Love the Ocean

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Respect Your Body

When you say the word respect it conjures up images of being courteous to others which include your elders, your kids, your business associates and the list goes on. The definition of respect is a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities and achievements. I'm sure you have many people and things that you respect including free speech whether you agree with that person's view or not.

So respect comes in many forms, but the underlying theme in all of these forms is the same. If you understand the true meaning of respect and you practice it every day why don't you practice it on yourself. I'm referring to your body and your health.

I know that you think you are respecting your body, but let's take a little test to see if you really are. See how many of these questions you can answer yes to. 

1. Do you exercise?
2. Do you eat a calorie restrictive diet?
3. Do you smoke?
4. Do you take any powerful antioxidants?
5. Do you do any research on what is in the foods we eat?
6. Are you aware of what GMO's are?

If you answered yes to all the questions except for number 3 then you are well on your way to respecting your body. If you answered no to most questions then you need to take a hard look at yourself and begin the process of reevaluating your priorities. Respecting your body is critical to optimizing your health and well being. If you don't respect your body I'm here to tell you that no one will be able to help you. This is something that has to come within.

So what does that look like. It means you have to sacrifice certain behaviors in order to achieve a level of respect that you would be proud of. Such as giving up smoking, fast foods, fried foods, no exercise and anything that can do harm to your body. Don't think you can do that? Well then you don't respect yourself. I hate to put it that way, but that is what it comes down to. Lack of respect for yourself. Sounds harsh, but it is the reality of it.

If you want to respect your body then you MUST give up some of your bad habits. That is why we have come out with the "7 Day 100% Super Food Challenge". This is a challenge that anyone can take for one week and will be able to determine if they have what it takes to finally achieve respect for themselves. Eating nothing but super foods for 7 days. You heard me correctly, NO TRADITIONAL FOOD for 7 whole days. Are you up for the challenge? If you choose to accept this challenge it could have a major impact on the rest of your life. You will view food in a different way and in the process you will release weight and clean your body of all the things that is screwing up your body...CHEMICALS.

Don't you deserve the best? Whether you do our 7 day challenge or not is up to you, but remember one thing, in order to gain self respect you are going to have to make sacrifices. START NOW! 2012 is right around the corner and this would be a great way to begin the new year. Contact me to learn more about this amazing challenge.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Coming "Out" Of The Food Closet

This holiday season has been a major wake-up call for me. I have discovered the power of not eating traditional food. As you know the food we eat is filled with chemicals and the situation is getting worse. I keep reading about GMO's and the dangers of them. If you are not familiar with GMO's they are genetically modified organisms. More about this in another post.

In this post I want to focus on what has happened to me this holiday season. My wife and I are invited to two really big parties every year and we haven't missed one of them except for one year when we were in Seattle for the New Year. Anyway, right before the holidays began I started eating 100% nutrient dense super food and only this type of food for 7 days. The holiday parties were right smack dab in the middle of my new protocol and I had a major choice to make. Eat the food at the party or be disciplined and continue on my super food challenge.

The only way I could have made it through those parties and not be tempted to eat everything in sight was to be on this program. Are you shocked? Let me put it to you this way, I did not have any food at these parties and people looked at me like I was crazy. The host came over to me and said, "Don't you like my wife's cooking"?
I made it through both parties and did not have ANY food that was served. Could you do that?

It was at these holiday parties that I decided to come "out" of the food closet. I made a stand that I was not going to be tempted by all this incredible looking food because I was satisfied from the super food I was consuming.  I know that it sounds far fetched, but my wife and 30 other people will back me up on this. I wasn't tempted because of all the incredible food that I was putting in my body every two hours for a week. This protocol has changed my life and in a good way.

Watching everyone stuff themselves with all this food and in the back of my mind I was telling myself how good I felt by not eating. The next day I didn't have a stomach ache or feel sluggish because my body was free from the empty calories that I saw people shoveling in. These super foods have given me the strength to have the discipline and the courage to say NO to food and all the chemicals that are found in these foods.

So, it is time for me to let the world know that I'm taking responsibility for my health and if I am ever in another situation where there is a lot of food around, then I'm going to let people know what I'm doing and I don't care if they laugh at me or think I'm crazy. In my mind they are the crazy ones for polluting their bodies with these horrible chemicals. It isn't too late for you if you want to try this 100% super food challenge. Contact me today or leave me a comment and I'll get you started on the road to better health. YOU DESERVE IT!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Going Where No One Has Gone Before

There is a small group of people on the verge of going where no one has gone before. I am part of this small group and it is my belief that we are forging a new territory in nutrition and total health. These people are literally thinking outside the box when it comes to our food supply. You might call us pioneers.

Stop and think for a minute, if you could just eat nutrient dense super food and not feel like your missing traditional food, would you? Well, can you? That is just what this small group of people are actually doing. They are eating only nutrient dense super food from Isagenix. The results of this little experiment are overwhelming. Each person that has tried this and is still on this protocol has released unwanted pounds, body fat, inches, a decrease in metabolic age, an increase in lean muscle mass and so much more.

