Love the Ocean

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I'm Addicted To Food

Through my lifetime I have known many people that are addicted to food. It doesn't matter what they eat as long as it is food. You have heard of the seefood diet, if you see food you eat it. I don't think most people realize that they are subjected to intense marketing and something we never talk about called food flavoring.

There is a huge company called Givaudan that specializes in food flavoring. They are a multiple billion dollar company and the largest in the world and all they do is come up with flavorings to make you addicted to a particular food. Imagine, that is their job to work with food manufacturers to find the right flavor to hook you. By the way, the food flavorings are made with chemicals, in case you were wondering.

So if you have a particular food that you absolutely crave there is a good chance this company had a hand in it. I know you didn't need to know that, but I thought I would educate you on the subject. It's kind of like when you find out that Santa Clause is not real. In the back of your mind you kinda of know, but...

Now that we have established the fact that the reason you have cravings for food is do to flavorings, my question is why does the food need flavoring? Is it because you wouldn't eat it otherwise? Food doesn't naturally come with a hazelnut flavor or a Cinnamon flavor, I guess you get the point. So the purpose of the flavoring is to make you addicted into wanting that food all the time.

Apparently it is working because when I see people in a restaurant they simply can't stop eating and by the looks of them I can see why. Americans are addicted to eating, but the sad thing is that they are addicted to eating the wrong foods. Most of the food they eat is filled with empty calories. It might satisfy their senses of smell and taste, but it does ZERO for their health. The majority of food in this country is bankrupt of nutrition and on top of that it is polluted. That might explain the flavoring.

I decided to do something about what I was eating because I too was addicted to the wrong foods. I had my favorites like anyone else until I found something I crave more than traditional food. I am now addicted to Isagenix food. That's right! If you are going to be addicted to food you might as well eat the best food on the planet. This food actually helps my body because it is nutrient dense. Let me repeat that, it is nutrient dense which means it is loaded with vitamins, trace minerals, amino acids, high grade protein, active enzymes and so much more. When I eat this food I'm not wasting one calorie...NOT ONE!

By eating food that is nutrient dense it eliminates my cravings for food, altogether. I used to be addicted to sweets and now I'm addicted to a chocolate cream crisp bar, shakes and snacks. You could say I am still addicted to food, but healthy food. Which would you rather be addicted to? It all starts with the "7 Day 100% Super Food Challenge"! Once you try eating healthy food for a week and give your body a break from processing all of the crap that is in the food, you will be a believer. Try it for 7 Days, what do you have to lose? Contact me today to get started on a new kind of addiction....A HEALTHY ONE.

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