Love the Ocean

Sunday, October 9, 2011

No Health Insurance?

Could you imagine if you didn't have to buy health insurance? I know that most people wouldn't think about going without health insurance. Everyone always plays the "what if" game. You know, what if I come down with something or I get the flu? In this country today health insurance is a huge business and most Americans are being squeezed because the costs are going up and not down.

The Obama administration passed a new health care law that would create insurance exchanges in the hopes of reducing medical costs. In my opinion it will not reduce health care costs and the care that one will receive will be sub par for the money it will cost. We are running out of solutions to get control of these runaway health care costs.

One solution that I don't think many people will take seriously is not to have health insurance at all. "What are you crazy?" Maybe I am crazy, but I believe that would be possible if people took a different approach to their health. What if you filled your body with a diet of nutrient dense food and plant based foods? There are many studies out there that if you supply your body with these things including powerful antioxidants you would never get sick. I know it is very hard to believe or even get your head around, but get used to it because in the future this will be the norm.

The Wellness Revolution is here and that means you will be able to live a long healthy life by consuming super foods and taking powerful supplements. If you are interested in learning more than google raw food diets or something similar. Isagenix is another company that is leading the way with nutrient dense super foods. They combine their super food with a whole body cellular cleanse and a stress reliever with adaptagens. It is a complete system for better health. Once you are in that healthy mode then you can begin taking Product B. This is the most powerful antioxidant and telomere support on the market today. If you were to be on this system on a long term basis then the need for health insurance would be diminished to buying a catastrophic policy only.

Imagine not having to spend the money on health insurance every month. Let's say your premium is $200 per month which is $2,400 a year. What if you spent $2,400 dollars on the best food you could put in your body? That money would be well spent because you could be healthier and wouldn't need to see a doctor and it would also prevent you from getting sick. I have started investing in my health and it is the best investment I have ever made. How many people really invest in themselves regarding their health? I believe it is a small percentage and we need to change that. If you want your health care bills to go down then spend the money on creating better health by way of nutrition. Do some research on the effects of good nutrition and how it can help reduce sickness and disease.

The future is about to change as the wellness revolution gains steam. More and more people will be moving towards healthy alternatives like Isagenix. When that happens more people will be willing to stop spending money on health care and more money on themselves. If you can see this happening then we need to talk.

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