Love the Ocean

Friday, September 30, 2011

One Solution To Health Care

I think everyone would agree that we have to do something about our health care system. Over the years our premiums have gone through the roof and they are still climbing. The shear costs of health care are out of control and yet we don't have a solution for it. Trust me when I say that Obamacare is not the answer.

If you take a look at our system I believe we can save billions of dollars by becoming more efficient. I know that is not the sole answer, but it is a start. Image not having to fill out an intake form every time you go to a doctor or if you need to see a referring specialist and your records are on-line and any doctor can have access to them. Although these are in practice today they are not universal and they should be. On-line medical records are a thing of the future.

Now, the doctors that we have in our system are being squeezed and have to take less money for their services because every insurance company is cutting back and so is the government. I believe the problems will get worse if we go to a government exchange. Take a closer look at the doctors that are trained after 4 years of college and then med school and then residency. Do you know how many years they have training in preventative health? Well, it's not years because it is about 2 weeks. The reason? There is no money in keeping someone from getting sick.

Here is where I introduce my solution to health care. Why don't we pay doctors to keep people from getting sick and if they do get sick then they DON'T GET PAID! I know it is a crazy radical idea, but why not teach our doctors preventative health and pay them for it. I keep writing posts about the wellness revolution and we are at the beginning stages of it. It is a hard concept to comprehend because for the last 50 years medicine has been the answer. After 50 years of an industry growing rapidly you would think that someone would come up with a better solution than to just hand out prescriptions.

The good news for us is that there is a solution and I don't have to pay a doctor to prevent me from getting sick  or give me pills to cure what I have. I'm taking responsibility for my own health by reducing my intake of processed foods and replacing it with nutrient dense super food. By taking care of my body now and spending the money to do so, I have decreased my chance for contracting disease and illness by a huge margin. The money I'm spending on the Isagenix system is minimal to the amount of money I would spend on health care in the future. There is a change coming in this country and it is going to be a MASSIVE change. That change is to move to preventative health. The way to do that is to put quality food in your body and cleanse the body of toxins. If you are ready to begin then contact me ASAP. Remember it is never too late to start.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I'm In Preparation

So what am I'm I preparing for? I'm preparing my body to be able to both sustain and maintain a healthy functional system on Isagenix products. When I say a system, I mean a complete system that not only maintains your body in a healthy way, but creates the opportunity for you to extend your life.

Anyway, back to why I'm preparing. I believe that if the US of A doesn't get their spending in order we the citizens of the US will see inflation like we have never seen it before. If that were to occur then food would be so expensive that the average American wouldn't be able to afford it. They would literally be working for food.

There is an alternative and it is called Isagenix. This company has provided a way for us to get the nutrition we need along with cleansing the toxins from our body. Now with the addition of Product B, along with all of the Isagenix products, I am able to sustain myself with very very little "food". The "food" I do consume has become my supplement and it is not a very good one at that. Every time I stare down at a plate of food, I have all these things in my brain telling me to choose something that is the least harmful. It is a very tough choice. 

I've been called extreme before and I even wrote a post about that.  Anyway, the way I look at it is that I'm not the extreme one here. If you understand what you are putting into your body on a daily basis then in my opinion THAT IS EXTREME! Extreme is knowing that you are eating polluted food and still eating it. This is why America is sick and it has created a 2 billion dollar industry called HEALTH CARE! Well, guess what? There is a new kid in town and he is called WELLNESS. This industry is on the way to a trillion dollars and we are at the forefront of this opportunity.

Please do some research on our food supply. You will be shocked to learn what you are eating and the harmful chemicals that enter your body every single day. If you want to reduce your future health care costs then do something about it TODAY. The food you are eating is killing you slowly. That can change with something called responsibility. If you are a responsible person then add one more thing to your list. Consume Isagenix products. This one thing could save your life and reduce your medical bills in the future.

I am looking for people who want more out of life by helping others. This is the way it should be in business. People helping others and by doing so the company rewards you in the way of a commission for sharing it. Product B just launched and the company is continually working on improving and creating new products to make us healthier and live longer. Join me in preparing now so you are not caught off guard. When inflation does hit you will be ahead of the game because you will be able to live a better healthy life consuming these products. Leave me a comment or a message and I'll

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bright Future

I am extremely excited about the future and what is in store for me and anyone who would like to be in front of a major trend. I know it is hard to be positive about the future because of the economy, high unemployment, inflation, the issues in the middle east and just an overall lack of confidence. You really have to look past all of this negative news and look for the diamonds in the rough.

Our country has faced many tough times in the past, but has always come out on top because of the entrepreneurial spirit that has made this country great. When I look back at some major shifts in the country that spurred huge industries I am reminded of the invention of the automobile. Think about all the jobs that were created because of the invention of the automobile. Manufacturers, dealerships, auto repair shops and the list goes on. Then you think about healthcare and the industry that has created. All the doctors, hospitals, urgent care, rehabilitation clinics and again the list goes on.

