Love the Ocean

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sugar = Poison

A women took her son to Ghandi and asked for his help in getting her son off of sweets. Ghandi told her to bring the boy back in 2 weeks and he will give her the answer. Two weeks went by and the women took her son back to Ghandi for the answer. When they got there Ghandi asked the women to come back in 2 more weeks as he will have the answer for her then. So the women obeyed Ghandi's wishes and came back two weeks later. She looked at Ghandi and asked him, "Well Ghandi, how can I get my boy off of sweets?" Ghandi looked at her and told her to come back in one week and he will have the answer. A bit frustrated the women went off and came back in a week. It was at that time that Ghandi revealed to the women how to get her son off of sweets. She then asked Ghandi why it took so long for him to give her an answer. Ghandi replied, "Because I had to figure out how to do it myself."

Sugar is poison and even Ghandi had trouble getting off of it. I was the biggest sweet eater in the world and when I tell you that I never met a sweet I didn't like, it is true. So how did I kick my sweet habit? I began by providing my body with nutrition. It was as simple as that. By putting nutrition in my body I lost my cravings for sweets and just about everything else. I wasn't searching for something to satisfy my system because it was already satisfied. Most people have no clue about the true benefits of nutrition and I think they are under the belief that our food supply provides all the nutrition they need.

Do your own research and when you finally realize that our food supply is bankrupt of nutrition, know that there is an alternative. It is nutrient dense super food from Isagenix. The product is called Isalean Shakes and will provide your body the nutrition it needs to satisfy any sweet craving you have. Just try it and you won't have to go to Ghandi to find the answer.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Diets Don't Work Because...

Have you ever been on a diet? If you haven't then the chances are good that you know someone who has been on a diet. In North America the percentage of overweight people is over 60% and the obesity rate is a whopping 30%. Why do so many people go on diets? The obvious answer is to lose weight, but there is so much more to it than that. How about to improve your health?

The thing I never understood about diets is that if you go on one your chances of success long term are very small. The main reason is because you are conditioned to think that this is a short term thing. When you say, "I'm on a diet", then you are broadcasting to the world and yourself that this is a short term fix. What happens when the diet is over? Most people revert back to their old ways and start eating poorly again and they are back in the same or even worse position than before.

Have you ever met someone who says, "I've tried every diet out there." There are a lot of those people because in this country alone $109 million dollars a day is spent on diet related products! So I guess there are a lot of people on diets. When will people realize that diets don't work!!

The reason diets don't work is because they don't get to the root of the problem. I believe there are two things that the body must have to obtain optimal health. The first is to rid the body of toxins and impurities. When you don't clean out your system then these toxins get trapped in there and then your body goes into protection mode. When your body is trying to protect itself from these harmful toxins bad things happen such as inflammation and weight gain. The second thing you need is nutrition. Take a look at your daily food consumption and tell me how much nutrition you are providing your body. My guess is very little. Our food supply is bankrupt of nutrition and because of that your system is looking for any nutrition that it can find. The only problem is that there is none in the food you eat. That is why most people eat empty calories. It fills you up, but does NOTHING for your health.

Get off the diet treadmill and give yourself a new outlook on food and what is required for you to change your life to a more healthy one. This requires you to change your eating habits and your lifestyle. Don't want to do it because it is too hard? No problem. Just get used to dieting the rest of your life which may be shortened due to what you are putting into your body. Take responsibility for your health and get to the root of the problem. Two products can change your world and they are "Cleanse For Life" and "Isalean Shakes". Don't wait another day!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

You Can Feel The Difference

We grow up in a society that encourages us to eat foods that are high in fat and calories. I know what you are thinking, you see all the ads on tv that describe these healthy alternatives such as low fat, low sodium, only 90 calories and so on. What about all the ads that entice you to come into the restaurant and eat a ton of food for very little money. They show the food piled high with french fries and big slabs of steak and baked potatoes with all the trimmings.

The majority of Americans eat this way and find it hard to change the way they eat. Millions of people go on diets and they change what they eat for a short time, but end up back where they started. How many times have you heard people say they have tried everything from the Atkins to the South Beach to the hormone replacement drops or shots. The diet industry is a huge industry and one that will be around for a long time. It will be here for a long time because most people don't get to the root of the problem.