I know it is a hard concept to get your head around, not eating traditional food, but there are so many benefits. The biggest benefit is that you are not putting chemicals into your body. I don't care how good you say you eat, you are not getting past the chemicals and lack of nutrition in your food. The next benefit is that you are putting essential vitamins and nutrients into your body. The calories that you do consume are on purpose. That means you are not eating empty calories and you won't have to burn off extra calories during exercise. You can actually exercise less vigourisly because your body doesn't have to work as hard to digest and excrete your food. I could go on and on about the benefits which include living longer and healthier, but I want to keep this post to 1 page.

With the help of these amazing products this small group of people are about to create a paradigm shift in the world. These products are synergistic and should not be taken lightly. Creating a new food system that follows the "Longevity Diet" is no small task. Nutrient dense food packed with nutrients and vitamins with the least amount of calories possible. If you want to live a long time then follow this plan of calorie restriction. Think about the money and time you will save in the future on health care. More important than that, you can improve the quality of your life. Isn't that what we are all after? A better quality of life as we age? We can all have it if we choose to, but that is where the challenge comes in. How many people are willing to change their lifestyle which means changing the way they eat and what they eat. Do you have the courage to change?

I often hear so many people tell me that they want to get healthy. They usually relate health to their weight. They believe that if they lose weight then they will be healthy. I hate to break the news, but that is not true. It is a good start, but you have to go way beyond that to get healthy. That is what these products from Isagenix do for me. Since I have stopped eating traditional food, I'm on day 36, I have never felt better in my entire life. More energy, more confidence, sleeping better and the list goes on. I am not held hostage to food that is not good for me. I AM IN CONTROL! Anyone can join this small group of people in changing the world. The only prerequisite for you joining this group is if you are ready to take responsibility for your health and step up and take action. You MUST have the desire to CHANGE! If you are ready then I'm here to help you. Just let me know when you are ready to think outside the box!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Exercise Accountability

For years I was very active doing all sorts of exercising, but as I began to get older my activity has slowed down. For whatever reason I moved away from working out and as time went on I basically stopped all of that activity. I am now in a period of revitalizing that part of my life.

One of the big reasons that I have decided to get back to exercising is because of my new found diet. As you know I am doing 100% Isagenix food and am blown away at how good I feel. Not putting chemicals in my body is taking responsibility for my health, but it is not the whole answer. You must mix in exercise with that in order to maintain and actually increase muscle mass.

At 54 years of age I am still very agile and have started walking a lot more and doing exercises around the house that don't require me to belong to a gym. As a matter of fact, exercising doesn't require you to spend any money at all. I did purchase a good scale from Tanita and it came with a pedometer. I carry that with me everywhere and they say you should take 10,000 steps a day.  That is a lot of steps!

I also just bought a trampoline and I will begin a workout of 15 minutes on the trampoline a day and then continue to increase my time on a daily basis. Cellular exercising is supposed to be one of the best for you. The bouncing up and down creates vibrations in your body and I have been told that it helps increase your circulation. Professionals have been using trampolines for years and so I thought I would give this a try in combination to my new super food diet.

Since I have made a decision to change my lifestyle in terms of the food I eat I am able to hold myself accountable to my exercising routine. After all I have a desire to be healthy and that includes exercise. Now that I have my food diet under control the only logical thing would be to create an exercise program to help build lean muscle mass. I'll keep you posted on my results. I began this morning and jumped on the trampoline for 15 minutes and I'm feeling great. I'm looking forward to see how this type of exercise will have an effect on my body.

If you are unable to do any exercises with equipment then walk out your front door and just walk for 15 minutes one way and then turn around and walk 15 minutes home. Do that as often as you can and watch what happens. Every little bit helps. Go out and make it an exercise day!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

A Disease Care System

Not too many people would look at our health care system and say it is working really well. Then again, compared to other countries it is not too bad, just expensive. The scary thing is that it is about to get more expensive if Obamacare goes through. Imagine waiting months to get any testing done or to schedule a surgery 6 months in advance. This is a subject for another post.

Right now I want to concentrate on our Disease Care system. I know that looks funny and sounds funny, but basically that is what we currently have in this country. A health care system to me would be people that are responsible for their health and maintain good habits regarding food and exercise. In our country we don't have that because as I have mentioned before there is no money in preventative health care. So we have to settle for a disease care system.

So, Jay, what is a disease care system? This is where you don't teach and help people prevent disease and illness, but rather wait until there is disease and illness before you treat the symptoms. This system is worth billions of dollars on an annual basis and is doesn't appear that there is an end in sight. If we shifted from a disease system to a true health system then industries would be shut down and it would create massive layoffs in so many areas that it would be very scary.

