings of gratitude that was magnified due to all the people around me feeling the same way. It is a powerful energy when you are in that situation and makes you feel whole. I spoke to people that I have met or known for some time, but never really connected with them before. I met a women that is also very spiritual and she shared with me her new business that she started. It is called Spiritual Ties and she creates bracelets that are symbolic of feelings and emotions. After speaking with her it really hit home that we are all on this journey together, but we find different ways to get there.

We have so much to gives thanks for and should not wait for this one day to give those thanks. The one major benefit for having a day like Thanksgiving is that it brings awareness to ones feelings about gratitude. Now hold onto those feelings and incorporate them into your life on a daily basis. When you do this you will improve your life ten fold. Try not to think about,"What's in it for me" every day, but rather "How can I help someone else".  You will be surprised that if you think that way and feel that way, you can effect change that you couldn't think possible.

I understand that life is full of challenges, but there is nothing that you can't do if you put your mind to it. So be grateful every waking moment that you are alive and know that good will follow you wherever you go. Happy day after Thanksgiving and remember to be grateful today and tomorrow!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Making A Difference

We live in a world where we always ask, "What's in it for me". I guess that is the way we grew up as a society or maybe we transformed into that type of society. No matter how we got here I believe we need to go back to our basic morals as human beings and help others.

I know your first reaction is "Why"? In these economic times it seems that it is every man for himself and the prospects for getting better seem pretty slim. It also doesn't mean that you have to give money to help someone else out. I know money is in short supply these days, but you could offer something so much more valuable than money.

One of the ways I help others is through their health. Educating them on the things to avoid in their diet would pay dividends for years to come. Helping someone find an alternative to unhealthy eating habits is a true reward. By doing that you are making a difference in someones life that dramatically changes their life. Your reward for doing that, even if it is only one person, will be returned ten fold.

I can go out and share my information with many people and I do. I want to share this incredible company with everyone I come in contact with because of what it has done for me. Isagenix has given me my hope back for the future of my health. I have been on 100% Isagenix food for 8 days and am blown away how good I feel. Not eating processed food, soda, coffee, and sweets have made me feel incredible. WE ARE WHAT WE EAT.

How did I get here? How did I finally take a stand on my health? The first thing above all was my desire to change my life and my health. My desire was so strong that I now look at our food supply with an acute awareness of the dangers of the food we put in our bodies. I know this sounds radical, but sometimes you have to think outside the box and be committed to that thinking.  Someone thought enough about me to share these products with me. That person made a difference in my life because I was open to a change and I want to pass this on to others. I want to make a difference in someones life, how about you? All you have to do is find someone that wants it bad enough. You can educate people all you want about helping improve their health, but it is up to them to make that commitment. I'm looking for people that want to make that commitment. If that is you then contact me ASAP. Your life depends on it!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Pay Now Or Pay Later

It really doesn't matter what vice you have because there will be a day that you will have to pay for them one way or another. Since I'm passionate about health I will stick to the vice most related to health which is eating.How many times have you heard someone say, "I love to eat". That is a vice that a lot of people have even if they are thin or obese.

There are many reasons people eat a lot of food and one thing that is linked to overeating is stress. I know that we all hear that over and over again, but do you think there is a reason for that? Perhaps the reason is because it is true. Stress can be a killer and in these economic times there is a whole lot of stress going on.

If you have lost a job and been out of work for some time or the cost of living is going through the roof or whatever the case may be there is stress in your life. Many people resort to food when they are stressed and they begin eating like it is going out of style. The truth is going out of style. Eating tons of food is not going to relieve your stress and I believe it will bring on more stress.

Jay, come on, how could eating bring on more stress? Easy. The more you eat the food that is supplied in this country the more chance you have of creating health issues. Most people have no idea that the food they are putting in their bodies is polluted. If you knew that food was polluted would you still eat it? I believe most people would because they think that small amounts of chemicals won't harm them and they  aren't aware about alternatives to eating polluted food.

I don't want to scare anyone, but you have to understand that your vice of eating is going to lead to problems in the future and if you think your stressed now then just wait! Eating is a major problem in this country because of the lack of nutrition in our food supply. We are a country that is overweight and undernourished. I'm going to throw another piece of stress in the mix and that is the cost of food. Have you been to the grocery store lately? If you have noticed the price of food going up then you better prepare yourself for what is coming in the future. When true inflation hits that will create a whole other stress level that will add to your current stress.

