Love the Ocean

Monday, October 31, 2011

Crazy Like A Fox

People often look at me as extreme when it comes to my choices of food. I guess because I try not to eat processed foods or sweets and avoid other bad things for me. There is also another benefit to being disciplined about your food intake and that is the way it makes you feel in addition to the other benefit of reducing the time you get sick or see a doctor.

I believe we are getting closer to making more Americans aware that there is another way of looking at food utilizing food technology. The most efficient way of eating today and in the future is by taking nutrient dense super food. I know it's not pretty because this system doesn't have chemicals or refined sugars or anything processed. It is all natural and it even is good for you. So often I hear people say, "Oh, I eat really good and I have portion control. That is the key is to have portion control." That may be true, but even when you have portion control you are still eating polluted food that is bankrupt of nutrition.

In 5 or 10 years from now, the same people who thought I was crazy for cutting out eating the food in our food supply are going to wish they had done what I did. Taking responsibility for my own health and having the courage to take action. I haven't had a hamburger in over two years and I don't sit in front of the T.V. every night with a bowl of ice cream or something sweet to eat. I'm not trying to satisfy that craving for sugar that we grew up with and were conditioned to eat. How nice it is not to be a slave to it. Having the will power to know that I can turn it away and not have one thought about eating it.

It is one thing to say that you don't have the money to eat properly and another one entirely for people who have the money to eat whatever they want. If you have the money to eat to your hearts desire then why wouldn't you put the best food in your body that will provide the best chance for a healthy lifestyle. I guess because when you reach a certain status you want to indulge yourself in the finer things in life. I'm here to tell you that there is no finer thing in life than being healthy. You know what they say, "Without your health you have nothing", including money. When was the last time you heard someone on their death bed say, "I wish I had more money?" It usually goes something like this, "I wish I had more time with my family. I wish I had taken better care of myself."

For the people that say they don't have the money to eat properly I would say to them, "Yes you do." Everyone eats in the country, but it is what they eat that makes the difference. Shift your spending to quality food instead of cheap fast food. It seems to be a vicious cycle we have in the US. Fast food in this country is relatively cheap, but it is the worst food you can put in your mouth. So now you eat crappy fast food and then over time you become ill with sickness and disease. By eating good food you will reduce your food bill and at the same time create better health which would mean lower health care costs now and in the future.

Right now the only thing I can do is to get healthy and stay healthy by continuing to do the things that are working for me. I will never give up my Isagenix products because for the first time in my life I "finally feel good". Why would I stop something that makes me feel good? Call me crazy, but call me crazy like a fox.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Almost Lost Our Data

If you are a first time reader of my blog you should know that I have a small business that I'm a partner in. We have 32 employees and operate in three states. Monday afternoon our servers went down. They have been good to us for almost 10 years, but they were overloaded as our company has grown. At first we thought of the worst possible outcome and that would be losing all of our data.

After a couple of calls we found a guy in Santa Ana, CA who is supposed to be the top specialist in retrieving data once it has been lost. So, I jumped in the car with my precious cargo and off I went to CA. I arrived there at about 7:00 P.M. ( It is about a 6 hour drive) and he began working to retrieve our data.

If you have ever owned a business, especially a service business like ours, and depended on your computers for just about everything then you will understand what I'm talking about. We had backups , but the info was backed up on last Wed. so we had several days of transactions that would have been lost. The most important was our customers orders.

As I sat around and watched this guy try his magic he told me that I should go home and get some rest because he said he would be up all night. Since I couldn't do anything there anyway I decided to head to a hotel to crash for the night. At about 11:00 my cell phone rang and it was my guy. After taking several deep breaths I answered the phone and he told me the news. He said I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I have ALL of your data. I couldn't speak for a minute because I was too choked up with joy. He then told me the bad news and that was it would take about two days to do a back up since our computer was so old.

Needless to say I had to stay in CA for two days and I was stuck doing nothing. Well, that is not actually true. I ended up going to the beach to read and have some lunch and I got to see two beaches that I never saw before. There is one thing that I did notice about CA and it was the traffic. I was on a 6 lane highway and I was standing still. The sheer number of cars and people in that state is overwhelming. As I was sitting in traffic I started to think about the time the people who live here and the time they spend everyday just on these freeways. I then related the time they spend on the freeways to my time doing two jobs and having time for my wife and my family.

I could not imagine spending over an hour one way to do your job and then work 8 to 10 hours and then have to jump in the car and drive home in that traffic. I barely have time to live my life and I don't have to spend over two hours in the car to and from work. Imagine not having to commute? You could save on gas, dry cleaning, lunches and parking to name a few. Working out of my house is a dream that I wish to attain and I'm on my way. Making a living from my house and at the same time help others to do the same. Isn't it time you look for an alternative to your current situation? Need extra money? If you are just open to looking, I would like to share how we can change your life together. Everyone needs help once in awhile and I want to help you.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Do You Have A Plan B?

Do you feel this black cloud over the United States economy? If you listen to the main stream media the economy is on the way back and coming out of a recession. Even though unemployment is not getting better and is hovering around 9%, the real estate market is floundering and food and gas prices soaring. If this is really true it sure doesn't feel like things are getting better.