If the US wants to lower health care costs then they have to be willing to look into natural cures for many ailments like cancer. There are so many proven treatments for cancer and yet every time someone wants to promote them they get shut down. Remember the almighty dollar is the key to our complete system when it should be the health and welfare of its citizens. The pharmaceutical companies are so large and powerful that they can  make or break any new technique or drug that comes to market. Look up Stanislav Burzynski and his clinic . He has a huge success rate for inoperable brain cancer and yet the government has gone after him with a vengeance which included 4 grand juries to shut him down. His treatments do not harm the patients as chemo would and his stats on healing people are above average.

Until this country can let go of the money that is poured into this system we will always be at the mercy of the system. What happened to morals and integrity? Saving lives with new treatments and techniques that don't cost a lot of money and don't harm patients is a true health care system. It appears that we will be stuck with this disease system for many years to come. I believe that we are close to changing things in this country because pretty soon the people will seek out these innovative treatments and begin to believe that there are alternatives to drugs and surgery for survival. I feel a movement brewing and it will only get stronger, but it will take courage from the people to make it a reality. If nothing else, please do your own research before you listen to your doctor or at least get second opinions. Most doctors don't believe in any other system except their own. Not all doctors are like this, but ask your doctor if there are any natural alternatives to treat your illness and see what they say. You might be shocked to find out that they do not believe in any talk of natural cures. You have a is your life!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I'm Loving My New Diet

I am now going on three weeks without eating traditional food. I know what you must be saying, "Are you for real"? How could anyone go without eating real food for that long. Well, I don't hold the record by a long shot. My business partner is on day 51 without any food except nutrient dense super food.

At first I even had some doubts about it. I mean the thought of not eating food sounds crazy until you try this program. If you have any thoughts of changing your lifestyle then you have to take a look at this. The challenge that most people have is that they THINK they can't give up food. How many people have you heard say, "But I love food"!!! How many times have you heard someone say, "Yeah, but you have a choice".

Honestly, after the first few days I was really into it because I thought I would try it for one week to see if I could do it. That week turned into 2 then 3 and now I'm working on my fourth. It gets easier and easier as as the weeks go by. I have a new found respect for something called choice. I now have control over what I eat and it is empowering. I went to a huge holiday party on Sat. night and they had tons of food there. The entire dining room table was filled with sweets. Do you want to take a guess at what I ate all night? I had my meal replacement bar at the party and that was it. Could you do that?

I just look at food so differently now. I'm not even tempted because I'm so satisfied be eating super food all the time. I'm eating 1,500 calories every day and they are packed with everything my body needs. It is a very efficient way to eat and I have released close to 10 lbs, 3.6% body fat and my metabolic age is 8 years younger. I am on a total health and wellness system that I believe will sweep the country over the next 6 months.

Want a lifestyle change? Then look no further because the results we are having as a group are overwhelming. There are a handful of people that are experimenting with this and it is working better than we could have hoped for. If you are serious about changing you life then stay tuned. In January we will be launching this in several countries. Keep you posted. In the meantime if you want to learn more than please contact me at

Friday, December 16, 2011

Do We Have Any Responsibility?

I know that I have been talking about personal responsibility, but it really goes beyond that. Of course, you have to get to a certain place before you can go beyond. Those that have been there know what I mean. Lately, I'm thinking about bigger things rather than focusing of the small day to day stuff.

So what do I mean about going beyond responsibility? It means that we not only have a responsibility to ourselves, but to others as well. What if you took really good care of yourself and someone in your family didn't? Don't you have a responsibility to care for them as they won't be able to do it for themselves? How about someone you don't know? That's right, we are actually paying for the people that don't take responsibility for their health.

Health Care costs are not going to go down and if Obamacare doesn't get repealed then our costs are going to go through the roof. So what if everyone did their part in taking better care of themselves? We could actually reduce health care costs over time. People would not be using the system very often and most likely would use it for just emergencies. I know this sounds good, but is it practical?

It boils down to one thing and that is to take RESPONSIBILITY for your own health. Don't you feel the same way? Or are you one of those people that say, "I'll let the government take care of me". Here in lies the problem we have in this country. The government has so many people that they take care of that it is impossible to reduce any costs. Do you want to guess who has to pay for all those people that the Government takes care of? If you guessed you and me you are correct. Our tax dollars continue to climb so these programs can get funded.

I want you to know that I'm not some jerk who doesn't care about people because I do. I'm just pointing out that the responsibility falls on every one's shoulders. If the Government wants to hand out our tax dollars then why don't they make everyone take better care of themselves. Or better yet, why don't they supply people with nutrient dense food from Isagenix. If you have a steady diet of good nutrition that would solve many problems we have in this country. People would be healthier and health care costs would go down. I realize that is never going to happen, but it is a great idea.

