Love the Ocean

Monday, August 27, 2012

Overweight Doctors

What kind of shape is your doctor in? Are they overweight? If they are I'm going to say something that is on my mind and I want to share. FIND A NEW DOCTOR! "Jay, seriously, you want me to find a new doctor because they are overweight"? Would you go to a fitness trainer that needed to lose 60 pounds? So, yes I would reconsider your doctor if they are overweight.

My Cardiologist was quite a bit overweight so I changed my Doctor to a Naturopathic Cardiologist who looks thin and very healthy. His understanding of the root cause of issues is critical to me since I prefer to get to the bottom of the issue instead of mask it. A shout out to Dr. Jack Wolfson, thank you. In this country we are part of the largest masking of basic issues that I have ever seen. Our health care is 26% of our GDP while other countries have as low as 2%. We are spending way too much on health care and it is because of our food supply.

If your doctor is overweight you have to ask yourself, "Does this person have any clue how to help me if they can't help themselves"? I know that sounds pretty harsh, but you have to wonder. If you are seeing a therapist, would you see a therapist that was seeing a therapist? Maybe that is common, but I don't know.

I think the point here is that your physician should be counselling you on the proper diet to be on instead of providing relief in the way of a prescription. You know, like masking the issue with more chemicals. The crazy thing is that if you didn't put chemicals in your body in the first place, you wouldn't need to take them to get rid of the chemicals that caused the issue. Doctors have a captive audience because so many Americans depend on them for their prescriptions.

I have the answer to why the drug companies want you to never get better. Yes, it is just a theory, but it might be because there is no money in getting someone healthy. Think about all the money that would be lost in the system. You could even begin by not spending gas going to the doctor. No doctor visit, no ex-rays, no blood tests, no seeing another specialist. The chain reaction would create a massive impact in the income stream of the system if everyone was healthy. But, when one door closes another one opens and that door will create an entire industry called "Wellness".

If you take responsibility for your own health and if everyone did that, we could change the face of our "health care system". Imagine a world where everyone is consious of their health, but actually makes a comittment to maintaining a well oiled machine. I realize that I am dreaming, but why not dream big. I firmly believe that we are at the right place at the right time and have an opportunity of a lifetime. It is like anything else that happens to you, it is how you react to that opportunity.

Do yourself a favor and the people that care about you a favor by starting today. Try the "7 Day Challenge" and see what a difference one week makes. It could really change your life and not only physically. There is a wonderful mental side to this way of feeling good which provides more confidence, which creates more opportunities, which creates your vision. There is no need to go to an overweight doctor, let alone any doctor, if you treat your body the right way.   Free Shake

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