Love the Ocean

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Best Investment Out There

The world is in a bit of turmoil today with rising prises on just about everything including gas, food, energy and the list goes on. If you do have a job consider yourself lucky. The one thing that is puzzling is the stock market continues to climb. I wouldn't get too excited about that because there is a major correction coming. I'm not sure when, but you can take that to the bank.

Ok, so now that I have put a damper on the countries outlook, where do you go to invest your money so you receive a return on your investment (ROI)? There are many places I guess you could put your money like the stock market or real estate, but for a lot of people that just won't work out. I think most Americans are just trying to get by with what they have and don't have a lot of money to invest.

Where else could you invest to receive a good return on that investment? I believe I have a great vehicle that will provide a huge return, but it is not where you think. I am thinking outside the box and not too many people think this way, but I believe more will as time goes by. So what is this brilliant idea to invest your money to get a good return? Invest in YOURSELF!

Over the last three years I have invested in myself by way of better nutrition. By consuming Isagenix  products I have been able to change my life physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Wait a minute, that doesn't sound like an investment. What kind of return am I going to get from that? This is where I lose most people because they either don't want to hear about it or they just can't imagine that taking care of themselves as an investment.

From the time we are born we become conditioned to eating a certain way and usually that way is detrimental to our health. With GMO's being introduced into our food supply 20-30 years ago and all of the chemicals that are found in our water, air and food, it is no wonder we are a nation of sick people. The scary part is that we are getting worse as time goes by. That is why I say the best investment is by taking care of yourself physically. Consuming foods that are good for you doesn't have to be a burden or a downer because you are not eating what you absolutely love to eat. Think in terms of saving on grocery bills, cooking, throwing out food you don't eat and the biggest one of all....your future medical bills.

By taking responsibility for my health and eating nutrient dense superfood the majority of the time, my investment is paying off...BIG TIME. I have never felt better and the chance of me needing medical attention over the next 20 years has been reduced dramatically. Now that is what I call an investment that has a huge ROI. The question is, "do you think health care costs are going to go down or up in the future?" If you answered up, then my suggestion would be to start investing in YOU...RIGHT NOW!!! Don't say, "I'll start tomorrow", because tomorrow will never come. You'll never find a better investment in this lifetime.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Obvious Solution

Sometimes when things are right in front of you, you can't see them. Are you too close to the "situation" to really see it? Or do you dismiss it because it is so obvious? Either way, slow down and take a moment to realize that eventually you will find the answer.

I know, what the hell am I talking about? I'm talking about the solution to the problem of obesity and virtually everything that you need to go to a doctor for. I'm talking about NUTRITION. It is right in front of us and we can't see it. Is it that obvious? Apparently not, or our culture would change. We would change to eating only healthy food and very little of it. You know, like nutrient dense superfood. I have been on a high percentage of a nutrient dense superfood  protocol for over 550 days and I can honestly say that I have never felt better in my life.

In my mind I could go over everything that I've done over the last three years and try to determine why I feel the way I do. I keep coming back to the food that I'm eating. Oh yeah, the food is from Isagenix. I've made a commitment to flood my body with nutrition instead of the normal everyday food that most American's eat. By doing so I've changed my life by changing my lifestyle. I don't miss anything in the way of "food" like I used to. The reason? I'm so satisfied eating this healthy nutrient dense food that it makes me lose my cravings and desire to eat "regular" food all the time.

If my health didn't improve as it has, I don't believe I would be writing this blog. I'm on a journey to better health. I would love to help others join me on this journey. So far it has been amazing , but the best part is that it has only just begun. Pretty soon this type of food will become the norm in this country and for those who are passionate about helping others get out of the trap their in, well, let's just say fortunes will be made for those who are at the beginning of this major shift in our food supply.

The people who see trends coming are called "early adaptors". I believe that is what we are with Isagenix. This company is growing at a rapid rate and moved up 8 spots on the top Direct Selling Companies. For those who don't understand the magnitude of that, let me just say that there are maybe a handful of companies that ever jumped that high that fast in one year.

The signs are there. We must solve this obesity epidemic and the only way I see to do it is by providing nutrition to the masses. If you can change your eating habits and stop eating all the things that are causing issues down the road, you can live a long healthy life with gusto. Isn't it obvious?