Every one of us does have a responsibility to be healthy, but we have gotten away from the basics. Let's go back to the basics and get more people involved in better nutrition. Make healthy foods more affordable and junk food more expensive. Not to be negative, but that system probably wouldn't work either because given a choice most people would choose unhealthy foods. That is just the facts of it. We develop our kids to be conditioned to eat junk and unhealthy food instead of providing them with a better choice. The better choice, unfortunately, is not as good tasting as the junk. This is where the responsibility comes in. Give your kids better choices and maybe, just maybe they will take that and run with it. It is not too late to begin taking responsibility!!!

What Your DR. Won't Tell You

Have you been to the Doctor lately? If you have then you must have had a reason to go see him because you had an issue with something physical. Perhaps you just wanted a consult about something. Whatever the reason  you went to the doctor for you were there to get some valuable advice.

Doctors go through a rigorous training for many years so they are able to diagnose and then offer up a cure for whatever is ailing you. New medicines are constantly coming into our lives through research and clinical trials. Doctors always have to be up on new techniques and the latest medicine so they can help their patients when they can. They spend years studying the human body and are very familiar with how the body works.

They first begin in medical school where it all begins. They are taught how to handle most anything that comes up and many doctors go on to a specific area of expertise. I think they are called specialists and there are many specialists in virtually every area, but one. When they are in medical school they don't learn anything about nutrition. I have talked to many doctors who have gone through medical school and they tell me that they do talk about nutrition, but I believe the school gives them two weeks on the subject.

I believe I know the reason for that and that is because there is no money in nutrition. The crazy thing is that most ailments can be cured with proper nutrition, but you will never hear your doctor tell you that. If they told you that then they would be out of business. Of course, you are going to find those doctors that don't believe in nutrition and therefore would never even mention it to you.

If you have an ailment and they put you on medication to rid yourself of that ailment, but not cure it, then the big pharmaceutical companies can then make a very large amount of money off of you. They want you not to be cured because once again there is no money in curing you. They want you to have to buy medications every month for the REST of your life! That is where the money is. So your doctor would never suggest anything close to nutrition and alternative forms of treatment because of the almighty dollar. What kind of society do we live in?

The hard thing to swallow is that there are so many alternatives to our current health care system that all you have to do is a little research and you can find what your looking for without spending a great deal of money. I myself was on some medications for years until I took action and decided it was time to take matters into my own hands. I went to see an alternative doctor who specialized in natural cures instead of pharmaceutical cures.  I am now off of my medicines and feel amazing. Not to mention I'm saving money every month not buying these drugs. If you care about yourself then do some research on your own about alternatives to what ails you. Next time your at the doctors office ask them if there are any alternatives that are natural instead of taking medications. I would love to hear the answer to that question although I have a pretty good idea what it would be.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Your Body And A Building

Is there a relationship between your body and building a building? In a way, the answer is yes. When you build a building you must first have the proper equipment and materials. You first start out with the obvious and that is the foundation for the building. The foundation is built with strong materials such as steel and concrete.
As the building continues to grow there must be additional support all along the way or the building will be vulnerable to collapse.

I hope you can see where I'm going with this. Our bodies are no different in that we must have strong building blocks to help protect us from illness and disease. One of the main building blocks in that arena is our immune system. I relate that to the foundation of a building. In order to build and maintain a strong immune system you have to provide the body with the necessary tools in order to accomplish that.

When we are born we start out on the right track, but we soon get derailed due to our diet. The American diet is having a devastating effect on our immune systems which leaves us vulnerable to contract illness and disease. If people understood that in order to maintain a healthy immune system they need to replenish the body with products like whey protein. Not just any whey protein, but the best whey protein that money could buy. That happens to be found in the Isalean shakes from Isagenix. This whey protein is the highest grade whey in the world and it is found in New Zealand.

There are many other products that can contribute to a strong immune system and that is also from Isagenix in the Ageless Essentials for men or women. These vitamins are filled with nutrients and powerful antioxidants. When you feed your body quality products then you are doing what you need to in order to protect it from influences beyond your control. There is so much sickness and disease in the world today that if you don't protect yourself against getting sick then you are going to have your body break down and begin the process of deteriorating. Remember the building I talked about and the importance of building a strong foundation?

Don't leave yourself open to illness and disease when the answer is really quite simple. Take products that are going to protect you from harm under any circumstances. After years of tearing your body down with poor nutrition and the lack of nutrients the body needs to fight off disease, your building is in need of repair. The good news is that it is not too late to repair the damage, but you have to start NOW.

I would be happy to be your general contractor and help you rebuild your foundation to make it really strong. Contact me today and let's begin the blueprint for a stronger you!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thinking Outside The Box

I know everyone has heard the phrase, "Think outside the box" when describing a new way of looking at things. Well, today I want to use this phrase for thinking a different way of nourishing your body. From the time we are born we are conditioned to eating a certain way and basically grow up thinking about food in those terms.

What if you thought outside the box and looked at feeding your body with nutrient dense food all the time. I know that is foreign to most of us, but what if you did put quality products in your body all the time? After a lifetime of putting traditional food in my system I am able to differentiate between how I felt on traditional food and nutrient dense super food that I am currently on.

