Love the Ocean

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Biotechnology Breakthroughs

How come the main stream media doesn't report on new Biotechnology breakthroughs that will change the way we look at health care in this country? My guess is because of the incredibly strong lobbyists that are in Washington. Can you imagine having cures for cancer or even natural techniques to fight that disease. How about the therapies for diabetes, aging, and heart disease. All of these can be treated with natural ingredients, but most people will never know that because they will not be told about them.

The pharmaceutical industry is so strong that they control the information we get about these diseases. The reason is obvious, because they couldn't make any money by using natural ingredients from the earth. The same reason the power companies held off on wind and solar as solutions because there was no money in it for them. Imagine if the word got out about a natural ingredient to cure cancer. The effect on the health industry would be so dramatic that it would cause a huge financial collapse in that industry. Think about all the oncologists, radiologists, treatment centers and doctors that provide services for cancer patients.

The fact is that if you do some research there are many natural therapies to help provide a solution to many diseases and that is why I'm so excited about being at the forefront of this Wellness Revolution. This is the future of the health industry. These Biotech companies are developing remedies and therapies to make us live longer and healthier without chemicals. I hope you could really understand where we are sitting today in this new industry called WELLNESS. There is a huge paradigm shift happening in the country and we are at the beginning stages of it. The most exciting news is that we can all profit from it as we will be taking a large portion of dollars from the pharma companies. Ok, that is not the best part. The best part is helping millions of people with their health! If we focus on helping people gain their health back then the money will be there in the end. Remember, serving the many leads to GREATNESS!

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