Love the Ocean

Friday, November 11, 2011

Caloric Restriction A Must For Longevity

The diet industry in this country is gigantic. If you combined all of the diet products and surgeries and weight loss clinics together it would add  up to over a billion dollars a year. What is our fascination with dieting and our desire to lose weight?

In order to answer that question we have to go to the source which is the food we eat. The average American eats approximately 4500 calories a day. Maybe that doesn't sound like a lot, but compared to the daily recommended allowance for a healthy body it is out of sight. Both men and women should be about half of that and when you think about what you eat on a daily basis it is hard to get to the "recommended" number.

How many people start their day with a Starbucks which has over 400 calories or a fast food sandwich which again is loaded with calories. How about snacking all day long because your hungry for something. Chips, soda, candy bars and then if you meet a friend after work for a cocktail. If you monitored your caloric intake on a daily basis I think you would be blown away by how much you eat and how many calories you consume.

If you are concerned with your health and are serious about taking responsibility for your health then you should consider caloric restriction. By doing so it will help you with your weight, body fat and your longevity. It will also help with reducing illness and disease down the road. Not to mention the cost of your health care in the future.

What do I mean by caloric restriction? Well, one way is to eat less bad food. I know you are probably saying that most food in our food chain is bad because it is processed. So what can I eat? Find food that has high levels of protein that is not denatured. Once you heat the whey then you rob it of essential nutrients so you want to find whey that is undenatured. Secondly, you want to find food that is not processed because of all the chemicals that are in the food. You also want to make sure that you are getting enough fiber on a daily basis. Oh yeah, try and keep the sugar content down because again the sugar is probably processed.

Sound impossible? Not with Isagenix products. As a matter of fact I will be doing an experiment with the Isagenix products for at least a week. I will consume nothing but Isagenix products for at least a week. My health coach laid out a program for me that I will follow which will be between 1500 and 1700 calories a day, but with the highest quality food you could put in your body. I will keep you posted on my results. One last thought...the calories I will consume on this program are not empty. If you are going to put calories in your body then why not make them count?

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