Love the Ocean

Thursday, January 31, 2013

2013 Money Or Health?

I'm sure 2013 started out as any other year for most Americans. There is always that feeling a of a fresh start to the new year that brings so many people hope for a better year. All sorts of resolutions are promised such as weight loss and more exercise. The typical American begins to fade from those promises in a short time and they find themselves back in the same old routine.

It happens every year and I'm sure that 2013 will be no different. How about you? Did you promise yourself something for this year and are you starting to fade from that promise already? We are moving toward the end of January so if you stuck it out this far you should be feeling pretty good. January is a long month and it actually seems longer once you make those promises to yourself.

Is 2013 the year that you decide to make a commitment to your health? There are different levels of commitment, but none the less, a commitment is a commitment. My question is, "Are you afraid to make a commitment because you think you won't be able to stick to it"? I believe a lot of people fear they won't be able to follow through so they don't make it in the first place. Then again, maybe they don't make a commitment because they think everything is fine the way it is. They don't believe they have to do anything to change in order to improve their health.

This year could be different if you truly have the desire to change your habits from bad to good. Everyone starts out with the right intention, but seems to get derailed for many reasons. I believe the biggest reason is money. It isn't cheap to eat quality food and maintain it over a long period of time. Money seems to be the biggest challenge for most people. I find this interesting because, for me, I would rather spend the money on my health than to keep pouring money into food that isn't getting me closer to better health.

As I have mentioned many times in my posts, the food in this country is actually killing people because it is bankrupt of nutrition and it is polluted. Most people don't like to hear that because that would ruin their eating experience. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but if you continue eating food the way you do, the chance of you contracting an illness or disease goes up exponentially. At that point the cost of quality food will look like a bargain compared to your medical costs.

So, what will it be in 2013? Spend a bit more on quality food or spend more on health insurance? I often ask people this question, "On a scale from 1-10 how important is your health?" Everyone is always quick to say a "10", of course. It may be important to most people, but their actions don't justify their desire to be healthy. In order for you to change your health, you have to change the way you eat. It doesn't get more basic than that. The vehicle that got me to change the way I eat is Isagenix. Nutrient dense food that helps release weight and builds lean muscle. I have made my choice, how about you?

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