Now , we are moving into the next phase of our evolution and the industry is called WELLNESS. That is correct, we are entering the next trillion dollar industry. For the last 50 years we have gone through the explosion of the healthcare industry. I believe one of the main reasons for that is due to our increasing polluted food supply. In the 1950's you could eat one bowl of spinach and get all the vitamins and nutrients you needed. Today you would need to eat 35 bowls of spinach to get the SAME nutrients. Our food supply is bankrupt of nutrition and it is also polluted with every kind of chemical you can think of sprayed on the food. Did you know that the Latin word for death is "CIDE", as in pestiCIDE, herbaCIDE, insectiCIDE. yes, they are putting death on our food and that is why I believe the healthcare industry exploded.

I know what you're thinking, how can a small amount of these chemicals have an effect on our systems? It doesn't happen overnight, it takes years of build up in your body to have any effect. That is why I firmly believe that we are in the beginning stages of the next industry that is about to EXPLODE. As people become more aware of the fact that the food they are eating is actually killing them, then I also believe they will want to do something about it.

Enter companies like Isagenix. Isagenix has developed an alternative to our current food supply. Providing essential nutrients and vitamins, minerals, amino acids in an efficient way. NO CHEMICALS. You can eat healthy food without chemicals, what a concept! Yes, the future is bright in this emerging industry and you and I can take full advantage of it. The first step is to take responsibility for your health and start on these products. The next step is to share them with everyone you know and trust me they will thank you for it. This is one industry that you don't want to let slip away. Get a glimpse of the future at

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Trying To Balance Everything

In this fast paced world we live in it is difficult for me to balance all that is going on in my life. I have two companies, one is a conventional business with 32 employees in 3 states and the other is a home based business that I'm very passionate about. Sprinkle in a wife and two grown children, three dogs and you have the recipe for chaos on occasion.

A lot of time I get so caught up and focused on my businesses that I sometimes forget to slow down and smell the roses. It is a very easy thing to do if you are not aware of it. Recently I have tried to slow down on the weekends and take more time off from my work. By doing that I am actually reinforcing my feelings of how I want my life to look like.

I have always been a hard worker and feel like I'm not getting anything accomplished if I just sit around or do something that is, in my mind, non productive. However, I am trying hard to really define my work time and my relax time. Sometimes when you press too hard it can take a toll on you. I am so focused on both of my businesses that I do forget to take a breath and enjoy the other part of my life. Spending time with my wife and my family is really an essential part of my life and I must make time for that as well.

Taking the time to relax and feel good is critical in the whole picture of where I want to be. A great exercise would be to write down where you want to be in 5 years. Get that pen and paper and start writing in vivid descriptions a typical day in your life 5 years from now. Everyone's vision is different, but the important thing is that you know where you are going. Things might change from now until then, but that is the great thing about our minds. We can design our own futures and all we have to do is think it.

I know that balancing is difficult because I'm struggling with it myself. The trap you could fall into is relaxing too much of the time and then you get lazy and then your done. My mentors would say that your "why" isn't big enough if you let that happen. If you do have a strong why, then don't let anyone discourage you from achieving your goal. The reason most people can't stay focused is because they allow outside influences to shoot holes in their dreams. The people that do that are the people that will never get ahead in life. Transform your life the way you want to live it. I will never listen to people who have a negative attitude towards anything because they aren't demonstrating to me that they have the courage to change or even made an attempt to.

I do believe that you can balance everything that you have going on in your life and I promise you that if I can do it you can do it too. Life is wonderful and should be enjoyed on every level. Go out and BALANCE, you will feel much better and enjoy life as you should.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Diet Solution

I am blown away by the number of diets there are in this country. I went to the bookstore the other day and was looking in the food section and what I found was amazing. I found what seemed like hundreds of diet books and all of them guided you through the best things to do to lose weight. They were all different, but all the same. The books are written by Doctors and experts in the field of health.

I am sure that many of these diets work, but keep in mind that the word diet means least in my mind. When you go on a diet you have already confirmed to yourself that you are doing this for a short time so you can lose weight. With that mindset, you might be successful and then again you might not. All of those books in the bookstore lay out a plan for you to follow and if you follow them according to the expert you should have success. Then what?

Once your diet is completed what do you do? Do you maintain your weight by continuing on the same path as the diet? Or do you fall back in to your old habits after a short time and find yourself gaining more weight than you lost. It is a vicious cycle that millions and millions of people find themselves in. And you could get off this treadmill if you do two things.

The first is to stop putting bad things into your system and get the toxins out by using "Cleanse For Life." This product will remove toxins and impurities out of your cells. It is a whole body cellular cleanse and you have years of toxins built up in your system which must be eliminated. The toxins can cause oxidative stress and shorten ones life, not to mention the harm you are causing your other organs. Toxins don't allow your body to function as it was intended.