If your vice is eating food then you have the ability to change that vice. I would recommend changing it immediately due to health and finances. If you continue on this path of eating then you will have to pay the piper down the road. Your health will suffer which will create more stress than you have now. If money is an issue then spend the money on healthy food because that will help you save money on health care in the future. Either way, you can pay now or later, but you have a CHOICE.

Isagenix is an alternative and if you would like to know more then contact me today before that stress level gets any worse.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Telomere Support

As you may or may not know I have started to eat 100%  Isagenix food for the last week. This is nutrient dense super food at its best. I am getting plenty of calories that matter in addition to a lot of fiber. Having about 20 grams of fiber a day is making me feel very satisfied and my cravings are at zero. I have released one pound a day through this process and have a great deal of energy.

Through my research I am beginning to realize that in order to be healthy and have longevity you must have three key components. The first is proper diet which in this case is a diet that restricts your caloric intake. It sounds worse than it really is, but it is critical for longevity. The second is exercise and it doesn't have to be hours of hard work outs on treadmills. Walking for 30 minutes a day will be sufficient. If you are on a CR diet then the amount of extreme workouts are not necessary. The third important factor is the products that you put into your body which help your body fight unwanted free radicals.

If you have all three of these in practice then you will have a better than average chance of living a healthy long life. Beside the Isagenix food that I'm eating I am taking the most potent antioxidants that you could possibly put into your system. The addition of Product B which is the most powerful telomere support on the market, you can now be confident that you are getting the best protection against free radicals that you can.

You are going to be hearing a lot more about telomeres in the coming months as it is will be the hottest topic around the water cooler. The telomere at the end of your chromosomes is a marker for aging. You could go out right now and get a test to see how long your telomeres are. The significance of that is if you find that your telomeres are shrinking or some are shorter than others, then there are things you can do NOW to slow them down dramatically.

How do you slow down your temoleres from shrinking? Put into practice the three things I spoke about above. Restrict your calories, exercise, and take Product B. This regimen will yield you unbelievable results. Since I have been on 100% Isagenix food, Ageless Essentials and Product B I have never felt better.

One last thing. Now that I know I can sustain myself on 100% Isagenix it is going to be very hard to go back to eating "food" because my outlook has changed dramatically. It is also very liberating knowing that you don't have to rely on our current food supply. Isagenix has become my grocery store and what a store it is. Every product that I consume is chemical free and has a purpose. That purpose is to optimize my health and give me a great chance to live a healthy life. I know it sounds crazy, but until you have tried it please reserve your judgement till you do.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Longevity Diet On Steroids

I am beginning day three of my experiment of eating nothing but Isagenix food. I have released 3 pounds, but more importantly I feel amazing. Because of the ingredients of the food that I'm consuming I have no cravings for the "food" that I am used to eating. As a matter of fact I don't know if I could actually go back to eating that kind of food again.

I mentioned that I'm reading the Longevity Diet and in the book they mentioned a 20 year study on humans who have taken this CR (calorie restriction) very seriously. The subjects in the study restricted their diet to certain foods that don't include chemicals and food that is processed. Over that time some of the results have been quite impressive. Not only were they healthier, but their metabolic age was way below their actual age.

So what am I trying to say? I'm making a case for the practice of CR for the rest of my life and if I play my cards right I will have a long healthy life. The experiment I'm conducting on myself is a bit extreme, but then again, is it? I am consuming about 1,500 calories, but every one of those calories count. Most Americans consume on average 4,500 calories a day and most of those are empty calories. Remember that the food supply today is bankrupt of nutrition and is polluted.

100% Isagenix food is preparing me for continuing on this path of calorie restriction. In the book the authors provide many different recipes and the foods that will help maintain a healthy well balanced diet. On top of restricting my CR I am taking the most powerful antioxidants that you could take. Every day I take therapeutic doses of CoQ10, Resveritrol, D3, Omega-3 and I take it in the morning and at night in convenient packages so I provide my body 24 hours of coverage against free radicals. That product is called Ageless Essentials and they have a formula for men and women. In addition to that I am now taking Product B. Product B is a combination of powerful antioxidants and telomere support.