I am thinking outside the box when it comes to my food consumption. What started out as a challenge to see if I could go 7 days without eating traditional food has turned out as a lifestyle change. When I first began this challenge I was a little concerned that I wouldn't be eating actual food for a week because I thought that I needed to eat food to stay alive. Boy, was I wrong. What I found was that I was very satisfied just eating nutrient dense food and I released weight. I wasn't hungry at all because of all the fiber and protein that is packed in these products.

So what do you have to do to get to think outside the box in regards to your own health? It boils down to one word...RESPONSIBILITY. You must take responsibility for your own health if you want to achieve optimal health.That means you have to sometimes "think outside the box" to accomplish that. Not eating food as we know it does seem radical, but not if you are replacing it with better quality nutrient dense food. I firmly believe that if our health care system could shift from reactionary medicine to preventative medicine then we would be able to reduce our costs in health care. Imagine not getting a prescription for every ailment or blood tests, x-rays, screenings or any of that.

By implementing the "Longevity Diet" into your lifestyle you can avoid all of the issues associated with illness and disease. The Longevity Diet is a book about calorie restriction and the positive effects of eating foods that are low in calorie and high in nutrition. Our current food supply is the opposite of this program. Our food is high in calories and low in nutrition. No good can come from that because that is when the trouble starts. Be more conscious of the food you put into your body because FOOD DOES MATTER.

If you would like more information on eating 100% superfoods then please contact me today. Are you ready to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX?

Monday, December 12, 2011

Become A Leader

When I took on this challenge of eating 100% superfood I really had no idea what to expect. The first thing I thought of was, "Can I really do this"? Can I go one whole week without eating traditional food? I found out that I could and now it has changed me so much that I don't know if I want to go back to eating "food" again.

The 7 day 100% superfood challenge was interesting to me because I felt that I could try anything for 7 days. Going into the first day I already knew that this was only for seven days so that made it a bit easier. The first day or two was a bit of a challenge, but not something that I couldn't get over. On a daily basis I would take my readings on the scale and each day was pleasantly surprised. Remember that this is not a diet although one of the benefits is the release of unwanted pounds.

Before I began my 7 days, I invested in a Tanita scale which was a great investment because this scale can measure much more than body weight. It can measure water weight, visceral fat, metabolic age, body fat and more. After my 7 days was up I had released 4 pounds and 1% body fat. I felt better and cleaned out and believe it or not this experiment has now changed my entire life. I cannot go back to eating nutritionally bankrupt and polluted food again.

I'm currently on my second week of 100% superfood and the numbers keep getting better. I am down over 7 pounds and 2% body fat and my metabolic age is 8 years younger than my chronological age. At one point I'm going to be reducing more body fat , but I will be gaining weight. The weight I will be gaining will be lean muscle. As we age this is one of the biggest problems in which you lose muscle tissue and lean muscle. On this program you actually gain it back.

If you are not able to do 100% superfood then I would recommend doing 70 or 80% because you will be light years ahead of anyone and their current eating habits. Speaking of eating habits, this is where we can become leaders and not followers. If you take on this challenge and your results are good then I would encourage you to tell everyone about this NEW way of looking at food. If you are serious about your health and you are committed to changing your health status then become a spokesman for this way of thinking.

That would require you to not feel bad when you are at a restaurant and everyone is eating pizza, hamburgers, wings and all sorts of empty calories and you refrain from eating that stuff. Why should you have to conform to their eating habits? Take a stand and be responsible for your health and don't be embarrassed about it. Wanting to be healthy should not be something you should be ashamed of. It may look funny and feel funny, but the only one that will be laughing several years from now is YOU! Become a LEADER in better health and share your passion with others. If you want to give a gift to someone for the holidays I can't think of a better one than giving them a chance to get their life back through better health.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

What Is Your Health Worth?

I can't think of another line that I hear more when talking about health then, "If you don't have your health you have nothing".  Have you ever heard someone say that to you? I think the reason they say that is because they know that even if you have a lot of money your health is more important than anything.  I don't believe I ever heard someone on their death bed say, "I wish I had more money". They always say, "I wish I had more time with my family or to do what I really wanted to do".

How come we don't even think about the food we eat and how it effects us on a cellular level. Given the right foods to eat our bodies can function efficiently in order to maximize our health. By eating the foods that we do we make the organs and cells work really hard to process the food. On top of that process to digest your food you have toxins in there which makes it more difficult to absorb any nutrients.

If you did nothing else but rid your body of toxins, you would do yourself a great service. It really begins with cleansing so nutrients and vitamins can be absorbed into the cells. This is only the first step, but a critical one. The next thing that is a must is putting nutrition in your body. Without the nutrition your body would be consistently looking for what we call "Empty Calories". That is where the problem really starts to get ugly.

