Love the Ocean

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Are You Really THIS Good All The Time?

If you are reading my blog for the first time, the next statement I make may sound crazy. I have been on a CR(Calorie Restrictive) diet for over 300 days. What is a CR diet? It is one in which you reduce your caloric intake, but not sacrifice nutrition. Our "7 Day Challenge" protocol has changed my life because I now look at food in a different way. I no longer look at food as a way to satisfy me. Instead, I am utilizing the most efficient way to fuel my body with the least amount of calories.

If you have any questions about my commitment I invite you to check out my new website at  If you want to get an idea of what I do on a daily basis, I go through the whole protocol on the site. I also add some of my views and thoughts about the future of food. Isagenix is so far ahead of any other company when it comes to providing the most complete system for better health on the planet.

The most exciting thing is the fact that they are on the cutting edge of the next trend that will explode. That trend is called "Wellness". The products they are offering are revolutionary, such as Product B and the new Brain and Sleep Support System from world renown Dr. Michael Colgan. I took a brain test on-line and then in six weeks I'll check it again after taking Dr. Colgan's new product. I'll keep you posted on the results.

If you think about this company as "one of those companies", you can get that idea out of your head. This is more of a biotech company than a nutritional company. They are actually known as a solutions based company. They have solutions for Weight Loss, Energy and Performance and Healthy Aging. The products are no compromise products using only the finest ingredients available. They don't rest on their laurels as they are constantly seeking new minerals and techniques to maximize the extraction process and preserve the minerals in their most potent form.

I have made a commitment to better health and I talk the talk and walk the walk. I don't want to put chemicals in my body, so what I had to do is find an alternative to our current food supply. I am grateful that Isagenix found me, but then again I was looking for it so our vibrations lined up and now I'm excited about the future. The quality of life should not be underestimated. You can have a wonderful quality of life if you just take care of yourself which means that you are going to have to make a change to your diet. I can't put it any simpler than that.

I guess the answer to the question, "Are you really THIS good all the time"? is YES. I changed my lifestyle because I want a better quality of life when I get up there in age. Consuming these products is the vehicle to get me to that place. I'm off to a great start after 300 days. It is hard to describe how powerful I feel now that "food" doesn't control my life. It is a feeling I want everyone to experience. You can do it once you make the decision that your life is more important than food.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Food...It's A Social Thing

I know I have posted about this before, but it bears repeating. The whole country is transfixed on food. If you think about your life, it pretty much boils down to the food you eat and the social setting you eat in. Name me a party that you went to like, a birthday party, graduation, babies first step and the list goes on, that food wasn't a big part of the event.

The challenge that I am facing is that since I've been on the "7 Day Challenge" protocol for over 290 days, when I go out to an event, no matter what it is, I'm not hungry and I would prefer not to eat the food that is served. I would much rather have my nutrient dense food instead.

I attend all types of events where there is food and if there is something that I would like to eat, then it is my choice whether to eat it or not. I am no longer held hostage by food and don't allow it to consume me, no pun intended. You see, I'm o.k. with not eating at an event, but the people around me feel awkward. They look at me like I am missing the best thing in the world, but as I gaze at the food I realize that it is most likely genetically modified and it is bankrupt of nutrition. Since I have a choice of the food I eat, I decided to nourish my body with the best quality food I could find. It happens to be from a company called Isagenix.

I'm not sure why people have a hard time if I don't want to eat. Sometimes I think their thinking, "I wish I could do that, have the discipline not to eat the food in our food supply." Or, how about this one, " I know I should not be eating this, but it is a special occasion and I don't do this often." It's o.k. to do the justification thing, if that makes you feel better. What I'm saying is that just because I choose to look at food in a different way, doesn't mean I can't be social at an event. It appears very difficult for people not to indulge at an event, but are they doing it out of the fear of loss? Most people can't help themselves and have to try everything at a party. Could it be that they have no will power or the fact that their bodies lack nutrition?

I think we need to make a change in this country. A shift in mind set about food. The protocol I'm currently on is proof that you can reduce your calories, but not sacrifice nutrition. I am flooding my body with nutrition and powerful antioxidents and the results speak for themselves. Since I began my journey over two years ago, I have released 25 pounds, 10% body fat and now my metabolic age is 34. I know that doesn't sound real young until you realize that my biological age is 55. My body is performing at a higher level because I am careful of what I put into my body.