I know this sounds extreme, but is it really? I'm taking responsibility for my health and at the same time reducing my cost of food and will reduce the cost of my health care in the future. To me that makes sense, but to others it might seem crazy or extreme. I guess we will see how crazy I am over the next several years when the people around me don't change their diet. Do you want to take that chance?

Monday, November 14, 2011

100% Isagenix

Ok, so here is the story. My business partner put out a challenge for his team to see who would take on the challenge of eating nothing but Isagenix food products for a week, two weeks or a month. I am jumping in at the one week challenge and I started today.

What is so significant about this challenge? It means eating high quality nutrient dense food all week instead of the usual chemical laden food that we find in our food supply. Even if you haven't read my posts before you will know that our food supply is bankrupt of nutrition and is polluted. You can't put anything in your mouth that isn't touched by some form of chemical.

So I decided to try to eat only nutrient dense super food for a week. I bought an inner body scan scale that lets me know not only my body weight, but body fat, water weight, visceral fat, metabolic age and more. It is the coolest scale I ever saw. Learning ones body fat is so much more important than body weight. You could be tall and thin, but be obese. What? How can that be? It is the percent of body fat that is the important number because that lets you know how healthy you are...or not. The higher the percentage the better chance you have for illness and disease. You know like heart issues, inflammation, and a whole host of other health problems.

Through my research and my health coaches advice I picked up a great book called "The Longevity Diet" by Brian M Delaney and Lisa Walford. This book is all about CR(Caloric Restriction) and the positive effects of restricting your intake of calories on your longevity. Not just restricting your caloric intake, but making the calories count. That means NO EMPTY CALORIES!

I am actually very excited about trying this experiment because I'm just tired of looking at food that I know is not good for me. Searching for quality food in this country is exhausting. Just because you go to a fancy restaurant and it costs you a lot of money doesn't mean it is good for you. If you don't have the money and go to a fast food restaurant please be aware that if you choose to eat that kind of food be prepared to pay the consequences. Trust me when I tell you that no good can come from eating this type of food.

The food that I am eating this week is made up of a nutrient dense super food that comes in the form of a shake. I also am eating meal replacement bars and some snacks which includes an oatmeal raisin cookie and a fiber bar. I start my day with a 50 calorie dark chocolate square that is filled with vitamins and minerals and green tea. I know it sounds crazy to start your day with that, but it provides mental clarity and it curbs my appetite. All in all, I will be consuming about 1,500 calories with 23 grams of fiber. Who knows, I might end up on this regimen for more than a week. At least I know what I'm putting in my body and it has tremendous health benefits as well. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

No Shortcuts In Building A Business

How many times have you heard or read a post about the easy way to build a business. You know, you don't have to call family or friends or do any cold calling. You don't have to meet anyone or talk to anyone and you can build a huge business. If I had a nickel for every one of those that I heard I wouldn't need to start a business because I would be rich.

If you ever see one of those ads, my recommendation would be to run as fast as you can. Anytime they tell you that you don't have to do anything and it is so simple anyone can do it is the time you have to question what planet they are on. I don't care what business you're in or product you are selling you actually have to speak to someone about it.

The elephant in the room is the issue that most people don't want to confront. That elephant is called hard work. If anyone tells you that Network Marketing is easy then you want to find someone that will be honest with you and tell you that there is actually work involved. I would respect a person more if they told me the truth.

When you first get involved in this industry you enter it with a lot of enthusiasm because you see all of the leaders making incredible money. Everyone telling you all you need is two or three people and your done. Nothing is farther from the truth. Once you get your first couple of people is when your work just begins. In order to grow a business you must be willing to train and duplicate your efforts so others will do the same. This business is about finding the people who want to work at building a business. So many people come in to this industry and think that in a month they will be making 5 figures.

There are no shortcuts in building a business in this industry and it takes time. If you go into it with that mindset then you won't get frustrated when things don't happen for you right away. Understand that it could take 2,3,4 or even 5 years to build a successful residual income. So many people come in and talk to 5 people and those people say "no" and then the next thing you know you internally justify that this business doesn't work. I'm here to tell you that the business does work, you just have to work the business. This industry is not for everyone, but if you have the determination and understanding that it is going to take time then you will be able to whether the storm and make it.