Do you have to work twice as hard to make the same money you used to? Do you have a second job? I guess the question is do you have a job let alone a second job? If you could find a job or even a second job what will you be making for the time invested? Minimum wage? Straight commission? If you are not making enough money to live then the question is, "Do you have a Plan B?"

Let me tell you what wealthy people do that is not publicized very often. What the wealthy people do is to leverage their time. They look for ways to make residual income and turn it into passive income. If you think about stocks, real estate or writing a book and getting money every month from rents or royalties then that is one form of residual income. There is another way to leverage your time without having to buy real estate or write a book and that is called Network Marketing. Two words that most people cringe when they hear.

The people who cringe when they hear Network Marketing are the same people that either don't understand the industry or tried it, but were not successful. You have to look at why someone wasn't successful in this industry because there are many people who are making money. If you have been in Network Marketing and you haven't made any money I would ask one question, " Did you quit"? So many people get in with the highest hopes of making $50,000 a month and after talking to 5 or 10 people that give a negative reaction they quit and always say, "This doesn't work". This tells me a couple of things about that person. They don't have belief in the products and they lack belief in themselves.

For the people that are open to the industry and don't know much about it, I would suggest you find the passion for something first instead of trying to make money in something you don't believe in. Secondly, find a company that has a track record with an experienced management team. So often people get into a company blindly without looking at the executives leading the company. I can't stress this enough because you want a team of people who have done it before and know how to grow the company even in a down economy. Thirdly, you want to find a culture that you can relate to. When you find that culture you will know it as it will resonate throughout your entire body. You'll know you are there because of the vibrations you are feeling inside. Internally you will say, "This feels right". You must also be a product of the product. I often ask a life insurance agent if they have life insurance. A lot of times they don't, so how can you share something that you're passionate about if you don't believe in the product enough to take it or buy it?

Network Marketing is an excellent Plan B if you have the desire to put in the effort needed to succeed. Nothing happens overnight in any industry that you venture into, but if you give this enough time the rewards will be worth it. You can either listen to people tell you this doesn't work or you can do your own research and make your own decision. Either way you better start working on Plan B! If health and wellness is your passion then Isagenix could be for you. Contact me to learn more about the industry or the products. One more thing, investigate the coming trends in this country...that will provide clues to where you should be.

Monday, October 24, 2011

This Will Be The Norm

Did you ever have a gut feeling that something was going to happen? Something you just feel and know that it becomes second nature. Every time you tell someone about it they look at you like your were crazy for even having those thoughts. They just can't see what you see. That is actually o.k. because if everyone saw it then there wouldn't be a great opportunity for the rest of us who see it.

What do I see that others don't? Well, there are quite a few people that see what I do and they are taking advantage of it right now. I'm referring to the future of our food supply. I want to digress one minute here because I think this is an important point. Our current food supply has an enormous effect on our health care system. I know your probably scratching your head trying to understand the correlation between food and our health care.

Our food supply is beginning to use GMO's more often and when that happens it is not a good thing. When you have genetically modified food in the form of grains and seeds, you then run the risk of chemicals doing damage to your cells. In order to mass produce food you must do something to the food to keep the costs down. Most foods are sprayed with chemicals and on the meat side there are steroids, hormones and antibiotics. Every time you eat food you are putting in your body pollutants. Over a long period of time you are increasing your chance for illness and disease. That would only make sense since small amounts of poison over a long period of time will eventually harm you.

Most people can't get that around their heads. I know everyone wants to live life to the fullest right now! But what if you and I changed the mindset in this country to people taking responsibility for their health. Teach people the benefits of eating nutrient dense super food. If we did that we could have an entire movement of people getting healthy and feeling good. Can you imagine if that was the norm in this country. Well, if that WAS 
the norm then our health care costs would go down. Our insurance premiums would go down as well as our dependence on prescription drugs. If you did need medication it would be a fraction of the cost it is now and in the future. The challenge we face is from the pharmaceutical lobbyists in Washington. The other important sign to be on the lookout for is the Government telling us what we can and can't eat. I believe they are trying to help all Americans with their diet, but what they don't realize is that the American diet is broken.

I honestly believe that good nutrition is so critical to the survival of our country that I'm taking up the cause and telling everyone I know about Isagenix. More and more people are learning the truth about our food supply which means they are looking for alternatives. I believe we are at the forefront of an exploding industry called Wellness. If you would like to be a pioneer in this industry please contact me as soon as possible. I'm looking for two people that have the vision and are willing to put forth an effort to make a difference in this world.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Longer The Better

It was two years ago when I took a stance on my health. Even though I had been conscious of my health for many years it was only recently that I took responsibility for my health. What does that really mean, taking responsibility for your health. To me, it means providing my body with no compromise products that serve a specific function in order to attain optimal health.

Taking responsibility for your health is not an easy decision or for that matter easy to do. You would think it is easy, but we are so conditioned to eating a certain way that it makes it hard to think outside of the box and become aware of other options. Very few people can even comprehend giving up their favorite foods let alone think of the consequences of continually eating polluted food that is bankrupt of nutrition. So I guess taking responsibility for your health is about choice.

