Love the Ocean

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Isn't The Gov Supposed To Protect Us?

I'm not one who relies on the government for all my needs and I don't believe anyone should. Our founding fathers formed our country to basically protect their citizens from foreign invaders and to make sure everyone  has their rights protected. Does it seem like that today?

Government has grown into this behemoth that has basically chiseled their way into our lives and it appears the current administration is trying to get further into our freedoms. Think about all the agencies that are set up to help protect us such as the FDA, EPA, CIA, FBI to name a few. Are they really protecting our freedom?

I have written about the FDA in previous posts and I don't have any trust in this agency any longer. They allow products to enter the market without long term product testing and thousands of people suffer the consequences. Drugs that they said were safe turned out to be not so safe and even deadly. I realize that it is a tough task to police all the new products that come on the market, but isn't that the reason they were formed? Does the FDA have any checks and balances?

The reason I bring this up is because of the latest industry that is flourishing and one that should not be. That is GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms). How the government can allow these crops to grow in the US is beyond me. The danger of these GMO's is wreaking havoc on the American people and has for the last 30 yeas, but no one in Washington seems to care. If they did, our crops would be GMO FREE!

Since GMO crops have invaded the US some 3 decades ago, there has been a rise in obesity, diabetes, heart disease, autism, cancer and the list goes on for a mile. If you don't believe me then check out Jeffrey M Smith's new movie called, "Genetic Roulette". You can watch it for free until Sept 22, 2012. Here is the link

In Jeffrey's movie he lays out the effects of this dangerous process of altering the genetics of all the major crops which include: corn, soybean, canola, sugar beets and cotton. The effects they are having in our society is devastating. Our children are getting adult illnesses and diseases that they never had before. Obesity is on the rise which effects one third of our population. It is all do to our food supply. Can you think of another reason all these things are happening to the health of America?

The government is turning a blind eye to GMO foods and there is only one reason I can think of why that is occurring...BIG MONEY! There is another reason which I won't go into, but let me just say it has to do with our population. Our Government should be protecting us from these companies that are destroying our health. Since they won't do it I will take on the responsibility to do it myself and NOT eat GMO foods.

Our "7 Day Super Food Challenge" is a perfect way to avoid GMO foods and create a healthier lifestyle. Don't you deserve the best? Why risk eating GMO foods when you have a perfect alternative. You owe it to yourself and your family to avoid GM foods. Start today!

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