Before you even get started in this industry you MUST determine your WHY. Why are you interested in building a residual income business? Is it just for money? Is it time freedom? Do you want to help some charities? So many questions that only you can answer, but once you have the answer to the WHY question do not give up. The only way to fail in this industry is to quit. I don't care how long it takes because in my opinion this business is the only one that can help you achieve your dreams if you move in the direction of your dreams and never give up. Don't try the shortcuts because there are none. Be persistent and consistent on a daily basis and you will reach your goals and become successful in your business.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Caloric Restriction A Must For Longevity

The diet industry in this country is gigantic. If you combined all of the diet products and surgeries and weight loss clinics together it would add  up to over a billion dollars a year. What is our fascination with dieting and our desire to lose weight?

In order to answer that question we have to go to the source which is the food we eat. The average American eats approximately 4500 calories a day. Maybe that doesn't sound like a lot, but compared to the daily recommended allowance for a healthy body it is out of sight. Both men and women should be about half of that and when you think about what you eat on a daily basis it is hard to get to the "recommended" number.

How many people start their day with a Starbucks which has over 400 calories or a fast food sandwich which again is loaded with calories. How about snacking all day long because your hungry for something. Chips, soda, candy bars and then if you meet a friend after work for a cocktail. If you monitored your caloric intake on a daily basis I think you would be blown away by how much you eat and how many calories you consume.

If you are concerned with your health and are serious about taking responsibility for your health then you should consider caloric restriction. By doing so it will help you with your weight, body fat and your longevity. It will also help with reducing illness and disease down the road. Not to mention the cost of your health care in the future.

What do I mean by caloric restriction? Well, one way is to eat less bad food. I know you are probably saying that most food in our food chain is bad because it is processed. So what can I eat? Find food that has high levels of protein that is not denatured. Once you heat the whey then you rob it of essential nutrients so you want to find whey that is undenatured. Secondly, you want to find food that is not processed because of all the chemicals that are in the food. You also want to make sure that you are getting enough fiber on a daily basis. Oh yeah, try and keep the sugar content down because again the sugar is probably processed.

Sound impossible? Not with Isagenix products. As a matter of fact I will be doing an experiment with the Isagenix products for at least a week. I will consume nothing but Isagenix products for at least a week. My health coach laid out a program for me that I will follow which will be between 1500 and 1700 calories a day, but with the highest quality food you could put in your body. I will keep you posted on my results. One last thought...the calories I will consume on this program are not empty. If you are going to put calories in your body then why not make them count?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wal-Mart In The Health Business

I'm not sure if you saw the article about Wal-Mat Stores breaking into the in-store clinic business. Corporate feels that the need for affordable health insurance in the very near future will explode. Why? The answer boils down to Obamacare.

If you haven't heard the news the Government passed a new health care reform act which goes into effect in 2014. For me as a small business owner, it will make me choose to cover my employees or pay a fine if I don't. Funny thing is that the fine is cheaper than the cost to insure my employees. Do you see where I'm going with this? If all small businesses choose to take the fine then there are going to be a whole lot of people looking for cheaper insurance for their health.

Wal-Mart believes there is a huge market for this type of coverage and that is why they are setting up clinics in their stores. They currently have 140 clinics, but are far behind CVS which has over 550 and Walgreen's has about 355. I think Wal-Mart is coming to the realization that they have to get more competitive and efficient in order to make the business model work. They recently opened one store, but closed 10 others.

I'm not sure they are really thinking this thing through. I know that they stated they want to be the largest health care provider in the US, but they are focusing on the wrong thing. They should be focusing on preventative care. Imagine if they helped people with improving their health. As you know I'm a firm believer in educating people on the benefits of putting the proper nutrition in their bodies.

If America would wake up and realized that in order to reduce health care costs in this country we have to attack the problem from the roots of the problem.That happens to be our food supply. We need to STOP eating the food that is presented to us and begin a diet of nutrient dense food and other products that actually help our bodies with cleansing, nutrition, stress and longevity. We must take responsibility for our health and it begins with YOU!