The second thing you must do is to put nutrition in your body. Not just any nutrition, but nutrient dense super food. The best whey protein in the world that is undenatured and contains 8 essential amino acids that your body doesn't produce. That will raise your immune system by 500%. If you just made these two things a part of your daily diet then would wouldn't have to go on ANY DIET!

The diet solution is very simple, stop dieting and change your lifestyle. An amazing thing happens when you put nutrition in your body. Changes that you thought would not be possible will begin to occur. The big thing for me was that my cravings stopped for "food". Good thing since it is polluted. If you reduce the amount of processed food that you consume it can only have positive effects on your entire body. Now you know the solution so let me know if you are ready to try the Isagenix system for 30 days money back guarantee. It will change your life by helping you live healthier longer.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Watch TV Or Better Yourself?

Years ago I would find myself rearranging my schedule around my TV watching. How many people out there did that and are still doing that? There are so many shows on TV now that I'm sure you can find one that you love and that means you can't miss it. After all, what would you talk about at work around the water cooler if it wasn't an episode of everyone's favorite show?

The reason I said years ago is because I decided to make a change in my life. I wasn't getting the results I wanted financially and came to the conclusion that I was spending so much time watching TV. It dawned on me that I wasn't furthering myself as a person sitting in front of the "idiot box" as some people call it. I used to be a sports junky and had to see all the games and the hottest shows because then I was up on what America was up on. Luckily, someone invented TIVO and that changed a lot of things for a lot of people. You could now tape a show and watch it later. It also allows you to select the shows that you want to watch and skip through the commercials. Think the advertisers are happy about that?

So America spends a lot of time in front of the TV which means they are not spending a lot of time improving themselves. People are having a hard time making ends meet especially in this economy. I understand where they are coming from because it is hard to get by with everything going up in price like gas, food and utilities. Maybe they feel a sense of hopelessness. Maybe TV gives them an outlet to just relax and get their minds off of their troubles. One thing is for sure, watching TV is not putting money in your pocket or expanding your comfort zone.

In order for you to grow as a person you MUST expand your comfort zone. Jay, what does that mean? It means instead of sitting around watching TV do something to better yourself. How about reading a self help book or listen to self improvement CD'S. Be creative on ways to earn extra money. Learn how to use E-Bay to sell stuff or sit down and write a blog about what you are passionate about. How about starting a home based business? Whatever it is, DO SOMETHING to better yourself!!

I chose to start a home based business for extra income. By doing that I made a commitment to set aside a certain number of hours per week to advance this business. What that means is my TV watching dwindled down to a fraction of what it was. My focus changed to achieving something greater in terms of self development and income. I'm making a difference in my life and as it is turning out, I'm making a difference in other people's lives. Those people are also making a commitment to better themselves and together we are creating an amazing positive environment. I don't believe you can fully understand the power of a positive environment and the effects it has on YOU as a person.

In order for things to change in your life YOU have to change. If you change then everything around you changes. It sounds cliche, but it is so true. So put down the remote and commit to something greater in your life and don't just settle for mediocrity. Anyone can change if they want to. Be the person you know you can be!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Become A Pioneer

Throughout time there have been many pioneers forging new territories in many different industries. The people who got involved not only made a difference in the world, but they made huge fortunes. It is because of these pioneers that other industries were created and opened up many new opportunities for others to make a difference. I believe we are at that point RIGHT NOW!

We are moving into an age of high technology regarding health. So many products will be coming out to help us live a more fulfilling life in a much healthier way. These products are being created due to the current situation we find ourselves in. That situation is reactionary. We wait to get sick and then we seek out an answer from a physician and hope they can give us some medication so we can get better. There have been many breakthroughs in medicine, but that was because there was a need.

I don't think you can pick up a newspaper or watch TV without seeing some kind of pharmaceutical company advertising a cure for some type of ailment. Some of these ailments appear to be made up because I can't understand that there is a product developed for these obscure maladies. Again, these are developed because some company feels that they can make money off of people that think they have that particular problem. Be on the lookout for one of these ads and I think you will understand what I'm talking about.

Fast forward to 2011 and the introduction of Product B. This is a product that will change everything we know about conventional medicine. It gets to the actual cells that divide in order to replicate DNA. I know there a lot of Anti-Aging products on the market and many more to come, but there is only ONE Product B. I am sure the other products on the market to help your skin look better, but they can't compete with Isagenix and telomere support. This discovery is so big that it will end up creating other industries and compete with the current healthcare industry on a grand scale. Imagine taking a product that helps support your telomeres so you don't get a disease, any disease.

