Love the Ocean

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Biggest Elephant In The Room

Since I started on the 7 Day Challenge and have conquered that challenge, I have moved onto the next challenge. The next challenge was to go longer than 7 days and now it has been over 70 days. I must confess that I am not doing 100%, but instead I'm currently doing 99%. That means that I am eating 1% of "traditional food" and the rest is Isagenix.

If I had a nickel for everyone telling me, "YOU HAVE TO EAT FOOD"! I would be doing pretty well financially, but the reality is that I'm still ALIVE! The food that I'm consuming is meal replacements that are loaded with nutrition. I have more nutrition in one day than most people have in a week or a month. It never ceases to amaze me that as a society we are so conditioned to eating food that we either ignore the dangers of the food we eat or we just don't care.

I can't tell you how many people say to me, "I can't do that", when referring to the "7 Day Challenge". You know what? Their right. The funny thing is that if they said, "I Can do that" , they would also be right. This is a choice that everyone on the planet can make, but very few have the courage to do.

When I do presentations to people about an alternative food supply, their first thought is, "You mean I can't eat real food for a week"?. I believe the reason for that is the lack of belief in themselves or just the lack of belief that food can harm them. It is like there is this gigantic elephant in the room. No one wants to talk about it because that would mean they have to face the truth. If they admit the truth then they would have to stop eating their favorite foods and then what would happen? They would feel deprived and fall right back into the food trap. That is the easy way out. I didn't say this was going to be easy, but well worth it.

Food is such a psychological thing that we can't imagine going without it. That is why I don't care what people think of me when I bring up subjects like: Gluten, GMOs, Chemicals, Exercise, Eating Responsibly and the list goes on. Health care costs is another big no no to talk about. Everyone wants to complain about the cost and the service, but no one wants to hear about a solution that is simple and very cost effective. Each and everyone of us can do something about it. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN HEALTH AND START EATING BETTER!!!

It is so interesting how people relate to their food. It is almost like a religion and I must admit that when I was in that thought process about food, I too couldn't imagine living without it. Honestly, I don't miss any of it at all now. I am so happy and satisfied by eating 99% Gluten Free Nutrient Dense Super Food that I will never go back. I feel too good to go back! When I walk into a restaurant and look around at the people and what they're eating I almost get ill. I want to go over to them and ask them one question, " Did you know that the food you are eating contains dangerous chemicals"? Either answer they give is very telling. So many people go into justification mode when talking about what they eat, but I do understand that it is a hard concept to get over. Your will for better health must be so important that it will override any temptations that you have about eating polluted food.

I'm on a mission to alert everyone I know about the dangers of the food in our food supply. I am going to speak my mind because I can. I'm not only talking the talk I'm walking the walk. I don't care how big that elephant is in the room, I'm going to dissect it one piece at a time. Let's not be afraid to speak our minds especially when you're trying to help someone get their health back. If one person comes up to you later and says, "Thanks for thinking of me and my health", it is ALL worth it!!

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