So if you understand that when you eat food you are eating food that is polluted with chemicals and most likely has no nutritional value, keep in mind that there is an alternative to this system. A complete system that has proven to work on many different age brackets. This complete system is also given to athletes to enhance their already amazing attributes of low body fat and lean muscle.

What is your health worth? Is it worth it to take care of it now or in the future. Taking care of your health now is going to save huge money and time and aggravation in the future. Don't we have a responsibility to ourselves and others to be healthy? Think about what we could accomplish to shift America from reactionary to preventative medicine. Hey, not just America, but the world. Get healthy and get on a system that actually works. Once you look at food in a different way you are then in control. That is exactly where you want to be.

I hope you think your health is worth a lot! Let me help you get healthy. Contact me today.

Do I Have To Eat Food?

I believe that our health care challenges in the US stem from one thing and one thing only...our food supply. We could solve so many health issues if people were taught to eat in a certain way. I have been following the "Longevity Diet" which focuses on CR (Calorie Restriction). Check out some of my other posts because I talk about CR and FR (Food Reduction). Two completely different things.

Anyway, getting back to a solution in this country for toxicity, stress and obesity. There really is a simple solution to these issues, but it becomes more difficult because of everyone's conditioning toward food. The other main issue is that there is no money in healthy alternatives. If we as a people started to take responsibility for our health then that would create a huge shift in our economy. Think of all the restaurants that would suffer and how about the medical clinics and all the doctors and hospitals that would be affected.

So the question that I posed in the title is a good one. Do I have to eat "food"? NO! Do I have to eat food at all? The answer to that is yes, but you can make better choices when you do eat food. If you have been following my posts you know that I am on 100% nutrient dense superfoods. I'm on my second 7 day experiment and it has been eye opening. Not just the way I feel physically, but it really is more than that. The way I feel mentally is exciting because I have a sense of control that I never had before. I could walk up to a buffet and not be tempted in the slightest to eat anything on that table. Imagine that feeling? You have total control of what you put in your mouth and are now becoming responsible for your health?

There are many side benefits to this as well. You don't have to do dishes, decide what to eat, spend money on food that is polluted and , of course, providing your body with nutrition that matters. The program I'm on is efficient and effective. We are launching a new campaign before years end and it is going to expose millions of people to an alternative to our current food supply. It is called " The 7 Day 100% Superfood Challenge". In 7 days it could literally change your life. If nothing else it would be a fantastic awakening of the possibilities of sustaining oneself on just superfoods. If you would like to take this 7 day challenge please leave a comment or contact me at

I am looking for business partners in Hong Kong, Taiwan and soon Singapore and Malaysia. We are pioneers in this paradigm shift that is evolving right before our eyes. The Wellness Revolution is here and with this program we can affect millions of people to begin the process of taking responsibility for their health. Can you think of a better reward than that? Making a difference in someone's health so they can live long and healthy and at the same time be rewarded financially for helping them. This truly is the business of the 21st. century.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mindset About Food

Over the last couple of weeks that I have gone 100% Isagenix, I realized how incredible I feel. I know the products work, but what gave me the courage to stop eating conventional food? It is so funny when I go out to lunch with people. They are eating a huge plate of food and I pull out my bar, my Isalean bars. Try and picture that scene.

The amazing thing is that I felt like a million dollars after lunch. I know, you think I'm crazy because you are wondering how could I sit there and not be tempted? It is simple, but it is not easy to do. It has to do with mindset. I know you have heard that before, but did you really listen and take it in?

The first thing I did to change my mindset about food was to research what we eat in this country. Once you do your research and discover that the American diet is one of malnutrition then you will begin to create thoughts in your mind. Those thoughts, of course, are of disgust and disbelief that you used to eat all that food and did that at least two times a day. Mix in some snacks and a sweet treat at night and you have the makings of a wonderful awareness. Becoming aware is the first step.

Step two is training your mind to make a good choice when eating food. This is where everyone falters a bit because will power comes into play. You look at the food and tell yourself, "I know this isn't good for me, but it is a special occasion and I'll start tomorrow". Anyone hear justification? Taking the products and following them as described will help greatly with cravings, but remember just because food is in front of you doesn't mean you have to eat it!!

Step three is an easy step for some, but a perplexing one for others. When you make it to step three which is eating 100% Isagenix you then have a decision to make. Do you continue on or do you go down to a lower percentage of Isagenix foods and incorporate regular food? If you reach this step then I know you have a major decision to make. You feel the best you have ever felt and realized one thing...that there is no way that most people have ever been or close to feeling a sense of well being. You will know that you have arrived when you get there. You don't hear a lot of people telling you that they have a sense of well being very often. As a matter of fact, the only people I hear that from are the people on Isagenix. That's a clue.

