Love the Ocean

Monday, July 30, 2012

Is This Really Me?

For years I had the intention of taking responsibility for my health, but for years I just didn't do it. When I look back I realized that eating food was more important to me than my health. You might ask, "What does food have to do with health?" EVERYTHING!!

I don't think most people put two and two together and realize what they eat has an enormous effect on their health. Especially today when our food supply is invaded with Gluten and GMOs. It has only been in the last 2 to 3 decades that GMOs have come on the seen. The scary thing is that we are now seeing some of the effects of the introduction of these dangerous chemicals. Ever wonder why obesity, diabetes, autism, etc. is on the rise?

That is why I started my journey on the "7 Day Super Food Challenge" in November of last year. I wanted to take a stand in making better choices regarding my eating habits. I had done a bit of research on our current food supply and I was actually shocked at what I found. My research led me to the "7 Day Challenge" Protocol, where I was able to break free from the food grid. The products in this "Challenge" are all Gluten Free and GMO Free.

What makes the Protocol so unique is the fact that you are providing your body with the nutrition it is begging for. Think about what you eat on a daily basis. Most of the foods are bankrupt of nutrition and they are polluted. I know what your going to say, "Oh, but I eat healthy". Honestly, I really don't care that you think you are eating healthy because most of the food is not good for you. I know that you are going to disagree, but if you are honest with yourself and you really did your homework, I know that you would find what I'm saying to be true.

So, what has this Protocol done for me? It has given me my life back. My body is functioning at an optimal level which means it is working more efficiently. My heart rate is down, all of my bio marker numbers are in very good ranges and the most important one, I feel good. I'm not sure that most people in this country really know what it is like to "feel good".

O.K., there is one more thing that I still can't believe and that is how I look. My body has transformed in a very short time. I have not only released weight, but body fat as well. I have gone down several pant sizes and when I look in the mirror I say, "Is this really me?" I still can't get over how good I feel and how good I look. Please don't think I'm conceited, I'm just feeling more confident of my appearance, which translates into a better outlook on life.

I know that everyone on this planet has choices, but I chose to take responsibility for my health. At first I had to get over my mindset about eating food, but being on the "7 Day Challenge" helped me so much with that because I wasn't hungry. Not only wasn't I hungry, but I lost my cravings for food. Now, I'm on this Protocol in the high 90% range and have never been happier.

Once you experience good health, why would you ever want to go back to your old lifestyle. Food does matter and I just happen to flood my body with nutrient dense food instead of eating empty calories. It worked for me so I know it will work for you. The only thing stopping you is YOU!

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