What happens when you change your oil in your car every 3-5,000 miles? You car runs better and will be in service for a longer time. Why don't we treat our bodies the same way? We need to clean out the gunk (TOXINS) and then put the best food we could possibly put in our body. It is so simple, but so many people either don't know about Isagenix of they just don't have the courage to change. Isagenix has a complete system for better health. They are way ahead of the curve in terms helping people with the five pillars of health. Product B is a revolutionary product that will be looked on as the turning point in the WELLNESS REVOLUTION.

Don't wait for a Wal-Mat clinic to help you get better. Go get better on your own and do what's really uncomfortable...stop eating bad polluted toxic food and begin using food without the calories or the chemicals. ISAGENIX is the answer.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Empty Calories Be Gone

I often mention the phrase empty calories, but what does that really mean. Empty calories basically means the food you are eating lacks nutrition. An example of empty calories would be fast food from McDonald's or any fast food restaurant for that matter. Whatever you eat at these restaurants basically has no nutritional value.

Our body needs nutrition to maintain healthy cells and organs and if it doesn't get that nutrition then it goes on a search for it. At first it begins to attack the other organs in your body trying to find that elusive nutrition it desperately needs. Once it steals all that it can from your own body it then goes on a search for any signs of nutrition no matter where it is.

If we don't supply our bodies with proper nutrition then we end up eating food that has empty calories. We keep shoveling in food that is bankrupt of nutrition and we wonder why we gain weight and don't feel good. Somewhere along the way we got lazy and tricked our minds into believing that the food we eat is good for us and has plenty of nutrition. Our ancestors didn't eat a lot of processed foods because it wasn't invented yet. They lived on fruits and nuts and didn't stuff their faces with junk. They were healthier than we are today and it can be attributed to their diet.

I believe that we are beginning to see an awakening in this country about the effects of a poor diet on our health.  The unfortunate thing is that most people don't know what to eat or where to go to find quality food. The other major challenge for the majority of people in this country is the courage to change. I have been posting about a company called Isagenix who actually has a solution to many of the problems facing our countries food supply and the lack of nutrition in that supply. So the question now becomes, "If you know that the food you eat is not good for you and you found a solution to it, would you change?"

What if you began eating nutrient dense super food and started to feel better. You know, had more energy, lost weight and started to see your body transform before your very eyes? Would you continue to eat that way or convince yourself that you are doing so good that you can go back to eating the way you did? This is the beginning of the vicious cycle called yo yo dieting. Isagenix is NOT A DIET! The majority of Americans find themselves in this category because they lack the discipline to create a lifestyle change. The sad thing is that the obesity rate in North America is currently running about 31%. One third of all people in North America are OBESE.

They weren't born obese so do you think it has anything to do with their diet? Empty calories are killing us and even though you may be aware of it, you and only you have the power to change your eating habits. That is where the courage comes in. Take a stand and take responsibility for your health. Your body will be able to function at a higher level if you fill it with nutrition instead of empty calories. Don't sit on the sideline and continue eating the way you do. Get in the game and give your body the nutrition it needs. Your body will thank you and you can finally have the power to stop eating empty calories.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Change Your Channel

Through the years of educating myself in the self development arena, I have become more aware of so many new and exciting techniques to get me to a better place. If you are like me and want to improve your life in every aspect which includes spiritual, financial and health, then you must think outside the box. You must break out of that mindset that you have been stuck in for your whole life.

I think the first thing that one has to become aware of is that they do set limitations on themselves. Please understand that it is really not your fault because you were born into a certain situation and you become conditioned to that environment. You live in this place in your mind and don't know that you can actually live in a different place if you only changed your thoughts.

Let's take the analogy of watching t.v. on the same channel all day long. If you just watched one channel every day then you would be conditioned to the content of that channel. Even though there are hundreds of other channels out there you would never know about them if you just focused on one channel. That is extremely limiting yourself to a very small world.

If you had the determination to try something new and change that channel your world would be infinitely broader. Imagine the possibilities in finding new channels and expanding your comfort zone in order to grow. Remember, you can only grow when you make the decision to get out of that comfort zone and challenge yourself for a higher calling. Watching the same channel over and over again is not going to get you to that place.

I hope this analogy brings some awareness to you so you can at least think about what channel you are currently stuck on. Break out of this thinking and begin to expand your thoughts to a greater good. Be honest with yourself and tell yourself where you want to be. How do you want your life to look like. Forget about your current circumstances and dream of the life you want. Then and only then will you be able have the why to change your channel. It is a simple concept to understand, but a difficult one to accomplish if you you are stuck on one channel.