Mindset about food is about control over your mind. If you are supplying the body with the best no compromise products that contribute to your overall health then you have a good chance to change your mindset. I will say that you have a better chance of succeeding than if you didn't have a program to go on. YOU CAN DO IT! Take it one step at a time.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


A lot of people in the country have never heard of superfoods, but they will be hearing a lot more about them in the very near future. So what are superfoods? Superfoods come in many different forms such as Greens, Fruits and Nuts, Bee, Seaweed, and Herbs. Superfoods are in a class all by themselves because they are found in nature. They are low in calories and dense in nutrients. This combination is critical if you are serious about optimizing your health.

So many people tell me that they eat good because they eat salads and a lot of veggies, but they don't understand that the concern is over the quality of foods grown on mineral depleted soils. Superfoods are the smart choice to provide your body what it needs. I am currently on nutrient dense super foods that consist of Greens, Fruits, and the highest grade whey protein that you could put in your body. It is from New Zealand and I'm not sure if you knew this, but it is against the law to inject any animal with anything, such as steroids, antibiotics, or hormones in that country.

Remember, superfoods are from the earth and the minerals are found around the world. The founder of our company owns many of the mineral rights to the ingredients in our products. These minerals cannot be utilized by other companies without his permission. The reason he owns them is so he can maintain the integrity of the products.

Greens are good for you, but green superfood is BETTER. Green superfood has a very high concentration of easily digestible nutrients, fat burning compounds, vitamins and minerals to protect and heal the body. Fruit and nut superfoods are high in antioxidants that fight free radicals in your body. The Bee superfood is many things, but it has the world's richest source of Vitamin B5. Seaweed superfoods are considered the most nutritionally dense plant on planet earth. Seaweed contains up to 10 times the amount of calcium than found in milk and 8 times more than beef. The chemical composition of seaweed is so close to human plasma that the greatest benefit is regulating and purifying our blood system.

The reason I believe these superfoods will dominate our food supply in the near future is because of two very important things. The first is the cost of food. You have probably noticed that the food in the markets are going up. Within two years the cost of food will be out of reach for the majority of Americans. The second reason is because of the quality of food. Our food supply has slowly been declining and now the biggest worry is over GMO's. Superfoods are natural and low cost compared to regular food and they have medicinal value.

I have been on a steady diet of nutrient dense super food and I have released a total of 18 pounds and have lost 2% body fat. If you are interested in learning more about this new program then please contact me today.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Deep Cleansing

I wouldn't recommend deep cleaning your system out when you begin on the Isagenix system. I believe you must get your body in position in order to do a deep cleanse. That is why I recommend being on the nutrient dense super foods first so your body can adjust and help with cravings. Once you have reduced your cravings for food then it will be much easier to do a deep cleanse for one or two days.

What does the deep cleanse consist of? The product "Cleanse For Life" is an amazing product that comes in liquid or powder. The powder form has just been improved and is 2-4 times more potent than the original product. What the product does is remove toxins and impurities from your body. This is so critical to your overall health that it is hard to believe that the majority of Americans don't use this product to clean out the toxins.

With toxins invading your body it causes havoc on your cells and then eventually your organs. Remember that when your body is filled with toxins it cannot function properly. Your body goes into protect mode and that is when you begin to see inflammation, illness and disease. Your body can't function with efficiency because it is busy trying to protect your organs. It is a vicious cycle that must be broken if you want better health.

Cleansing is such an important part of our lives because our bodies are bombarded everyday with toxins from the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. What do you think would happen if you didn't change the oil in your car? EVER! How about the air filter in your home? My guess is that your automobile wouldn't be able to fun efficiently. Once you change your oil and change the air filter, your car can then maximize its efficiency. The human body is no different. It must be cleaned out of the toxins.

Today I am doing what's called a deep cleanse. I usually cleanse on a daily basis, but today I will be eating no food and just drinking my cleanse. I will take 4oz of cleanse and mix it with 25oz of water four times throughout the day. This deep cleanse will get deep down into those cells and remove the toxins that I haven't gotten from my daily regimen. When I deep cleanse I usually feel amazing the next day and the last two times I did it I released 4 pounds in one day.

I can't begin to tell you how important it is to clean the toxins from your system. If you are not doing this please let me know and I'll walk you through the steps to get rid of the gunk in your body. Don't you think your body is more valuable that a car? THINK AGAIN!!!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The New Economy

You would have to be living in a cave not to know that our economy is incredibly fragile at the current moment. Our government is spending us into oblivion and the unemployment rate is staggering. Millions of people are out of work with no hope of getting work in the near future. So what are the alternatives? Politics aside, there are a few solutions.

In order to make money in this economy you either have to develop new technologies that will be prevalent in the future, write books that pay residuals, enter the stock market and hope to pick the right stocks or you have to think outside the box. I am choosing the latter.

The trends that are coming and actually are here is in the network marketing industry. Best selling author, Robert Kyosaki, who wrote ,"Rich Dad Poor Dad", has written a new book called "The Business of The 21st Century" and it is all about the network marketing industry. Robert has never been in a network marketing company, but has done research by speaking with the business owners and top leaders in many different companies. What he found was that this industry is the best way to create individual wealth and at the same time get real world business experience running your own business.

