I was having a conversation with one of my co-workers the other day and she called me extreme. She was referring to me being on the Isagenix system and the way I eat. OK, so I look at food in a different way than I used to. Is that extreme? I want to put quality no compromise products in my body, is that extreme? I want to take responsibility for my health, is that extreme?
I believe her point was that she loves food so much that she can't understand how I can have an Isalean Shake in the morning sprinkled with Greens and be satisfied with that. I also take powerful anitioxidants in addition to Product B which helps support my telomeres. Isagenix also has many other products which I take such as a powdered drink called Want More Energy, an amazing dark chocolate called Isadelight Plus which is filled with vitamins,minerals and green tea.
I am shifting my food budget to Isagenix and this is becoming my grocery store because it is filled with products that can help my body work more efficiently. Is that extreme? Wanting to cleanse my body of impurities with Cleanse For Life so when I do put nutrition in my body it will actually be absorbed into my system. I know it is not a real fancy way to eat, but I'm not looking for fancy. I'm looking for results! I want to feel better and the only way I can do that is to change my eating habits. Is that extreme?
I hope one day that more and more people begin to eat like I do and take these products so they can actually feel a difference in the way they currently feel. You know that most people have no idea what it's like to feel good? Do you know what it's like to feel good? Feeling good to me is when you have a sense of well being. You are not bloated, hungry or anything in between. Your body is functioning as it was intended to. You are digesting food and excreting waste with ease. The body is not full of toxins and gunk that clogs up your system so it can maximize its efficiency. Is that extreme?
I understand that moving in this direction might seem extreme, but what is the alternative? Continue eating the way you do and then 5,10,15 years down the road your in a doctors office and he is handing you a script for medications (chemicals). That will only mask the problem and not get to the core problem. Not to mention the cost of health care in the future. So there is a cost both ways. You can spend the money now on getting healthy with the Isagenix system or you can spend the money in the end with health care bills. I believe that spending the money now is less costly than down the road and along the way, I'm enjoying life because I'm healthy. What do you think? Am I extreme or just taking responsibility for my health?
I have no problem if you want to continue eating the way you do with nutritionally bankrupt polluted food, but don't call me extreme because I choose not to eat the way the majority of Americans eat. Please don't forget that we ALL have a choice and I choose to eat healthy.
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