Love the Ocean

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The High Seas...

My wife and I leave tomorrow for Florida and a visit with her dad, who is 97 and step-mom who is 96. From there we drive down to Miami on Friday and have a bon voyage party with a bunch of people that are going on our cruise. Yes, we are cruising for the first time. It will be a fun trip and nice to finally meet some of the people I hear all the time on our calls.

As you know I am currently on 99% Isagenix and I'm going on a cruise. That is like an oxymoron. This is going to be very interesting because I'm not used to eating traditional food. I hear that on a cruise it is not stop eating. I'm bringing product with me so I can maintain some semblance of sanity. Let me just say right here that I'm not going on this trip for the food. I'm going to be around like minded people who understand how fortunate we all are for being introduced to this company, Isagenix. That and the fact that everyone cares about helping others see the light.

I talk to so many people every day and they are just not informed about what is really going on with their food. I am so committed to this program that it will be extremely difficult for me on the cruise. Not because I'm tempted to eat, but because everyone will want me to eat and if I don't, I hope they respect my wishes. I don't want to force my views on anyone and I don't want them to think I'm crazy. My hope would be for them to question me about this protocol, but I realize this is very radical in terms of eating very little traditional food.

One's desire to change must be unwavering. Once you conquer that then you have what most people don't control over what you eat. With education and reasoning anyone could do this protocol for a very long time. As a matter of fact, I prefer my Isagenix food more than I do any other food. If I feel this way there must be others on this planet that are looking to experience what I already have.

I'll let you know how things go. I plan on coming back with a maximum weight gain of three pounds. I usually release that every time I cleanse which is what I'm going to do when I get back. You might see a post here or there if I have any connection out there. I'm looking forward to getting away because I work very hard on two jobs...well, I can't really say that working my Isagenix business is hard work. It's not work when you love what you do. I see helping a few people who then help a few people being able to reach tens of thousands even millions of people in the near future. I can ignite thousands of people because I talked to a few people who also saw the value and benefit of being first, a customer, and then a consultant to other people looking for better health. If you would like to go on next year's cruise with over 160 people who are committed to helping others, then please contact me to get some info about the 2013 cruise.See you soon....

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Trip To A Restaurant

I used to go to restaurants to eat food, but now I go there to observe. When you truly turn over to the other side and are disciplined to take responsibility for your health, you can walk into a restaurant and the food all around you is meaningless.

My wife and I go to our favorite spot by the house for a cup of soup during the winter time. We were in there earlier and the name of the restaurant is called "Sauce". They have Panini's and Pizza and Salads and the food is good. Well, as far as I can remember because we don't eat anything but the soup now. So when we walked in we couldn't help but notice a man and a women who were greatly overweight. They were eating Pizza and I couldn't see what else was on the table, but I know it wasn't healthy. My first thought was sad because I'm sure they don't understand what they are doing to themselves. I also believe that they would rather not be overweight.

If people would only educate themselves on the state of our food supply then maybe, just maybe, they would be able to control themselves when it comes to eating. If you were aware that most of the food that you consume had dangerous chemicals in them, would you continue to eat them? My other concern is that most people put blinders on when it comes to food. When I say blinders I'm talking about this elephant in the room blinders, called nutrition. When you bring that word up people retreat to the fetal position. At first I felt like a villain if I mentioned the word. Now, I really don't care because this is about helping someone get past their reliance on food. This is about being a true friend to someone in need.

Every time I go into a restaurant I get more determined to help educate people about Gluten, GMOs and also an alternative to the food they are eating. I know I sound like a crazy man, but let me just say, "I'm not". I'm just a person who wants to help those who want to help themselves. You really have to be serious about changing your lifestyle. Every excuse in the book will come to you and the justification to make it o.k. to eat food that isn't good for you. Here is where the hard part comes in, overcoming that strong desire to eat polluted food.

What makes your decision so hard is conditioning. Since you were born you have been conditioned to eating foods that are so good to the taste, but so bad for your health. I would love to see that change in this country, but that really starts at home. If you want healthy children then stop taking them to McDonald's and every other fast food restaurant known to man. Start them out on food that has nutrition. That one discipline will develop good habits for the future. You probably think I'm living in a dream world. Who would give their kids quality food from the time their born? Jay, don't you know that they go to pizza parties and cake is at every single celebration? What are they supposed to do?

No one said creating better health is going to be easy. You do have to sacrifice your favorite foods, but then again it wouldn't be a sacrifice if you never started to eat poorly in the first place. Eating food in this country today is flat out dangerous. If you don't believe me then please do some research. I recommend picking up Jeffrey Smith's books, "Seeds of Deception" and "Genetic Roulette". If nothing else these books will make you aware of what is really going on in our food supply. So the next time you take a trip to the restaurant maybe you can become an observer!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Future of Wellness

It is 2012 and we are at the beginning stages of what will be the largest segment of the market coming of age. More people will be turning 65 over the next decade than any other age group. There is one thing that people are going to want and that BE YOUNGER!

We are so fortunate to be in this time and place in the beginning of the next trillion dollar industry called  "WELLNESS". Fortunes will be made and an entire industry will be created. We all have time to get involved in what will be massive growth in the health and wellness field.