The sad thing is that people who enter this industry think they can get rich quick and when they don't they blame it on the industry. Network Marketing is a brilliant business model, but one that has to be worked like a business. So many people don't take it seriously and that is why I believe it gets such bad press. I know that there are unsavory companies out there, but it is your job to sift through them and make good choices when you are ready to enter the industry.

What I like about the industry is the low cost to start a business in addition to the tax benefits of having a home based business. The fact that I don't have to store inventory, ship any products, have employees, don't have to worry about customer service and so on, is an efficient way to operate a business. In his book, Kyosaki basically predicts that this will be the dominant form of business in the 21st century and it makes sense.

During this type of economy virtually every business is looking for ways to streamline their operations to run more efficiently. I know because I am a partner in a small company and that is exactly what we are trying to accomplish. We are utilizing software that is incredibly efficient, but this comes at a cost of jobs. So if I could run a global business out of my home office and all I have to do is educate people on a better way to eat food to become healthier then that is a great business model. I have none of the expenses of running a traditional business, but do benefit for leveraging my time. Network marketing is the business of the 21st century. You just have to find the right company at the right time and you can make an income that you could only have dreamed about.

Please don't be left behind and let me help you on the road to riches. The only thing you have to bring to the table is desire and commitment. Oh yeah, one more thing, BELIEF in yourself!!! Leave your information whether you are in this country or one of the countries that Isagenix does business in.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


I think you have heard me talk about how important the environment is in our lives. In most cases I'm referring to the people you surround yourself with, but in this case I'm talking about the air we breathe. I know you can guess what I'm about to say. Our environment is toxic.

I think everyone would agree that it is toxic, but would you believe it is worse in some parts of the country? On the east coast where there was and still is a large amount of manufacturing going on the levels of toxins are very high. The factories are spitting out toxins by the ton and there is not much you can do about it. Or is there?

There are now 5 companies in the US that are doing research on all of the spots in the US that are worse than other locations in the country. So why does that matter? It matters because given a choice, which everyone has, it could be very helpful in deciding where to live. The people that have lived in that environment for years have a greater chance of developing illness and disease. If you live there for any length of time you have a greater risk of contracting something that could be deadly.

Geomedicine is in the beginning stages of developing new data that would support the theory that living in one environment over another could be hazardous to your health. This is a very specialized field that is just now coming on the scene. Determining where you live based on the environmental issues in each location can provide valuable information for the future of your health. I know that it probably seems crazy to think about moving just because of the environment, but your life might depend on it.

If you had a choice to live in a state with lower levels of toxins over a state that is much higher in toxins, which one would you choose? So often we just think about getting work and feeding our family that we don't even take the environment into consideration. As the air we breathe gets worse the need to find a healthier place to live becomes paramount. I know that sounds radical, but what is your health worth to you? When is the last time your doctor asked you anything about where you have lived in your life? Your answer may be the clue they are looking for.

If nothing else I hope I opened up your mind to this new technology called Geomedicine. These companies are spending billions of dollars on research because the information will become extremely valuable. Now that I'm taking responsibility for my health this new information is really good to know. Isagenix does have an answer for ridding toxins from the body and it is called Cleanse For Life. You should be taking this product no matter where you live.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Something I Don't Talk Enough About

I have been writing this blog for some time now and I never really talked about one thing that is really huge. One thing that makes it all worth while for having the courage to change your lifestyle. When you make the decision to transform your life, that is the time your life will change.

When I decided to make a change it was gradual in the beginning. The more I researched what we are eating in this country it became clear that I shouldn't be eating this food. I have a new mindset towards food and it is very easy to think about food in a completely different way.

Now that I have changed my mindset and put these commitments into practice I finally feel good. My body has adjusted to this new way of eating and now my mind is in sync with my health. Once you get over the "thought" of needing to eat food you are on your way to better health. Which brings me to what I don't talk enough about. That is how I feel about myself mentally.

When you are in a state of well being several things happen to you. You begin feeling confident about the way you look and feel. People will look at you in a different way because you are sending out these signals that are powerful. The most important benefit is that you have a sense of accomplishment. You overcame the mindset surrounding food and had the courage to do it. You beat the odds because they are heavily stacked against you. It's that feeling of knowing that you can overcome any obstacle in your way. The long and short of it is that you feel good about yourself.

Once you begin on this journey of better health and are feeling good then you will have the confidence to help other people that are looking for what you have. Helping just one person transform their life to a healthier one is a tremendous reward. I want everyone I come into contact with to feel as good as I do. Since I have done it, I know it is possible and can't begin to tell you how happy I am that I did.

If you are interested in getting started on the road to true health then please leave me a comment or contact me. I would love to share how you can completely transform your life and the way you look at our current food system. The sooner you start the healthier you will be.