I would challenge anyone who is looking to truly transform the way they eat to try Isagenix for 30 days. If you tried the Isagenix system for 30 days I honestly believe it would change your life. When you put these products in your mouth and stick to it like you would any diet (although Isagenix isn't a diet) by the end of 30 days you will have either lost weight or gained lean muscle mass, have more energy and sleep better.

Because the system helps rid the body of unwanted toxins and impurities and provides the nourishment you need to sustain a healthy lifestyle, you would feel the difference in a dramatic way. Since I have been on the products it is very difficult for me to eat food that is high in fat or high in sugar because I actually feel like crap afterword. I can actually feel the difference in the way I feel  because my body is not used to eating processed food. My digestive system is working harder to break down these foods which makes me feel unhealthy and just plain crummy.

When I do eat "food" that is not what I consider healthy, I always say to myself. "Never again." I'm to the point now that my "food" intake is extremely low and I'm relying more and more on Isagenix for all of my requirements. With Isagenix I know what I'm putting in my body and what I'm not. I'm not ingesting chemicals and pollutants with Isagenix. I am getting nutrients, vitamins, trace minerals and amino acids in the products I consume without calories that normally come with eating food.

The only way that you will be able to tell a difference in the way you feel is by putting these products in your body for 30 days. Once you do you will say the same thing I did, "I'm not going back to the way I ate before....ever." What reason would you have to go back to that way of eating?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Yard Work Not A Problem

Last weekend I spent a good part of Saturday doing yard work. Now normally I wouldn't be writing a blog about that, but it is what happened after the work was done and the next day that is of interest.

First let me say that at my age, 54, I don't exercise as much as I should and so my muscles get a bit aching when I use them in ways I'm not used to. For instance, I was trimming a large tree in the back yard and I had to move all of the branches to the alley behind my house. When I was dragging them I could feel the muscles in my back and lower legs which is a sign that I was putting stress on them. I also trimmed my palm trees and those palm froms are not the lightest thing to move.

Normally, I would be soar the next day and I would be able to feel the stiffness in my legs and lower back. After sleeping like a baby Saturday night I woke up on Sunday feeling fantastic. NO STIFFNESS, NO ACHING! How could that be? Then I realized exactly why that was.

I have been taking a product from Isagenix called Ionix Supreme. This is a magic elixir and one of the most amazing products in the Isagenix line. Ionix Supreme has over 100 minerals and includes adaptagens. Adaptagens helps ease the stress levels in your body. The same product can be taken in the AM for energy and in the PM for sleep. If hunts down the stress in your body and relieves it. There are so many athletes on this product because they take a shot of Ionix before a work out and after one. It is truly an amazing product.

The only problem I have with it is that my wife saw that I wasn't hurting the next day, so she wants me to do more yard work this weekend! Darn you Isagenix, do you have to always have the best products to help our bodies? Thank you Isaagenix, for all you do to help me maximize my health. I can't imagine living without you.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

If You Could Would You?

I have been talking about Product B for some time now and the benefits of this scientific breakthrough. When I tell people about it I think their first thought is, "Yeah right." I don't think they can get their head around the significance of this product. With the proper diet and exercise Product B can help slow down your aging process quite a bit. Yet, most people can't quite understand it.

When I first heard about the product I went ballistic and couldn't wait to start taking it. I was lucky because I was one of about 5,000 people to try the product months before it hit the market. Although the dosage I was taking is not even close to what it is today I still see and feel changes within me that can't be explained. It has to be because of Product B.

I then started asking myself why people are so hesitant on taking Product B? Don't people want to live healthier longer ? Maybe that is the problem. In order to take this product you really should be taking responsibility for your health which means you might have to make changes in your life. You should be eating better, exercising and not smoking. Please keep in mind that Product B will still work, it just won't be as effective.

The other possibility is that people are afraid to take such a product. I have had someone tell me that that won't take it until it is proven to work. I can certainly appreciate that and I believe I answered that in an older post. This product is SAFE! Every ingredient in Product B is from the earth. They are all botanicals and the way they are processed is proprietary. Each ingredient is extracted separately so the integrity of the botanical will not lose any of its effectiveness.