The exciting thing is that we are just starting. I can feel the momentum in the country begin to show life. More and more people are becoming aware of the need to get healthy. When you get to that point it is a good sign, but your not out of the woods yet. You have to TAKE ACTION. Awareness is a great thing, but if you don't do anything about it then you are wasting that knowledge. Saying you want to do something and actually doing it are two different things.

If any of you ever smoked at one time and quit, how did you quit? I know one thing it took...discipline. It took courage to get off of something so bad for you because it is so addictive, but you did it. That is the way I look at food. I know it is bad for me so I am disciplined to eat healthy Gluten Free Super Food instead.

I believe eating Nutrient Dense Super Food will be the norm in the future and at the same time keeping us healthy and active for a long time. Imagine that, an efficient, effective, affordable way to feed people that are looking for a better way. It seems so clear to me because of the war we are in with the food manufacturers. Monsanto is so huge that they have a lot of clout especially when they have someone inside the White House. Their tactics are destroying America and the health of our country. Now is the time to get control of your health so you won't be dependent on the government or anyone for your nourishment. I have developed a habit of eating amazing food that nourishes my body and lets the insides do what they were meant to do in an efficient way.

There is no question that I'm on the right path. I just want to find others that want the same thing. Surely you know a couple of people that would like to be healthier and live longer? Let's go out and find THOSE people and not get bogged down trying to convince someone that what they are doing is not working. There is an alternative and I have found it and it is called ISAGENIX.

If you are not open to trying the best products for the best results then you are probably going to pass up this window of opportunity. Even if you realize it after a year or two, it will still be growing at a very strong clip....but what if? Go sit in a quiet place and close your eyes and try and see what I'm talking about. Imagine everyone around you is healthy and feeling so good. Everyone is young and energetic and no one ever goes to the doctor or hospital. You don't have to take pills to stay alive. You are active in your 100's and loving life...   Welcome to the Wellness Revolution!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Greed And Power Are Killing Us

Every once in awhile I will get on my soap box and get things off my chest. This is one of those posts. Some corporations are destroying us in many different ways and the only way to stop them is if we, as a society, say enough is enough.

Several years ago I was watching a segment on "60 Minutes" about the automobile industry. They reported that Ford was manufacturing cars that they knew had faulty tires. They also had issues with the gas tank being in a very precarious place which would cause the vehicle to explode on impact. Or was that Jeep? The point is that these companies knew it was dangerous for the car owner, but the actuaries calculated the cost of law suites and determined that it was cheaper to continue to manufacture the car with these defects. How scary is that? They figured that they would have to pay out millions in law suites and that was still cheaper than the safety of our citizens who purchased one of those cars.

Now let's turn to the food manufacturers. One in particular comes to mind and that is Monsanto. They are the largest supplier of GM (Genetically Modified) seeds in the world. One of their top vice presidents is now in charge of the FDA and I have to ask, "Is that a coincidence"? What this company is doing to our population is criminal and yet very few people are screaming about their tactics.

I guess I first have to tell you what they are doing because most people have no idea that they are eating food that contains the most harmful chemicals that are in our society. When you genetically alter the seed of the corn and soybeans that goes into just about ever product we consume, you are playing with fire. Imagine injecting bacteria and viruses into the seeds so they will be able to resist the powerful chemicals such as Roundup? That is correct, when farmers spray their fields so weeds and other organisms don't attack the crops, the crops still grow. Huh? Yes that is exactly what I said. You can't wash this stuff off once you get it home because it is in the seed!

The trouble I have with this is that proper testing is not being done and if it is, the reports are being altered in favor of the manufacturers. Many scientists have done studies in their labs and have found that these GMOs are having terrible effects on lab mice and rats. Infertility is one of the big ones. Did I mention that two thirds of the food in the supermarket contain GMOs? Why are they on the shelves and why doesn't the press report these things?

I know why and it goes back to two things...GREED and POWER. There is so much money involved in our food supply that if you control the supply you have the ultimate power in the world. Monsanto is after these two things. They control the GM seed supply and all the farmers in the US basically have to buy their seed from Monsanto. Not a bad position to be in if you can achieve it. The scary thing is that Monsanto knows what they are doing is destroying lives by using these deadly chemicals, but I don't believe they are going to stop due to the money and power that comes with this awesome responsibility. Feeding America is big business and if they can shave their costs by using these seeds and forcing farmers to use them, then they have what's called a monopoly.

I, however, have decided to take a stand and not eat foods that contain GMOs. That is why I'm so passionate about telling people about the new protocol I'm on. I have made the switch to 100% Gluten Free Super Food and it has changed my world. Not being held hostage by food or Monsanto for that matter. Do you want to make a difference in your life and the lives of others? Then do your research on GMOs and give our program a try. If nothing else you will be able to experience what is is like not to consume any Gluten or GMOs for one week. Give your body the break it deserves and make a statement to these greedy and powerful manufacturers once and for all.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Finding Your Passion

I speak to so many people every day and the conversations are usually trivial. You know, "How ya doing?" and mostly small talk. Occasionally, I find myself in a real good conversation about the economy or politics, but the majority of the time it is not that stimulating.Could it be that we live such mediocre lives that there is nothing to say? Is it that we are so beaten down by the events in our country that we are stumped when it comes to issues that are important to us?

