Love the Ocean

Friday, April 15, 2011

Not Sure If I Can Afford It..

When people tell me that they want to change the way they think about food or they want to get healthy, I begin to wonder how serious they really are. Even though most people are aware of the pollutants that are in the food we eat they still have a hard time committing to changing the way they eat. After I get done educating them on the benefits of eating nutrient dense super food and cleansing the cells of toxins, I can tell they understand and it actually makes sense to them. The next obvious question is , "how much does a system like this cost?" I tell them that they can literally change they way they think about food, have increased energy, lose cravings for sweets and other really bad things for as little as $5.00 a day.

Maybe I'm missing something, but this is a no brainer. Providing my body essential minerals, vitamins and nutrients that will help me today and in the future for as little as $5.00/day. I then compare what they are currently eating and spending on food per day and start adding up the calories that people eat. I know it is hard to compete with fast food and all processed food because fat equals flavor. Also the cost of fast food is pretty cheap. So how come people think they can't afford my product?

The biggest reason is because they can't comprehend that with the Isagenix products they will be spending less on food. I can only speak of experience and I am here to tell you that my food bills have gone down DRAMATICALLY. Since I have been on these products my refrigerator is basically bare. I go to the market maybe twice a week for a few items like bananas and yogurt. Food to me is not what it used to be. It seems like in America everyone is constantly thinking about food. When you are having lunch your mind is already thinking about where you are going for dinner. Food is like an event in this country and there is only one way to stop those thoughts...TAKE ACTION.

But I can't spend an extra $150.00 per month on food. Really? Then how serious are you about putting quality food into your body? If you are truly serious about your health and what goes into the miracle called your body, then stop spending money on junk food and crap that you don't need and start to take responsibility for your health! If you think eating healthy with nutrient dense food is expensive, then wait until you see the cost of your medical bills in the future. We don't know what the future holds for health care in this country, but my guess is that it is not going to get less expensive. Unless, of course, you get healthy and plan on taking Product B. It is not too late to take action and right the ship. I'm not telling you that you can never eat anything fattening again, but I am telling you that if you continue on your current path you will have a much greater chance of health issues. What would be less costly, eating quality food that your body is screaming for or going to a doctor or a hospital? Make the right choice and know that you can afford these products if you are serious about your health.

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