Love the Ocean

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mindset About Food

Over the last couple of weeks that I have gone 100% Isagenix, I realized how incredible I feel. I know the products work, but what gave me the courage to stop eating conventional food? It is so funny when I go out to lunch with people. They are eating a huge plate of food and I pull out my bar, my Isalean bars. Try and picture that scene.

The amazing thing is that I felt like a million dollars after lunch. I know, you think I'm crazy because you are wondering how could I sit there and not be tempted? It is simple, but it is not easy to do. It has to do with mindset. I know you have heard that before, but did you really listen and take it in?

The first thing I did to change my mindset about food was to research what we eat in this country. Once you do your research and discover that the American diet is one of malnutrition then you will begin to create thoughts in your mind. Those thoughts, of course, are of disgust and disbelief that you used to eat all that food and did that at least two times a day. Mix in some snacks and a sweet treat at night and you have the makings of a wonderful awareness. Becoming aware is the first step.

Step two is training your mind to make a good choice when eating food. This is where everyone falters a bit because will power comes into play. You look at the food and tell yourself, "I know this isn't good for me, but it is a special occasion and I'll start tomorrow". Anyone hear justification? Taking the products and following them as described will help greatly with cravings, but remember just because food is in front of you doesn't mean you have to eat it!!

Step three is an easy step for some, but a perplexing one for others. When you make it to step three which is eating 100% Isagenix you then have a decision to make. Do you continue on or do you go down to a lower percentage of Isagenix foods and incorporate regular food? If you reach this step then I know you have a major decision to make. You feel the best you have ever felt and realized one thing...that there is no way that most people have ever been or close to feeling a sense of well being. You will know that you have arrived when you get there. You don't hear a lot of people telling you that they have a sense of well being very often. As a matter of fact, the only people I hear that from are the people on Isagenix. That's a clue.

Mindset about food is about control over your mind. If you are supplying the body with the best no compromise products that contribute to your overall health then you have a good chance to change your mindset. I will say that you have a better chance of succeeding than if you didn't have a program to go on. YOU CAN DO IT! Take it one step at a time.

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