I hope it is none of these things, but it certainly makes you wonder why that is. I have my own theory and it comes in the form of passion. I think there is a lack of passion in this country for whatever we do and it shows in everything we do. I don't mean that you have to be passionate about doing a job that you hate to do. I mean passion for what your "why" is. I know that sounds so simplistic, but it is. What is your why? Why do you get up and do the things you do? Do you have an end result in mind? So many questions and too few answers.

I believe we are lacking passion in this country and I'm referring to the passion within. I can certainly relate to this lack of passion as I was there myself. I had no direction or even a thought of a direction and it was then that I realized why I had no passion. It was because like so many people I did not know what my "why" was. I know that might sound stupid or corny, but through my self development I found that your "why" is incredibly important.

In discovering my "why" I came across my passion. My passion is educating people about an alternative to our current food supply. My passion is helping people get control of their lives by getting control of their eating habits. Because my passion is so strong and focused, I really don't care what people think of me and I don't get upset if someone can't see what I see. Not everyone is going to have the desire to change the way they eat, but then again that is their choice.

It is my hope that everyone finds their passion no matter what it is. Most people go through life by just going through the motions and have nothing to look forward to. That would be a very difficult way to live and maintain any semblance of sanity. Don't be too hard on yourself if you haven't found your "why" yet because that could take some time. Don't press it and don't get discouraged if nothing hits you right away because something will. A good exercise would be to write down all the things you don't want in your life. By doing that you can then focus on what you do want.

Finding your passion is an amazing thing because your belief level is off the charts. When you are passionate about something nothing can get in your way. Once you begin your journey in your passion then opportunities  open up to you in an endless stream. Your potential is unlimited! You can feel your "why" getting closer and it is a self proclaiming prophecy that was brought on by your belief. Everything works in harmony when you have passion for something. Please, find your "why" and your passion will bring you to that place you have cemented in your mind.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It Is So Convenient

When I began my journey on this new lifestyle of eating 100% Gluten Free Super Food I was amazed at how easy it was. At first the thought of not eating traditional food was a bit foreign to me, but some of the benefits outweighed the negatives so I jumped in.

Since I have changed my lifestyle to eating better food that is actually good for my body, so many other positive things have also changed. For instance, I feel better. O.K., I could probably stop right there, but I won't. A few other things that are fantastic about this new way of eating are:

Reduced my food cost
Don't have to think about what I'm going to eat
Don't have to determine if the food is good for me
Less garbage that I have to take out
No dishes

All of these are great benefits to eating the foods from our 7 Day Challenge. I just stretched it out and am now over 80 days. The one thing that I didn't list is the convenience. With this protocol I have the easiest way of supplying my body with essential nutrients because of its convenience. I can take my food anywhere and prepare it anywhere. In the morning before I leave for work I grab my lunch and snacks and can carry them or put them in a small baggie. If I'm going to be out for the day and I might be coming home late then I just throw in my dinner to the bag and I am prepared for the whole day. Could that possibly be any more convenient?

This protocol is so simple and effective that I can't think of another way of eating food. Most people look at me like I'm nuts, but at least I'm a healthy nut. The convenience of taking your food with you that doesn't spoil and is good for you is something that I believe will become the norm in this country. How many times are you hungry in the afternoon and are looking for something to satisfy that hunger. Do you go to a grocery store or a convenience store and go up and down the isles looking for something somewhat healthy, but end up eating crap? That is what I used to do until I found this amazing food.

I don't think we put enough emphasis on the convenience of eating this type of food. No matter where I go I can take this food with me and not have to search for something healthy. People often ask me if I get tired of eating the same thing all the time. My response is usually a quick ,"NO". Sometimes I like to elaborate on the reason I never tire of eating this food. The first and most important is because of the way it makes me feel. How can you get tired of something when it makes you feel this good? Secondly, I ask them if they get tired of eating the same food all the time. Of course, they tell me that they don't eat the same food all the time, but that is a matter of opinion. It doesn't matter what form the food they eat comes in, it is all the same...unhealthy.

If you are looking for an alternative to our food supply then try our "7 Day Challenge". It will change your life in many ways and provide a convenient way to give your body a healthy way to eat.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Step Away From The Super Market

Yesterday I talked about the labels on the food in the supermarket. Now let's talk about the supermarket itself. Have you been in one lately? I do on occasion go into a supermarket and it is fascinating to me. Everything in the market is strategically placed for your shopping pleasure.

They have a section for produce and a bakery and just about everything else you would need to feed your family. Not only are there hundreds of items, there is duplication of the many items as they carry more than one brand in each category. So much to choose from, I hardly know where to start.

In my youth I worked in a supermarket and I was in the back room many times throughout the day. To be completely honest I will have to refrain from telling you what I saw during my time there. Some things are better left unsaid. What I can say is that these ,"back rooms" as they're called, are breading grounds for things not so nice. Our food typically travels 1,500 miles and then could sit in these "back rooms" for a time and are handled by many people, so by the time it gets to you it is depleted of nutrients.

So the next time you're in your supermarket check out the items in the produce, don't think about the chemicals that were sprayed on them or don't think about it traveling miles to get to you. When your in the bakery buying your goods, don't think about the Gluten that is in virtually every item or the sugar content of the sweets. I know some of you are not Gluten sensitive...yet. Gluten is fast becoming a huge issue in this country due to the food we eat. Gluten symptoms might not show up for years.