Two years ago I decided to make a choice about what I put in my body. That choice was made easier when I found the complete system from Isagenix. Up until that point I knew I needed to change the way I was eating, but didn't have a clue where to start. When I first looked at Isagenix I thought the concept was good, but would it really work? I didn't start off with the whole system, but I did start with the most important foundation of the system which was the "Isalean Shakes" and the "Cleanse For Life" whole body cellular cleanse.

The shakes provided me the nutrition I was lacking in the food I was eating and the cleanse cleaned out the toxins and impurities from my body. I can't begin to tell you how good I felt after just about a week taking these two products. I began to lose my cravings for empty calories. I stopped drinking coffee first thing in the morning and my sweet tooth was all but gone.

I had such good results taking these two products that I decided to try some of the other Isagenix products like "Ionix Supreme" and the "Ageless Essentials" for men. After a short time on these products I knew I was onto something. I had not felt this good in years and the crazy thing is that most people don't know what that feeling is like until you get there. You will not get there if you continue to eat the food in this country.

The exciting thing I noticed is the longer I am on the products the better I feel. Once you feel this good there would be no reason to go back to eating the way I did. I just want to let you know that I do eat food, but it becomes the supplement to my Isagenix system. The food I do eat is minimal to the amount I was eating prior to taking responsibility for my health. As a matter of fact, I usually eat one meal a day, but I could easily go several days without food. I can sustain myself on very little food and I do. I go to the grocery store maybe once a month to buy a few things. My food costs have gone down dramatically and my health has gone up dramatically. That is what I call a "WIN WIN". Are you ready to WIN? Are you ready to take responsibility for YOUR health? Contact me today and I will be glad to share how to get started on the  system that is right for you.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Start A Business Today?

You would be out of your mind to start a business in today's economy. With the economic uncertainty that lies ahead and the unemployment as high as it is, I have to question why anyone would start a business today. Could it be because unemployment is so high that people start their own business? A lot of people become consultants in their respective field, but who are they consulting? It is no secret that the economic outlook is dismal at best.

I have some friends that started a retail business and another one is opening a restaurant. The money to start businesses like these is not cheap. You have rents, equipment, insurance, payroll, inventory, utilities and the list goes on. You have a great deal invested before you even open the doors and in this economy? These are brave souls that have one thing in common....passion for what they believe in. However, passion can get you so far with a lot of money on the line.

The other challenges you face in opening your own business is the skill to run a business. There are a lot of people that come out of corporate America and believe they have the skills to run their own business. The truth is that running your own business is more than selling a product or good service. If you know how to bake pies and your good at it doesn't mean you know how to deal with suppliers and employees. There is so much involved in running a business and I know because I'm a partner in a small business. We have been in business for 10 years and have faced many challenges and basically learned on the fly. I wouldn't recommend that today especially if you have your nest egg on the line.

There is, however, another alternative to starting your own business with a low investment and it is a growing industry called Network Marketing. So many people don't view this as a legitimate alternative and yet there are people making fantastic money and creating time freedom without having to have the skills of running a conventional business. This is, according to Robert Kiyosaki, as the "Business of The 21st Century." He is the guy that wrote, "Rich Dad Poor Dad" which has sold over 25 million copies throughout the world. In the book he describes the benefits of this industry and how it teaches you real world business skills that you will never find in your 9-5 job. If you want to start a business today with minimal investment and risk then I would highly recommend the Network Marketing industry. The first thing you must do is find what you are passionate about. Don't get involved with a company because they tell you can make a lot of money in a short amount of time. I'm here to tell you that is not going to happen. Find a company that is ethical, has great products, an excellent management team, a great culture and a vision besides making money.

There are companies out there and I found one that has everything I was looking for. Isagenix has provided me with everything I need to become successful in this industry which includes the products, training, management team and culture. When you surround yourself with like minded people who want to make a difference in the world of health you have a powerful environment. An environment you can thrive in. This company may be right for you and then again it may not be, but if you are serious about starting your own business with little investment then I suggest you check it out.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

If You Only Knew...

I was doing some research tonight about some of the things that are coming in the very near future. Please remember my blog is called the "Wellness Revolution". I called it that because it is my firm belief that we are entering a time that will define the future. I know there is a lot of things happening in the world today,but I'm not talking about politics or the middle east or the Presidential race. I'm talking about something very big that will affect every person on planet earth. If you are aware of these things you will be able to profit from this knowledge. The people that turn it away will be very sorry they did.

O.K., so back to my research about the industry that will create a paradigm shift in the world. I read about small molecule medicine that will change medicine as we know it. These are "small bombs" that zero in on specific ailments and diseases. The technology is here and will be coming on the market soon. Imagine an injection of one of these small molecules to cure cancer or repair the liver, kidney or cardiovascular disease. They have a product that will stop someone from smoking and the list goes on and on. This is not science fiction, but reality.

Drugs like these are going to change the world and health care as we know it, but as I have been posting here so will companies like Isagenix. Isagenix uses no chemicals in its products and provides an alternative to our current food supply. I don't think most people truly understand what is happening in this country regarding food. I know that I have told you that our food supply is bankrupt of nutrition and it is filled with pollutants, but there is one thing that no one talks about and that is the cost of food.