Isagenix founder, John Anderson and Dr William Andrews of Sierra Sciences are pioneers in the next up and coming industry called WELLNESS. Because I'm a consultant with Isagenix I feel that I am a pioneer in this industry as well. Marketing a product that will have a tremendous effect on ones health is not only exciting, but rewarding. Helping others achieve a level of health that they did not think possible is really special. I feel like I'm making a contribution to this world by telling people about this amazing product. If that wasn't enough, I can also make a tremendous income from it as well.

If you would like to be a pioneer in the wellness revolution, look no further. Isagenix is leading the way in this catagory and if you get involved you can improve your health and your wealth and at the same time make a huge difference in thousands of lives. Join me and become a PIONEER today. Contact me and I'll show you how easy it is to get started.

Monday, September 19, 2011

I Made It Through Costco...

For those of you who aren't familiar with Costco it is a warehouse for members who pay an annual fee to get the lowest prices on food and many other things as well. Hey, that sounds a lot like Isagenix. I pay an annual fee to get the lowest prices on "MY FOOD". Anyway, they have all these carts set up throughout the store for you to sample a lot of different items. People say you can eat lunch there for free.

Then again, is that what you really want to do because it is free? I used to be one of those people that would go every Saturday because I was always buying something. So yes I was a sampler before Isagenix. I don't have to tell you what a lot of these items consist of. Does the word "Processed" mean anything to you? I started to wonder why I always tried that stuff. Now I have a better understanding of why I did it.

Before I get into the "why" I did it, I first have to tell you what my thoughts were at that time regarding my health. I was kind of healthy, but not really until I became aware back when my dad was having heart issues. After his heart attack he was really disciplined in changing his diet and lifestyle because that was a real wake-up call. I remember saying to myself, "Wow, dad is really doing this, he is serious about changing." I remember him reading Dr. Ornish's books and many others regarding what to eat and why for better heart health.

So I got the bug from him and what I really got was his discipline. Having the courage to change your diet because you value life so much that you want to stick around for awhile. Unfortunately, my dad past away about 12 years ago, but it was his desire to change the way he ate after indulging his whole life with a diet of meat and potatoes, sweets and everything else bad under the sun. I didn't change right away because I wasn't that concerned, but now I am.

Getting back to my "why", I understand that I should not be putting excess amounts of any food in my body. I have found a better way that is not very fancy, but it is efficient and it works. The reason I don't grab any more free Costco give-a-ways is because my body is so satisfied from taking the Isagenix products that I want to avoid putting anything greasy or processed in my body. When you do this system you can actually feel the difference from eating "food" that you buy or get at a restaurant.

Isagenix products put me in control of what I eat and I have changed the way I look at food. Don't get me wrong I still eat food and sometimes it is not the best thing to eat, but those times I do are few and far between. The longer I'm on this system the easier it is to not even think of food. Most people in North America live their lives around food. Food is the center of just about everything. That wouldn't be a bad thing if it wasn't polluted, but you still have to moderate your intake. Take charge of your life and if you need help in getting started leave your info. It is never to late to get healthier than you are right now and it starts with your diet and cleansing the toxins from your body. The next time your in Coscto you will be able to walk right past the free stuff and feel a whole lot better about it!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Trends To Stay In Front Of

I know we have all heard people tell us that we have to stay ahead of the impending trends in order to  make some serious money. How many times have you been in a position to take advantage of coming trends even if you knew about them? The people that are in front of these trends have the money to invest or they start a business that manufactures the products for the trends. Do you have the money for that?
First you have to take a look at the trends that are heading our way. In the US the fact that America is getting older should be a sign to anyone who is looking for the next big trend. The babyboomers have enormous buying power as they control approx. 65% of the market. So if I had to guess, products that had to do with that market segment would be a great one to get into. As America ages there are certain products and services that will become very huge industries.

A couple of those industries are health and financial. If you are nearing retirement age then you will need some advice on what to do with your money or in today's climate keep your money. Our economy is teetering on the brink of disaster so a good financial advisor could be very valuable. As far as health goes, I believe this is a gigantic trend that is emerging. In particular is the emergence of anti-aging products. As you know I am a strong voice for the "WELLNESS REVOLUTION." I believe that this will become the next trillion dollar industry. Because so many people are aging in America, this creates a tremendous opportunity for wealth.

So how do you tap into that industry without becoming a manufacturer or an investor? My answer to that is an industry called Network Marketing. This industry presents the best opportunity for someone to enter at a low cost and have the chance of creating a massive residual income. Most companies have a very reasonable fee to enter with very little overhead. I got into Isagenix for $19.00 and am in the process of building a very large business. My actual costs are the products that I buy and some marketing materials like business cards. So I'm getting healthy, helping others do the same and making money at the same time.

