People often look at me as extreme when it comes to my choices of food. I guess because I try not to eat processed foods or sweets and avoid other bad things for me. There is also another benefit to being disciplined about your food intake and that is the way it makes you feel in addition to the other benefit of reducing the time you get sick or see a doctor.
I believe we are getting closer to making more Americans aware that there is another way of looking at food utilizing food technology. The most efficient way of eating today and in the future is by taking nutrient dense super food. I know it's not pretty because this system doesn't have chemicals or refined sugars or anything processed. It is all natural and it even is good for you. So often I hear people say, "Oh, I eat really good and I have portion control. That is the key is to have portion control." That may be true, but even when you have portion control you are still eating polluted food that is bankrupt of nutrition.
In 5 or 10 years from now, the same people who thought I was crazy for cutting out eating the food in our food supply are going to wish they had done what I did. Taking responsibility for my own health and having the courage to take action. I haven't had a hamburger in over two years and I don't sit in front of the T.V. every night with a bowl of ice cream or something sweet to eat. I'm not trying to satisfy that craving for sugar that we grew up with and were conditioned to eat. How nice it is not to be a slave to it. Having the will power to know that I can turn it away and not have one thought about eating it.
It is one thing to say that you don't have the money to eat properly and another one entirely for people who have the money to eat whatever they want. If you have the money to eat to your hearts desire then why wouldn't you put the best food in your body that will provide the best chance for a healthy lifestyle. I guess because when you reach a certain status you want to indulge yourself in the finer things in life. I'm here to tell you that there is no finer thing in life than being healthy. You know what they say, "Without your health you have nothing", including money. When was the last time you heard someone on their death bed say, "I wish I had more money?" It usually goes something like this, "I wish I had more time with my family. I wish I had taken better care of myself."
For the people that say they don't have the money to eat properly I would say to them, "Yes you do." Everyone eats in the country, but it is what they eat that makes the difference. Shift your spending to quality food instead of cheap fast food. It seems to be a vicious cycle we have in the US. Fast food in this country is relatively cheap, but it is the worst food you can put in your mouth. So now you eat crappy fast food and then over time you become ill with sickness and disease. By eating good food you will reduce your food bill and at the same time create better health which would mean lower health care costs now and in the future.
Right now the only thing I can do is to get healthy and stay healthy by continuing to do the things that are working for me. I will never give up my Isagenix products because for the first time in my life I "finally feel good". Why would I stop something that makes me feel good? Call me crazy, but call me crazy like a fox.
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