Even if you don't do the "Challenge", try getting together with a relative or friend without going to get a drink or something to eat. See if you can do it. Every event I go to is still a lot of fun even though I don't indulge in the food festivities. I believe Americans should rally around each other and begin sharing their ideas and successes for better health. That would be a great social movement in this country. "I don't need food to have fun" campaign, even though it's a social thing.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Overweight Doctors

What kind of shape is your doctor in? Are they overweight? If they are I'm going to say something that is on my mind and I want to share. FIND A NEW DOCTOR! "Jay, seriously, you want me to find a new doctor because they are overweight"? Would you go to a fitness trainer that needed to lose 60 pounds? So, yes I would reconsider your doctor if they are overweight.

My Cardiologist was quite a bit overweight so I changed my Doctor to a Naturopathic Cardiologist who looks thin and very healthy. His understanding of the root cause of issues is critical to me since I prefer to get to the bottom of the issue instead of mask it. A shout out to Dr. Jack Wolfson, thank you. In this country we are part of the largest masking of basic issues that I have ever seen. Our health care is 26% of our GDP while other countries have as low as 2%. We are spending way too much on health care and it is because of our food supply.

If your doctor is overweight you have to ask yourself, "Does this person have any clue how to help me if they can't help themselves"? I know that sounds pretty harsh, but you have to wonder. If you are seeing a therapist, would you see a therapist that was seeing a therapist? Maybe that is common, but I don't know.

I think the point here is that your physician should be counselling you on the proper diet to be on instead of providing relief in the way of a prescription. You know, like masking the issue with more chemicals. The crazy thing is that if you didn't put chemicals in your body in the first place, you wouldn't need to take them to get rid of the chemicals that caused the issue. Doctors have a captive audience because so many Americans depend on them for their prescriptions.

I have the answer to why the drug companies want you to never get better. Yes, it is just a theory, but it might be because there is no money in getting someone healthy. Think about all the money that would be lost in the system. You could even begin by not spending gas going to the doctor. No doctor visit, no ex-rays, no blood tests, no seeing another specialist. The chain reaction would create a massive impact in the income stream of the system if everyone was healthy. But, when one door closes another one opens and that door will create an entire industry called "Wellness".

If you take responsibility for your own health and if everyone did that, we could change the face of our "health care system". Imagine a world where everyone is consious of their health, but actually makes a comittment to maintaining a well oiled machine. I realize that I am dreaming, but why not dream big. I firmly believe that we are at the right place at the right time and have an opportunity of a lifetime. It is like anything else that happens to you, it is how you react to that opportunity.

Do yourself a favor and the people that care about you a favor by starting today. Try the "7 Day Challenge" and see what a difference one week makes. It could really change your life and not only physically. There is a wonderful mental side to this way of feeling good which provides more confidence, which creates more opportunities, which creates your vision. There is no need to go to an overweight doctor, let alone any doctor, if you treat your body the right way.   Free Shake

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Nursing Homes, Etc.

Have you ever been to a nursing home? How about an assisted living facility? Well, if you haven't you're lucky because they are a bit depressing to walk in and see elderly people in all kinds of situations. Wheelchairs, walkers, electric wheelchairs, canes, oxygen tanks and personal care givers to name a few.

I'm very familiar with these institutions because my mom was in an assisted living facility for a couple of years before she passed. My mother-in-law was in an independent living facility before she passed. So, my wife and I have been to these places for several years and we still can't get those images out of our minds. My mom was not in the nicest place because we didn't have the money to place her in a really nice home. Instead she was in a place where there wasn't enough help and she needed more attention than she got.

