Love the Ocean

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Do I Have To Eat Food?

I believe that our health care challenges in the US stem from one thing and one thing only...our food supply. We could solve so many health issues if people were taught to eat in a certain way. I have been following the "Longevity Diet" which focuses on CR (Calorie Restriction). Check out some of my other posts because I talk about CR and FR (Food Reduction). Two completely different things.

Anyway, getting back to a solution in this country for toxicity, stress and obesity. There really is a simple solution to these issues, but it becomes more difficult because of everyone's conditioning toward food. The other main issue is that there is no money in healthy alternatives. If we as a people started to take responsibility for our health then that would create a huge shift in our economy. Think of all the restaurants that would suffer and how about the medical clinics and all the doctors and hospitals that would be affected.

So the question that I posed in the title is a good one. Do I have to eat "food"? NO! Do I have to eat food at all? The answer to that is yes, but you can make better choices when you do eat food. If you have been following my posts you know that I am on 100% nutrient dense superfoods. I'm on my second 7 day experiment and it has been eye opening. Not just the way I feel physically, but it really is more than that. The way I feel mentally is exciting because I have a sense of control that I never had before. I could walk up to a buffet and not be tempted in the slightest to eat anything on that table. Imagine that feeling? You have total control of what you put in your mouth and are now becoming responsible for your health?

There are many side benefits to this as well. You don't have to do dishes, decide what to eat, spend money on food that is polluted and , of course, providing your body with nutrition that matters. The program I'm on is efficient and effective. We are launching a new campaign before years end and it is going to expose millions of people to an alternative to our current food supply. It is called " The 7 Day 100% Superfood Challenge". In 7 days it could literally change your life. If nothing else it would be a fantastic awakening of the possibilities of sustaining oneself on just superfoods. If you would like to take this 7 day challenge please leave a comment or contact me at

I am looking for business partners in Hong Kong, Taiwan and soon Singapore and Malaysia. We are pioneers in this paradigm shift that is evolving right before our eyes. The Wellness Revolution is here and with this program we can affect millions of people to begin the process of taking responsibility for their health. Can you think of a better reward than that? Making a difference in someone's health so they can live long and healthy and at the same time be rewarded financially for helping them. This truly is the business of the 21st. century.

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