In this fast paced world we live in it is difficult for me to balance all that is going on in my life. I have two companies, one is a conventional business with 32 employees in 3 states and the other is a home based business that I'm very passionate about. Sprinkle in a wife and two grown children, three dogs and you have the recipe for chaos on occasion.
A lot of time I get so caught up and focused on my businesses that I sometimes forget to slow down and smell the roses. It is a very easy thing to do if you are not aware of it. Recently I have tried to slow down on the weekends and take more time off from my work. By doing that I am actually reinforcing my feelings of how I want my life to look like.
I have always been a hard worker and feel like I'm not getting anything accomplished if I just sit around or do something that is, in my mind, non productive. However, I am trying hard to really define my work time and my relax time. Sometimes when you press too hard it can take a toll on you. I am so focused on both of my businesses that I do forget to take a breath and enjoy the other part of my life. Spending time with my wife and my family is really an essential part of my life and I must make time for that as well.
Taking the time to relax and feel good is critical in the whole picture of where I want to be. A great exercise would be to write down where you want to be in 5 years. Get that pen and paper and start writing in vivid descriptions a typical day in your life 5 years from now. Everyone's vision is different, but the important thing is that you know where you are going. Things might change from now until then, but that is the great thing about our minds. We can design our own futures and all we have to do is think it.
I know that balancing is difficult because I'm struggling with it myself. The trap you could fall into is relaxing too much of the time and then you get lazy and then your done. My mentors would say that your "why" isn't big enough if you let that happen. If you do have a strong why, then don't let anyone discourage you from achieving your goal. The reason most people can't stay focused is because they allow outside influences to shoot holes in their dreams. The people that do that are the people that will never get ahead in life. Transform your life the way you want to live it. I will never listen to people who have a negative attitude towards anything because they aren't demonstrating to me that they have the courage to change or even made an attempt to.
I do believe that you can balance everything that you have going on in your life and I promise you that if I can do it you can do it too. Life is wonderful and should be enjoyed on every level. Go out and BALANCE, you will feel much better and enjoy life as you should.
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