I'm involved with Isagenix for a number of reasons. The first is because I have decided to take responsibility for my health and their products fill my needs. The products from Isagenix are no compromise and provide my body with essential nutrients that I can't find anywhere in the American food supply. The second reason is because they are way ahead of the anti-aging trend. If you want to stay ahead of this emerging trend then I suggest you take a look at Isagenix. This company has already created 59 millionaires and that is just the beginning. Over the next 5 to 10 years fortunes will be made by thousands of people who know about this trend and take advantage of it.

Don't be one of those people who know about a trend, but do nothing about it. I am looking to work with people who would like a better life and better health. If that is you then please leave your contact information and I will help you profit from this incredible opportunity. Even if you are in Hong Kong , Taiwan, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand or Australia. It doesn't matter if you live in one of these countries because of the internet. You can build a global business from your home office.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Diet vs Health

I believe there is a misconception in this country regarding dieting and health. Let's first take a look at dieting. There is no secret that America is overweight and has a high percentage of people that are obese. So, of course, the diet industry is very large. I have heard estimates that $109 million dollars a day is spent on diet related products. Do you think there is a market for people who diet? The real question is why are there so many people on diets?

The obvious answer to me is that our food supply is taking us down the wrong path. When you are born you don't have a fat gene that determines you're going to be heavy. There are other factors that come into play in molding you into the person you become regarding food. In our society today everything moves so fast which actually affects the food we eat. Everyone is so busy that they don't have time to sit down and have a healthy meal. The alternative to that is grabbing some fast food because it is quick and cheap. Let me just say right here and right now that CHEAP is not the way to go regarding your health.

It all goes back to our food supply and yet no one even thinks about it or gives it a second thought. The reason people diet is to lose weight, but what does that have to do with health? Just because you are on a diet doesn't mean you are healthier. So many diets limit you in the food that you eat such as "no carbs." Just take a look at the number of diets out there that limit your caloric intake, your fat intake, your sugar intake and the list goes on. My question then is what does that have to do with HEALTH?

Just because you limit these things from your diet doesn't mean you are healthier!! Tell me the health benefits of dieting. The only one that I'm aware of is losing weight. Well that is what a diet is all about isn't it? I guess losing weight is a good goal if you are overweight or obese, but what are you doing to better your health? What are you doing to further enhance your cells and organs?

We need to get the notion that dieting creates better health. Again, just because you diet doesn't mean you are healthier. In order to get healthy you must put quality products into your body. Products that actually help your organs and cells function to their optimal level. If your cells are clean and pure then they can do their jobs more efficiently. That includes excretion and digestion. If you stop eating fast food for awhile that will help your overall health, but it won't make you healthier. There is a huge difference in the two.

So, if you are thinking about going on a diet because you're overweight then you must compliment that with products that can make you healthier. If you did nothing else but stop eating fast food, drinking soda and eating sweets you would be light years ahead of most people in this country. Take it to the next level and start getting healthier by eating quality foods and products from Isagenix. Isagenix has a proven track record for supplying the best food you can put into your body and at the same time helps people release weight and also gain lean muscle mass. A great way to start is with the "7 Day 100% Gluten Free Super Food Challenge". You owe it to yourself to try it.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Awareness-Good or Bad?

As I was standing over my vegetables chopping them for a quinuo salad, I started to really look at what I was doing. I was staring at the vegetables and I began to realize that these were sprayed with some kind of chemical. I know what you are going to say, "Jay, why don't you buy organic?" Well if you do your research just because a label says it is organic doesn't mean it hasn't been treated with something.

Don't get me started on the FDA and their rules. You know like the menus for restaurants with over 20 locations , they have to label the menus with the calorie count of each item. Any idea what that costs the company to do? I read it cost the restaurant owners about $30,000. But, I digress, don't be fooled by the label if it says organic because according to the FDA, the product has to have one component organic to be called organic. Now the FDA wants to have all supplement companies go through hoops in order to sell their products. Yet over 300 people die everyday from legalized medications. I don't know the exact statistics on the number of deaths from natural ingredients, but I think it is NONE.

My point is that my eyes are wide open now. Since I have taken responsibility for my health I have become aware of little things that most people take for granted. Going shopping in a grocery store can be shocking if you are aware. Most of the food there is processed and polluted. Imagine walking down any isle and picking up any product and there is a warning on the label that says, "POLLUTED. THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS HARMFUL CHEMICALS THAT CAN CAUSE CANCER AND OTHER DISEASES." Would you still put it in your cart? Well that is what you are doing every time you go into a supermarket. When you start to become aware of these facts you then have what's called "a choice".

That is correct. Everyone has a choice whether to eat these processed foods or find an alternative. I happen to have found an alternative that works for me. People often ask me if it would work for them? That really depends on your commitment to getting healthy. Are you serious about it or are you just saying it. I understand because I have been there. I wanted to "FINALLY FEEL GOOD" so that meant having to change the way I ate and what I ate. I began eating nutrient dense super food that gave my body what it actually needed instead of fluff and empty calories. The biggest thing is courage. Having the courage to change the way you eat is critical. Once you break out of the bad habits, and it takes about 30 days, your world will begin to change for the better.