I believe most people in this country can't even fathom the hyper inflation that is looming because they know that it could never happen in this country. Over the last year we have seen food prices go up and luckily they have stabilized, but this is just the beginning. I would recommend that everyone begin to prepare for prices going through the roof. Isagenix has provided me an alternative to our current food supply by creating a complete nutritional system that can actual sustain me day after day. It isn't fancy with loads of comfort like you are used to, but then again if you are used to that type of food then you will have a hard time adjusting to an alternative system.

You can begin slowly by using the shake and cleanse system. The"Isalean shake" is the world's most perfect food. It is a crime to call it a shake, but that is the form it comes in. This isn't any shake that you can get at a health food store or the market. It contains the essential building blocks to optimize your health and satisfy your cravings. Did I mention that it costs less than $3.00 per meal? Then cleanse the toxins out of your body with "Cleanse For Life". With these two products you can begin the process of changing the way you look at food and start on the road to better health at a lower cost. Within a short time you will be able to make the leap to more Isagenix products and a better alternative to rising food prices. Don't wait until it is too late...START NOW!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Method Of Distribution

Throughout the last 70 years as America has grown so has the methods of distribution for all goods and services. I'm too young to remember the ice man and the milk man coming to my house to deliver our goods.  I do however, remember my doctor making a house call when I was about 8 years old. That was in 1965 and the memory of that is still pretty vivid.

Over the years there have been many gains in the methods of distribution such as mega warehouses strategically placed throughout the US. Years ago companies like Sears had a huge business with their catalogues and many retailers followed their lead. How about the auto industry? When you walked into a car dealership you usually didn't drive a new car off the lot because you ordered it the way you wanted it. That's right, you would design the car you wanted and then the manufacturer would build it to your specifications.

All of these methods have gone through many years of redevelopment and now you find that the Internet has become an efficient way of distribution. The other way of distribution is through word of mouth. How many times have you heard the phrase, "Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising." The reason is because it is. When you tell a friend about a great movie you just saw that is powerful because you have credibility with your friend. So now the friend goes to see the movie and loves it and the next thing they do is to tell one of their friends. Now the distributor of that movie loves word of mouth because they don't have to pay anyone for referring the movie to anyone. The downside for the distributor is that they spend millions on advertising and unless they get good reviews no word of mouth on the planet is going to help them. So what just happened? They spent millions on advertising and did very little at the box office because the movie wasn't very good.

If word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising then why does the Network Marketing industry get such a bad rap? After all, the company doesn't have to spend millions on advertising to people that have no interest in their product. They pay their distributors instead of paying for advertising and it is more targeted. They get more bang for their buck. Doesn't that make sense? Network Marketing is the future method of distribution in this country because it is efficient and it can provide more to an individual than money. It can help a person with entrepreneurial skills and real world business experience. This method can create individual economies so people are not dependent on the government or anyone for their survival.

Don't be left behind in this fast paced method of distribution. Find a company that you can get passionate about  and then go to work. This business of Network Marketing is not easy or everyone would be doing it. Stay ahead of the curve and understand the trends that we are facing as a society. Wellness will be leading the way and that is why I chose Isagenix. If living healthier and longer is your passion then I would love to speak with you. If it isn't your thing that is o.k., just find what you like and get involved.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Environment Of Growth

If you analyze successful people you have to take into consideration their environment. Successful people surround themselves in a positive environment. That is what makes them successful. It would be difficult to achieve your goals in a negative one. Could you do it? Yes, but it will take you much longer.

What I'm trying to say is get rid of your negative environment. If you can't get rid of a negative influence in your own household then you must be strong to your conviction. You will have to overcome any negative messages or thoughts that are put out there. I know that is easier said than done, but it is a MUST.

The reason I'm so adamant about this is because a negative environment is more powerful then a positive one. What I mean by that is once you allow the slightest negative thought to enter your mind it will wipe out all the positive thoughts that were trying to break through. I mean the smallest thought can have a HUGE effect on your outcome. If your ultimate goal is to move forward in your life and create the life that you always dreamed of, then you cannot have any negative thoughts.

For most people that would seem impossible. Every person on the planet has negative thoughts at one time or another. How is it possible not to have a negative thought? One way is to become aware of your thoughts. That may sound stupid, but it is not. Once you become aware of negative thoughts then you are in a better position to do something about them. You can then change your thought process to a positive one. Again, this is not the easiest thing in the world to do, but if you master it you will find yourself getting closer to your goals every day.

Once you create this environment in yourself then it will be much easier for you to control the negative thoughts that surround you on a daily basis. You can then move into a healthy positive environment which will lead you to your dreams. Make the positive environment the dominate one in your life and watch what happens. You life will change because you were able to overcome the biggest obstacle you have ever faced...switching from a negative environment to a positive one. As you are expanding and growing as a person your environment is growing as well. They go hand in hand and the sooner you realize that the sooner you will enter an environment of growth.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Product B Is Working

I began my journey with Product B on May 24th, 2011 when it wasn't even released to the general public. I was one of about 5,000 people that was fortunate enough to try the product before it launched in August of this year. The dosage I was taking at that time was like a baby aspirin compared to extra strength. I am now taking a dosage that is about 6 times the strength of the original product.