The company is in the process of doing clinical trials and that could take up to a year until all of the data is collected. The cost of these clinical trials is extremely high, but once they are completed the claims that can be made will be huge. So, would you take the product if they claim Product B can stop your aging and it is proven to be true? If the answer is yes, then keep checking my blog for the next year as I will be sure to announce it here. If you want to get a head start on taking Product B which has been vetted to help support your telomeres and slow down the aging process then now would be a good time to contact me. So the question for you is, "If you could take Product B right now, would you?"

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Such A Waste

Have you ever gone to the grocery store and bought a whole bunch of food and never got around to eating it all? Did you ever find yourself saying, "such a waste" as you were throwing the old spoiled food in the garbage? If you added up all the money you spent on the food that you threw away you probably could have gone on a nice vacation with it.

When I decided to take responsibility for my health about a year and a half ago, I had to change the way I shopped for food. To my amazement, once I began on the Isagenix products I found myself going to the grocery store less often. Now I go to the store maybe twice a month. I used to go there with the best intentions and bought all kinds of "food" that I thought I would prepare. Things happen, you get busy, you don't feel like cooking or a friend asks you to go grab a bite to eat and before you know it you're bending over in the fridge looking at food that is turning green.

Imagine buying good food that never spoiles? That is exactly what I do every month with Isagenix. Every product that I buy from the Isagenix grocery store gets used and there is never any waste. The other great benefit is that I'm not standing in the kitchen for hours preparing my meals and the clean up is just as quick. In 30 seconds I can prepare a meal that will have more vitamins, minerals, amino acids and protein than I would have the entire day eating normal "food."

I know what you're thinking. What kind of meal is that? It happens to be the best food on the planet with all the essential ingredients that will provide my body with the building blocks it needs to optimize my health. There are no chemicals and nothing is processed. So, what's in your fridge? Do you have a small fortune going to waste in there? Heck, the cost of food is high enough let alone throwing it away because it spoils. Get off that treadmill of buying food and letting it go to waste. Do yourself a favor and buy high quality no compromise products from Isagenix and your food bills will go down and so will your waist.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Do Your Thoughts Have Intention?

I often ask people if money was no object and you could do anything you want in life what would you do? You would be surprised at the answers I get or would you? Most people when asked that question all say the same thing, " I don't know." Here in lies the problem.

In today's society we are just trying to get by and make a living so we can survive. Our focus is on going to work and making money so we can pay our bills. So in this scenario I guess a lot of people don't have the energy to think about how they want to live their lives. Being consumed by just getting by is not a recipe to achieve your ultimate goal and dreams.

There is a step you need to take first and it is a BIG one. You need to think about what you really want out of life. Don't just say, "I want to be rich" because I'm pretty sure the majority of people would like to be rich. Define what that looks like to you. For me it is living by the ocean, working out of my house, helping people to realize their dreams and no stress about money. So if this is what I want then I have to move in the direction of achieving this dream. The key to this whole thing is focusing on it everyday.

In his book, "Manifesting Change", Mike Dooley talks about the three things you need for your vision to come true. The first thing is to come up with the way you want your life to look like if you had no obstacles in your way. Really think about it and make it detailed enough that you could actually feel good just thinking about it. Then move in the direction of those thoughts by doing something everyday to get you closer to that feeling you desire. The third step is to let go. That means your intention is so strong and your thoughts are powerful enough to allow the universe to manifest your thoughts. Things will start to happen in your life that falls right into place and moves you toward that ultimate goal. Don't question it, just go along with it and know it is happening because you are making it happen through your thoughts. Powerful stuff and it really works.

My recommendation for you is to start by thinking about your life and how you want to live it. Sit in a quiet place and right down what a day in your life looks like if you could do anything you want. Once you get the days designed to look like you want then fine tune it and hold onto those thoughts. Now focus on the end result and watch what happens. The universe works in wonderful ways through your thoughts. Please don't waste your thoughts on negative things because the universe doesn't distinguish between negative and positive. If you have a choice, we all do, then create positive thoughts and good things will happen!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Is Product B Safe?

As I begin talking to people about Product B I'm finding that people have a question if it is safe or not. Of course I can understand their concern especially if they are taking any medications. After all this does sound like science fiction. I mean seriously, a product that is going to help support your telomeres? A product that when it is at full strength will have the ability to stop the aging process and begin to reverse it? Could that really be safe to take?