It's ok if you can't stop eating hamburgers, french fries and steaks and food laced with fat and chemicals because that is your choice, and remember we all have a CHOICE!! If you are ready to choose a healthy option then please contact me today. I get no greater pleasure than to help someone stop eating junk food and begin eating real food with nutrition.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Our Economy

I don't think it is a secret that our economy is in a bit of a tailspin right now. If you take the unemployment figures and the rising costs of food and gas you can pretty much tell that we are chugging along at a crawl. The depressing thing is that it doesn't look like we will emerge from these issues anytime soon. The housing bubble is still a bubble and I'm not sure if we have hit bottom yet. How can I say that? Because interest rates are the lowest they have been in decades and no one can refinance their homes. The values have been dropping like a rock and so millions of people can't take advantage of these low rates.

Are there alternatives for people looking for something to help boost their incomes? ABSOLUTELY! You just have to have the desire and of course a vehicle to get you there. Isagenix is the vehicle and that leaves the desire. I know that when things are tough people have a tendency to get depressed because they feel there is no way out of this mess we are in. On the contrary, there is a way out, but you must first understand the principles of leverage.

In order to understand the power of leverage please click the link on the right side of the page under the video. It will say Brilliant Compensation. Once you watch this informative video I believe it will become crystal clear on why you need to leverage your time.

The economy is forcing people to get creative on how to earn an income. If you find yourself in a situation where you don't have a job or you have been downsized or you have to work 2 jobs to stay a float then please watch this video. One of the key points of the video is the trends that are ahead of us. There are several industries that will be recession proof and if you get involved with one of these then you will benefit greatly. It is time to think outside the box and know that here are still amazing opportunities to create wealth and in the process help tens of thousands of people live a healthier life.

Please click the link Brilliant Compensation just to the right of this post. You can also find it on my website at

Current Countries

Isagenix began in 2002 and has now grown to a total of 8 countries. Those countries are New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Canada, Peurto Rico and Mexico. There is talk of opening an office in Malaysia in the very near future.

This is pretty exciting because the company wants to share their proven systems throughout the rest of the world. Their goal is lofty, but I believe attainable. They want to free people of physical and financial pain and in the process become the largest health and wellness company in the WORLD.

If there is one common thread throughout the world it is the fact that health and nutrition are of the utmost importance to everyone. It doesn't matter where you live in the world because we all face the same issues. Those issues are a decline in the nutrition in our diet and the fact that virtually all food that is produced is polluted. That is why Isagenix is so excited to move to other countries. They have a solution to both of these issues and it is really catching steam.

I know if they could they would open an office in many more countries, but they have to go through a lot to be able to do business in these countries. All the legal stuff that has to be filed, etc. I do know that they have plans on continuing in the Asia market, but I just don't know when. If you happen to be from Hong Kong or Taiwan and you would like to offer these product please let me know. I am actually looking for business partners in those countries. If you are in a country that doesn't offer Isagenix yet, please be patient as one day they might be coming to your country. Keep checking my blog for country updates as I will post the information as soon as it is available.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Let's Be Honest

So you're tired and fed up and you finally break down and take a look at network marketing. You think it is a good business model and you decide to give it a try. I'm not sure what the person who spoke to you about this industry told you, but there are some things that must be said.

I believe you must come into this business with an open mind and an understanding that this is not a get rich quick scheme. No matter what anyone tells you, getting rich fast is not the norm in this industry. The people who do make money quickly are people that are already in network marketing and have a team in place. However, the majority of people that get into this business work very hard  to get to a pay level that we all hear about and those are the people who never give up.

This is a simple business to get into, but a hard one in that it takes time to build. I love these posts on facebook and other social media when they tell you,  It's the fastest growing income producing opportunity ever! You won't have to talk to anyone and you can make a lot of money." If you see any of these posts or ads run for the hills. The truth is there is nothing on planet earth that is going to build your business for you. There are Internet gurus out there who will tell you they have created the easiest system in the world, but they don't have a huge track record to back it up. I'm sure people have success with them, but it costs time and money.

The "old style" of network marketing will never go out of style. That includes face to face meetings, 3-way calls, events and the one on one presentations. Internet marketing is one piece of the puzzle, but not the whole puzzle. There still needs to be a mix of many different marketing techniques to build your business, but one thing is for sure...THIS IS NOT A GET RICH QUICK BUSINESS. If you know that going into the business then you won't be disappointed when your not rich after one month.

I'm curious, if you invested $250,000 in your own business and weren't profitable for three years, what you would do? Would you give up? What if you invested $40 dollars in a business and weren't profitable for three years? Would you give up on that business because you don't have a lot invested? Each business provides the same opportunity for wealth, but because you invested a quarter of a million dollars I would say you have a lot more to lose if you quit. The good news is that for a $40.00 investment you could make a serious 6 figure income and possibly a 7 figure income.

