Love the Ocean

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Investing In My Health

We always find things to invest in, whether it is real estate, stocks, gold, etc. In addition to investing in these transactions that will hopefully provide a return on investment, we also invest in other things like charities, family, volunteering, and sports. Even if you don't play sports, a lot of your time is invested in watching it. There are all sorts of things we invest our time and money into, but there are other things that we should invest in, but don't.

The one I'm referring to is investing in yourself. Even that could mean several things like: self development, learning a new skill, more time to do things that interest you. What about our health? Do we, as a society, for the most part invest in our own health? On the surface I would have to say, NO! I don't believe that most people look at their health in the way they should. I mean they should pay close attention to it because you only go around once.

I realize that when you're young you have this idea that nothing will ever happen to you. You feel invincible and it really doesn't matter what anyone says because you know nothing will effect you. There is one slight misstep in that thinking...the realization of what it will do to you, years from now.

I was one such whipper snapper who was feeling his oats at a young age, until I found out my dad and his brother both died of heart issues. Looking back I remember my dad loved to cook, but it was stuff that was high in fat and absolutely not good for you. At the time it didn't seem to be a problem, but then it never does. So many people have bad eating habits and it doesn't catch up to them until it's too late. I've seen it so many times with family and friends where they get an illness or disease and they often wonder, "Why Me? What did I do to deserve this?"

I didn't want to say that when I got older so I decided to do something about it and invest in my health. For me, investing in my health means eating properly. Eating properly means coming off the "food grid" and choosing to eat an alternative food supply that contains nutrition. I believe a lot of the problems facing this country are do to the nutritionally bankrupt polluted food that we eat. Is it a good investment to eat hamburgers and french fries, fried foods, vegetables laden with pesticides and soda? No, that is not a good investment, which is why I go nuts when people tell me that my food is too expensive. I always ask them, "Compared to what"?

Our food supply is broken and very few people are waking up to the fact that GMOs are invading our crops. They are having a devastating effect on our country. If more people invested in themselves and spent the money on quality food, then their health care cost could be reduced. Do yourself a favor and start the New Year with a good sound investment in your HEALTH! Try this to get started.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hard Choices

Everyday we are faced with making decisions about everything in our world. From the clothes we wear to the food we eat and to the people we hang out with. Most people want to make easy choices and I don't blame them, who doesn't? On the other hand, thank goodness we live in a country where we can make our own choices.

When choices are easy it is a no brainer for us because we are used to a certain way of doing things. By being easy, it makes it hard to actually make a change if you finally decide to make a change. That is where the hard choices come in. There are many situations I can think of and I'm sure you can as well, but today I want to focus on "food choices."

We all have food choices which makes that the best part of your day, deciding where to eat and what to eat. It can be an experience to do that especially if you're a foodie. "What shall I eat today?" There are those people that have a bit of a financial issue so they are looking for food that is affordable and contains some semblance of nutrition. Good luck with that! Of course, there are those people that are conscious of what they eat and try to be very good. At least they make an effort. Good luck with that as well.

I know that I must sound pretty harsh when speaking about the choices people make when it comes to food, but I only speak like this because most people don't make good choices. On top of not making good choices I always hear the justification game. You know, "I've been good all week so this won't hurt me", or, "I love food too much to stop eating the way I want", and my favorite, " I eat healthy most of the time." What does that really mean? Eating healthy all the time for most people is a lot different than my definition of eating healthy. My protocol is eating nutrient dense food 96-97% of my daily food consumption.

Why? Because I made a decision to take responsibility for my health which made my decision to change my lifestyle easier. Was it a hard choice? Yes, but it had to be made. Hard choices are just what they are, hard. If you start to think about the alternatives, that also helps in making the right choices.

The real hard choice today involves our children. They are so susceptible to the foods in our food supply because of the way we treat food. It is such a comfort and we, as parents, don't want to deny our kids anything. So what do we do? We ignore the dangers of the food that we are feeding them so we can be hip parents instead of doing the right thing and limiting their exposure to these toxic foods. I don't believe there is a tougher choice today, besides taking care of our own health.

When I think back to when my boys, now 25 and 27, were going to all those parties after soccer at the pizza place or the hamburger joint, something stirs up inside of me. Had I known the dangers of the food they were eating, would I have the courage to stop them and put my foot down? It's too late to go back, but it's not too late to go forward and educate them so they can make an informed decision about what to feed their children.

There is no question that we are on a slippery slope with the food supply in this country, but what will it take for people to wake up? I know one thing that it will take and it is called...HARD CHOICES! Even though they are hard, you still have the ability to make the RIGHT CHOICES. Don't delay, because every day is precious. It can begin with a sample of nutrition.