Love the Ocean

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Your Body And A Building

Is there a relationship between your body and building a building? In a way, the answer is yes. When you build a building you must first have the proper equipment and materials. You first start out with the obvious and that is the foundation for the building. The foundation is built with strong materials such as steel and concrete.
As the building continues to grow there must be additional support all along the way or the building will be vulnerable to collapse.

I hope you can see where I'm going with this. Our bodies are no different in that we must have strong building blocks to help protect us from illness and disease. One of the main building blocks in that arena is our immune system. I relate that to the foundation of a building. In order to build and maintain a strong immune system you have to provide the body with the necessary tools in order to accomplish that.

When we are born we start out on the right track, but we soon get derailed due to our diet. The American diet is having a devastating effect on our immune systems which leaves us vulnerable to contract illness and disease. If people understood that in order to maintain a healthy immune system they need to replenish the body with products like whey protein. Not just any whey protein, but the best whey protein that money could buy. That happens to be found in the Isalean shakes from Isagenix. This whey protein is the highest grade whey in the world and it is found in New Zealand.

There are many other products that can contribute to a strong immune system and that is also from Isagenix in the Ageless Essentials for men or women. These vitamins are filled with nutrients and powerful antioxidants. When you feed your body quality products then you are doing what you need to in order to protect it from influences beyond your control. There is so much sickness and disease in the world today that if you don't protect yourself against getting sick then you are going to have your body break down and begin the process of deteriorating. Remember the building I talked about and the importance of building a strong foundation?

Don't leave yourself open to illness and disease when the answer is really quite simple. Take products that are going to protect you from harm under any circumstances. After years of tearing your body down with poor nutrition and the lack of nutrients the body needs to fight off disease, your building is in need of repair. The good news is that it is not too late to repair the damage, but you have to start NOW.

I would be happy to be your general contractor and help you rebuild your foundation to make it really strong. Contact me today and let's begin the blueprint for a stronger you!!!

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