It was after our moms died I realized that I had to do something for myself which I had been promising myself for a long time. That was to take responsibility for my health. I don't want my two sons to have to go through the torture of seeing their dad in a place like that. There is nothing like visiting one of these facilities  to give yourself a wake up call and realize that you don't have to go through this at the end of your life. If you take care of yourself  RIGHT NOW, you can still avoid many of those situations. I'm not saying there is any guarantee, but I like my chances a whole lot better than doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

What I'm doing on the "7 Day Challenge" protocol is not the most popular thing because of all the social aspects that go along with eating. I think I might be a downer when we go out, but that is not my intention. I just want to be good! Should I feel bad because of that? Just because I don't want to eat the way everyone else eats, does that make me weird? I mean is there anything wrong with taking responsibility for your health?

I realize that in our society food and social settings go together. Most people couldn't go to a party and not eat or drink some kind of alcohol. I have not only done that, but that is the way I live my life. I could be just as happy eating one of my Isalean Bars and washing it down with plenty of water. The question is, "Could you"? Could you go to a party and not eat the "food" at the party or drink any alcohol?

So, why did I decide to change my lifestyle and take responsibility for my health? So I could have a better quality of life. So many people tell me, "We're going die anyway so what's the difference"? I usually have to hold my tongue when they say that, but that's a topic for another post. Are we at some point going to die? Yes, but what I'm attempting to do is put only quality food and supplements in my body instead of what every one else is doing. Limiting my gluten, chemicals and GMO's so far has made a huge difference in me and the way I feel. I believe by eating this way I will be healthier and have a better quality of life.

I want to play golf with my sons when I'm in my 100's...and kick their buts at the same time! Besides that , I want to be healthy so I can go visit my friends in the nursing home. You know, the friends that thought I was the crazy one.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Food And Its Hold On You

What is it about food that people can't stop themselves from over eating? Could it be that they are in love with food? Could it be because they have other things going on in their life that is stressful and they use food as a crutch? Could it be the addiction created by the food flavoring companies? How about the fact that the food in our food supply is filled with empty calories?

Whatever the reason, America has an issue with food. The only bad thing about that is, the food Americans consume is polluted. Imagine what the food would taste like if they didn't include food flavoring and all the additives to make it edible? I'm not sure too many people would eat the food if it was in the original state. Ever think about that?

That is why we created the "7 Day Challenge". To give people an opportunity to give their bodies a break from eating all sorts of bad things including gluten and GMO's. Imagine not putting all of the junk in your body that you do on a daily basis. If you're a soda drinker, can you imagine going one week without soda? Well, you should because drinking soda is one of the worst things you can consume, especially diet soda. I'm just going to mention one ingredient and that is all I will have to say...ASPERTAME.

You see, the food manufacturers do whatever they can to grab you and get you addicted to their foods. The reason? So you want to go back for more and more and more. Only thing is that when you go back for more you end up eating more each time. No good can come from that! You might want to try something new, a new food technology that satiets your body while at the same time nourishes it.

No, the food I eat on a daily basis does not look like your normal American food. Instead it is nutrient dense and comes in the delivery system of shakes, snacks, bars, fruits, vitamins, chocolates and a whole body cellular cleanse. To me, it is the most efficient way of nourishing and cleansing the body on the planet. The formulator of these products is nothing short of a genius.

Since I have been on the "7 Day Challenge" protocol for about 290 days, my life has changed dramatically for the better. A funny thing happened on my journey to better health, and that was that I became addicted to this food instead of the "food" I used to eat. I am now actually addicted to the Isagenix food and wouldn't you know it, the food happens to be good for you. No gluten or chemicals at all in this food. If your going to let food get a hold on you then you might as well consume the best food you can. It just happens to be these products from Isagenix.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Up Next? Food Increase!

I have to ask you a question, "Are food prices high right now?" The reason I ask is because I don't go to the grocery store any more. Can you imagine that? Not getting in your car and driving to a grocery store, grabbing a cart and walking around the store for what seems like an hour or more? Any idea how much time I save by not going to the grocery store?

I do watch the news and read some blogs about the high cost of food today. I do remember back in the fall, when I was still shopping in the market, I would go into the store for a few items and come out shaking my head saying, " Are you serious?". "What did I buy for $40.00"? The worst part is, you walk out without much to eat and that is the scary part.

Well, don't get to comfortable with the current food prices because if you have heard anything about the drought in the mid west, you realize that food prices in this country are going to go up, again! Next year, when the surplus of food is gone and there is nothing else to back it up because of this drought, hang on to your belts and your wallets because it's going to be a bumpy ride.