Being that I have a small business which provides me an income while I'm pursuing a part time fortune, I have to put my business hat on first. Would I come out with a product if it wasn't safe and there could be a tremendous exposure for liability? The answer is absolutely NO. The other thing that gives me a comfort level is that the scientists and the top formulator in the world are behind this and they say Product B is very safe. If you read the ingredients on the label you will see that all of the products are botanicals. There are ZERO chemicals in this product and that is the way it will remain forever.

The current strength of Product B is the most potent telomere support on the market. On a scale of 1 to 100 it is currently at 36%. That means when your cells divide Product B helps support your telomeres so they don't shrink as fast. When the formula gets to 100% then it will allow the cells to divide without any deterioration. Once that happens then the aging process will cease.  Isagenix is in the process of doing clinical trials and I believe that could take a year. Once those clinical trials are completed then the company will be able to make some claims about the product and its effectiveness.

If you are one of those people that want to wait a year to get the results then I completely understand that. If your one of those people that want to try the product now knowing it is completely safe then contact me as soon as possible. If you are ready to live healthier longer than don't delay and get started on this revolutionary product RIGHT NOW!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I Was Called Extreme

I was having a conversation with one of my co-workers the other day and she called me extreme. She was referring to me being on the Isagenix system and the way I eat. OK, so I look at food in a different way than I used to. Is that extreme? I want to put quality no compromise products in my body, is that extreme? I want to take responsibility for my health, is that extreme?

I believe her point was that she loves food so much that she can't understand how I can have an Isalean Shake in the morning sprinkled with Greens and be satisfied with that. I also take powerful anitioxidants in addition to Product B which helps support my telomeres. Isagenix also has many other products which I take such as a powdered drink called Want More Energy, an amazing dark chocolate called Isadelight Plus which is filled with vitamins,minerals and green tea.

I am shifting my food budget to Isagenix and this is becoming my grocery store because it is filled with products that can help my body work more efficiently. Is that extreme? Wanting to cleanse my body of impurities with Cleanse For Life so when I do put nutrition in my body it will actually be absorbed into my system. I know it is not a real fancy way to eat, but I'm not looking for fancy. I'm looking for results! I want to feel better and the only way I can do that is to change my eating habits. Is that extreme?

I hope one day that more and more people begin to eat like I do and take these products so they can actually feel a difference in the way they currently feel. You know that most people have no idea what it's like to feel good? Do you know what it's like to feel good? Feeling good to me is when you have a sense of well being. You are not bloated, hungry or anything in between. Your body is functioning as it was intended to. You are digesting food and excreting waste with ease. The body is not full of toxins and gunk that clogs up your system so it can maximize its efficiency. Is that extreme?

I understand that moving in this direction might seem extreme, but what is the alternative? Continue eating the way you do and then 5,10,15 years down the road your in a doctors office and he is handing you a script for medications (chemicals). That will only mask the problem and not get to the core problem. Not to mention the cost of health care in the future. So there is a cost both ways. You can spend the money now on getting healthy with the Isagenix system or you can spend the money in the end with health care bills. I believe that spending the money now is less costly than down the road and along the way, I'm enjoying life because I'm healthy. What do you think? Am I extreme or just taking responsibility for my health?

I have no problem if you want to continue eating the way you do with nutritionally bankrupt polluted food, but don't call me extreme because I choose not to eat the way the majority of Americans eat. Please don't forget that we ALL have a choice and I choose to eat healthy.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pillar Number 5

This past weekend in San Diego Isagenix announced the 5th pillar of health and it is now ready for sale. The 5th pillar of health is none other than Product B. Yes, the official name of Product B is Product B. The company got so much press with the name that they decided to keep it.

It is hard to imagine the amount of brain power that was on the stage this weekend at Celebration. To hear from Dr. Bill Andrews and his team of scientists was informational and impressive. The years that they have been trying to find the cure for aging and the cost involved to make it happen is huge. Then you have the top formulator in, perhaps the world, on stage speaking about botanicals and the research to find the right ingredients for all the products that he has developed. As equally impressive is the fact that John Anderson owns a lot of the mineral rights to the minerals used in many Isagenix products.