Now your heading towards the deli or the dairy section. These seem pretty safe except that you have many people handling your deli items. Are their work stations sanitary? The dairy puts the oldest dates up front so that is why you always see someone taking the milk or cottage cheese from the back. Is the plastic safe that the milk or cottage cheese comes in? What about the eggs and cheese? Lots of questions that we often don't think about, but we should.

We haven't even been into the middle isles yet. That is where all the goodies are. All the canned goods with the can lining filled with dangerous toxins. All the processed food loaded with sugar and fat and artificial flavoring, which is more chemicals. Name an item that is free of GMOs, they do exist, but they are becoming rare. It is difficult to walk through a supermarket today without thinking about everything that can harm you in that building.

We are in a crisis in this country and if we don't get a hold of it then we have only ourselves to blame. Each one of us has the ability to change what is not working. Our food supply is not know it and I know it. That is why I am doing something about it. Take the "7 Day Challenge" and make a statement to yourself that you can change if you put your mind to it. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Step away from the supermarket for ONE WHOLE WEEK! Get that feeling of not being dependent on that store. It is liberating, trust me, I know.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Are You A Label Reader?

Years ago I remember going to the supermarket with my mom and walking up and down the isles looking for our weekly fill of food. Back then I don't recall my mom or any of her friends reading or talking abut the ingredients on the labels of the products. Then again, back then they probably never had to worry about reading the labels.

Fast forward to today. Do you go into a grocery store and not read the label? There I go again assuming that everyone is interested in what they are putting in their bodies. My mistake. Let's first establish if you are not a label reader. If you don't read the labels on the foods that you pick up in the grocery store then you have an amazing amount of trust in the manufacturer of the item you are buying. I realize that some items you don't even have to think about like soda, cookies, bread, etc. Or do you?

I think this is where we have an issue in this country and it is due to our trust in the manufacturers and the fact that we are conditioned to eating these foods for years. You probably don't give it a second thought to read the label on soda for example. In your mind it is a liquid that quenches your thirst with that carbonation. Please do yourself a favor and me a favor and read the label on soda!!! After you read the label I want you to put the product back on the shelf and never pick it up again!

Sound harsh doesn't it? The trouble I'm finding as I speak to people about reading labels is that, they don't. I'm singling out soda as one example, but there are hundreds of examples of products that you should never put in your cart. I'm sure you have heard about putting soda in a cup and letting it sit there for a length of time and how it eats away at the cup? Imagine what that is doing to your insides.

Anyway, times have changed dramatically in this country because our agriculture has changed. With GMOs so prevalent in our society now, it is almost impossible to find products that don't contain them. Another issue we are having regarding reading labels is that the labels often don't contain the information we need to make an intelligent decision about buying the food or not. I am of the opinion that as Americans we DESERVE the opportunity to know if a product contains GMOs or any harmful chemicals, don't you? I don't think that is too much to ask, is it?

I'm sure the manufacturers have their reasons for not putting warning information on the labels. Could it be because if they did no one would buy their food? Or is it just an oversight on their part. Or does it go even deeper than that and can we trace it back to the government. The FDA has our best interest in mind, don't they? Allowing them to get by with as little information as possible so they don't scare us out of our minds. You know, that these foods are dangerous and could be hazardous to our health.

I could do a whole post on this subject alone, but I wanted to bring awareness to this issue of labels. Be a smart consumer and start reading labels. Even if you can't pronounce the ingredients (that should be a clue) take your smart phone and look it up right there in the store. If you don't have a phone then write down the ingredients and research them later. I know that sounds like a huge waste of time, but by doing that you can increase your time on this planet. Educate yourself on how to read the labels on these foods, you'll be glad you did.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

If I Had A Nickel...

Have you ever heard this expression, "If I had a nickel for every time someone..."? If you haven't, then you will by the end of the post. You see, I have said this many times, but for different reasons. Each time I do say it though it means the same thing. I would always end the sentence with, "I'd be a millionaire".

So what am I referring to this time? Well, this time it has to do with the overall subject of health, but more specifically about the food we are eating in the American diet. Since I have turned to the other side I observe what people eat and their eating habits. First, when I speak about turning to the other side I'm saying that I have come off the food grid 99% of the time and I just eat nutrient dense super food. Hard to believe? Yes, I know it sounds fairly radical until you realize what is in the food we find in this country.

What most people don't know is that the food that we consume is polluted and basically lacks any nutrition. You have to eat so many more bowls of spinach then you did in the 1950's. The soil is depleted of nutrients. The chemicals that are sprayed AND injected into the seed of the corn, soybean, sugar beets, and canola are deadly to many living things. The pesticides today have to be beyond strong since the plants have developed a resistance to the power of these chemicals. Don't look now, but that is going directly into our food supply.

You know the saying, "You are what you eat?" The actual saying is, "You are what THEY eat." We are feeding our cows and chickens corn to fatten them up quickly so they can get to market faster with a lot of goodies inside them. Yeah, the corn seed that they are eating is highly toxic with other great ingredients such as, steroids, hormones and antibiotics. GMOs are invading our food supply. America, we are slowly killing ourselves by eating this polluted food!!!

