I speak to so many people every day that are looking for that magic pill that will provide them the easiest way to lose weight and get healthy. I think you know as well as I do that there is no such pill. I also realize that it won't stop people from attaching themselves to the next big thing that will help them get over the hump, if it is easy.
As a society, how did we get here? I mean, this mindset that we only want the easy way out instead of working for it. A magic pill that will give us the body we want and still allow us to eat what we want. This notion that you can be good for a short time and see results, only lasts for a short time. Once you come down from that wonderful feeling of accomplishment, you are right back where you started from...looking for that magic pill.
So often people tell me that they will try anything to lose weight and get healthy. I sympathize with them, but know that what they are looking for is a miracle or once again, an easy way out. They always have good intentions and will try just about anything, but they are lacking one important ingredient. That is, an actual burning desire to change. Every time they start out on a new adventure to change their lives for the better, it gets derailed because it is too hard. This goes back to that burning desire or should I say, lack there of.
When it comes to food and losing weight, it is difficult for the majority of people to think clearly and separate the two. In order to lose weight you have to be aware of the food you are consuming. I would say most people think they are doing a good job by eating less food or cutting out certain types of food, but that is not the issue. The challenge most people have is between their ears. I really can't blame them because our society is so engulfed in marketing and advertising that it is hard to know what is good for you or bad for you.
This is where education comes in, but then again, this is something that you have to want to learn about. If people took the time to educate themselves about our food supply then I believe it would be easier for them to make the right choices. I didn't say they would, just that it would give them a choice. Just because you follow a diet doesn't mean it is a good one. You will probably lose some weight, but is that your ultimate goal? What happens after the diet is over? Can you maintain it? I believe that 95% of people that go on a diet are back on one in a very short time.
No magic pills are going to get it done. The only magic you need is the willingness to change. You have to want it. I know you think you do want it because you were able to follow the diet, but that is not wanting it. Wanting it is changing your lifestyle even if it means giving up your favorite foods. For me, I have changed my lifestyle by eating nutrient dense food 99% of the time. I talk the talk and walk the walk. I can proudly say that I have changed because I wanted it bad enough. When you can make a radical change like I did, then you can say the same thing...that you wanted it so bad you could taste it (no pun intended).
If you truly want to change then stop looking and hoping for that magic pill. Take action and get serious about your health. If you don't WHO WILL?
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