Love the Ocean

Saturday, September 22, 2012

I Can See It, Can't You?

When you put two and two together things become more clear. This has never been more evident to me then right now. I'm taking in all the information that is provided and some that is not provided and drawing my own conclusions. The conclusions I am coming up with make it easy for me to see the future and the trends that will shape our lives.

What I'm talking about is the next hot trend to hit the US and it is going to have a profound effect on this country. More importantly, a positive effect that will save lives and reduce health care costs dramatically. I know that seems like a bold statement, but I believe we might be forced into it, which would be a good thing. I'm referring to the Wellness Revolution!

One of the forces in our economy that will move us in the direction I'm talking about is the cost of food. Have you been to the grocery store lately? I actually don't go to grocery stores any longer, but I ran into one the other day for some paper products and I took a look at some of the prices of the food that people buy. What I experienced was what people call sticker shock. I couldn't believe some of the prices of the food.

That led me to begin the process of putting things together. I thought about the government decided to print more money to the tune of $40 Billion dollars a month. That is on top of all the money they already printed which made the prices for staples go up in the first place. So adding additional printed money is not going to help, but rather cause massive hyper-inflation. If you add to that the severe drought the US went through this year, you have a recipe for disaster. Food prices will skyrocket next year and what will the American people do?

You see the effects of it now because more and more people are eating inexpensive fast food because that is all they can afford. It's cheap and it fills them up, but what about the long term effects on their bodies? Most people don't think of it that way because they go into survival mode and will eat what they can afford to eat. They don't think of the health ramifications of their eating habits at the time, but they should. Eating poorly for any length of time will create another expense and I mean a really BIG expense. I think you have heard of it and it's called Health Care.

We are in a vicious cycle that I believe can be broken, but we must make sacrifices. The first sacrifice is to begin feeding your body better nutrition. Since I have been on the Isagenix products my world has changed for the better. Does it cost a bit more to eat quality food? The answer is yes, but what is the alternative? Eat junk that is cheap, but then spend your life savings on your health care as you begin to develop illness and disease due to the food you ate for years?

Isagenix is so far ahead of the curve when it comes to solving solutions for people. They have put together the most complete system for better health that I have ever seen. Now, they are moving into true science with cutting edge products that help your brain and aging. This is the future and the more people that take responsibility for their health, the less they will have to pay for health care in the future. Yes, I can see it moving in this direction as people will need a way to nourish their bodies at a reasonable cost. Isagenix is positioned for massive growth, not only in this country, but many countries around the world. I can see it, can't you?

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