Friday, November 4, 2011

New Countries Soon

I have very exciting news that I wanted to share and get the word out. Isagenix is getting ready to open in two new locations by the years end. They are Singapore and Malaysia. If you know anyone who lives in these locations please let me know so I can contact them and give them an opportunity to improve their health and their wealth.

Isagenix is currently in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Peurto Rico, Canada and Mexico. They have applied to 80 countries in order to be able to do business in each of those countries. It takes time to get approval and sometimes the company can't sell certain products from their full product line in those countries. One thing is for certain, Isagenix will deliver the best quality products no matter where they do business.

If you know of anyone in these countries please contact me. When you begin doing business in a country and you are the first one that knows about it then you are essentially on the ground floor. If you know someone who is interested in better health then I would highly recommend you letting them know about this revolutionary company. If you have read my posts you will know that Isagenix has designed a complete nutritional system without any chemicals or empty calories. It is a very efficient way of eating while providing the building blocks for better health. In addition to that they have the greatest scientific breakthrough of the 21st century in Product B. Now you not only can live healthier, but longer as well.

If you need extra money then I would suggest you get your contacts lined up in these countries and I'll show you a simple way to get your products paid for and how to create extra income on a residual basis. Please understand that this is not all about money, but it doesn't hurt. If you have the mindset of actually helping other people with their health then you will be blessed with additional income for yourself.

I'm giving you a head start in getting your list of contacts together in these new countries. Once again, if you know of anyone in Singapore or Malaysia please contact me as soon as possible. They are launching these two countires very very soon and you could jump start your 2013 in a big way. Isagenix is on their way to becoming the largest health and wellness company in the world and you can be a part of it. Contact me today so we can get you started on your road to financial freedom and BETTER HEALTH!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Anniversary Dinner

Today was our 9th wedding anniversary. This has been a very exciting week as my wife just retired from her job after being in the radio business for 25 years. Her company gave her a great going away party and an iPad2 for a going away gift.

When I got home from work today I had a beautiful table set with candles and some nice music playing. If that wasn't enough my wife made an incredible dinner and I might add it was healthy. As we were eating dinner and having a nice quite moment, I realized how nice it was to spend this special occasion at our home. In the past we would make plans and go out to dinner and we did that because we have been conditioned to do that for years. You know, a special occasion like that you have to go out to dinner.

Since we have taken a different path with our health and eating we decided to stay home. Why spend the money on fancy food when we don't eat like that any more. Not to mention that we know what is in the food we are eating at the house. My wife is an amazing cook and now we are very particular in what we eat. Even when we do go out for dinner we share everything and it is good for you, well you know what I mean. The choices we make is usually the lesser of all evils.

Anyway, the point I wanted to make is that the current economic times have given us an opportunity to go back to the basics. Watching our dollars is becoming a very important factor especially now that my wife has retired. Have you noticed the price of food? How about staples? I went in to buy blades for my razor and I had to pick my chin off the floor when I saw the price of blades! I just want to shave my face, I don't want to buy the company.

Things are getting crazy out there and it is so nice to know that we can enjoy our home and not have to spend money going out. This anniversary dinner was really special tonight because the food was made with love. We didn't have to drive anywhere, fight traffic, wait for a table and could hear each other. So often restaurants always have loud music playing and you can't even hear yourself think. Don't get me wrong, once in awhile it is nice to go out, but I'm liking staying home and enjoying what we have.

The economy is pretty brutal right now, but the positive side of the down economy is it will bring families closer together. Right now, we all need to be closer to our families and our friends. I believe America needs to get back to the basics and simplify our lives. You can't imagine how much more you have with less. Today was a great day and I want to thank my wife for making it so special.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Supporting Products

I have talked a lot about the 5 Pillars of health that I take every month, but I haven't talked about the other products that compliment this incredible system. Isagenix has come out with an amazing array of supporting products to help ween you off of eating more polluted food than you should.

