Love the Ocean

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

"Nothing Sounds Good"

Have you ever said that? I believe every one has said that to themselves one time or another. You know, when you get sick and tired of eating the same old thing. After all, when you think about it, your choices seem plentiful, but in reality you enjoy the same types of food over and over again. I guess that's good and bad. The good thing is that you never get board with eating different variations of the same food. The bad thing is that sometimes, "nothing sounds good".

Since I began my journey on quality, no compromise products, my life has changed. I used to be one of those people that couldn't wait to eat, whether it was breakfast, lunch or dinner. Then Isagenix came along and everything changed for me. I also began doing research on our current food supply. The two went hand in hand and over a year ago I started to change my focus about food. The week that I experimented with the "7 Day Super Food Challenge" was life changing. Since I have been on this protocol for over 500 days, "NOTHING SOUNDS GOOD" anymore.

I would rather have a shake that has the highest quality of whey protein than any other "food" found in our food supply. I am so satisfied from these nutrient dense foods that I crave nothing, except quality food like Isagenix. It's a funny thing what happens when you put nutrition in your body. It feels better and if your body feels better the more you want that feeling. The more you want that feeling the less you want to eat empty calories.

The challenge that I see people go through is the fact that they love food. Some people are addicted or just plain conditioned to eating food. I wonder if people knew they were poisoning themselves, if they would continue to eat that food. You know what is really scary? A lot of people do know and they still eat it. I can hear the justify'ers out there now with every "BUT" they can think of. You know, like, "I have a wedding coming up", or "it's just one night". Heard them all! Even have said them myself.

What it gets down to is this, how bad do you want to take responsibility for YOUR health? The first step is to make the decision to do it. Then you have to take action. By taking action I mean changing your eating habits. Once you jump in and make the commitment, your mindset changes for the better. Don't be afraid and don't listen to other people tell you what your doing is stupid. "You have to live a little", they say. My answer to that is by eating the way I do, I'm going to live A LOT!!

Flooding your body with nutrition is the sure way to change your habits or at least it will get you started in the right direction. By consuming better food your body will respond with more energy and just plain feel better. That is why I came up with the website  because I FINALLY FEEL GOOD! Do you know what it feels like to feel good? If you answered no, then it is time for a change. Contact me and I would be happy to help you mentally, spiritually and physically.

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