How many hours a week would you say you work? If you have a job I guess the average would still be about 40 hours a week. Now I know some people work more hours than that and some work less. If you count sleeping time, eating, errands, house work, yard work, children, 2nd jobs etc., then you might have maybe one or two hours a day to do what you actually want to do.
So what do you do with those one to two hours? Watch T.V.? Read? Sit on the computer and chat on a social media site? Or do you do something productive that is going to get you to where you would rather be every day of your life? The first step is to know what you want your life to look like. Without it you are flying blind and are not focused. You must see the end result and know that no matter what happens you will not stop.
One way to accomplish this is through Network Marketing. Imagine you shared these products with two of your friends and they share it with two of theirs. So if you followed this out it would look like this: 2x2=4x2=8x2=16x2=32x2=64x2=128x2=256x2=512x2=1,024x2=2,048x2=4,096x2=8,192. Now you started with two people and now you have over 8,000 and this model continues on and on. So many people think that they need to bring thousands of people into the business personally and nothing is farther from the truth. Just start with two and help them get their two and you will end up with thousands. It is the law of compounding which is very powerful.
Each of us has a gold mine in our office and it is called a Rolodex. If you had a 100 names on that list and each person you talk to has 100 names on their list then can you imagine the amount of people you would have access to? Take a look at the number above and start to multiply 100 times 8,192. Out of all those people guess how many you need to start in Isagenix? Two. Do you think you know two people that want better health?
Unless you are going to write a best selling book, hit the lottery or invent something big, this is the best way to leverage your time. I guess the point of this story is that leveraging your time is one way to make money and have time freedom.You can only work so many hours in a week. The best part is not the time or the is helping other people get their lives back both physically and financially. You can't put a monetary value on that!
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