That is only possible if you leverage your time, but most people tell me that they have no time to do another business. The reason you have no time is because you are not LEVERAGING your time. If you took that minimal investment and treated it like it was $250.000, you would have all the time in the world!! Contact me to learn how to leverage your time.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

First Is Best

Recently I have been talking about where we are in this new industry called "Wellness". When people look back and reflect on this shift in health care they are going to remember Isagenix as a leader in this exploding industry. I truly believe that we are on the ground floor of an enormous change in how, we as humans take care of ourselves.

Isagenix has created a complete system for sustaining oneself utilyzing indregients without chemicals. Providing the body the essential minerals, amino acids and vitamins to help the body function as it was intended to. Allowing the body to excrete and digest food efficiently so the body can receive the maximum absorption of nutrients and expel the toxins and impurities with ease.

Yes, Isagenix is the first and they have a huge head start on any other company trying to duplicate what they already have. The formulator owns many of the mineral rights for the ingredients in many of the products. He also owns the cows in New Zealand that the whey is extracted from. The integrity of the products and the testing that is done to ensure safety and quality is above and beyond what is required.

Dr. Andrews himself has stated that there will be many companies trying to come up with products that help support telomeres. The good news is that Isagenix has the best products on the market for supporting telomeres and are constanly working on improving the products all the time. They are coming out with the next generation of undenatured whey shake in the near future. It will be much improved with better taste and more nutrition.

Being first is really quite exciting and a great position to be in. Isagenix has the top formulator in the world and the top molecular biologist in the world. They just added a brilliant Dr. to their advisory board, Dr. Michael Colgan. He will bring many years of knowledge to the team and he might be developing some products himself.

Get on board now before this thing really gets rolling. Once it starts, it is going to be a very wild ride. Join me on this ride, leave your info and I'll get back to you. Opportunitites are lost if you never take action! Don't you like being FIRST?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Age Reversal

Boy, things move fast, don't they? It seemed like just yesterday I was playing music on my 8 track cassette player. How about when this thing called a fax machine came into existence? Does a cell phone, computer, CD's , DVD's, and now Netflix and Apple TV mean that things are moving really fast? Wait a minute, something just went obsolete while I was writing this post.

OK, so we know things are moving pretty quickly, but this quick? We are in the absolute beginning stages of the next wave in this country and it is called "THE WELLNESS REVOLUTION." Those of you who are doubters I just want to say it's ok. You will eventually catch on maybe 3, maybe 5 years down the road and look back saying, " What was I thinking?"

Most people are just stuck in their way of thinking and I have no problem with that because I was one of those people not too long ago. Just focused on getting by every day and making enough money to pay your bills and have a little happiness mixed in. The crazy thing is that we are all sitting on a gold mine and all we have to do is share a product with people that will change the world. It sounds so simple and yet for many it is so difficult because they can't get past the "networking thing."

Imagine if Isagenix was just a regular company that had the biggest scientific breakthrough and asked thousands of people to sell this amazing product. You could go out and sell it to everyone and you would get a residual commission on every sale every month that they buy it. How fast could you sell it and to how many people? You could make good money if you sold it to a lot of people, but you can only do so much. What if the people you sold it to then sold it to other people and you got a commission on their sales too? Now you are leveraging your time. Makes sense doesn't it?

Folks, we are sitting on the greatest discovery of the 21st century and things are moving so fast that it is hard to keep up on everything. In fact, it is moving so fast that the term ANTI-AGING is no longer the correct term to use because it is now AGE REVERSAL! That is the ultimate goal of this company. It is to find a way to reverse aging and they said that will happen in our lifetime. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Contact me right away so you can get your real estate now before you miss out on tens of thousands of dollars. Timing is Everything!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


How many times have you started something and then just threw your hands in the air and said, " I'm done!" Well, in network marketing that happens all the time. I have even said that myself several times in the past as I have been a part of three different companies over the years. I swore that I would never ever get into another company again.

First, never say never. Here I am once again in a network marketing company and I can honestly say that I have found a home. Isagenix has been much more than great products for me. It has helped me awaken as an individual in so many ways, but the biggest change has been self development. Growing as a person and getting out of my comfort zone has been life changing. Did those other companies that I was in offer me anything besides a product and the chance of making money? Yes, but my heart wasn't in those companies like it is with Isagenix. Why? Because I didn't have the one thing you absolutely need....BELIEF!

Everyone starts out with such excitement and the thoughts of making tons of money and living the life that you always dreamed of. Then reality hits and your business is going nowhere and you eventually end up leaving the company and saying something like, "This doesn't work, I haven't made any money."
Why do people give up? It is because they lack belief. The reason I say that is because if your belief level is unshakable then no matter who says anything negative about your company, the product or the industry, you just ignore them and move forward.