What I have found is that my hair is not as gray as it was when I began taking the product. The other things I noticed was that my skin has become smoother and more elastic. I look younger than I did and I feel better, but I have to point out one thing. I feel better because I'm taking care of my body by using the Isagenix products in conjunction with Product B.

When they said that Product B is not a stand alone product they weren't kidding. Product B is the missing link to better health when using it as part of a complete system. I can't begin to tell you how incredible I feel since I have changed my eating habits. Removing the toxins from my body so my organs can function as they were intended. Now when I put nutrients in my body they can be absorbed instead of blocked by all the crap that is in the way.

I will never go off of Product B for several reasons, but the main one is because of the science behind it. If you truly understand what this product is doing inside your body then why wouldn't you take it? It is helping support your telomeres which has a great deal to do with aging. It is all natural and it WORKS! Isagenix is already in the works on the next generation of Product B. What that means is they are going to increase the strength of the product. It is currently at 36% and when it reaches 100% that is when the aging process stops. The next step is to get the strength over 100% which would mean it will reverse the aging process.

I know this sounds like science fiction, but it is very real and the beginning of the Wellness Revolution. Isagenix is not stopping here because they are constantly in development of the next great discovery and I believe they already have found it. Product B is just the first of many amazing biotech products that will be developed by Isagenix. If you would like to try Product B then please contact me. If you would like to market this product then don't wait too long because the time is now. Get in before your best friend comes up to you and asks you if you have ever heard of Product B. Isagenix is where Microsoft was when Bill Gates worked out of his garage. Isagenix is a ten year old company that is just BEGINNING!!

Two Birds With One Stone

As we become a society of efficiency our lives are governed by time. Having the time to do everything we want  and enjoying life to the fullest. A funny thing happened on the way to enjoying life and it's called "LIFE". That's right, as we move toward that ultimate goal of happiness we encounter challenges along the way. Have you ever encountered challenges along the way?

Of course, the first thing you must say to yourself is, "It's not what happens to you, it is how you react to what happens to you". If you have never heard that before please take note and trust me when I tell you that it is TRUE! If you can make it through all of these challenges then you have the right attitude. My dad used to tell me all the time that, "ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING." I know it sounds like a cliche, but it really is true. If you have any doubts then I suggest you give it a try.

I believe you have to find out what your passionate about and then just go for it. I don't really care what it is as long as it is legal and it makes you happy. I am going through an expansion as we speak because I'm moving in the direction of my passion. If you're new to the blog you will soon learn that my passion is helping people improve their quality of life through proper nutrition, cleansing and youthful aging. I have finally taken responsibility for my health and it has made a tremendous difference in my life. I want to pass that on to others as well.

I get so excited about the products I sometimes can't understand why others don't want to feel the way I do. I think it has a lot to do with how they feel about themselves. For a lot of people they feel comfortable the way they are and maybe just don't have the strength to change their lives. I so often hear people say, "What's the use, I'm gonna die anyway. I might as well enjoy myself." This disturbs me greatly.

Life is so precious, why not live your life with meaning and purpose. Everyone of us has a choice of the foods that we put into our mouths. I choose to put quality super foods in my body and it is paying off. I feel like I'm in my 20's again. I get to do what I love and receive compensation for helping others do the same. I get to kill two birds with one stone...if you know what I mean. If you care about your health then please take a look at Isagenix. It is a complete system that provides your body with 5 pillars of health. It is never too late to start!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Is It FDA Approved?

If you are in a company that sells supplements or vitamins then I'm sure you have been asked the question, "Is it FDA approved"? I always love that question because it demonstrates to me that most people are brainwashed into thinking that the FDA is there to protect them. The FDA is an agency that is in business to protect big pharma.

On the surface they look like they are doing everything they can to protect our well being. When you start digging down you get a different picture that is not so nice. Sure they make companies go through the FDA testing ritual and can make companies wait years before a product is approved, but I don't believe they are logical.

How many times have we heard that the FDA is going after the Network Marketing industry and trying to shut them down because their products are not approved. That is when I scratch my head and and try to make sense of that. I'm not going to speak about other companies because I don't know how every company formulates their products, but I do know that Isagenix uses NO CHEMICALS at all in their products. This is where it confuses me because it would seem that the FDA is trying to regulate natural ingredients. I could understand if the products contained harmful chemicals, but these products are botanicals.

The FDA has approved many DRUGS that have turned out not to be so good for you and yet they allowed the manufacturer to produce the product for consumption. One comes to mind called "Vioxx". This drug was approved by the FDA and it has since caused deaths and has been pulled from the shelves. Now, you didn't have to ask if it was FDA approved because your doctor was prescribing it. I heard a statistic that 300 people a day die from legalized medications. Do you want to guess how many people die from botanicals? ZERO!!

If you are in the Network Marketing industry and your company sells vitamins and supplements then don't feel bad if someone asks you if it is FDA approved because the FDA doesn't have to approve of something that grows out of the earth. If you do some research you will find that so much good can be derived from natural ingredients instead of drugs that have chemicals in them. There is study after study on the positive effects of someone taking natural plant based foods. High doses of vitamin C have had tremendous results with cancer patients, but you don't hear about that from the FDA. Remember there is no money in healthy alternatives.