A solution would be for you and your family try the "7 Day Challenge" so you can get a glimpse of the future. The future way of fueling the body with nutrient dense super food. In addition to that combine it with powerful nutrients and antioxidants and our proprietary Product B, You have the makings for an affordable, effective alternative to our current food supply.

The hardest part for people is to get over the conditioning they grew up their whole lives. Conditioned to eating bad food over healthy alternatives. The reason? Healthy alternatives usually don't taste good and they don't have a lot of MSG, Aspartame, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sugar, Gluten to name a few. The "7 Day Challenge" gives your body a break from ingesting all of this stuff that isn't good for you. There are no Gluten or GMO's in our Challenge. Don't you think your body deserves a break?

If you get used to eating this protocol it will be easier for you to curb your appetite and cravings because you are flooding your body with so much nutrition. Quality food is so worth it. Most people think they have to buy our food AND also continue to buy their food, but they don't realize that the "7 Day Challenge" protocol is replacing their current food intake. It is affordable when you take into consideration the cost of GETTING SICK! Trust me, the cost of your medical care is going to go through the roof and you could avoid it by eating quality food. There is plenty of proof of that, just ask me since I've been on this protocol over 280 days.

All I'm saying is be prepared next year for that food increase. Just remember you have a choice and it only takes 7 days to find out if this is something you want to continue on a full time basis or even a short term one.
Just do something and do it with expediency. Every day you wait is another day in the doctors office.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Is Food More Important Than Health?

It never ceases to amaze me that as a society, we can't seem to get over the eating thing. I'm beginning to wonder if it is more of a social thing then anything else. It seems like we are always around food. When Gina and I go out shopping or to a movie, or on vacation, we notice people are enamored by food.

How many times have you slept in on vacation and then went to a breakfast place for something to eat. When you are sitting at breakfast you're already planning lunch and dinner. Maybe there is a party you are going to and, of course, there is a lot of food at the party. How about meeting a friend after work for a drink and it's happy hour with little finger foods. It is all around us, not to mention the birthday's and anniversaries, etc.

Since I have taken responsibility for my health I look at food in a different way. I'm no longer held hostage by food. I know you know the feeling of going to a party and just going overboard, not because you're still hungry, but because it's there. I realize food is addicting, but seriously, the amount of food people eat is hard to imagine. I guess I can imagine it because I was one of those people. The type that is so conditioned to eating food that whether you're hungry or not, you're going to eat. Can you relate?

So this new found passion for being healthy is really exciting because I now view my health as more important than food. At one time that was backward. Food was so important to me for many reasons including social. However, what I have discovered  is that I can go to a party, have a shake before I go and have a great time drinking water all night and conversing with everyone. My night doesn't focus around food and I can still enjoy myself. Do you think you can do that?

The more involved I get with taking care of my body, the more I realize that psychology comes into play. It is your mind that is the issue. You feel that you have to eat to be a part of the festivities. In the back of your mind you might be thinking, "I know that this stuff is bad for me", but that's where it starts. The justification shows its ugly head and you begin by saying to yourself, "It's only one night, I'll be good starting tomorrow". I know there are many versions of the same thing, but you get my point.

I was asked how I can be so disciplined about not eating food that is bad for me. The simple answer is that I  decided that if I take care of myself now I can reduce my health care costs in the future and have a better quality of life. Some people have the thought that, "I'm going to die anyway so why bother with eating healthy"? That is so wrong on so many levels that I don't even know where to start. Life was intended to be lived in a healthy body and we can all achieve that, but it is going to take courage to finally take a stand. Start today and commit to it. YOU CAN DO IT, because your health is more important than food!!!

Monday, August 6, 2012


I just recently noticed a change in me that I have a hard time describing. It didn't happen over night, but I'm just now becoming aware of it. The light bulb came on just this past weekend when I was working in the yard. That may not sound like a big deal, but if you work out in the yard in Arizona in August, that is a big deal. It was 108 degrees and humid.