You see, most people don't have the belief in the company, the products or more importantly themselves. Anyone can do this business called network marketing, but it is not for everyone. Until you achieve the belief level that you can do this business then you will go out screaming that this industry doesn't work. It is not the industry, it is you. I know that sounds harsh, but it is the truth. If you enter this industry with a vision of making a lot of money and that is your only focus, I'm here to tell you to NOT enter the industry because you will fail. You must first have a tremendous BELIEF in the product, the company, and YOURSELF!! If you are not making money in the company you are in then I recommend checking your belief. Start there because that is where it all begins and ends. With Isagenix, I BELIEVE so much that I don't care how long it takes me or who tells me NO. Quitting is not an option. The only way I can fail is if I quit and believe me that is not an option!!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Networking Every Day

Do you realize that you network every day of your life? It may not be called networking to some, but it is networking just the same. For instance, have you ever told your friends about a great sale on clothes? How about where you get your nails done or a huge discount on golf at a certain golf course? Think about all the times that you recommended a product or a service to a friend, family or a stranger. This is networking at its best because it is telling someone about these products or services that you have had success with.

In networking all you are doing is sharing your great experiences with people you care about and letting them know that these deals exist. Networking can be found in every aspect of our lives whether it is real estate, a great app for your i-phone, a great vacation spot or a diet. It is all around us every single day!!

So, if that were true than why do so many people freak out about the industry of Network Marketing? Network Marketing is basically the same as telling someone about a great product or service that you  had success with, but you receive compensation for turning someone on to it. That is the only difference. So many people look at it as a scam or a pyramid because of the bad press the industry has received over the years. Now, I'm not going to tell you that there haven't been some unsavory companies out there, but not all companies are the same. There are good companies and then there are great companies in this industry.

I think most people get involved with a network marketing company because they are enticed by the money. The problem with that is you have to be aware of many factors before jumping into a company that is offering the moon and tons of money. There are other factors that the majority of people don't take into consideration. The first is the product. Are you a product of the product? Does the product provide you with a benefit and would you have a problem networking this product to your friends and family? The second thing is the management team. Are they new to network marketing or do they have a great product and think they can create a big company just from the product? I believe the management team of any network marketing company is critical. The third thing is the compensation plan. Is it easy to understand and explain to other people? Can anyone make money with this plan?

If you are going to network every day anyway, why not get paid for networking? Of course you have to find a product or service that you have had success with and want to share with anyone that comes in your path. Network marketing is a huge industry and I believe the industry will grow even more than it is now. If you think about the business model and the way products and services will move through the system in the future, you have to take a serious look at this industry. You must first do your due diligence before you jump into any company. Not all companies are the same, but there could be that one out there that you fall in love with and are excited to tell everyone about. After all, you have had many years of networking experience, but you just never got paid for it!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Which Whey To Go

I would say that most people that take a protein shake in the morning might think that all whey protein is the same. It doesn't matter if you buy it from the grocery store or a health food store. Nothing could be further from the truth. So how do you know which is better? Well in this economy my guess would be that everyone is watching their money so they would choose the cheapest one. After all they are at least taking steps to get the protein they need, but at what expense. Remember there is a cost if you buy a cheap brand and also if you don't.

The first thing that I want to point out is where the whey comes from. If it is manufactured in the US then there could be several problems with that. In this country it is not against the law to inject cows with steroids, hormones and antibiotics. I have a strong feeling that the whey you buy in one of these stores is made right here in the old US which means the chance of you having one of those chemicals in the whey is very good. The other thing I want to point out is that most whey protein is denatured. That means that during the extraction process the whey is heated which reduces the majority of the nutrients from the whey. So far no good.

The whey you want to put in your body is the highest level grade whey you can find. That happens to be from New Zealand where injecting animals is ILLEGAL. These cows are happy cows because they are grass fed, live on a free range and are milked when they are ready and not forced. A bit different from what happens in the US. The other critical difference is the fact that this whey is undenatured. Isagenix has a proprietary process of extracting the whey without heating it so the majority of the nutrients remain in the whey. You can tell the difference!!!

Other differences include no artificial flavors or coloring. The Isagenix whey is wheat free, gluten free and barley free. When we get older our bodies have a hard to maintaining muscle mass. The Isagenix Isalean shake helps in gaining lean muscle mass. The other side benefit is that it helps you release unwanted pounds.

How much is your health worth? For less than a Starbucks coffee you can provide your body with all the key building blocks it needs to sustain a healthy lifestyle. So what will it be, a Starbucks coffee or an Isalean Shake? Remember, the choice is in your hands. Today would be a good day to begin taking responsibility for your health. Start by trying the Isalean Shake because all protein shakes are not equal and there is no other product like it on the market today.