Love the Ocean

Friday, September 30, 2011

One Solution To Health Care

I think everyone would agree that we have to do something about our health care system. Over the years our premiums have gone through the roof and they are still climbing. The shear costs of health care are out of control and yet we don't have a solution for it. Trust me when I say that Obamacare is not the answer.

If you take a look at our system I believe we can save billions of dollars by becoming more efficient. I know that is not the sole answer, but it is a start. Image not having to fill out an intake form every time you go to a doctor or if you need to see a referring specialist and your records are on-line and any doctor can have access to them. Although these are in practice today they are not universal and they should be. On-line medical records are a thing of the future.

Now, the doctors that we have in our system are being squeezed and have to take less money for their services because every insurance company is cutting back and so is the government. I believe the problems will get worse if we go to a government exchange. Take a closer look at the doctors that are trained after 4 years of college and then med school and then residency. Do you know how many years they have training in preventative health? Well, it's not years because it is about 2 weeks. The reason? There is no money in keeping someone from getting sick.

Here is where I introduce my solution to health care. Why don't we pay doctors to keep people from getting sick and if they do get sick then they DON'T GET PAID! I know it is a crazy radical idea, but why not teach our doctors preventative health and pay them for it. I keep writing posts about the wellness revolution and we are at the beginning stages of it. It is a hard concept to comprehend because for the last 50 years medicine has been the answer. After 50 years of an industry growing rapidly you would think that someone would come up with a better solution than to just hand out prescriptions.

The good news for us is that there is a solution and I don't have to pay a doctor to prevent me from getting sick  or give me pills to cure what I have. I'm taking responsibility for my own health by reducing my intake of processed foods and replacing it with nutrient dense super food. By taking care of my body now and spending the money to do so, I have decreased my chance for contracting disease and illness by a huge margin. The money I'm spending on the Isagenix system is minimal to the amount of money I would spend on health care in the future. There is a change coming in this country and it is going to be a MASSIVE change. That change is to move to preventative health. The way to do that is to put quality food in your body and cleanse the body of toxins. If you are ready to begin then contact me ASAP. Remember it is never too late to start.

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