Sorry, I got a bit carried away. Back to "If I had a nickel for every time someone said" ," I know I should eat better, but I can't stop eating. I love food." This is where I say, "I'd be a millionaire." I don't get it? If people knew what they were eating was really bad for them, then why can't they stop? I believe there is a simple solution, but it seems to be really hard for a lot of people. Honestly, it was hard for me for years because it was like food was everything to me. Think about it, food is a very social thing. Going out to breakfast or lunch or dinner. Going out with friends or going to parties. At each one of these "special occasions" there is food, but it typically is not very good for you.

So what did I do? I decided to stop making excuses and justifications for why I'm eating this food. I decided to take responsibility for my health. I figured that what I was doing up to that point wasn't working so I had to change or continue on the insanity train. That train was going NOWHERE. I found an alternative to our current food supply with what I believe is the most efficient way to eat food and get high amounts of nutrition at the same time. I believe I've stumbled on to the future. Using food technology that is good for you and free of unwanted chemicals. If you could see what I see, you would think twice about the comfort of that favorite fatty food you "love" to eat. Just do your homework on GMOs and Gluten and begin the process of educating yourself. The reason I want you to research it is because it then becomes much more real to you. When you see experts in their field talking about the dangers that face us, it makes it easier to turn to the other side as I have. I recommend going to and getting their newsletters. Watch some of their videos and that will give you a good start.

It's not too late to start to get healthy. You deserve it! Your body is a miracle, so treat it like it is. When you do, I promise you that your awareness will be razor sharp when people say, " But I love food". Maybe you can become a millionaire for every time someone says that.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Hamster Wheel

When I do a presentation to a group of people I always use the Hamster Wheel analogy. The story goes something like this:

When we are born we come into the world with an amazing curiosity, but no real sense of what is right or wrong. We depend on our parents or guardians to watch over us and teach us right from wrong, but that sometimes doesn't work out. In the last several decades our economy has changed dramatically which has shifted our eating habits. Where the man used to be the sole bread winner it now takes two incomes just to keep your head above water. You find yourself not taking the time to eat properly or with the family for that matter. It is usually fast food and junk food on the go.

This goes on for years and years until one day you don't feel so hot. There is just something nagging at you or you're tired or you have aches and pains and you can't understand why. I believe the food you have been eating over the years has been making you sick. So what do most people do? They call the doctor and the doctor prescribes something for what they think is ailing them. What do they prescribe? Chemicals. They prescribe chemicals to battle the chemicals that are raging inside your body and are the cause of the problem in the first place. It causes oxidative stress and so many other issues that now you are in real trouble because you are beginning to get sicker and could end up with cancer or some other disease.

Let's say you do get cancer and now you have to go to chemotherapy which is more chemicals which damages your in it kills them, even the good ones. Your sicker than a dog because your on that HAMSTER WHEEL.

What I just described goes on everyday in this country because people can't get off that wheel. The reason they can't get off that wheel is because the food they are eating is bankrupt of nutrition and it's polluted. Most of the food you eat has empty calories with zero nutrition. I don't care how much the manufacturers spin it, there is no nutritional value in the food we eat. That is why you are hungry a couple of hours after you eat a huge meal.

Please get off that HAMSTER WHEEL and take responsibility for your health. You and only you must take action to stop the madness. You must look for an alternative food source. I found one with the "7 Day Challenge" (see video). The results I'm having are nothing short of fantastic, but then again I wanted to change my lifestyle. It is so liberating not being held hostage by food. I can go anywhere now and not eat a thing because I'm so satisfied with my protocol. Do what I did and get off that wheel. DO IT NOW!!!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Waiter Was Upset

My wife and I got a gift certificate for $50.00 at a very upscale Steak house in town. Since we don't eat meat any longer we figured there would be something on the menu we could eat. I can't tell you how tough it is forcing yourself to go out for something to eat when you spend 99% of your time eating nutrient dense food.

When we arrived the place was a buzz with diners in the dark lighting of the restaurant. It was like the steak houses of the 50's with dark wood and just plain dark inside. When you entered the foyer that smell of steak was wafting through our nostrils. Now, in the old days I probably would have enjoyed that smell, but now it makes me ill. Anyway, we escorted to our table and began to look at the menu.

At first glance I thought every item had it's own phone number, but that was my mistake because it was the price of the food. $21.00 for a shrimp cocktail! Just for curiosity I looked at the 10oz prime filet and it was $45.00. Thank goodness I don't eat meat. Picking out a couple of appetizers and a salad was all we could handle.

The waiter arrived at the table and then we placed our order. When we were finished telling him what we wanted he stood there like we were about to continue placing our entree order when I told him that is all we are having. Well, if his look didn't cool the place down I'm not sure what did. I think he thought we were kidding, but the truth is that we don't eat like that anymore.

As I gazed around the room at all the tables filled with patrons I noticed one recurring theme, everyone had a big fat steak on their plate. So not only did they eat appetizers and then a huge plate of meat and potatoes, they also had dessert. It wasn't long ago when I was eating like that. When I think back I could just kill myself, but the past is over and I have turned my life around by eating Isagenix food.

Getting back to the waiter. I realized why he was upset and that is because his tip was not going to be as large as it would, had we eaten the way we used to. In his mind he got this couple that came in with a gift certificate and only ate enough to cover the amount. He might have thought we were being cheap. What he didn't know is that we have changed our lifestyle and chose to eat the way we want, which doesn't include food that is polluted.

