Love the Ocean

Monday, September 17, 2012

What Makes You Choose?

Everyone knows that we have choices in this country, don't they? I mean there is a reason you choose one brand over another, right? You make choices daily on where you eat, on a nail salon, hairdresser, place for clothes and just about everything you do.

So, what makes you choose the things that you do? Is it the advertising? Did a trusted friend tell you? Is it the "in" thing and you MUST have it? It could be none of these and then again, it could be all of these. Is it the way you grew up?  I guess whatever the reason you have for making the choices in your life, know that you have the ability to make them.

What I find in the people I speak with is that they know they can make a choice, but fail to take action because they feel comfortable with the way things are. When you feel comfortable, it's time you need to shake things up. Comfortable is good when you reach the next level. When you get there, you need to shake it up so you can get to the NEXT level.

Choosing is an ever changing process unless you get stuck in choosing something comfortable. I think the point to remember is that you do have a choice. If you choose something that doesn't work out, no big deal just move onto something that will work out. When something doesn't go your way, know that there is a reason for this. Every experience points us in the direction we want to go, whether it is good or bad. The key is knowing that you are getting closer with every choice you make.

But what am I choosing? That all depends on what you want. If you don't know what you want then how can you get it? You must first know where you are going. How do you want your life to look like? Most people I ask that question to say the same thing, "I don't know, I don't think about it". That is the problem...they don't think about what they want. Everyone dwells on what they don't want instead of what they do want. Guess what is going to happen? That's right, you get what you think about. My suggestion, start thinking about what you DO want and focus on that.

If you focus on what you want and move in the direction of getting what you want, then you will have it. So, what is it that really makes us choose? It happens to be the end result. Seeing the end result will bring all the choices you will need to make and they will be easy to make once you have that vision in mind.

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