Love the Ocean

Friday, February 3, 2012

7 Day 100% Gluten Free Super Food Challenge

I have just rolled out the "7 Day 100% Gluten Free Super food Challenge". I have a video on this blog (you can't miss it) that explains the challenge, but I'll provide more info here as well.

In Nov. of 2011 my mentor asked me if I wanted to participate in the 7 Day Challenge. I was intrigued, but I still had reservations about not eating "traditional food" for 7 whole days. I really didn't have to be coaxed that much due to my knowledge of what is in our food supply. So I decided to go for it and committed to 7 days of eating nothing but Gluten Free Nutrient Dense Super Food.

Prior to my starting the program I wanted to get something that would hold me accountable. I found the perfect tool and it is a scale from a company called Tanita. I waited a few days for it to arrive and then I was ready. You are probably wondering why this scale is so important. It not only measures your body weight, but your body fat, visceral fat, water weight and medibolic age. This scale has turned out to be my best friend. I started the 7 Day Challenge on a Monday and it only took a couple of days to realize that I was going to be fine. I was actually enjoying it because it was so easy and I ate some type of super food every couple of hours.

Please keep in mind that this food is very dense and packed with nutrients and essential amino acids that your body doesn't produce. There are so many botanicals and minerals that go into this food that it is the most efficient way to eat while still nourishing the body. You don't find many foods in this country that do that. The whey protein in the shakes is the finest you can put in your body. Now I'm sure you have heard that from other people, but if you do your research I believe you will find that what I'm telling you is true.

After 7 days I really felt good so I went another 7 days and then another. I'm now well over 180 days and I feel amazing. I've reduced weight and over 9.1% body fat. I have no cravings for sweets or any food for that matter. During this time I began educating myself on the dangers of our food supply. That is when I was introduced to GMOs. Once you read the information on what a GMO is and the potential effects it has on our future generations, you might not be able to sleep or eat. Please do some research so you can understand that you should consider an alternative food source. I am so blessed that I found this company. Then again, you have to have the desire to change.

I wanted to take responsibility for my health, but I really didn't know how to define that until I tried this protocol. It doesn't matter what people say or think of me because I'm doing what I want to do for creating better health. No other company has put together a more complete system for better health than Isagenix. From the food to the vitamins to Product B, they are thirty years ahead of any competition developing anything that comes close.

The 7 Day Challenge is an amazing opportunity to prove to yourself that you can go one week without food. Once you get to that point you might discover that you also want to take responsibility for your health. Maybe you won't do this protocol 100% from that point on, but goodness if you just did it 50% you would be way ahead of the majority of Americans. I believe we are looking at the future way to feed people, with this protocol. It is efficient, effective and affordable. If you want to live a longer healthier life then practice Calorie Restriction with Gluten free and GMO free food . I can help you if you will leave your's worth a try, don't you agree?


  1. Jay this is AWESOME!!! Love the video and you are dead on right about everything!

  2. WOW great video and well done as well!

    1. Thanks Richard, I appreciate it. Thanks for checking it out.