I left him a 20% tip which was very generous since he didn't do anything, but take our order. I have a feeling that the more I get people to look at the "7 Day Challenge", the more I will affect the economy. Imagine a whole lot of people in this country taking responsibility for their health? That would take a serious toll on the economy, but I wouldn't worry too much about that. The cost of the food in the near future will take care of that! I'm just starting early and preparing myself with better health so my health bills won't be sky high in the future. I know, you think I'm crazy, but am I?

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Super Food Bowl

My wife and I were fortunate enough to get a couple of tickets to the Phoenix Open. We had amazing passes to a members club on the 17th Green. The tent had all the food you could eat with free beverages...if you know what I mean. It was a gorgeous day with the weather so perfect that you had to be crazy not to be outside and soaking up the sun.

So inside the tent, they had a buffet of things like chicken salad, sandwiches, big cookies and honestly I don't know any of the other food that was there because I didn't eat it. As a matter of fact, I don't really know what they all had since I never made it to the line of food. I just saw what people were eating when they would come and sit down at our table. I did make my way to the bar area where all the drinks were free. So a reached down into a huge tub of ice cold water and grabbed one of those.

Being on the "7 Day Challenge" has been the best experience of my life. You know you have made it to the other side when you aren't tempted to eat any food, especially when it's FREE. As I looked around at people eating I just kept thinking of how satisfied I was NOT eating this food. How good I felt that I was in control of making the decision to not eat because I wasn't hungry. How many people would eat in that situation even though they were not hungry? I mean come on, all the food and drink for free?

After the Phoenix Open everyone was rushing to a Super Bowl Party. Now if you have never been to a Super Bowl party you are really missing something special. People usually have more food at these parties than some third world countries. Liquor and chips, hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, salads, etc. I like to refer to it as the Super Food Bowl. Everyone is having a great time and eating and drinking to their hearts content. The post game show of the Super Food Bowl doesn't look as good as it did before the show started. You might have overindulged a bit too much and are not feeling very good.

I often wonder why we all do this when we are around food. It seems that we have to gorge ourselves when there is a lot of food in front of us. Could it be that our bodies are deficient in nutrients? That is exactly what the issue is. If you went to those parties with the proper nutrients in your body then you wouldn't be as likely to eat the food even if it was there. That is exactly at the point I am at right now. Being on this protocol has given me my control back. I can walk past a buffet line and not be interested in the slightest. So many people tell me that there is no way they could do that. They could if they tried the  "7 Day 100% Gluten Free Super Food Challenge".

Then there are those people that don't see the value in sacrificing food for better health. Listen, this is not for everyone because you do have to take responsibility for your own health and sometimes that is a difficult thing for a lot of people. Taking the easy way out has its benefits, but right now I can't think of any especially since I have gone to the other side. Going to Super Food Bowl parties doesn't paralyze me any longer because I'M IN CONTROL!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

My New Grocery Store

When was the last time you were in a grocery store? I ask you that because I can't remember the last time I was in one. Can you believe that? I used to go there all the time and I do remember that when I did go, the cost of food was increasing at a pretty good clip. I would walk out of there with one bag of stuff and the bill was over $30.00. I got home and looked at the bill and said, "What did I buy for $30.00"? Sometimes I didn't buy anything to eat because it was just cleaning supplies. OUCH!

So you know what I do now? I go to my computer and order the best food on the planet and it gets delivered to my door! How's that for modern technology. This is not just any food, but rather the highest quality food that includes all the building blocks your body needs to sustain itself. It is nutrient dense with no EMPTY CALORIES. Oh yeah, and it is Gluten Free with no chemicals. Try finding that in your local grocery store.

Since doing research about the foods that are on the shelves in the store I can't think of a reason to actually go into a store to buy "food". Every isle you walk up and down is a danger zone. The problem is that the government allows this practice to continue. The FDA (see my post Is It FDA Approved) is turning a blind eye to our health. I believe foods should be labeled if they contain GMOs or any harmful chemicals. How about the cans that the food comes in? They should let people know that the lining of the cans are extremely toxic. Don't you deserve to know?

I guess if they did label the food no one would eat food. Well, maybe that is not really true. People seem to just go along and not read the warning labels and go for it anyway. Imagine walking down one of the isles and picking up a package of food, any food, and reading the label and it says, "WARNING, THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS HARMFUL CHEMICALS THAT CAN CAUSE CANCER" or "WARNING, THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS GMOS AND WE ARE NOT SURE WHAT THE EFFECTS WILL BE IN THE FUTURE IF YOU EAT IT". That would be comforting wouldn't it? The crazy thing is that people would still buy it!

There is an alternative to this polluted food supply, but it is not fancy because it doesn't come in the form of a hamburger, fries and a coke. I know it is a difficult concept to overcome, but would you rather eat polluted food or eat something that will nourish your body? I don't know about you, but I'm for nourishing the body. I can only speak from experience, but I'm telling you that not eating real food ,as I know it, has turned my life around. The combination of the Shakes, the Bars, the Snacks, Want More Energy, Isadelights, Greens and Fruits, Ageless Essentials, Cleanse for Life and Product B is undeniably the most efficient way to eat, at this time, on this planet.