I got up about 4:30, but didn't get out of bed until 5:30. I headed straight out to the backyard and began to do my thing. We have just under of an acre of land and it is a lot for one person to handle. Especially when that one person is me. I worked my tail off for a couple of hours and then my beautiful wife came outside to tell me to, "take a break". We went to get something to drink and met some friends at a little coffee and bagel place.

Once I got home I continued in the yard, which I might add was a bit warm, and jumped in the pool every once in awhile. After that I helped my lovely clean the house by doing the floors (Wood), vacuuming and various other jobs that I so enjoy doing. At this point I am not even the slightest bit tired or dragging.

As I'm feeling wound up and like I can't stop, I realize that my stamina is off the charts. The definition of stamina is "physical or moral strength to resist or withstand illness, fatigue, or hardship: endurance". Over the last couple of weeks I began to notice a vibrancy that I haven't experienced in a really long time. It dawned on me that the "7 Day Challenge " protocol that I'm on is having a very positive effect on me. I can't pinpoint another reason, but for the fact that I have changed my lifestyle. Eating powerful nutrients and declining to ingest chemicals in my diet has given me a new lease on life. Right now I feel like the possibilities are endless. You know what? THEY ARE!

I'm a partner in a small company, I educate people about Isagenix, do yard work, spend time with family, writing a book, blogging,  creating videos for the "7 Day Challenge", guest hosting on the Live Coaching Calls every morning for the next two weeks and do seminars on Toxicity In America. If you told me I would be juggling all of this last year, I would have told you you're crazy. It must be the Isagenix products that I'm consuming. If you want more energy and stamina, try these products, but commit to them for at least three months. This is my new grocery store and I know what I'm buying when I buy these products. Do you really know what you are buying? Can you be confident that the food you eat is really nourishing your body? If you don't have more energy than my guess is that your food is not helping your situation.

For better health you must invest in yourself. I realize that most people invest their money to have it grow, but what good is the money if your sick and you have a poor quality of life? Don't let that happen to you. Get the courage to change so you can live a long and prosperous life and have STAMINA.!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

My Diets Done...Now What?

I don't think I have to remind you that dieting in this country is BIG business. I think I read that there is $109 million spent on diet related products every day. That means there is a whole lot of people on diets. They are well advertised and they make it sound like the weight is just going to fall off you. Now they have these new diet pills for anyone with a BMI over 27.

So, you try one of the diets that you heard was really good and it works. In each diet there are rules with do's and don'ts. You usually have to join a program and then buy their specific food. Do you think the ones that provide you with food that you have to microwave is a good one? We can get into the microwave issue in another post. There are other diets out there that ask you go out and by certain foods and you have to stick by them. How about the ones that ask you to eat less carbs or starve yourself. There are never ending solutions to your weight issues if you are in the market for losing weight.

Once you are done with your diet then what do you do? What most people do is begin eating slowly like they used to. They do that because their feeling their oats. They feel pretty good because they lost all this weight. Before you know it the weight comes back and then some. Once that happens you are back to looking for the next diet instead of looking for the root cause of your issue. You can't go back to the diet you just did because it didn't work. You gained all your weight back.

Sound familiar? It should because millions of people go through this routine all the time. I would recommend that if you're going to try something why not try my protocol from the "7 Day Super Food Challenge". It is not a diet, but rather a lifestyle change. Give your body 7 Days to work less hard processing all the gluten and chemicals that you eat every day. Oh, did I say that out loud? Yes, you are eating chemicals every day, but don't know it. Do you think the manufacturers are going to label their foods and tell you they contain chemicals? I don't think so because no one would buy it....or would they? That is for another post as well.

Trying the "7 Day Challenge" will provide you a glimpse of the future way of nourishing the body. Filled with powerful nutrients and minerals along with potent antioxidants, it is why I have been on this regimen for over 270 days. You see, I don't have to go on a diet every other month because I'm taking care of myself on a daily basis, taking responsibility for my health. So when you finish your next diet and then are looking for the next one...STOP! Don't ask yourself, "What next"? Try to make a commitment to yourself and try the "7 Day Challenge". It could change your life, I know because it changed mine. The key is YOU. Are you ready to make a serious change in your diet? That is what it's going to take to make you become the person you are striving to be. It's your choice!