I'm hoping that more and more people will find natural alternatives instead of ingesting chemicals to heal themselves. After all, when life began there were no chemicals to keep someone alive. They just had what the man upstairs provided to heal themselves and it happened to be ALL natural. Don't be afraid to tell someone that your product is not FDA approved. If that turns them off then just let them go because they would rather trust the FDA than products that are from the earth.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

No Health Insurance?

Could you imagine if you didn't have to buy health insurance? I know that most people wouldn't think about going without health insurance. Everyone always plays the "what if" game. You know, what if I come down with something or I get the flu? In this country today health insurance is a huge business and most Americans are being squeezed because the costs are going up and not down.

The Obama administration passed a new health care law that would create insurance exchanges in the hopes of reducing medical costs. In my opinion it will not reduce health care costs and the care that one will receive will be sub par for the money it will cost. We are running out of solutions to get control of these runaway health care costs.

One solution that I don't think many people will take seriously is not to have health insurance at all. "What are you crazy?" Maybe I am crazy, but I believe that would be possible if people took a different approach to their health. What if you filled your body with a diet of nutrient dense food and plant based foods? There are many studies out there that if you supply your body with these things including powerful antioxidants you would never get sick. I know it is very hard to believe or even get your head around, but get used to it because in the future this will be the norm.

The Wellness Revolution is here and that means you will be able to live a long healthy life by consuming super foods and taking powerful supplements. If you are interested in learning more than google raw food diets or something similar. Isagenix is another company that is leading the way with nutrient dense super foods. They combine their super food with a whole body cellular cleanse and a stress reliever with adaptagens. It is a complete system for better health. Once you are in that healthy mode then you can begin taking Product B. This is the most powerful antioxidant and telomere support on the market today. If you were to be on this system on a long term basis then the need for health insurance would be diminished to buying a catastrophic policy only.

Imagine not having to spend the money on health insurance every month. Let's say your premium is $200 per month which is $2,400 a year. What if you spent $2,400 dollars on the best food you could put in your body? That money would be well spent because you could be healthier and wouldn't need to see a doctor and it would also prevent you from getting sick. I have started investing in my health and it is the best investment I have ever made. How many people really invest in themselves regarding their health? I believe it is a small percentage and we need to change that. If you want your health care bills to go down then spend the money on creating better health by way of nutrition. Do some research on the effects of good nutrition and how it can help reduce sickness and disease.

The future is about to change as the wellness revolution gains steam. More and more people will be moving towards healthy alternatives like Isagenix. When that happens more people will be willing to stop spending money on health care and more money on themselves. If you can see this happening then we need to talk.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Loss Of A Visionary

The passing of Steve Jobs was one that I believe had the chance of being avoided. Here is a man who was a visionary and he changed the world as we know it. Jobs always thought outside the box and because of that he created some of the most transformational products in our lifetime. A true visionary that had the ability to push the envelope so far that people thought he was crazy, but in the end he proved them wrong.

Not only did Steve Jobs create Apple, but when they fired him from his own company he went on to create Pixar. That animation studio is the most successful studio of it's kind in the world. Then Apple was not progressing as the shareholders hoped it would so he went back to take over Apple again and this time he created a monster. I dare say that this man was a genius. A man like Steve Jobs doesn't come around very often and we as a society have lost one of the great minds of our time.

Since I have been in Isagenix I have done a lot of research regarding health. The articles and videos I come across keep me coming back to the realization that "we are what we eat". If you get a chance to watch the movie "Food Matters" you will find that food is an important piece to our health. I'm really not talking about the food you eat from the supermarket or at a restaurant, but a new way of looking at food. The food I'm referring to is nutrient dense without the chemicals. It has been proven that a plant based diet can actually cure some diseases.

I believe that if Steve Jobs changed his diet he would still be alive today. Chemotherapy is a killer in itself and if you think about what you are doing to your body when you are on chemotherapy it is frightening. I know that saying he would be alive today had he used an alternative to chemotherapy sounds like quackery, but there are so many case studies regarding eating the right foods for ridding the body of toxins. As a matter of fact there is a doctor that has been applying these principles for over 50 years with tremendous success. You can see a short clip about him here.

Steve Jobs had more money than he knew what to do with and yet he died at the age of 56. In order to be wealthy you HAVE to be healthy or what is the point of having a lot of money. That is why I tell people to get healthy and stay that way so when they do have money they can enjoy it for a long time. The bottom line is this, with his money he could afford the best medical treatment in the world and yet that didn't save his life. Had he tried the food alternative and worked with the leading minds in nutrition I believe he could have lived a long healthy life. Instead of chemotherapy try food therapy. It is cheaper, less harmful to your body and it is effective. Do your own research and I know that you will come to the same conclusion I did, FOOD DOES MATTERS!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Chronic Malnutrition

There is a huge challenge that we face as humans in today's world. It has to do with our current lifestyle and the food we eat. I believe that the food we eat is actually more important than the medications that we take. If you were to switch to a plant based food supply your world would change. The reason is the lack of nutrition in our diets. I don't know how many times that I have to tell you that our food supply is bankrupt of nutrition. We have become a society that can be classified with an epidemic of chronic malnutrition!