When these two gentleman met over a year ago, no one would have believed that they would be this far on their journey to a cure aging. They took a huge leap forward when John Anderson sent Dr. Bill Andrews some samples of botanicals to see if these natural ingredients would have any effect on the telomerase gene. On sample number 11 they got a "hit". That means the botanical made the telomerase gene move. That is like finding a needle in a haystack. Dr. Andrews screened over 300,000 "CHEMICALS" and couldn't find one that moved the gene as much as this botanical.

John then sent him another 15 samples and got another "hit". since then they came up with 3 more hits and that makes up the current Product B. The power of this pill to help support your telomeres is a scientific breakthrough. This is the most powerful product of its kind in the world! Anyone in the US, Canada, and Australia has the opportunity to purchase this product and start slowing down their aging.

The one thing that was pointed out about Product B was that it is not a stand alone product. Will it work if you just take it by itself? Yes, but it won't have the same effect if you don't address the other issues in your body. You must cleanse the body in addition to providing nutrient dense super food so you control your caloric intake. Also, you should be taking powerful antioxidants to help fight free radicals roaming around inside your body. Taking these steps to provide your body what it truly needs is essential along with taking Product B.

Do not let another day go by without you helping slow down the aging process by taking the 5 pillars of health. If you are unable to take all five then I recommend at least three of them. That is the Isalean Shakes and the Ageless Essentials with Product B. This will give you a great way to start on the road to health and longevity. If you want to buy this amazing product please contact me today.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Anti-Aging Confusion

You can't pick up a newspaper or magazine or watch TV without seeing some new product on anti-aging. It is the latest craze and it will only worse because America is aging. More and more people are turning 50 every day and, of course, the marketers of these products are going after this segment of the population with a vengeance.

So with all of these new anti-aging skin products out there and facial creams and whatever else they are selling, how do you really know what works? They can have before and after pictures and testimonials, but how do you know for sure? The other question you have to ask is it really anti-aging? Does it remove the top layer and not go down to a cellular level? It can become confusing.

What if I had scientific proof that something called anti-aging actually worked. Years of research on the topic of anti-aging and the discovery of telomeres at the end of your chromosomes could actually affect your age. The gene that is dormant at the end of the chromosome that could stop the aging process if it was turned on. If that could be proved would that be enough to make you take a second look and say, "Is that real?" It sounds like science fiction, but the time has come in our lifetime to get ready for the most exciting scientific breakthrough of the century. The product is about to be announced to the world.

When I tell people about this product they don't believe me. Then I ask them if they would like to live to 150? Everyone's answer is the same, "No, I don't want to live that long because I wouldn't have a quality of life." But, what if you were 150 and you felt like a person in their 30's? Would you want to live like that? I realize that it is a hard concept to get your head around, but that is exactly what I'm talking about. Living a long healthy life because of turning on that telomerase gene. How exciting is the prospect of that? Imagine the good that this product will do for the health of millions of people around the world.

This is not just about living longer, it is about regenerating your cells without them dying off at the end of your chromosomes. If you regenerate healthy cells then the chance of disease and illness goes by the wayside. Would that effect health care in this country? How about the life insurance business? How about all the urgent cares, hospitals, specialists and last but not least...the BIG DRUG COMPANIES. The big Pharma companies will lose a tremendous hold on the health care system as we know it. They are one of the strongest lobbyist groups in Washington.

It is time for a change and one that is not so confusing. Isagenix is introducing a product that will change everything. There is no confusion about that! It is backed by scientific research and they are in the process of doing clinical trials so there is no question about the effects of this product. If you would like to know more than please contact me right away. Your place in history is about to be made...don't be left behind. Did I mention that you can profit from telling others about this discovery? Ask me how.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Scientific Breakthrough Almost Here

In less than a week the world will know what I have known for quite some time. The scientific breakthrough of the century will be announced in San Diego and the exciting thing is that once it is announced you will have an opportunity to buy it.

I'm referring to Product B! The product that is gaining so much buzz because of what it will do for our longevity. It is a powerful antioxidant and it helps support your telomeres. I know it is hard to believe that within our lifetime products like this will be coming to market and we will be able to live healthier longer. The founder of Isagenix was on a conference call the other day and he said that very soon a product will be introduced that will be able to reverse your aging! Imagine looking in the mirror and you see yourself starting to look younger?

