Love the Ocean

Friday, November 16, 2012

It's A Tough Decision

In the beginning it is a very tough decision, but in the end it is a no brainer. What am I talking about? I'm talking about taking responsibility for your health. Do you realize that if everyone took responsibility for their own health how that would change our countries focus? We could spend less time worrying about our health and more time enjoying life!

Imagine more and more people becoming healthy, by utilizing the products that a company like Isagenix offers? What if we started to eat nutrient dense food as our main food supply and very little traditional food? Whoever participates in this new way of living will benefit greatly by feeling better, adding quality years to their life and having lower medical costs. There are other benefits as well, like being able to care for others who choose not to respect their bodies.

I know it is a tough decision to do the right thing because I had to make that decison myself. After my dad passed with heart and kidney issues I knew that I had to do something. I know, it's sad that I had to watch my dad go through hell to realize that if I didn't change, I could go through the same thing. It was a wake up call for sure, but a lot of people get wake up calls and still do nothing. I knew it was time for me to take a stand and do something for ME.

Once I decided to take better care of myself it was still a tough thing to do. I mean there is all this great food out there and I loved to eat food. Exercising is not the answer. I did exercise, but that alone isn't going to solve the problem of eating poorly. I get a kick out of people who exercise like there is no tomorrow and yet eat crap and foods that are terrible for them. I guess they justify eating that way because they work out so much. Exercise is only one part of the equation.

So how did I muster up the courage to change? I first had to decide that I wanted to change. I know that sounds trite and very simple, but believe me it is not simple if your are serious about changing. So many people always say, "I'm going to change the way I eat", but never follow through. If they do it is for a short time and then they are right back at it, eating because they are so conditioned to eating. Changing for a short time is not the answer. If you make a commitment to yourself then follow through and make it permanent.

I'm so glad I made the decision to take responsibility for my health. I had a a lot of help from my Certified Health Coach, Randall Burt. He developed a protocol of nutrient dense food that I eat every couple of hours and that made the transition much easier. Putting quality food in your body DOES MATTER. My cravings for junk food went away and I now crave quality food over any other food. People ask me all the time, "Jay, don't you miss eating this or that?" No, because I made the decision to treat my body with respect instead of abusing it with the "food" in our current food supply.

When I look back on my decision to change it doesn't seem like a tough decision at all. How about you? Are you ready to change? Don't make it hard on yourself, JUST DO IT!

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