Love the Ocean

Friday, July 29, 2011

Growing Old Alone?

In several of my posts I have been describing the new product that Isagenix is launching next month, currently called Product B. This is a powerful antioxidant with telomere supporting properties. To refresh your memory our cells divide many times throughout our lives, but each time they do parts of the cells die off. There are also many factors that cause the telomere to shrink like poor eating habits, smoking and lack of exercise.

The good news however, is that you can prevent this from happening by changing your diet to a nutrient dense super food and take anti-aging vitamins in addition to regular exercise. This would mean that you have to change your lifestyle and that takes courage. It really takes discipline, but you need the courage to be disciplined.

So what if you were taking Product B and no one else in your circle of influence was taking it? You were doing all the right things regarding diet and exercise and you were extending your life to 150 years and you were HEALTHY! At 150 you're playing golf, running marathons and doing just about anything you want, but you are alone. All because the people that you love didn't have the courage to change.

The next question would be, "Do you want to live that long?" I for one would like to because I love life and enjoy every day that I'm on this earth. I want to experience what is ahead in terms of technology, transportation, computing. Product B is not for everyone, but if you have adventure in your DNA and want to experience these things then know that there is an alternative to the way you are currently living your life. Tell others that you love so you can share a long wonderful life together. Otherwise, you will grow old alone and that would be no fun.

I understand that it is a hard concept to fathom, living that long, but most people have this image of old decrepit people with wheelchairs and oxygen tanks. With this new technology that wouldn't be the case. Your cells regenerate in a healthy way. If your cells are staying healthy then disease and illness seem to disappear. Remember, BAD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOUR TELOMERES GET SHORT. So, if you have a desire to live longer healthier than it's not too late to move in that direction. Contact me today and I will help you on the road to longevity.

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