I forgot to mention that it also helps your body by helping rid itself of impurities and toxins that have built up over years. Our bodies are too inflammatory and acidic. We must change our diet. That is why I have chosen this course of action and it has been the best decision I have ever made. Let me help you get over your addiction to food with a simple answer...NUTRITION.

Friday, February 3, 2012

7 Day 100% Gluten Free Super Food Challenge

I have just rolled out the "7 Day 100% Gluten Free Super food Challenge". I have a video on this blog (you can't miss it) that explains the challenge, but I'll provide more info here as well.

In Nov. of 2011 my mentor asked me if I wanted to participate in the 7 Day Challenge. I was intrigued, but I still had reservations about not eating "traditional food" for 7 whole days. I really didn't have to be coaxed that much due to my knowledge of what is in our food supply. So I decided to go for it and committed to 7 days of eating nothing but Gluten Free Nutrient Dense Super Food.

Prior to my starting the program I wanted to get something that would hold me accountable. I found the perfect tool and it is a scale from a company called Tanita. I waited a few days for it to arrive and then I was ready. You are probably wondering why this scale is so important. It not only measures your body weight, but your body fat, visceral fat, water weight and medibolic age. This scale has turned out to be my best friend. I started the 7 Day Challenge on a Monday and it only took a couple of days to realize that I was going to be fine. I was actually enjoying it because it was so easy and I ate some type of super food every couple of hours.

Please keep in mind that this food is very dense and packed with nutrients and essential amino acids that your body doesn't produce. There are so many botanicals and minerals that go into this food that it is the most efficient way to eat while still nourishing the body. You don't find many foods in this country that do that. The whey protein in the shakes is the finest you can put in your body. Now I'm sure you have heard that from other people, but if you do your research I believe you will find that what I'm telling you is true.

After 7 days I really felt good so I went another 7 days and then another. I'm now well over 180 days and I feel amazing. I've reduced weight and over 9.1% body fat. I have no cravings for sweets or any food for that matter. During this time I began educating myself on the dangers of our food supply. That is when I was introduced to GMOs. Once you read the information on what a GMO is and the potential effects it has on our future generations, you might not be able to sleep or eat. Please do some research so you can understand that you should consider an alternative food source. I am so blessed that I found this company. Then again, you have to have the desire to change.

I wanted to take responsibility for my health, but I really didn't know how to define that until I tried this protocol. It doesn't matter what people say or think of me because I'm doing what I want to do for creating better health. No other company has put together a more complete system for better health than Isagenix. From the food to the vitamins to Product B, they are thirty years ahead of any competition developing anything that comes close.

The 7 Day Challenge is an amazing opportunity to prove to yourself that you can go one week without food. Once you get to that point you might discover that you also want to take responsibility for your health. Maybe you won't do this protocol 100% from that point on, but goodness if you just did it 50% you would be way ahead of the majority of Americans. I believe we are looking at the future way to feed people, with this protocol. It is efficient, effective and affordable. If you want to live a longer healthier life then practice Calorie Restriction with Gluten free and GMO free food . I can help you if you will leave your's worth a try, don't you agree?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Biggest Elephant In The Room

Since I started on the 7 Day Challenge and have conquered that challenge, I have moved onto the next challenge. The next challenge was to go longer than 7 days and now it has been over 70 days. I must confess that I am not doing 100%, but instead I'm currently doing 99%. That means that I am eating 1% of "traditional food" and the rest is Isagenix.

If I had a nickel for everyone telling me, "YOU HAVE TO EAT FOOD"! I would be doing pretty well financially, but the reality is that I'm still ALIVE! The food that I'm consuming is meal replacements that are loaded with nutrition. I have more nutrition in one day than most people have in a week or a month. It never ceases to amaze me that as a society we are so conditioned to eating food that we either ignore the dangers of the food we eat or we just don't care.

I can't tell you how many people say to me, "I can't do that", when referring to the "7 Day Challenge". You know what? Their right. The funny thing is that if they said, "I Can do that" , they would also be right. This is a choice that everyone on the planet can make, but very few have the courage to do.

When I do presentations to people about an alternative food supply, their first thought is, "You mean I can't eat real food for a week"?. I believe the reason for that is the lack of belief in themselves or just the lack of belief that food can harm them. It is like there is this gigantic elephant in the room. No one wants to talk about it because that would mean they have to face the truth. If they admit the truth then they would have to stop eating their favorite foods and then what would happen? They would feel deprived and fall right back into the food trap. That is the easy way out. I didn't say this was going to be easy, but well worth it.

Food is such a psychological thing that we can't imagine going without it. That is why I don't care what people think of me when I bring up subjects like: Gluten, GMOs, Chemicals, Exercise, Eating Responsibly and the list goes on. Health care costs is another big no no to talk about. Everyone wants to complain about the cost and the service, but no one wants to hear about a solution that is simple and very cost effective. Each and everyone of us can do something about it. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN HEALTH AND START EATING BETTER!!!

It is so interesting how people relate to their food. It is almost like a religion and I must admit that when I was in that thought process about food, I too couldn't imagine living without it. Honestly, I don't miss any of it at all now. I am so happy and satisfied by eating 99% Gluten Free Nutrient Dense Super Food that I will never go back. I feel too good to go back! When I walk into a restaurant and look around at the people and what they're eating I almost get ill. I want to go over to them and ask them one question, " Did you know that the food you are eating contains dangerous chemicals"? Either answer they give is very telling. So many people go into justification mode when talking about what they eat, but I do understand that it is a hard concept to get over. Your will for better health must be so important that it will override any temptations that you have about eating polluted food.