You have to wonder how our ancestors survived without all the chemicals that we now put into our bodies. I'm not saying that modern medicine didn't take a huge leap forward in helping people live longer, but at the same time you have to realize that there is another side to the story. If you filled your body with essential nutrients and vitamins then you might not get to the point of needing a pill to cure whatever you have contracted. I know it sounds hokey because that is what we have been taught since we were born.

The medical community certainly isn't going to recommend you eating super foods and taking high doses of therapeutic doses of vitamins because that would put them out of business. How ironic, you go to a doctor for help and they prescribe drugs(chemicals) to cure you, but in reality they are not getting to the root of the problem. Do you think the drug companies have anything to do with that? After all if you need a pill every day for the rest of your life I would say that you are a gold mine for the big pharma companies. Multiply you by millions of people taking these medications and you have a recipe for BILLIONS of dollars in revenue.

Eating right and taking responsibility for your health makes a lot of cents, but not a lot of dollars. Here in lies the problem. Because of our food supply and the lack of nutrition we have become dependent on these medications to fix a lot of our ills. The answer that no medical professional wants to tell you about is to eat the proper foods and that will solve a lot of the problems that we face. Doctors who go through medical school get a total of maybe two weeks of learning about nutrition. Again, there is no money in helping someone stay healthy. Our system needs to be overhauled and we as individuals have the power to change it.

Do you want the power back? It is really simple to do. Begin reducing your intake of processed foods, sugar, soda and fast food. At the same time start to put nutrient dense super food in your body and remove the toxins from your body. This simple yet effective step will get you on the road to recovery in a very short amount of time. The key to this program is creating a lifestyle change. This is not a diet so you have to have the courage to   maintain this lifestyle for the rest of your life. Remember that it is up to you because we all have a choice. Are you ready to choose something that works and has for centuries or do you want to continue on the path of self destruction? We can solve the problem of chronic malnutrition in this country very easily. All you have to do is educate yourself on the benefits of an alternative food system. Isagenix is leading the way, let me help you.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Emerging Industries

As technology advances so does the industries around them. The upcoming industry called "Wellness" will be no different and will foster in many new companies which will lead to many new jobs. The difference in this new world of health will be the fact that it will create more entrepreneurs than any other industry before it. I say that because of a great book I read from Robert Kiyosaki called, "The Business of The 21st Century".

In this book he describes the future of business and the business model that will dominate our world. That business model is called Network Marketing. The whole book is devoted to this industry and for a very good reason. He explains that this business model is efficient and that through this model all products and services will be provided. Not to mention that using this model you will be able to create wealth for you and many others that dare to dream.

There is an underlying theme in his book that many people don't talk about, but it is very relevant. It has to do with personal development. He goes on to say that by entering this business it provides real world education in running a business and provides everyone with a tremendous opportunity to expand their comfort zones. After all, you are in business for yourself with very little start up costs and all you have to do is learn some new skills that anyone can learn. The majority of people that go into business for themselves fail because they lack the skills to run a business. Of course, most people lack the money to go into business for themselves.

One emerging industry that I can see coming due to the new discovery that Dr. Bill Andrews and John Anderson made regarding telomeres is support for telomeres. Isagenix has a complete system for better health and it just so happens that it is perfect for supporting ones telomeres. I believe more companies are going to be getting into this field because it will be huge. Even if you didn't take Product B there are things you can do to slow down the aging process. One of the most important things is your diet. Eating nutrient dense super food is key to longevity and it is offered by Isagenix. Of course there is no replacement for exercise or not smoking, but those two are given.

This won't be the only shift we see in our lives in the coming years, but I believe it will have the greatest impact on our lives. With these new technologies to keep us healthy and living longer comes more opportunities than you can dream of. Don't stand on the sidelines for too long because you can change not only your life, but the lives of tens of thousands of others at the same time. In the process you will grow as a person, make an enormous amount of money and live the life you always dreamed of. It is possible IF you think it's possible!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

GMO Labeling

I have often talked about the shock people would be in if they knew what was in the food they ate. I also tried to have you imagine walking into a grocery store and picking up just about any product and reading the label that says, WARNING: THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS HARMFUL CHEMICALS! Well that day may be coming sooner than we think.

There is a group of people that have been working for over a decade on getting GMO labeling on all food. GMO stands for Genetically Modified Food. That means the grains are manufactured in a laboratory using chemicals which goes to farmers to grow food. There is a movement in California to put a measure on the ballot to vote for the labeling of GMO's. I should say they are looking for a MANDATORY law labeling the food.

The awareness in this country is growing rapidly regarding the labeling issue. I believe people are beginning to realize that not all food is exactly good for you, especially the ones that are genetically engineered. Although most people have no idea that this is an issue, they will when California achieves their goal of putting this to a vote.

If California is successful in getting this on their ballot in Nov of 2012, it could literally change every manufacturer in this country. Knowledge is power and if the American people know that the food they are putting in their bodies is genetically engineered I believe they will be looking for alternatives. The challenge is finding an alternative. If food is not genetically engineered then it will still be subjected to other harmful chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, hormones, steroids and so on.

