Love the Ocean

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Watch TV Or Better Yourself?

Years ago I would find myself rearranging my schedule around my TV watching. How many people out there did that and are still doing that? There are so many shows on TV now that I'm sure you can find one that you love and that means you can't miss it. After all, what would you talk about at work around the water cooler if it wasn't an episode of everyone's favorite show?

The reason I said years ago is because I decided to make a change in my life. I wasn't getting the results I wanted financially and came to the conclusion that I was spending so much time watching TV. It dawned on me that I wasn't furthering myself as a person sitting in front of the "idiot box" as some people call it. I used to be a sports junky and had to see all the games and the hottest shows because then I was up on what America was up on. Luckily, someone invented TIVO and that changed a lot of things for a lot of people. You could now tape a show and watch it later. It also allows you to select the shows that you want to watch and skip through the commercials. Think the advertisers are happy about that?

So America spends a lot of time in front of the TV which means they are not spending a lot of time improving themselves. People are having a hard time making ends meet especially in this economy. I understand where they are coming from because it is hard to get by with everything going up in price like gas, food and utilities. Maybe they feel a sense of hopelessness. Maybe TV gives them an outlet to just relax and get their minds off of their troubles. One thing is for sure, watching TV is not putting money in your pocket or expanding your comfort zone.

In order for you to grow as a person you MUST expand your comfort zone. Jay, what does that mean? It means instead of sitting around watching TV do something to better yourself. How about reading a self help book or listen to self improvement CD'S. Be creative on ways to earn extra money. Learn how to use E-Bay to sell stuff or sit down and write a blog about what you are passionate about. How about starting a home based business? Whatever it is, DO SOMETHING to better yourself!!

I chose to start a home based business for extra income. By doing that I made a commitment to set aside a certain number of hours per week to advance this business. What that means is my TV watching dwindled down to a fraction of what it was. My focus changed to achieving something greater in terms of self development and income. I'm making a difference in my life and as it is turning out, I'm making a difference in other people's lives. Those people are also making a commitment to better themselves and together we are creating an amazing positive environment. I don't believe you can fully understand the power of a positive environment and the effects it has on YOU as a person.

In order for things to change in your life YOU have to change. If you change then everything around you changes. It sounds cliche, but it is so true. So put down the remote and commit to something greater in your life and don't just settle for mediocrity. Anyone can change if they want to. Be the person you know you can be!!!

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