Love the Ocean

Friday, June 10, 2011

A Different Way To Think About Food

From the time we are children to our adult life we are never really taught about health. Growing up we would eat just about anything without even thinking about the consequences down the road. Now if you were like me I was very active in gym class and sports in general, but being so young I never thought I would have to care about my health or what I ate.

As time passed and I got older I began to see my father, uncle and other family members have issues with their heart, lungs, cholestoral, high blood pressure, etc. After my dad had a heart attack I saw that he was disciplined enough to change his eating habits. He quit smoking and began his journey to find better health by reading tons of books on the subject. WHY DO WE WAIT TILL IT IS TOO LATE?

I often wonder why our young children aren't taught nutrition and healthy eating in school. I believe it should be mandatory to learn all about the benefits of eating healthy and living a good lifestyle. Even if it was taught in school, it would be up to the parents to create the environment for healthy eating. Unfortunately, the economic times we live in dictates what parents feed their kids. The days of a family sitting down to dinner together are all but gone for good. We live in such a fast paced world that fast food has become the norm and wouldn't you know it, that is the worst food you can possibly consume. So why do we do it? Because it is cheap and easy.

I have been searching for a long time to find good food that I can put in my body that wouldn't harm me. I finally found it with the Isagenix products. When I put these products in my body I know that I'm getting everything my system needs to optimize my health without ingesting pollutants. This should be taught in school!!!

I believe Isagenix is in a perfect position for growth as more and more people begin to realize that the food they are eating is slowly KILLING them . Nutrient dense super food is the way of the future. They have created an entire food system with each product specifically designed to maximize your health. It is the most efficient way of eating that you could possibly imagine. It is just a different way of thinking about food.

Sometime in the very near future I believe our country is going to be hit with massive inflation. That means that food will continue to skyrocket which means the average American will have a difficult time deciding what to do about food. Isagenix has the answer. Start to think a different way about food and you will be way ahead of the curve. Contact me and I'll should you how easy it is to get started.

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