Isagenix does have a lot of products, but I will talk about the ones I use on a regular basis. The first one should be a staple in any household for a couple of reasons and it is called "Isadelights". Isadelights are a 50 calorie Belgian dark chocolate that is filled with vitamins and minerals and includes green tea. If you are cleansing this is a must product to have and will help curb your cravings in the mid afternoon when you start to get those pangs in your stomach. Even if you are not cleansing it helps you through that time when your stomach starts growling.  Oh yeah, did I mention they taste great!

Another product that I have on occasion is the "Isalean Bars". These are a healthy meal replacement that comes in 4 different flavors. If you are on the go and don't have time for lunch or dinner then I would highly recommend having one of these bars. You will receive all of the key ingredients that you would find in the Isalean shake and it has some of the cleansing properties in it as well. My favorite is the chocolate crisp bar, but it does come in a chocolate peanut butter, lemon, and a decadent chocolate as well.

Looking for a snack at night? Don't go for the ice cream or other sugar products, go grab a "SlimCakes". SlimCakes are healthy oatmeal raisin cookies that are filled with fiber. I usually crumple them up and add them to a yogurt or just eat them plain. There are many different things you can do with the SlimCakes, but they are a lot healthier than putting refined sugar into your body. They are small enough to satisfy your cravings for something sweet and actually has a purpose.

One of my favorite products is "Want More Energy". This is a powder that I mix in my water and it tastes great. Filled with electrolytes and B12, it is a great drink to have instead of soda or those 5 hour energy drinks or any sugary drink you can think of. If you are going to drink something why not drink something that is good for you.

The last product in my daily rotation is called "Greens". I mix this product in my Isalean shake every morning. Why? Because I am so busy during the day that I don't get enough greens in my diet like I should. These Greens are nutrient dense and are packed with vitamins and minerals that I need on a daily basis. I know I should eat more veggies and salads, but I don't have the time to shop and cook so I have my Greens in the A.M. and I get my daily recommended dose of the highest quality phytonutrients you could put in your body. Another reason I love the Greens is because I know I'm not putting chemicals in my body. These Greens are not sprayed with anything like you would find on your salads and veggies from the store.

So there you have it. These are the supporting products that help me stop eating polluted foods and I can't tell you how incredible they make me feel. When you put quality products in your body and stop eating processed foods you will notice a difference right away. Do yourself a favor and try these no compromise products because YOU DESERVE IT!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Which Group Are You In?

As I have mentioned several times in past posts that we are headed for a change in our health care system. We are moving towards the Wellness Revolution. In this new world of health, we all have the opportunity to take responsibility for our health and we'll have help doing it.

New technologies are in development as we speak. They will help each and every part of your body to maximize its efficiency. That means our organs will be functioning as they should, which includes the absorption of key nutrients and minerals which will help with digestion and disposal of our waste. If you take care of your body now then you will have a better quality of life in the future.

So what does the future look like and will I be able to get to this place and live a healthy life? Well the answer to that question is yes, but that is the easy part. The hard part is deciding you want to make a change. Nothing will change in your life unless you change. Once you do that then everything in your life changes for the better.

Imagine the future of insurance companies and how they rate each of their customers? What if they put all the obese people in a pool, the smokers in another one, overweight people in another one and people who are health conscious in another. Who's rate do you think would be higher? With this system, you pay a lower rate if you take care of yourself and a higher rate if you don't care about yourself. If you were obese would you be motivated to get into a lower rate? Would you do what you had to in order to pay a lower rate?

What I'm finding out is that a lot of people are just happy with the way they are and don't really care about changing their lifestyle to a more healthier one. How sad is that? On the other hand, there are millions of people that want better health and those are the ones I'm looking for. If you have the desire to at least be aware that our food supply is having a negative effect on our society then please contact me. Be open for educating yourself about new ways of sustaining yourself without a polluted food supply. There are solutions and one of those solutions is called Isagenix.

The Isagenix system will help you get to that place of optimal health. John Anderson's formulations create a system for cleansing the body and providing it with key nutrients and minerals that are lacking in our food supply. This will provide your body the necessary ingredients to satisfy all of your needs without having to put empty calories into it. I know it is a hard concept to understand, but the sooner you do the better off you will be. If you were to stop eating processed foods then your world will change. Get started now so when the insurance company tries to put you into one of those pools you will be in the lowest cost one. Maybe, just maybe you wouldn't even need insurance in the future if your start taking care of yourself NOW.!