The combination of the Isagenix products that make you healthier and Product B to help support the end of your chromosomes so they don't shrink is amazing. Name me another scientific breakthrough that has the ramifications that this product does. Extending ones life has been explored for centuries and now we will see this in our lifetime. Remember, there is no magic pill and I say that because this Product B is part of a complete nutritional system. If you still smoke and eat poorly than you are defeating the purpose of taking Product B. You want to do everything you can to stop your telomeres from shrinking. My suggestion would be to take responsibility for your health starting NOW!

The last point I want to make is regarding the opportunity to get involved with Isagenix. Try and imagine back when Microsoft began as a small unknown company and someone came up to you to tell you about them. Your first reaction would have been, "Who?" The thought of them dominating the world of computers with their software would have been far fetched at the time. Do you still think it is far fetched? That is where we are with Isagenix. Imagine where this company will be 2,3 or 5 years from now and if you get involved today where you will be. Don't let another Microsoft go by without taking a serious look because you have an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a future billion dollar company. You can create your own economy with Isagenix!! Contact me ASAP to get more info on how you can profit from this new scientific breakthrough.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Starting A Business NOW!

The debt ceiling was raised but our hope of stimulating the economy was not. When you print money, and I wish I could, you are teasing the tiger of inflation. As you can probably tell we have higher prices for gas, food and clothing, but this is just the beginning. Our dollar is being devalued and now is the best time to get into your own business.

You heard me correctly. The time to start a home based business couldn't be better for several reasons. The first one is to earn extra money. The beautiful thing about a home based business is that you can start it with very little money and you can start earning money right away. The second reason is for the tax break you receive by owning a home based business. You can write off a lot of expenses that are associated with the business. The third reason and I believe the most important is that you don't have to depend on anyone to provide you an income except you.

If you take this home based business seriously and treated it like a business then the rewards will be something you could only have imagined. This is an industry where you can benefit from your efforts and the efforts of hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of people. Leveraging your time is a tremendous way to earn a residual income and by helping others you can reach your goals whatever they are. Once you create a residual income you can then invest your money to create a passive income.

If you think your JOB is going to give you the life that you want then this industry is not for you. However, if you are not happy with your current situation then DO something about it!! Don't listen to people who tell you that you can't do something. Don't listen to people about the "network marketing" industry. Do your own research and once you do you will find that it is a brilliant business model. Get out of your comfort zone and expand your environment. Start hanging out with people that have the same goals and interests as you do. A positive environment is a very POWERFUL thing. I know because I'm in one.

Isagenix is poised to be one of the top network marketing companies in the industry and it is time you take a look at them. They have all the elements to help create your own economy. Just try the products and your belief level will go through the roof. The products, management, the compensation plan all can lead to living your dream. You must first have a dream. Tell me what yours is. The way to achieve your dream is with a vehicle like Isagenix. NOW is the best time to get involved before this company becomes the next billion dollar a year company. Don't wait!!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Countdown Begins

Today is Aug 1st which means there are two weeks before the greatest revolutionary product to hit the market in this century is announced. We will finally find out the name of the product and the cost of the product and I'm hearing that it will be affordable for everyone who wants to help support their telomeres. This will be the only product of its kind in the world and Isagenix is the only place you can buy this product.

Imagine having Product B in your sales tool kit? Along with all the other great products you add this GAME CHANGER to the arsenal and you have the makings of a grand slam. The exciting part for me is the fact that I'm with the company before this launch and the potential of transforming tens of thousands of lives with the Isagenix system. This company is so much more than products and making money. It is a way to help everyBODY get healthy and stay that way for a really long time.

Think outside the box for a second. Look at where we are in the country today. Unemployment is high, food prices are going up as well as other commodities. You need to be in a position to create your own economy. There are not that many ways to do that and one of the best vehicles out there is network marketing. Robert Kiyosaki's book, "The Business Of The 21st Century" is all about the network marketing industry. He describes in the book the value from such a business model for not only income, but more importantly for self development. Growing as a person and becoming an entrepreneur. Learning skills that you have not had an opportunity to learn by expanding your comfort zone.

If you are interested in finding out how you can profit from this revolutionary product and help so many people in the process then please leave your contact information and I'll get back to you right away. This happens once in a lifetime, don't be left behind.