I know there are some people out there that don't care that the food they eat is genetically engineered, but they better start to care. These foods are harmful to your body and can have a long term negative effect on your health. If California makes it mandatory to label foods that contain GMO's then it won't be long before the whole country is doing the same thing. The cost to manufacturers could be enormous, but the cost to human lives would be greater. Don't you think as consumers we should be aware of the chemicals in our food? Don't the manufacturers have a moral responsibility to alert the American people about these harmful chemicals? It is time that the truth be told and we as Americans deserve the truth. After all, how can we make an informed decision if we don't have all the facts? Once again it comes down to choice. If you know you are eating food that contains harmful chemicals that is your choice. I on the other hand would use that information and make a better choice. I am so thankful that I found Isagenix as an alternative to the food in this country. Nutrient dense super food that contains zero chemicals and all the natural ingredients to promote better health is the way to go.

Join me in finding better health through Isagenix. Contact me today and get informed now before it is too late.

Monday, October 3, 2011

We Need An Epidemic

"Jay are you out of your mind? We don't need an epidemic!" On the contrary, we need an epidemic..of HEALTH! That is correct, the epidemic we need in this country has to shift to Health. Can you imagine how incredible that would be? Everyone in the country is getting on the health bandwagon and it is spreading like, well like an epidemic.

I truly believe we are heading in this direction. There are so many factors that come into play, but I think the most important one is AWARENESS. I believe people are waking up to the fact that the food in our food supply is bankrupt of nutrition and is polluted. The awareness that food can be medicine and medicine can be food is just now coming into the mainstream media. Once you become aware of these facts about our food supply then it is up to you to find an alternative and have the courage to change the way you eat.

I also believe there are other factors that will help create a shift in the US and the eating habits of millions of people. Inflation is going to cause many people to reevaluate how they spend their money on food. Once food prices go up then you don't have many alternatives except to eat less. Your dollar is not going to go to far when a loaf of bread costs $25.00. Even fast food will be costly and you know how much nutrition is in that type of food.

These occurrences in our country are going to force people to look for alternatives in order to get nutrition at a reasonable cost. Look no further! If you are reading this you just stumbled across a solution to this challenge of finding quality food at a reasonable price. Now it way not look like the food you are used to, but that is a good thing because it is much better. Think about the astronauts in space when they travel to outer space. They have food that has nutrition, but comes in a powder form. These foods are easily digestible and provide the body with the building blocks it needs to sustain itself without the calories.

That is what Isagenix is all about. The products that have been developed by Isagenix have so many vitamins and trace minerals in them along with the highest grade of whey protein, amino acids, active exzymes and the list goes on. It is a complete nutritional system that includes whole body cellular cleansing and telomere support.For more info on telomere support you can watch the video in the top right corner of my blog. Or you could go to for in depth information on the most revolutionary product to hit the market in the 21st century.

Yes, I can actually see an epidemic coming and Isagenix is positioned to be the leader in this category called Wellness. Even though Isagenix has been around since 2002 I believe they are just getting started. I know they are working on more ground breaking products that will propel them to a billion dollar a year company. If you were to get on board now two things would happen. One, you would be in the best health of your life and two, you would have time freedom. Time is the only thing that you can't produce more of. Isn't it time you had MORE TIME?

Sunday, October 2, 2011


When you come out with an amazing system for better health then you better be prepared for a lot of companies trying to copy what you have. That is exactly what is happening with the Isagenix products. I'm hearing more and more about new companies starting up to duplicate what they have. There is only one big problem with company can duplicate it.

I guess you can say it is really flattering that many companies want to copy your ideas for better health. One of the biggest reasons that they will not be able to duplicate the formulas is because these other companies don't have John Anderson. John Anderson is regarded as one of the top formulators in the world if not THE top. After 30 years of experience in this industry he is known as the "mineral man". One of the reasons he is known as that is because he owns the mineral rights to many of the minerals used in the Isagenix products. That means no other company can duplicate what he has created.

The other thing to consider is not only the minerals, but the right combination of minerals. John Anderson's formulations are brilliant because they work in concert with all of the other products that he has created. That is why it is called a system. Lately I'm hearing about the benefits of whey protein and there are companies coming out with high grade protein. That is really good, but that is only once piece of the puzzle. So in order for you to put together a complete system for better health you would have to piece together many components "a la carte style". That could be very costly and also the time to research all of the products that you should take will take some time.

My time is reduced to zero with the Isagenix system for better health. The five pillars of health are the foundation of this system and it is second to none. As a matter of fact, I couldn't actually duplicate this system if I wanted to even though there are many products on the market that claim to do the same thing. Remember that John owns the mineral rights to many of the minerals in these products?

Yes, there are going to be copycats in trying to create a system as complete as the Isagenix system, but it would take many years to even come close. So for those out there that think they have a better system than Isagenix I want to wish you luck. I'm certain you can achieve some success and at least you are doing something to gain better health. However, if you want the best system which includes Product B then look no further and give this a try. Contact me today and I'll send you information on how to achieve optimal health with the best system on the market!!