Love the Ocean

Monday, January 9, 2012

I've Made The Turn

It doesn't seem that long ago that I was eating traditional food everyday. I can remember going into a restaurant and ordering anything on the menu without regard to what it was and how bad it was for me. That was many years ago, but more recently, say with in the last 10 years, I had been pretty careful about my food intake,but not careful enough.

Two years ago I began  my journey with an amazing company called Isagenix and it has changed my life, although I didn't realize it until Nov of 2011. It was in Nov that I began eating 100% Isagenix food which was nutrient dense and had no chemicals. Today I have literally changed my lifestyle and now eat Isagenix 99% of the time. There is an occasion when I eat a knife and fork meal, but it is far and few between. When I do have a momentary lapse it is so easy to jump back on the program.

Why am I so hooked? Several reasons, the big one is that this food that I eat is loaded with high quality protein and so much more. It is a total system for better health. Can you imagine not eating food that contains chemicals? I didn't either until I tried the "7 Day 100% Super Food Challenge". This has absolutely changed my life for the better. I have actually turned the corner and now think of Isagenix as my grocery store. Anything I eat other than that becomes the supplement to my super food.

Do I get stares when I'm out at a party or in a restaurant? Yes I do, but I DON'T CARE!!!!! I am taking responsibility for my health. You probably wonder why more people don't do this challenge to change their life, but many people don't know about it. I feel it is my mission to educate everyone I talk to about the challenges we face as Americans with our current food supply. The amazing thing is that so many people I speak to have no conception of what a GMO is.

That tells me that the press is not doing a good job or they just choose to ignore the subject. You have heard the phrase "elephant in the room"?  Well, the biggest elephant is right in front of us and it is called big agriculture. Farm land is some of the best real estate in the country today because these manufacturers need  more land to damage, I mean grow genetically modified food. Monsanto is the largest producer of seeds in the world and have basically created a monopoly on the market. There are other suppliers, but Monsanto is the granddaddy of them all.

Monsanto wants to supply their GMO seeds to other countries and more specifically third world countries. What I found interesting is that several of the countries refused to take the seeds because of the GMO's. These GMO seeds could literally wipe out these countries over a period of time. This information is valuable when making my own decision not to eat foods containing GMO's. That is why I don't eat traditional food and I have turned to an alternative food supply from Isagenix.

Do yourself a favor and research the chemicals that are in our food supply and then know that there is a new way of looking at fueling your body with powerful super food. I know it isn't what you are used to eating, but would you rather be healthy or eat some comfort food that can reek havoc on your system. WAKE UP and take a stand on your health!!! If you are ready to at least explore an alternative please contact me today.

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