I'm on a mission to alert everyone I know about the dangers of the food in our food supply. I am going to speak my mind because I can. I'm not only talking the talk I'm walking the walk. I don't care how big that elephant is in the room, I'm going to dissect it one piece at a time. Let's not be afraid to speak our minds especially when you're trying to help someone get their health back. If one person comes up to you later and says, "Thanks for thinking of me and my health", it is ALL worth it!!

The Gluten Effect

Have you heard about Gluten? It is in just about every food and could potentially wreak havoc on the human body. Thirty percent of Americans are Gluten sensitive, but a lot of people don't know they have the sensitivity to it. Symptoms are often undetected and could be for decades.

So what is Gluten? Gluten is the main protein in wheat which represents eighty-five percent of ALL wheat protein present. I'm sure you have heard people talk about Celiac disease, but this is only one form of Gluten intolerance. Celiac disease specifically damages the digestive tract and is the most well known Gluten related disorder, but by no means is it the most common. There are thousands of people that suffer from non-Celiac Gluten sensitivity.

As I mentioned earlier, the diagnosis of any Gluten sensitivity usually takes on average 11 years from the time the symptoms pop up. Since Celiac disease is the most common it is the first one to be diagnosed, but diagnosing the other Gluten sensitivities takes much longer. There are diagnostic tests to help with the diagnosis, but so often the symptoms are not detected. That makes for a very frustrated person who is looking for answers.

The problem in this country is that our medical community looks to solve every problem with medication. They provide a pill for every ill and until we get our system to dig deeper to find the cause of the problem then we should stop medicating our citizens to mask all challenges we have with our health! Some common symptoms are: fatigue, depression, stress and chronic pain and many many more.

I just wanted to bring this up so you can become more aware of the possibilities that Gluten could bring. If you have some of these symptoms and your doctor can't put his finger on it then please keep this in mind. Try not to let the doctor mask the issue with chemicals. I would try to get to the root cause of the issue and the first thing I would do is to analyze your diet. What are you eating? We can solve so many health issues in this country by changing our diet. I would start there first!!

The Isagenix protocol that I am currently on is 100% Gluten free and provides my body with all the building blocks it needs to create better health. I have not been diagnosed with Gluten sensitivity, but since I know that it can lay dormant for years, why take the risk? I would recommend a  great book called, "The Gluten Effect" written by a couple and they are both Dr's, Vikki and Richard Peterson. My goal is to try and educate people on issues like Gluten because I don't want people to go through life miserable when it could be something so simple as your diet. Change your diet and change your world.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I Don't Mean To Scare Anyone!

When I sit down with someone to do a presentation about my new "7 Day 100% Gluten Free Super Food Challenge", I provide a lot of information which I would consider relavant in today's world. After all I'm not there to just sell something because I'm there to be a consultant as well.

Most of the time everything is going well until I get into the subject of our current food supply. Obviously I talk about that because for someone to make an informed decision they must know the facts. I talk about "The Gluten Effect" and the "Genetic Roulette" and I also mention "The Longevity Diet".

I use these three books as a reference guide when talking to someone about nutrition and better health. Most people have no clue as to what is going on in the current food supply. For this post I will keep it brief, but please know that there is so much information on this subject that you could spend the next 5 years just reading about it. The reason I got involved with doing some research was because I decided to take responsibilty for my health.

I know I talk about that a lot in my posts, but the reason I do is because I am so passionate about it. The majority of Americans are not aware of the dangers of these chemicals found in our food and when I try to tell them, they look at me with a deer in the headlights look and go about there business like I didn't say anything. I know it is not a very positive subject, but the fact is that it is very real.My hope is that by educating people about the dangers of the food we eat, they will begin to become aware of their own diet and maybe, just maybe, they will change it.

I always encourage everyone to do their own research on Gluten, GMOs, and the food supply itself. Most food travels 1,500 miles to get to us and by that time the nutrients are all but gone from the food. Not to mention the chemicals that are covering most of the food we eat. Our animals are injected with hormones, steroids, and antibiotics. Our crops are not only sprayed with chemicals, but are injected with bacteria and viruses to prevent organisms from eating the plant. You can't wash off the chemicals because they are in the seed before it grows.

When I explain this in my presentation is when I start getting that look. People just can't imagine the growers doing that to our crops and I can't believe no one is stopping them. It is a very scary situation we find ourselves in, but I would rather know that these dangers exist. How about you?

I finish my presentation with good news. The good news is that we have a solution to this problem by offering an alternative to polluted foods. The solution is to go on our protocol of 100% Gluten Free Super Food!! We have a 7 day Challenge for everyone that is interested in trying it. I believe your body deserves a break from processing food and chemicals. On our protocol of 1,570 calories a day you can eat properly and actually release pounds and whatever else is in there that is causing you some issues.

If you and I ever meet please don't get freaked out about my passion to help everyone become aware of the truth. So many people just don't want to believe what I'm telling them is true. Some people know what I'm saying is true, but they choose to ignore it. I promise I'm not trying to scare you, but help you!!!